Growing Feelings and Confused Thoughts

The Six Bunnies


Me and Daehyun just kept looking at the file for what seamed like minutes, then without another word he got out his phone and diled in a number.

"Who are you calling?" I asked rubbing my temples, man my life has been all over the place lately, he didn't say anything instead he held up a finger to symbolise to wait a minute.

"Oh Yongguk Hyung, get all the members and Minho Hyung to the study as soon as you can" there was a pause "I can answer all your questions when you get there" there was another pause as he took my arm and gently led me to the door. "Ani Hyung it's not about Mato" we walked up to the study and Daehyun pushed the book case back into place, "we're already here just hurry up it's an emergancy" he said hanging up.

"Why are we meeting up? Do they know about that room?" I asked sitting down at the table, he sat next to me and sighed.

"They dont know, I guess I'll just tell them that it was in your dad's text" he said scratching behind his ear where the mask strap was, it must be uncomfortable wearing it for so long.

Jongup was the first one out of his room, but he scurried back in when he saw me because he was only wearing track suit bottoms, I was a little taken back at how toned he was. I patted my red cheeks back to normal and soon all of the B.A.P members had made their way down from their rooms.

"So Daehyunnie, what's up?" smiled Himchan who walked straight over to me, he put both his hands on my shoulders and smiled down at me. "Annyong Baby-ya" he cooed, Baby??? he noticed my puzzled expression and tapped my nose, "your just like a baby, all sweet and innocent and..." he didn't finish his sentance because he was tackled by Yongguk once again.

I couldn't help but giggle at the way the boys act, Minho was the last one out and instantly stood inbetween Daehyun and I. 

"So Daehyun what is this about, I was going to have a nice and slow morning, aish so annoying" he said scratching the back of his head, then something caught my attention. I spun around as fast as I could and stared at the ground, Zelo bend down in front of me and cocked his head to the side.

"What's wrong Maya" his face just so adorable, I was about to say something but a bang behind me told me that someone had figured it out.

"Ya Minho-Ya what do you think your doing walking around with no shirt on" shouted Youngjae who had put his hands over my eyes.

"Our precious Baby's innocent eyes have been soiled" mumbled Himchan, I heard someone hit him yet again, poor Himchan-ssi

"What do you mean? Aren't I allowed to be free in my own home?" said Minho, Youngjae had taken his hands off of my eyes and was now helping Himchan off of the floor.

Daehyun stood up and took of his hoodie before throwing it at Minho, everyone looked at him in shock. Minho put the jacket on without a word and slumped on a chair. Under the jacket Daehyun was wairing a low cut black vest top, I thought he was quite slender but he did have quite a bit of muscle on him.

"Can we get to the point of this meeting?" said Daehyun so that everyone could hear but then he looked to me to explain to the others. I stood up and cleared my throat before telling then what I had 'showed' Daehyun, I also said that the part about my uncle was sent in the text, just like Daehyun had asked.

"Didn't we take down James back when he had tried to kill Harry" mumbled Yongguk to Himchan, what do they mean kill my dad? Didn't my Uncle James die in a car accident? Daehyun noticed my horrified face and stood behind me.

"Lee Youngmin" my uncle's real name "was part of an anti group against planet Mato, he planned to get rid of your parents by setting up a trap when you were 9 I think. We got their first and unfortunatly he died whilst trying to get away from us, he fell from the top of Namsan tower" he said putting his hands on my shoulder. His hands were so warm.

Minho pushed Daehyun out of the way and pulled my arm so I was standing up.

"Minho what's wrong?" I asked but he didn't way anything, he just towed me over to the end of the room. He cornered me before leaning down so we were eye level.

"Do you have any feelings for Daehyun?" he asked bluntly, I almost laughed my head off. We had only met less then 24 hours ago and he thinks I like him? Yes I must admit that I felt attracted to him but I dont have feelings for him, at least I dont think so.

"Good, because he's going to be your personal body guard" WHAT THE HECK??? "He's a ninja so he can protect you more then I can, if your uncle is indeed alive then it'll be you he's after next. I don't want you to go anywhere without him..." I was abotu to protest but he put and finger over my mouth to stop me. "I know that Daehyun wont do anything to you because he's never really liked a girl before so he's safe, but you cant fall for him" he said with a serious expression.

Oh trust me if Minho had seen how Daehyun was 10 minutes ago he'd blow his top. Why was he doing this anyway? It's not like he's a relative or my boyfriend or something... I blushed at the thought.

"Do you understand me?" he said taking away his finger, I nodded and then he returned me to my seat but then took Daehyun away for the talk, he didn't take it like I expected him to. I thought that he'd just take it without another word about it but instead he stormed up to his room. What was that about.

After a small talk it was time for lessons, Minho in the mornings and Youngjae in the afternoons, Minho was a much better teacher because he took things at a steady pace but Youngjae got fed up easily. Daehyun didn't come back down until it was the end of the day, he had to take me to my room and me back down every day. It was kind of silly but if what they said about my uncle was right, then I really was in danger.

Daehyun was scilent with me again, he walked slightly in front of me and opened the door but I didn't expect what happened next. My window smached into a thousand peices as someone burst through it, Daehyun was quick to react as he got the guy in a head lock and twisted his head. I heard a crack and the black masked guy fell to the floor but another managed to get in and this time he had a gun. He aimed it at me and fired before Daehyun had time to react. Pain twanged through my arm, I looked down and saw blood seaping through my shirt.

I looked at Daehyun before my vision blurred, the last thing I saw was Daehyun running for the still armed guy.


The teaser part is on the next chapter x)

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Plz Plz Plz update soon ♡ I miss this fic :c
Chapter 39: Plz update soon ♡♡
Chapter 39: I can't wait till the next chapter Cx
Sungyeol101 #4
Chapter 36: It's late... i know Cx but plz update!♡♡

I wish i knew about this fic sooner :((♡♡
IUTheHackingPanda #6
Chapter 35: Update soon please~!!!!
asian7707 #7
Chapter 34: Cant wait for the new chapters^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 34: Update soon plzzz~~~!¡!¡!¡
Chapter 30: CONGRATS FOR FINISHING COLLEGE!!!^.^ Update Soon Plz~!
sarahsohn77 #10
Chapter 29: Oh u actually mentioned me!! I feel so honored :)