Uncle James

The Six Bunnies


I stood counting at the top of the mansion, I got to ten and jumped off, I landed on my feet and let my instincts take over. I opened my eyes and sprinted off, over taking both Minho and Daehyun, do these people think that they can just waltz in and attack my home... they can think again. I ran for the first few and began knocking them down one by one, a few had guns but I used their own men to shield me, I dropped one of the men and looked around to see that Daehyun and Minho were coping fine. 

'Maya' it was Daehyun, he was in my head, I looked at him and his smirking face 

'How are we doing this?' I said while I kicked the men in front of me in the face

'Your pretty harsh on them arent you' he thought to me, I smiled but it soon faded, I noticed a black Land Rover coming down the drive

'My uncle's in that car' I thought to both Minho and Daehyun, they instantly got to my side and whisked me back to the mansion, I'd just noticed just how many people we'd taken out, we got about 100 people out of 150.

"Why are you taking me back?" I said looking up at them, but they stayed quiet. Once we'd got in we were greeted by the staff and workers of the mansion, Yongguk ran down the stairs and cleared his throat

"Excuse me, can I have your attention" he shouted, everyone looked his way. My aunt came running down the stairs with her hair in a net, I ducked my head and pulled my cap down, so did Minho. She ran down and went to slep Yongguk but he dodged and stepped back. "Listen Miss Helen, the house is under attack from Sir James, Maya's unlce" he said in English... he's pretty good. 

"Why are you in my house then... wait a moment, you know my Maya?" she said back in Korean... she really does love the language. 

"Yes I know her, me and my men are protecting your neice, she's in danger and we're trying to keep her safe" he said taking a step towards her, Sophie came running down the stairs in a hurry and tears in her eyes. 

"Ma'am Maya isn't in her room" she yelled, my aunt looked at Yongguk with a evil glare

"Where have you taken Maya?" her voice was hard which made me a little happy that she cared for me

"Dont worry about your niece, she's safe and she's not alone" he said putting his hands on her shoulders, "we were hired by Harry and Chaerim to proect their daughter incase... of certain events" he said shuddering off a memory. 

"My brother?" she said before taking a second to think, she nodded but pointed a finger at him, "but if you bring harm to any of my staff or most of all Maya I will make sure you dont leave here unscaved" after that she left. 

"But Miss Helen, if you dont mind I'd like you to get these people out of here, if you go in your brother's room theres a picture of Chaerim and Maya on the mantle piece, if you press that down there'll be a tunnel that leads to a hotel in town. Tell the owner it was Shishi Mato who sent you" said Yongguk, she nodded and let everyone up stairs, Sophie glared at us, I hid behind Daehyun but she already saw me, she took a step but I shook my head and put my finger over my mouth. She looked hurt but nodded before following my aunt.

"Okay guys, lets go" said Himchan putting a large ruck sack on the floor, it contained communication devices and flare guns. "If any of you need my help, ONLY in case of emergencies then use the pink smoke" Himchan looked at all of us warningly, "and only if someone gets seriously hurt then call Daehyun, use the gray smoke for that" he said passing everyone two different canisters. 

"Why you and Daehyun?" I asked feeling very confused, they realised and looked at Daehyun to explain. He shook his head and threw his hands in the air

"No, I'm not telling her, I've already told her too much, it's your turn" he said going back to loading his gun, Himchan sighed and took over

"So you know that I'm the commander right?" he said pointing to a symbol on his jacket, it was a bunny like the one on the table but different, it had a pink mask on. I nodded "well I have the strongest powers but they're hard to control so I'm always put with lower fighters" then he looked at Daehyun who I could tell was smirking under his mask. "Daehyun has some strange power that the higher up's keep a secret, we had to find out the hard way" he said pulling a face like he was in pain, the others did too.

"Oh hell I'm never going to forget that day, I still have nightmares" said Youngjae rubbing his throat, I looked at Daehyun to confess what is was but he avoided eye contact.

