What the Heart Wants

The Six Bunnies


"Well there goes another day of training" jongup groaned while stretching his arms across his chest, he's not the only one who's bodies are aching because of Minho, they've been thrown and ragged about my Minho these past few days. I was the only one that could stand more then five minutes in a match with him, I even managed to leave a mark on him the other day... but then I started to appologise like an idiot and I got thrown on my .

"I wish we could all be as powerful at Maya, it must be great being a half Matoki" Zelo patted my back and smiled at me with one of his baby faced smiles. I looked away not able to keep looking at someone so increadably naturally adorable. "We'd be making more progress if Maya was teaching us" Zelo mumbled while leaning against the single arm chair in my apartment

" Hey how about you teaching us next time?" Daehyun said as he passed me, his fingers brushed briefly against mine making my turn to stone, he looked at me with longing eyes before walking towards the kitchen... when he'd left my sight I returned to normal but my heart was still racing

"YAH DON'T EAT ALL MAYA'S FOOD, SHE WORKS HARD TO BUY THE THINGS YOU GUYS MOOCH. Don't you guys have your own apartment or dorm to go to?" Minho grumbled as he walked out of the bathroom half and a towel over his head, he walked past me and patted me on the head before going to sit down

"What about you? Your also mooching off of her, where do you even sleep here? There's only two rooms and one of them was a storage room" Yongguk mocked but he shut up when Minho glared at him from under the towel...

"I sleep in Maya's room, and I live here too, I pay half of the rent" Minho picked up a bottle of water and took a big gulp, Daehyun walked into the livingroom slowly, he looked at me upset like he'd just lost somethin really important to him

"So are you two going out then?" Himchan said trying to make sence of mine and Minho's situation, I looked at Daehyun who looked close to breaking down, he looked at Minho like every word meant the difference life and death

"I don't think so" Minho made a face like he'd just tasted something bad, "she's like my little sister, I'm just supporting her after some of the most important people in her life left her high and dry in Seoul where she knew no one and no longer had the powers to protect her" Minho said while glarin at Daehyun, his eyes never left his. "Especially when a person who had her heart suddenly upped and ran leaving her and her heart broken" he finished and got off of the sofa, "I'm going to the shops" he got a shirt off of the sofa next to him and put it on. He walked past me and patted my head before grabbing his coat and leaving.

"He's never going to forgive me" Daehyun muttered while looking at his feet, he gave me one last sorrowfull look and walked into the spare room where all 6 members of B.A.P are sleeping.

"Why is he so bent on making up with Minho?" I asked Yongguk but before he got a word out Youngjae got there before him

"Because Minho is Daehyun's cousin, Minho is Daehyun's mother's sister's son. That's why they don't have the same family name" he also looked upset about Minho and Daehyun's fall out... and it's all my fault

"They practically grew up as brothers" Jongup said worried, "it's quite upsetting" and then his face went blank as he went off to daydream land

"Anyhow how about we order some food" Himchan yelled while holding up a few order forms up in the air, the other members crowded round yelling what they want

"I think I'll pass" I stepped away from the mess, I walked into where Daehyun's was staying, he was looking at a photo of two boys sat on a grassy field with two sun's behind him, "WHOA TWO SUNS" I shouted making him jump, he shoved the photo in his pocket and looked at me with a red face.

"Y...Yeah it was taken on my planet. It was just before my family moved to Earth for a couple hundred years. We had to move to Busan because of my father's work, he was a scout for the current mission B.A.P are on now" he got the photo back out and sighed, I also looked at the two blonde boys and smiled at how cute they looked.

"How old were you two here?" he looked about six or seven years old

"About 400 and he was 1398" he said in a serious tone... 400 YEARS OLD?

