Moving On

The Six Bunnies


"OPPA, OPPA SAVE ME, DONT LET ME GO" I was screaming into the darkness, I felt like I was falling and I was reaching for someone, suddely someone took my arm and pulled me towards them. "Oppa they're coming for us" I said clinging to the guy, we're both falling but being in the guys arms made me feel safe, like no harm would come to us

"Maya baby, wake up" Daehyun's voice whispered in my ear, I shivered and clung to him more... but he suddenly pushed me away, "Maya wake up we're..." what did he say? He's too far away

"OPPA DONT LEAVE ME" I screamed bolting up in my bed and head butting someone in the process, "aiiiiiiiiii" I groaned while rubbing my banging head

"YA MAYA WHAT THE HECK" Youngjae yelled from the floor, he was rolling about holding his chin... oh my gosh I upper cut him

"Oh my gosh oppa I'm so sorry" I said jumping out of bed but pain suddenly twanged back, I held my head and for some reason I started laughing which made Youngjae start laughing too

"You two are a crazy" Daehyun said holding back the laughter, I calmed myself down and got up from the floor... when did I fall on the floor? Youngjae held his hands up for my to help him up, I pulled hard on his arms but he was too heavy so Daehyun helped him to his feet

"This better not bruise, we've got music video preperations at the end of the week" Youngjae said rubbing his chin, I blobbed my tongue out and smiled but then he got me in a head locks and rubbed his knuckles on the top of my head

"YA YOO YOUNGJAE LET ME GOT OR I'LL USE FORCE" I yelled but he still didn't let go so I elbowed him in the ribs and ran off to hide behind Daehyun, "Daehyunnie oppa, Youngjae oppa is being mean to me" I mumbled making Youngjae's jaw drop

"You little liar" he said pointing a finger at me, Daehyun chuckled and turned around before suddenly kissing me, Youngjae made a face and ran out of the room, "there he's gone, are you happy now?" he said smiling at my spaced out expression. I nodded and he took my hand and took me into the living room where all the member's were sat watching TV... they all seamed so normal for the first time I've ever seen.

"Hey Maya, do you want a cup of coffee?" Himchan said walking through from the kitchen, I nodded and gave him a small smile, he smiled back and returned to the kitchen

"This is all so weird" I mumbled sitting down next to Zelo on the sofa, Jongup chuckled and took a peice of toast off of a coffee table infront of us, Daehyun ran off to the kitchen leaving me with the others. 

"What's weird?" Zelo said quietly totally absorbed with what's on the TV, I shook my head and smiled to myself

"Nothing, just forget what I said, so have you got any plans for today?" I asked Yongguk who was playing around with his phone, he looked at the clock on the wall and gasped

"Guys we're supposed to meet manager in 20 minutes" Yongguk said clumsily getting to his feet, suddenly everyone sprinted out of the living room. Daehyun ran through to me with a peice of cake in his mouth, he took my hand and pulled me to my feet before pushing me into Jongup's bedroom. 

"Get dressed" he mumbled with a mouthfull of cake, he closed the door and left me bewildered in the middle of the room. I got dressed and tied my hair up in less then 5 minutes, I went out into the livingroom... but the others were still running around trying to find their shoes and odd peices of clothing. I sat down on the sofa and picked up a slice of toast before biting into it, Jongup came running upto me and lifted my feet up to get his phone which was under the sofa... this is kind of fun to watch

"HIMCHAN UMMA WHERE'S MY MASK" Daehyun yelled running from his room into the bathroom, Himchan followed him in and there was the sound of them play fighting, I chuckled and finished eating my toast but then the door bell rang. Yongguk and Himchan ran to the door and opened it

"Manager Kang?" that was Himchan's voice

"I knew that you wouldn't be ready yet, oh well let's grab everyone and go" a voice I didn't recognize said

"Yeah about that" Youngguk said hesitantly

"What? Has somethign happened?" the man said, I heard footsteps comeing through and I stood up

"Manager Kang, this is Maya Williams" Yongguk said introducing me, I bowed and smiled at him nervously, his face suddenly lit up and he ran towards me

"Aigoo your Harry's daughter, they told me so much about you, but arent you supposed to be living with your aunt?" he said giving me a suffocating hug, he let me go and waited for my reply 

"My aunt passed away" I said looking at my feet, his smile dropped and he gave me another hug

"Ah hyung stop hugging her" Daehyun said pulling him off of me, he then put my head to his chest and threw manager Kang a protective look

"Ohhhhh do I see a relationship here?" Manager Kang said raiding his eyebrows, me and Daehyun blushed and Daehyun linked his fingers in mine. "I see, I hope you two are in seperate rooms" my head snapped up at the same time as Daehyun, my face burned as I hid behind Daehyun. "Did I say something wrong?" manager Kang said looking a little worried, Daehyun shook his head and took both my hands before kissing me in front of the manager. I blushed and covered my face with my hands while making a sound like a little kitten miowing for the first time, Daehyun laughed and manager rocked on his heels and looked away. 

"Let's go" Daehyun said putting his forhead against mine, my cheek burned and I nodded before he took my hand and led me out of the dorm, picking up his coat and mask on the way.