"His power is taking hold of people's souls and minds in a one mile to 6 mile radius, after taking control of them he can make them do what he wants" said Jongup shuddering, my eyes opened in shock... wow he's one hell of a secret weapon... I wonder what my power is

"Anyway guys, they're coming" said Himchan getting up with the bag on his back, "things have changed since we found out that her uncle's coming, so Youngguk your on the roof with snipers, Zelo and Jongup I want you with Minho out front. As for Maya, your with me and Daehyun in the back, Youngjae your in the chopper as our eyes" .... we have a helicopter? "LET'S GO" he yelled before we got together for a quick HWAITING. We scattered and get in our positions, me Daehyun and Himchan were in the back yard... field... I heard the chopper take off and I saw Yongguk give up the thumbs up on the roof.

"You okay Maya?" said Himchan while taking of the safety on his gun, I nodded but actually I was feaking out... what's so dangerous about my uncle?

"Why is Maya here?" said Daehyun looking down at Himchan who sighed and stood up

"I have a hunch, if she's stronger then both you and me then imagine what power she's got..." he was cut off as Daehyun's eyes turned a pale gray, "Daehyunnie, Maya is here" he looked at me and sighed.

"If we live through this I'm going to kill you" Daehyun growled before helping me up, he looked again at Himchan who nodded before looking back at me. He was going to use his powers

"Baby listen to me, with my power I can also look at a person's... um spirit" he said laughing at the embarressing explaination, "every person has a spirit..."

"They've reached the final gate" said Himchan looking at me with red eyes, they still freak me out

"We still have time, any way where was I" he smirked at me, "oh yes, every person has a spirit, a spirit is the source of a Matoki's power, even some humans have powers like psychics or clairvoyants. I can look inside a person's spirit and see how strong or weak their powers are..." where is he going with this? 

"Maya can Daehyun have a look at your spirit?" Himchan said before lifting his head to listen to his head set, "" he swore before running head on to the mansion

"Hyung what's wrong?" called Daehyun, Himchan halted and looked back

"Zelo's been hit, I dont want to leave Jongup alone" he shouted back before sprinting through the doors

"Zelo?" I looked at him in panic, he closed his eyes for a second before looking a me with a smile

"He's going to be fine, it's a leg wound, Youngjae already got him out" he said making me relax a little more, "Himchan Hyung will be angry at me if I dont look" he said holding his hands out. I nodded and put my head between his hands, he put them on my temples. My head stung a little but it only lasted for a second and he pulled away gasping

"W w wow" he stuttered sitting down

"What? What's wrong?" I said flustered, he just sat there laughing. I shoved him to the floor annoyed, he sat up and stopped laughing

"Your bloody amazing" he said patting my head, what does he mean amazing? "Hyung my girlfriend's bloody amazing" he repeated through his headset. "Okay hyung, call me if you need back up" he said before sighing and laying down

"Why am I amazing?" I said laying next to him, he looked at me and smiled

"You have powers stronger then mine and Himchan's put together, yours seams to run around time, it's brilliant" he smiled and closed his eyes but all of a sudden they snapped open again, he shot up and took hold of my hand before spriting towards the house. 

"What's wrong?" a I yelled but I was answered running through the door. Jongup was being pulled through the front door, Daehyun ran over and helped Himchan with Jongup.

"What happened? I thought I told you to call me" he yelled at Himchan, they laid Jongup on the floor and Youngjae jumped down the stairs with a brief case in hand.

"Hyung hurry" yelled Zelo limping over to Jongup, Youngjae opened the case and got out a huge needle filled with a green liquid, Jongup was yelling in pain making me cringe. He'd been shot on his left shoulder, Youngjae put the needle right next to his wound and injected it into him. Jongup relaxed and the wound healed.