"Wow... um so how old are you now?" I gulped and made the best smile I could

"25600 years old, but my Earth age is around" he trailed off in calculations... he bit his lip while he thought... those lips that were no longer mine to kiss... but they were all so familiar... "I'm 19"

"Oh... thats quite an age difference with the Matoki age" I said feeling a little faint at how old her was... the Earth age was fine but... 25600 years? He's really lived that long

"You are quite young" he chuckled, "but I love you no matter the age difference" he looked at me with sincere eyes. He just said he loves me. "I've always loved you, I still do and I always will" he shuffled forward and placed a pillow on my lap before resting his head on the pillow... "please just let me stay like this for a while" my heart was beating so hard like it was trying to escape my body, butterflies swarmed in my stomach and my mind all of a sudden was full of him... there's no way that I can ignore my feelings for him anymore. 

"T...Tell me about your planet" I blurted, trying to stop myself from expressing my true feelings, he opened his eyes a little but then closed them again

"Okay but I can't tell you too much, Mato is a quite quiet planet compared to some other's we've been on, the military is a big part of my planet with a military base in almost every single city, this is because our planet is located in a very dangerous place. There's Mito above us and a absolutely monsterous planet above that, a thousand times worse then Mito, called Cameliar which used to be an amazing planet with temples and mountains and rare minerals that you couldn't find anywhere else. And the people that used to live there were just as amazing, half cat-like people covered in furr and had cat ears and tails..." he trailed off and opened his eyes 

"What happene to it?" I said out of curiosity but I really wished I wouldn't

"It got invaded and the Camelians became extinct, every single being on the planet was wiped out of the universe in only one night" he closed his eyes again and took a deep breath in, "but that happened a few thousand years ago and now it's run by emotionless monsters we call Tamerons" he sighed and his eyebrows furrowed his eye brows

"Okay so your planet?" I said wanting to change the subject, he smiled a little but his eyes remainded closed

"So you've seen the two suns right? On the photo? Well they're called Saffron and Saffrina, the red one is Saffron and the orange one it Saffrina.There's also a third sun if you look closely" he showed me the photo... I looked closely but all I could see was a bright blue circle that was half hidden by Minho's head. "It's called Mirana and this sun is a blue colour and when all three suns are inthe sky it turns it a purple colour" he smiled brightly "my mum said that it is the most beautiful thing you'll ever see in your whole life" he breathed before putting his hands on his chest and closing his eyes

"Do you miss Mato?" I absentmindedly started brushing my fingers lightly through his hair

"Yeah, but to be honest I missed Busan much more, my parents and my and my brother loved moving here" he smiled again and took my hand that I was using to his hair and brought it to his lips. "But the thing I missed the most in the world is you, and trust me I'm never letting you go again" and that was the last thing he said befor he fell asleep... I chuckled and grabbed another pillow before laying down on the floor, if he's sleeping I might as well have a nap too...


Daehyun POV


I opened my eyes only to find myself enveloped in darkness... it must be night already, I got up and stretched before putting my hands at either side of me but then my fingers touched another person's skin... I used my powers to turn the light on... Maya was laid on the floor behind me, oh yeah I fell to sleep on her lap after talking about Mato. Her sleeping face was something I've seen quite a bit of but every single time I see it my heart thumps loudly, but this time it aches, this time I can't touch her soft face or brush the hair out of her eyes... this time I can't touch her

"Daehyun hyung are you awake yet?" Zelo's voice whispered beyond the door, I sighed and got up to open the door but Zelo opened it before I had time to touch the handle. "Oh you are, but Maya's still asleep? But the food's just arrived" FOOD??? WHERE??? WHAT DID THEY GET??? I looked back at Maya and smiled

"Let her sleep for a few more minutes, we'll have to leave her something to eat" Zelo gave me a shocked look when I mentioned leaving food behind for someone else, he put a hand on my forehead and gave me a serious look

"Your not ill are you? You don't have a fever but still you must be sick in some way" he joked but stopped when I looked at him irritated, "hyung your no fun since we left Maya" he pouted but then his face turned into his evil maknae look and he bolted for the livingroom... MY FOOD!!! I sprinted after him but he got to the food before me, he picked up the Bokkeumbap and took the plastic wrap off of the top