"So hyung, do we have any appointment's today?" Zelo asked manager Kang when we got in the car, the manager looked at his black leather book and nodded

"Yeah, we've got a meeting with Taesung hyung, I think it's about the comeback" he said before putting the book down and the engine. "You better be on your best behavior, and dont forget that you have a salon appointment today at 4pm, Taesung and Geunyun have picked out your new looks" they all moaned and slumped in their seats

"Why are you ?" I said a little amused that the little thing of simply chainging their hairstyles would get them down

"I like my blonde hair" Zelo mumbled, Youngjae agreed and pouted making smile

"I'd like my blonde hair but I'd like to have black, but they propably picked out some weird colour like orange or pink" Himchan mumbled while checking his phone, are they alway like this

"Oh and we've got to start picking a fan club name, the number of your fans have been increasing lately" manager Kang said with a proud smile, they perked up and started talking about their showcase and how they felt when they saw all those people there.

"I remember this one girl who was on the front row of the concert, she was also at the fan signing and she had the most amazing eyes" Yongguk said with blushed cheeks, Youngjae groaned but Himchan nodded quickly in agreement

"Oh you mean the foreigner? What was her name again, Chloe was it?" Himchan said thinking hardly

"No it was Claire wasn't it?" Jongup said leaning over my seat, he smiled down at me and winked... Idol mode

"She was called Carmen, I remember because she had to write it on my note book before you had to write it down, you cant spell for the life of you" manager said laughing, Jongup pouted and sat back in his seat

"Manager hyung" Yongguk said pulling out one of his headphones, "can you listen to this for me" he put the headphone in manager's ear. The manager started nodding to whatever he was playing, in the end he smiled proudly and nodded

"That's brilliant, is that for power?" he said looking back when we came to a red light, Yongguk smiled happily and laughed shyly

"Yeah, I recorded it last night" Yongguk said before putting the head phone back in, "I'll show it to Taesung hyung later" he mumbled before going back to listening to music

"Does he know?" I whispered to Daehyun, he looked at manager Kang and shook his head

"No, as far as he knows we're ordinary rookie idols" he said smiling and tapping his nose, I only just realised how close he was to me, his smile changed to a smirk and he looked down at my lips before looking back at my eyes. I couldn't move as his eyes looked deeply into mine, he leaned in slowly and kissed me still smiling. He put his arm around me when he was done and sighed "I think things are going to start looking up for us from now on" I looked at him a little confused

"What makes you say that" I said snuggling up to him, he shrugged him shoulders and smiled to him self

"Just a feeling, I mean your uncle must think you died in that fire..." he realised what he said and looked at a shocked me

"What fire?" I whispered aware of the fact that manager Kang knew nothing

"Your uncle knew that you'd come back and set a trap in the study, once it detected you coming through the door it would have triggared it and you would have died, we asked your aunt as a decoy because she cant die and once we left she set the bomb off and the mansion burnt down in flames" he said all at once in a whisper... which was quite impressive

"Why didn't you tell me before?" I said hurt that he didn't tell me the mansion had burnt down

"I was going to wait until you'd settled in a bit" he mumbled looking guilty, I sighed and kissed his cheek

"I'm sorry, you were right to leave it till later" I whispered before kissing him again, he smiled and hugged me closer to him

"Seriously you guys are so gross" Youngjae said making a face, Daehyun and I laughed and before we knew it we were outside the TS Entertainment building. We got out and they led me into the building, Daehyun held my hand and gave it a little squeeze before getting into the elevator

"So how long are we allowed to practice with this song?" Jongup said a little worried, manager Kang took out his book again and sighed before answering

"We've got dance practice, singing and rapping practice and then there's stage pratice so about 3 months" manager Kang said just as the elevator opened. We got out and walked down the hall before B.A.P opened the door to an office, I peeked in side and got a shock. The room was decked out in Matoki figuries and posters of a girl band, this is all too weird


Heyy guys... so am I in trouble with not uploading in a while? MIANHAEYO !!!! I've been sooooooo busy with college work, I'm working on my final project in my media class (I'm making a horror movie) so it's taking up a lot of my time. I'll try to upload another chapter this week and I'll be uploading a chapter on my other fanfitcion (My Hippity Hoppity Heart) so please anticipate :) please comment and subscribe :) ANNYONG ~ SARANGHAEYO <3 :)

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Plz Plz Plz update soon ♡ I miss this fic :c
Chapter 39: Plz update soon ♡♡
Chapter 39: I can't wait till the next chapter Cx
Sungyeol101 #4
Chapter 36: It's late... i know Cx but plz update!♡♡

I wish i knew about this fic sooner :((♡♡
IUTheHackingPanda #6
Chapter 35: Update soon please~!!!!
asian7707 #7
Chapter 34: Cant wait for the new chapters^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 34: Update soon plzzz~~~!¡!¡!¡
Chapter 30: CONGRATS FOR FINISHING COLLEGE!!!^.^ Update Soon Plz~!
sarahsohn77 #10
Chapter 29: Oh u actually mentioned me!! I feel so honored :)