A Brighter Beginning

The Six Bunnies



It's cold and my body hurts, where am I? I opened my heavy eye lids but my vision's blurry and it's too dark to see anything. My head hurst like crazy and my body feels numb, my ears are ringing... why am I like this? The last thing I remeber I was sat next to Maya on the sofa and... oh no... I changed again... I shook my head and tried to focus on something, anything.

My vision improved and I saw where I was... the chamber. I tried to move my hands but all I got was the sound of chains, I looked up and saw that my hands were chained to the wall... I did it this time, but I only tranformed for a moment why am I feeling like this? I tried to pull my hands down but then something caught my attention, a mark on my arm, a needle mark... SHE DIDN'T!!!

All my strength came back as I pulled the chains from the walls, I got my legs free too and walked over to the elevator, I pressed the button and the door closed. My headache started again, damn I can hardly stand up. I leaned against the wall and held my head, this is a nightmare, Maya gave up her blood, the others betrayed me and I feel like hell.

The elevator stopped and I opened the door, my breathings heavy and I can hardly move, ! I leaned against the wall as I walked into the livingroom, I looked around and saw her, Maya was a perfect as she usually does but she has her hair down today, she looked calm and relaxed before she looked up as saw me. Horror took down her smiled and replaced it with wide shocked eyes

"Daehyun..." she squeaked, the member's heads snapped my way, I took one step away from the wall but my legs gave way and I fell, just as my head was about to come in contact with the floor something put hair arms around my shoulders and pulled me back to my feet

"Daehyun you shouldn't be up here yet" it was Youngguk hyung, I looked up to see him to the right of me, I laughed sarcastically and shook my head

"You shouldn't have done this to me in the first place" I grumbled, the person on the left of me sqeezed my ribs making pain flood through me, I doubled over in pain and yelled out, I fell to the floor knocking the breath out of me. I looked up to see Jongup looking apologetically down at me

"Mianhae hyung, I forgot" he said helping me to my feet again, I winced in pain again, "mianhae" he mumbled again

"Daehyun?" Maya's voice filled my ears, my eyes searched for her where she was previously sat, but she wasn't there, the ringing in my head started again and my vision started to blur. "Oppa, what's wrong with him?" she sounded distressed, I tried to look for her again but I cant support my head, I shook my head bringing me back to my sences. She was now stood in front of me, I tired to support myself but I failed again. "For gods sake sit him on a chair will you?" she yelled to Youngguk, they started to walk me other to the arm chair making Youngguk a little upset

"This " I said as they placed me steadily down on the arm chair

"Yeah but at least you wont become a hot headed killer" Maya's voice whispered playfully to me, I smiled at her poor excuse for a smile, I reached up and cupped her soft cheek, but something looked out of place... she's paler then usual

"Are you ill?" I said concerned, she shook her head and smiled at me angelically

"Nope, I'm fine, your the one that looks like death" she said smiling her beautiful smile

"Yeah well I have an excuse, my body is rejecting an alien virus that would have sent me into a blood killer" I said before I had time to stop myself, "ah, mianhae" I tried to apologise but I was cut off as she hugged me strongly, "um Maya, my body is hurting a lot right now" I mumbled making her jump off of me

"Ah I'm sorry I forgot it's just that you've been out for three days we were wondering when you were going to wake up" she said without taking a breath

"Maya, calm down, I'll be fine in a couple of weeks" I said leaning back in the chair, Youngguk was looking down at me with a scowl... oh yeah I'm sitting in his chair. "Are you going to take me to my room or what?" I said smiling, he sighed and walked to the front of me, he put his arm around my waist and helped me painfully to my feet. I hissed in pain and bit down on my cheek so I didn't yell, seriously this stinks

"Sorry Daehyun, hang in for a while" he whispered just as Jongup helped me into the hallway, Zelo and Himchan held open the door as I was lead to my bed, they helped me lay down and sent Maya and Youngjae to get a bowl of ice cold water, looks like I'm running a temperature. I closed my eyes and sighed painfuly, every part of me hurts but exhaustion got the better or me and I fell asleep almost instantly.



When Daehyun suddenly appeared in front of me looking like that it made me worry so much, it also made me think if I should have done what I did and caused him all this pain

"Maya you did right" Youngguk oppa said beside me, I sighed and looked down at his sleeping face

"He looks horrible" I whimpered, "and it's all my fault" I felt tears sting my eyes as I took the now warm cloth off of his forehead, I dipped it in the ice cold water and put it back in his forehead

"All we can do is keep him warm, speaking of which I think we better take his clothes off" he said suddenly

"WHAT?" I yelled looking at him in fright, but he was already gone and I heared the door lock... "BETRAYER" I yelled after him but all I got back was laughter, I pouted and looked at a sweating Daehyun, I guess I have no choice. I stood up and walked over to him, we's still swearing the button up blue plaid shirt from when he was in the basement. I started ing it but my roughly beating heart was making my hands shaking like crazy, when I'd finished ing his shirt I took his arms out and threw the shirt on the floor... okay that's ALL I'm taking off. I took another cloth and dipped it in the water, rung it out and started dabbing his sweaty hot body... I'm talking about the temperature... not that his body isn't hot or anything... well he is but... um why am I thinking to myself? The sight of a half guy in front of me if driving my mind crazy.