"ZELO YOU DARE AND I'LL KILL YOU" I yelled but he picked up the spoon and scooped some up... "FINE I'LL BE MORE FUN AND I'LL GET YOU JOKES" I fell to my knees and begged with all my life, he knows how important food is to me, he knows that if he touched my food I wont be responsible for what happens... he brought the spoon up to his mouth but suddenly froze and looked past me. I turned around to see Maya rubbing her sleepy eyes

"What's going on?" her sleepy voice was still as cute as ever

"Fine keep your food" I got off of my feet and walked over to Maya, "you should have slept more" I smiled making her cheeks flush a little, I love it when she gets all shy

"I was going to but I smelt bokkeumbap" she mumbled while looking around for her favorite food, I used my powers to pull the bowl of kimchi fried rice out of Zelo's hands and brought them to Maya

"Your food is served" I made her smile again as she picked up a spoon and sat on the sofa crossed legs with a bright face, I sat next to her and picked up a fried mandoo. I studied her face as she ate suddenly not feeling hungry, it's like her eating is making me full... I've never felt like this before not even when we last met

"Hyung... your not eating?" Jongup said with wide eyes, I nodded but picked up another mandoo... okay I'm not completely satisfied with just watching her but food is my best friend

"So Maya who's this?" Yongguk asked while pointing to a photo of me and my work mates

"Just Sungmin, he works at the restaurant on the weekends" she explained with a smile... I looked at the so called worker...

"Hyung that's a Mito" Youngjae picked up the photo and showed it to Yongguk, "see the reflection on the skin on his hand" I peeked over Yongguk's shoulder and took a look for myself

"Isn't he with the Mito in the tracking team? Remember what the CEO said about their new team looking for the half Matoki?" I reminded them, they nodded and put the photo back

"I didn't know that he was a Mito" Maya mumbled while looking down at her feet, "I guess they wanted to make sure that I was still powerless" she looked really shocked at the thought of one of her work mates being a spy Mito

"Sorry for that" Youngjae said awkwardly, she shook her head and smiled a fake smile 

"It's okay, he wasn't that much of a friend anyway" she lied, we could all tell that she was lying even without reading her mind

"Wow it's late, I've got to get up early for Maya's lesson tomorrow" Jongup groaned while stretching his arms again. Maya looked at Jongup shocked, he just winked and walked to their room apart from Daehyun who stayed behind

"I don't really know how to teach" she muttered while thinking extremely about what to do, I smiled and took her hand before getting up

"Follow me" I whispered and took her to the door, I put my mask and hood on and lead her down the hallway, this is going to be the best date ever


Maya POV


He took me to the nearest beach where there was a beach bar that was lit up with fairy lights and there was even a fire lit with people dancing and singing around it, he looked at the astonished expression on my face and laughed

"Well Miss Maya Williams I do believe this is the first time you've been to a beach fire, so I'll have something alcoholic and you have an orange juice" Daehyun smiled and touched my nose briefly before blobbing his tongue out and going ahead to sit down at the bar... I shuffled over to him and sat down beside him

"I don't like orange juice, I'll have a cola please" I mumbled shyly to Daehyun who chuckled and nodded

"Excuse me sir but a bottle of soju and a large cola please" he shouted to the bar staff who nodded and almost instantly had our orders, "so what do you think of Busan beach night life?" Daehyun said with a proud smile

"It's beautiful, and the band that's playing is really good" I couldn't think of anything else to say, the atmosphere is too good to be true

"Well let's get closer" he smiled at me honestly and took my hand before pulling me over to the fire, "you still know how to dance right?" he joked making me pout

"Of course I do dummy" I let go of his hand and danced along with the three acoustic guitars, a violin, a few hand held drums and a flute... but Daehyun took my hand again and brought me to him as we started a couple dance... we danced for what seamed hours but no people left, instead they looked like they weren't going to leave. But in the end people do get exhausted so when we were too tired to carry on we grabbed what was left of our 9th drink and walked along the beach hand in hand

