Daehyun POV and the text

The Six Bunnies


We’re back at this place again, the office as the others call it but it was just an over sized private library. All B.A.P members were stood around the chalk board, studying Earth’s numbers and equations, especially Youngjae who was rubbing his chin with deep thought. I sighed and crossed my arms and leant against the clean part of the chalk board. 
Then the door opened and two people walked through, Minho Hyung and a human girl. “Ah. MINHO HYUNG!” shouted our maknae before running up to Minho and almost suffocating him, “It’s good to see you again” he said in a childlike voice. I must admit it was good to see a familiar face after Harry and Chaerim’s death. 
“It’s good to see you too Zelo, now can you let go of me please?” mumbled Minho from under Zelo’s arm. Zelo let go and back away a bit, then Zelo noticed the little girl behind Minho “Who’s the midgit?” Zelo said innocently. To be honest she didn’t have much of a presence. 
Minho moved a little so she was in full view, I almost melted. She was like a porcine doll; pale fair skin, black curly hair tied in a messy bun but a few strands had escaped and ran down the name of her slim neck. She has light hazel eyes which was framed with long black lashes, her small face had a few light freckled which dotted her cheeks and nose. She was perfect, but she was human. 
I looked away finally and paid attention back to the members and Minho, they’re on about her being Harry and Chaerim’s daughter. They’d sat her down on a chair and lined the members up, there’s no way they’re getting me to do that, no way. 
“Maya, I’m Kim Himchan, the commander of B.A.P” said Himchan Hyung before he walked up and held her hand before lightly kissing the tips of her knuckles. I stood straight and eyed him, I don’t know why I felt flustered and why anger filled me but I didn’t want him to touch her. Yongguk Hyung had noticed and therefore he kicked Himchan to the floor and introduced himself, I felt relief. 
What is with these feelings for this human girl? I’ve never felt like this for a long time, ever since…. I pushed the thought away and noticed that they’d almost finished with introductions. I leant against the black board again rubbing off a leftover chalk mark, I could feel someone looking at me but ignored it, it’s probably Jongup wanting me to go over and talk to Maya… the name was so pretty just like the owner… stop this. I shook my head to get the thought out but I drew the attention of Minho who gave me a death stare.
What is with him? Did he like her? No this was something else, he was protecting her, he probably feels responsible for her. Over the next few hours I couldn’t take my eyes off of Maya, even when the others would try to talk to me I paid no attention to them. I wanted to hear her voice, it was a perfect bell voice clear and honey sweet, but she looked exhausted. 
I looked around for Minho Hyung but he was nowhere to be seen, that was before I turned around and he was stood right behind me. A natural reflex erupted as I hit him in the stomach, I turned around with a smirk, he shouldn’t have been stood behind me like a frickin ninja, that’s my job. He put a hand on my shoulder and pointed to Maya, “don’t try anything on her Daehyun, she’s too important for you to be drooling over. She needs to focus on the task at hand and if you jeopardise that” he’s making excuses. 
I turned around and looked him in the eyes before whispering “lies”, he knew what I was on about because his eyes widened and he looked at his feet. Guilty as charged. “You’ve grown feelings for Maya, I can feel it stupid. But she is no relation to you; you may act like she’s your little sister, that’s fine because she need people around her, her parents have just died to think about her before yourself” I turned back around and noticed her yawn.
“You should end it for today” I said to him, he looked her way and nodded. He walked over to Youngjae who had taken over her teachings, he nodded and told Maya they’d finish it off tomorrow. I was about to turn around when Yongguk shouted my name, “Daehyun come over here” I groaned and shuffled my feet over to our leader. He put a hand on my shoulder and whispered “your welcome” before looking at Maya, oh no… what was he up to now?
“Because you had failed to say hello, YOU will be the one to Maya back to her room” I looked at Maya’s perfect face, she smiled a little which made my palms go sweaty. Maya said her good nights before walking towards the door with me at her heels, it felt so awkward to be with her alone, I wanted to talk to her but I didn’t know how. It’s always like this with new people, I just don’t know how to talk to them.
She walked through her closet and suddenly slowed down when we got to her room, she halted and before I could say anything her legs gave way and she began to fall. I picked her up bridal style before shaking her a little, “Maya?” I whispered, no response. I suddenly noticed her weight, it was like she weighed nothing but her body fit perfectly in my arms. I looked at her sleeping face, apart from dark bags under her eyes she looked so beautiful, especially her light pink soft looking lips. STOP IT, don’t get ahead of yourself. 
I walked over to her large bed and laid her down, pulling the covers over her she started to mumble in her sleep “Daehyun” my heart skipped a beat and I felt my face flush. Did she just say my name in her sleep? It was as clear as day. I stood up before I did something stupid, I ran into the closet and down the stairs. When I got to the doors I clamed myself down, making my heart beat normally and my face cooled down. “Pabo Daehyun” I whispered before walking through to the study, all B.A.P members and Minho were waiting for me.
“We need to talk Jung Daehyun. We all know you’ve got an interest in Maya” said Yongguk Hyung. I walked up to the top level of the library and walked through one of the six doors, I heard them calling after me but I don’t want to talk to them, I need to clear my head.
I woke up before my alarm, it took me a wihle to remember where I was. I'm in my bed? I dont remember ever going to bed last night, I sat up and looked and my closet door. I remember walking up with Daehyun, he didn't talk to me and just stared at his feet. Then we walked in here and I....... OMG I FAINTED..... and Daehyun must have put me to bed. My cheeks flushed, I've never been so embarressed. I jumped out of bed but tripped over something and banged my face on my bed poster, pain pulsed through my head. My cheek bond had taken all of the force. I plopped on the floor and rubbed my face, it seriously hurt. 
Then I noticed that my hand was touching something under my bed, it was the bag I used for the funeral, i rummaged through it and found my phone. Then I realised something... THE TEXT!!!
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Plz Plz Plz update soon ♡ I miss this fic :c
Chapter 39: Plz update soon ♡♡
Chapter 39: I can't wait till the next chapter Cx
Sungyeol101 #4
Chapter 36: It's late... i know Cx but plz update!♡♡

I wish i knew about this fic sooner :((♡♡
IUTheHackingPanda #6
Chapter 35: Update soon please~!!!!
asian7707 #7
Chapter 34: Cant wait for the new chapters^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 34: Update soon plzzz~~~!¡!¡!¡
Chapter 30: CONGRATS FOR FINISHING COLLEGE!!!^.^ Update Soon Plz~!
sarahsohn77 #10
Chapter 29: Oh u actually mentioned me!! I feel so honored :)