"Your bright red" Daehyun's voice croaked, I looked at him with eyes as wide as saucers...

"How long have you been awake?" I said standing up straight

"Since Youngguk hyung left" he said smiling cheekily

"You meany" I pouted but then he started to sit up, "wow no you dont" I said pushin him back down again, he hissed in pain and winced, "sorry but your just going to get worse like that and you've got your power comeback in three weeks and we need you to be better by the end of this week" I said worried like crazy, he laughed and nodded

"Okay Maya, I'll get better with you as my nurse" he said taking my hand

"Your too much of a smooth talker" I pouted, he laughed and pulled me lightly towards the bed, I sat down next to him, he brushed his fingers down my cheek but all of a sudden his breathing became quick and his had dropped as he passed out. "My poor patient" I said smiling, I re-rinsed the cloth and carried on dabbing him cool... I hope he gets better soon, I hate to see him like this, I really do

"Maya, do you want me to take over?" Zelo said coming in, he sat down on the other side of the bed with another bowl of cold water

"You can help but I dont want to leave him like this" I said loosing my smile, Zelo looked like he wanted to say something but dropped it and got a rinsed the cloth on his forehead before putting it back

"Maya" he said quietly, I looked at him and nodded

"Yeah?" I said putting the cloth in the cold water, I got out the thermometer out and put it under his tongue

"Thank you for helping Daehyun" he said dabbing the cloth on Daehyun's neck

"There's no need to thank me" I said bashfully

"Yes there is, Daehyun hyung is an important member of the group, he's like a real big brother to me" he said a little too loud, Daehyun jumped in his sleep... so cute

"What else could I have done? I mean he's not only important to you guys but he's important to me, if isn't for your guys I'd be alone, I have no family or friends, I'm so sad" I said laughing at myself pathetically

"Your not sad" Zelo yelled at me scaring the life out of me

"Zelo?" I mumbled, he looked really upset about what I'd just said

"Maya your like my sister, I really enjoy your company and your a really nice human so dont put yourself down" he said taking my hands, the thermometer in Daehyun's mouth beeped, I freed one of my hands and looked at it... 41 degrees

"He's dangerously hot" I said petrified

"Maya our general temperature is 40 so he'll be fine" he said reasurring me

"Really?" wow I'm suprised

"Yeah, you must find it weird right?" he said embarrassed, thats really something else

"So his temperature is fine?" I said looking at the sheet Himchan had given me, "he's not supposed do drop his temperature until the 7th day" I said showing him the sheet

"Get Himchan and Youngjae hyung" he said seriously, I nodded and ran to the door

"YOUNGJAE OPPA, HIMCHAN OPPS GET IN HERE" I yelled down the hallway, there was a small breeze and they appeared in the room next to Daehyun

"The temperature is down and he's not sweating anymore" Zelo said moving out of his hyung's way

"Zelo get my laptop and the wires" Youngjae said putting his fingers to Daehyun's neck, "his pulse is normal" he said before opening Daehyun's eye, he shone a light in it. "He looks fine" he said amazed, "his eyes are turning colour perfectly" for some reason they didn't find him getting better a good thing

"What's wrong?" I said looking over Youngjae's shoulder

"This has never happened before, every thing is supposed to come as a precise time, but he's betting better like there's no tomorrow..." he stopped talking and looked up at me, "can I take a quick blood test?" he said taking my hand, I nodded and Himchan left the room, he returned a second later with a needle. I looked away as he quickly took some blood.

"So what do you think is wrong?" I said pulling my sleeve back down

"I don't know, I think it's something to do with your blood" he said just as Zelo came back in, he took out a small divice and put a drop of blood on the screen, it lighted up and pinged "just as I thought, your an immune" A WHAT? he noticed my confused look and laughed. "It means your immune to any virus or infection, it also means you heal very quickly, it's a Mato thing" he said informatively

"So that means he'll be fine in no time?" I said happily, he nodded and sat down on the bed

"Not only that but you've given him a sort of booster shot, you've also made him immune, he can no longer get hurt because of you" he said sighing

"Wow, that's really something" I said amazed, now that you mention it I've never really been ill or broke a bone in my life, I guess I know why.


Okay guys heres another chapter, Daehyun is getting better and they'll soon be happy and calm... or will they ;) please comment and subscribe if you already haven't and thanks for reasing this fan fiction :) ANNYONG ~ SARANGHAEYO <3 :)

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Plz Plz Plz update soon ♡ I miss this fic :c
Chapter 39: Plz update soon ♡♡
Chapter 39: I can't wait till the next chapter Cx
Sungyeol101 #4
Chapter 36: It's late... i know Cx but plz update!♡♡

I wish i knew about this fic sooner :((♡♡
IUTheHackingPanda #6
Chapter 35: Update soon please~!!!!
asian7707 #7
Chapter 34: Cant wait for the new chapters^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 34: Update soon plzzz~~~!¡!¡!¡
Chapter 30: CONGRATS FOR FINISHING COLLEGE!!!^.^ Update Soon Plz~!
sarahsohn77 #10
Chapter 29: Oh u actually mentioned me!! I feel so honored :)