"Maya can I ask you something please" Daehyun stopped and took hold of my other hand so both were in his, I nodded but couldn't contain a yawn... it really is late... "sorry it'll just take a second" he gave me one little smile before looking down at the sand... I looked down too but what I saw was too unbelievable... large lettering was written in the sand in English... 'Please forgive me and be my girlfriend' 

"Omo" I gasped at the drawing at the end, it was Daehyun's Matoki character from their group, "you soppy little..." I trailed off from shock

"So what is your answer?" he lifted my face and gave me an anticipating smile

"Yeah I'll go back out with you" I mumbled while looking away from his eyes... I'm too shy for these kind of things... his face lit up and he wrapped his arms around me and hoisted me up in the air

"THANK YOU MAYA" he yelled before letting me down and kissing me on the lips, this kiss felt nothing like the others, it was more desperate and more romantic then the others... he leaned back and smiled blissfully, "I've waited a long time for that" he whispered before pulling my in for a hug. "I love you Maya Williams" he was definatly smilling when he said that, I smiled too and pulled myself closer to him

"I love you too Jung Daehyun" I whispered back but the moment was short lived when there was a high pitched scream from the fire, we looked at each other breifly before bolting back to the fire... what awaited us there was absolute horror... three of the musicians were dead, it looked like they were attacked by an animal

"It was a human" one of the women screamed, she looked at us with petrified eyes and repeated what she'd previously said

"No it wasn't human, human's dont have red eyes and sharp dog like teeth, humans DON'T EAT OTHER HUMANS" a man yelled at the woman... what just happened here? I looked at the men again... but something unexpected happened... I felt fear in the pit of my stomach... a cold hard feeling that creeped me out...

"Oppa get me back to the dorm" I whispered to Daehyun while closing my eyes, he hesitated but picked me up and sped back to the dorm. When we got inside we were bombarded by the rest of the B.A.P members and Minho

"Where have you two been?" "We were worried sick" "Daehyun you better not have tried anything" "Maya are you okay you look pale" I gave them one hard look and they shut up

"If your done yapping can I please have a talk with you guys" I spat in a hard tone, they nodded and we walked into the living room and sat down

"Maya noona what happened?" Zelo asked in his calming young voice, I breathed in and let it out to try and calm be before I answered them

"The half Matoki was at the beach and killed three people, but there wasn't only one half Matoki... there were three" I confessed making them gasp and look at each other in fright...


Heyy guys guess what ^_^ This fanfiction has a fixed date for updating :D I will be updating this FanFic every Saturday so the next chapter will be updated in a week :) plus there's some thing new I'm adding to my authors notes, I'm doing it with the other fanfics too. It's called SPOILER TIME and it's where I give you little spoilers for the next chapter :) these will be in blue so if you don't like spoilers and you wouldn't like to read them just ignore the blue writing :) 

******SPOILER TIME******

Yongguk falls in love with a Mitoki

The gang move back to Seoul

B.A.P start preparing for their comeback while Maya becomes a part of the bar staff at a joint Matoki and Mitoki bar

Zelo gets attacked by one of the half matoki and is left outside their apartment block

The CEO of TSEntertainment gives the boys a hard training task... their trainer is Maya >_<


So there's the end of the spoiler time, I hope you guys will contintue to read this fanficiton and please leave any comments or thought below ^_^ I look forward to reading any comments and until the next chapter :) ANNYONG ~ SARANGHAEYO <3 :)

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Plz Plz Plz update soon ♡ I miss this fic :c
Chapter 39: Plz update soon ♡♡
Chapter 39: I can't wait till the next chapter Cx
Sungyeol101 #4
Chapter 36: It's late... i know Cx but plz update!♡♡

I wish i knew about this fic sooner :((♡♡
IUTheHackingPanda #6
Chapter 35: Update soon please~!!!!
asian7707 #7
Chapter 34: Cant wait for the new chapters^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 34: Update soon plzzz~~~!¡!¡!¡
Chapter 30: CONGRATS FOR FINISHING COLLEGE!!!^.^ Update Soon Plz~!
sarahsohn77 #10
Chapter 29: Oh u actually mentioned me!! I feel so honored :)