"What the hell was that?" I said pointing to the needle

"This is a healing medicine from our home planet"  sighed Youngjae, he looked at Himchan and threw him a chain

"Youngjae, we can fight them off without it" Himchan said giving it him back, Youngjae shook his head and looked at Jongup

"Hyung, our maknaes are already injured" Yongjae shouted throwing it back

"Youngjae, what about Maya?" Himchan said pointing to me, suddenly at the attention focused on me. 

"What about her?" said Daehyun taking his mask off, "I'm not sending her out there on the front line" Himchan thought for a moment before sighing

"Then lets all end it, all of us" he said looking at us, "we are B.A.P remember, we're a team" Yongguk nodded and looked at me

"You ready?" he asked, I nodded knowing there was nothing else to do, "Daehyun set her up" he said before turning away

"I'm sorry Maya" Daehyun said before putting his hands back on my head... everything turned black...


"Maya... Maya wake up" it was Yongguk, I opened my eyes to see the top of my bed. I bolted up but dizziness brought me back down

"Wow wow hold on hero, I think you need to take it slow for a while, after all you did use up all your energy yesterday" he said smiling... YESTERDAY!!! I sat up again but slowly this time

"What do you mean yesterday?" I asked rubbing my head, he laughed and shook his head

"You knocked out everyone out in a 5 mile radius, looks like your powers are more powerful then we first thought" he laughed, I looked at him not believing a word he said

"Last thing I remember Daehyun had his hand on my head" I grumbled, I feel like I have a huge hangover

"Yeah, changing can do that to a person" he said smiling, "we're all feeling it actually, you knocked us out as well actually" he scratched his neck, I knocked them out... awesome

"Sorry" I laughed, getting out of bed I looked in the mirror, "oh god I look aweful" I groaned making Yongguk laugh

"You should see Jongup, the wound may have healed but that's only temporary, this morning it opened up again, we can give him another shot because it'll put his body in shock" he said losing the smile, I looked at him shocked before running down to the study. "Wait Maya, maybe you should change first" he called after me but I just wanted to see Jongup and Zelo.

"Which room are they in?" I shouted to him, he ran to my side and pointed to the third door across. Running in I saw Jongup laid on the bed shirtless, I blushed and closed the door. Wow... that's some body. "Um... I'm sorry" I yelled, I heard laughter and Jongup groaning

"It's okay you can come in now" Youngjae called, I walked in and looked at a now fully dressed Jongup, he sat up and held back his laughs

"Sorry Maya, we weren't expecting you to be up yet" Jongup said standing up, Youngjae, Minho and Zelo was in the room... 

"Where's Daehyun and Himchan?" I said looking at Minho, Zelo looked at Minho and smiled slyly

"Um... they're still asleep" Zelo said before laughing

"Yeah you knocked them out pretty good, both of them were touching you while you activated your powers, they fell like flies" Minho managed to say before rolling on the floor in laughter... was I seriously that strong?


Sorry about the wait and this boring chapter, I'll try and make it up for the next one :) Anyway, IT'S MY 18th BIRTHDAY IN 9 DAYS :) I told my mum that I wanted B.A.P's new mini album but... she doesn't really like KPOP... anyway, I'll be releasing a AWESOME chapter on both this story and My Hippity Hoppity Heart... please anticipate :) ANNYONG ~ SARANGHAEYO <3 :)

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Plz Plz Plz update soon ♡ I miss this fic :c
Chapter 39: Plz update soon ♡♡
Chapter 39: I can't wait till the next chapter Cx
Sungyeol101 #4
Chapter 36: It's late... i know Cx but plz update!♡♡

I wish i knew about this fic sooner :((♡♡
IUTheHackingPanda #6
Chapter 35: Update soon please~!!!!
asian7707 #7
Chapter 34: Cant wait for the new chapters^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 34: Update soon plzzz~~~!¡!¡!¡
Chapter 30: CONGRATS FOR FINISHING COLLEGE!!!^.^ Update Soon Plz~!
sarahsohn77 #10
Chapter 29: Oh u actually mentioned me!! I feel so honored :)