Now and Forever

The Six Bunnies

Season 2 ****** Chapter 6 ****** NOW AND FOREVER

“Oppa where’s the remote?” I called for Daehyun who was somewhere in the kitchen, he came through a few seconds later with the remote.  Was snuggled on the sofa with my new Matoki fleece, turns out the only side effect was catching a cold. “Thank you” I smiled up at him and he smiled back, he leaned down and kissed me casually before returning to the kitchen. I changed the channel to the music channel and yawned. It had been almost 3 weeks since I had changed, since then I had been working on weekdays and resting like this on the weekends. Daehyun and the members had been busy with their schedules as usual, their comeback had been a big success as usual and they were constantly travelling away from the dorm… as usual.

“Do you want the cheesecake or fudge cake?” he offered me both plates and without thinking I took the fudge cake, he sat down and placed me in the middle of his crossed legs. He had taken some time away from his busy schedule with his manager’s permission, EXO came on the TV and I hummed along with it. “When did you because a fan of EXO?” he looked down at me surprised which made me smile. I shrugged and looked down at me MAMA mug; I had become a fan sometime last month, before B.A.P had returned into my life.

“Oppa I was wondering if I could go to their comeback performance? It’s about the same time as your One Shot performance” I blushed as I asked him with my best pleading girlfriend look but he was having none of it.

“I don’t want you to go out to another one of our performances, I don’t want you anywhere near those saesangs, if they try to hurt you and don’t go on about you being immortal now because that’s only with age, you can still bleed and therefore you can still be hurt like your human self” he rambled on and on about how I was still a fragile half human who’s heart still beats and how the saesangs are everywhere like stalker ninjas.

“But I really wanted to see your comeback stage; maybe if I went in as a fan instead of your girlfriend I’d be fine” I thought about it, going into the enemy territory, dressed like a normal girl going to a concert of the KPop group she loves the most. Daehyun shook his head in disapproval and sighed, obviously trying to contain his anger. “Oppa I’m going to see you no matter what you say, this is a big deal for you guys so it up” I pouted and crossed my arms, the other members had walked in after hearing  my shouts.

“You guys okay? Having a couple fight, or something? You’re not going to have makeup s…” I cut Himchan off with a cold stare; he shut his mouth and looked at Daehyun for an explanation.

“Hyung, she wants to go to the comeback stage” Daehyun blabbered; I nudged him in the ribs. “What? They were going to find out sooner or later” he smiled triumphantly; obviously he thought he’d got the last laugh but I have something up my sleep to coax them over.

“Oppas, you already know that there would be a small chance that I might be able to protect you because of the… um drink… thing. Anyway, so if I go disguised as a fan then I would be able to inform you if there are any saesang fans...” I leaned over to whisper in Youngjae’s ear, “and half-bloods” I smiled at him but Daehyun pulled me away. “Oppa please let me go, I’ll behave” I pouted and clung onto his arm, he blushed and shook his head.

“That won’t work on me Maya, you’re staying here and that’s final” I left like he was fathering me, I hated it. I let go of him and stood up to walk away but he grabbed my wrist and pulled my back down, he pinned me to the sofa and put his face close to mine. The other members looked away from us and cleared their throats, as always. “Maya, I don’t want you to get hurt again, your half human which means that you can be killed more easily then we can. I don’t want to lose you Toki” he used that pet name again; he hadn’t called that me since that time with his uncle.

“Oppa, I’m going” I persisted and slithered from underneath him so I could walk away from him, this was the 5th argument we’d had about me going to the comeback stage. Either they don’t trust me or they don’t trust the saesangs, it’s annoys me that they don’t have enough faith in me, I can look after myself. I entered my room and slammed the door, I turned around to see my aunt laid on my bed reading one of my Korean studies book.

“I thought you were fluent in Korean, well obviously your spelling, punctuation and your handwriting can do with another looking over” she smiled at me and pointed to the page where I had scribbled English notes over. I took it off of her and put it back on my desk, “what’s happened? Another argument or did Daehyun eat everything again?” she hovered from the bed to my side.

“He’s being suborn again” I sniffed and dabbed a tear from my cheek; she sighed and sat on the edge of the desk. “I don’t know what to do aunt Jess, even though I’ve proven to them that I am stronger and faster, they still think I’m this helpless little half human” I sobbed into my sleeves.

“Well honey, maybe you should think about that. You ARE a half human, you were born that way and you will always be that way” she put a hand on my shoulder and lightly rubbed it, I nodded and sniffed again. “To Daehyun you are pretty much everything, he’d give everything up for you, even his life and that’s a big deal honey” she looked at the door for a second and the down at me again. “I’ve got to go and check on something, you get some sleep before work tomorrow” she kissed the top of my head and vanished… but there was still a presence in the room. I turned around to see an empty doorway… I thought I’d closed the door.

“Hello?” I called but there was no answer, I activated my powers and closed my eyes. I felt a shudder and my instincts kicked in. I opened my eyes and turned around and grabbed whoever it was before crushing their head into the floorboards.

“MAYA IT’S ME” Daehyun’s muffled voice shouted at me, I instantly let go as if he was on fire and flopped onto the floor. “Well at least your reflexes are still the same” he groaned while rubbing his head, I nodded and sprawled out on the floor. Daehyun closed the door and lay down next to me, sprawling out so we were copies.

“Sorry, I thought you were a half-blood, or a saesang for that matter” I breathed, feeling absolute guilt. “I’m also sorry about before, about wanting to go to the comeback” I mumbled embarrassed all of a sudden, he took my hand and looked at the ceiling. “It’s just that this is the first comeback since…” I felt my voice catch in my throat; he looked at me worried and gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

“You can come, but only if you stay backstage” he breathed; I snapped my head up with an ear to ear smile. I hugged him tightly and giggled; he hesitated but hugged me back and shuffled me on to his knee. “Seriously Maya Williams, what have you done to me? I was once the dark horse of B.A.P but you ended up softening me up, my reputation will seriously be effected” he joked while rocking my lightly.

“Oppa, your momming me” I mumbled against his chest, he chuckled and looked at me with a pleased smile. Kissing the top of my head he wrapped his arms around me. Just being like this with him is enough to make my heart beat quick. “oh!” I mumbled as I tried to focus my eyes on the poster on my wall, “it’s that time of year I guess” I mumbled making Daehyun look at me confused.

“What’s up?” he asked, I sat up straight and reached for my little black box on my desk, opening it up I put on my glasses. 

“About once, maybe twice a year, my eyes get out of focus, it only lasts for three weeks so there’s no need to worry” I gave him a small smile, he chuckled a little and pushed my glasses further up my nose. 

“I kind of like this look, it makes you look grown up” he commented while leaning in to kiss my forehead, I blushed bright red as my cheeks became warm. I looked into his eyes and stretched so I could kiss him on the lips, they’re as soft as ever. I felt him smile against me and he wrapped his arms around my waist, something he hadn’t done in a while. I put my hands on his chest and smiled back but Daehyun suddenly deepened the kiss, taking advantage of my good mood I felt his hand wonder further down my body. 

“Oppa, the others are home” I mumbled against his lips, he just sighed a playful laugh filling my nose with his sweet breath, I moaned in defeat and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling my body close to him. Pleasure filled my body and heart as he returned the gestures, putting his warm hands on my lower back, under my shirt. He let them wonder again, this time he scooped me off of the ground so he could sit on the side of the bed with me straddled on his lap. In this position I was slightly taller then he was which made me smile.

“Happy you finally gained some height?” he teased, his fingers pulling the waistband of my jeans towards him so I was pressed against him. He stuck my to him by holding my thighs, I leaned down and kissed him as softly as he usually does, but left too soon for him to be happy. Teasing him had become my favourite thing to do lately, he seamed to like it too. 

“I think I could get used to this” I whispered against his neck making him tighten his grip on me. He laughed slyly as he quickly laid me on the bed. He put his legs at either side of my hips and sat on me, his hands were pinning mine to the soft mattress. He smiled down at me before slowly pressing his lips against mine again. It didn’t take long before our kissing became uncontrollable, our breathing the same. 

“This is becoming dangerous” Daehyun gasped as he looked down at my shirt that had risen all the way up my stomach. I nodded but I pulled his collar back for one last kiss. He smirked and helped me on my legs where he put his hands on my arms for another tender kiss. “Have you noticed the company?” he whispered as he looked at the corner of the room. My aunt Jess was stood there with an evil glare and crossed arms. Daehyun let go of my making me feel cold, he held his hands up in defeat before stealing a quick kiss and leaving the room.

“It was just getting good” I pouted at my aunt who laughed once, but it was a disappointed laugh, she still hadn’t forgiven B.A.P (especially Daehyun) for their actions months ago.

“Maya, how old are you?” she asked in her authority voice. I sighed, annoyed, and grabbed my box off of the floor.

“18” I grumbled, she nodded and looked at the door.

“And how old is he?” she pointed at the door

“I dunno” I looked at the ceiling, trying to hint that I don’t want to talk about it.

“Maya, he’s an alien from outer space, do you understand what that means?” she forced the door closed and floated over to me, I shrugged. 

“It doesn’t matter, my parents didn’t seam to think it was a problem” I pointed out making her turn silent, she nodded eventually and crossed her arms again.

“Yes, and look where that got them. Maya just take my advice and leave them, they did so with you” she glared at the wall that faced the living room where B.A.P were most likely sat. I sighed, fed up with the conversation and left the room leaving my aunt to stand on her own. 

It’s not fair the way she treats B.A.P, just yesterday she turned all the furniture upside down in all the other rooms but mine. She’s bent on getting her revenge, even though I’d already forgiven them. B.A.P were sat down watching TV, once they heard me enter they turned around to smile at me. I grinned back and jumped over the back of the sofa to sit on Daehyun’s lap. He pushed my glasses back up my nose again, I could get used to him doing that. 

One thing’s for sure though, I wont stop wanting to be with the guys, they’ve become much more then friends, they’re more like my family that I can’t live without. They’re more important to me then my own life.



HEYYYYYYYY GUYYYYYYYSSSSSS.... Mianhae that it took so long for me to upload anything, I'll try not to leave it as long next time. I'm really pleased with this chapter, it's all lovey dovey and happy instead of most of my writing these days. Well guys I'll try and upload again soon but I'll have to see how much free time I've got ^_^ ANNYEONG ~ SARANGHAEYO <3 :) xx

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Plz Plz Plz update soon ♡ I miss this fic :c
Chapter 39: Plz update soon ♡♡
Chapter 39: I can't wait till the next chapter Cx
Sungyeol101 #4
Chapter 36: It's late... i know Cx but plz update!♡♡

I wish i knew about this fic sooner :((♡♡
IUTheHackingPanda #6
Chapter 35: Update soon please~!!!!
asian7707 #7
Chapter 34: Cant wait for the new chapters^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 34: Update soon plzzz~~~!¡!¡!¡
Chapter 30: CONGRATS FOR FINISHING COLLEGE!!!^.^ Update Soon Plz~!
sarahsohn77 #10
Chapter 29: Oh u actually mentioned me!! I feel so honored :)