
My Namja Is A Kingka

'I need you to be my girlfriend'

Hanuel gasps in horror 'I will not do such a thing, absurd!' 

Danny looked annoyed.

'I'm not going to appear as a loser at school so you're going to help me' 

'Ish, Danny you just freaking broke up' Hanuel eyes were wide open looking at Danny as if he's crazy.  

'she's not my girlfriend you pabo, she's Hugo's girlfriend' 

'Ah, the other highschool kingka, but but she just dumped you' 

Danny was getting impatient 'Hanuel listen, Hugo has this grunge on me so he set out Tiff to embarass me infront of the whole school, that's why she's been flirting around with me and then made everyone believe she dumped me, darn it, I didn't knew it was coming, you know what would that do to my reputation?' 

'Danny thats absurd, you're just making it up to cover you sadness, its ok, I understand' Hanuel looked at him pityfully 

Danny who got so pissed off started yelling 'I'm telling yo the truth OK!!!'

'then why did you cry?!' she yelled back 

'because remember when we were in primary school and I always get bullied' 

Hanuel chuckled evily reminded the time when Danny always get bullied by the other school boys. Its was really sad back then but yes now it seems funny. Hanuel nods 

'well, I kind of like got a flash back on it and got emotional, i really don't like people making fun of me'  he looks down and sigh

That got Hanuel into a series of laughing. Holding her stomach she laughed so hard she stopped to breathe 'you emotional?? you?? why didn't you fight her then?' Hanuel asked 

'because she's a girl, appa say we must treat girls nicely even though they act real evil' 

Hanuel narrowed her eyes 'and you kissed me infront of everyone?!  you pabo, you big pabo, wait until aunty lily hears it from me' 

'who ask you to be there? your the nosy one,pain in the ' he gritted his teeth 

'yah! I will kill you in your sleep tonight!' she yelled in frustration

'Hanuel, would you just stop whining and do me a favor' 

'That's not a favor, that's punishment'

'I just kissed you infront of the whole school, you're bound to answer on that tomorrow' 

Hanuel was so irritated she started to poke his chest 'that's your fault, you you you, how am I going to get a date now, ever' her hands now were moving in the air showing how pissed she was. 

Danny let out a sarcastic laugh 'you actually plan to date? you?? ' 

'how dare you make fun of me!!, so you think your the only one can date!!' it got really bad Hanuel's face was now pinkish.  

'yah i'm the one who just got dumped not you, why are you so emotional, like a baby always' Danny folded his hands and countinued 'we just have to make a few appearance, like walk down the hall together, eat together, that's all, whats the problem? Hanuel, I'm not talking about you being a real girlfriend, are you nuts?!' Danny placed his palm on his forehead.

Hanuel's cheeks turned pinkish as she could feel all blood went to her face, controlling her breathing she looks at Danny with narrowed eyes. 'No!' she shook her head. 

danny let go a sigh 'ish, you're so stubborn, ok what do you want?' 

That got Hanuel's attention. What she wants?, the question did wonders to her mind, she wants a lot of things but all that money could buy, what she wants?. An idea popped in her mind 'hah, you're going to send me home everyday WITHOUT bullying me, I said without bullying me. and you will help me if I get into trouble! no matter what!' 

If Danny send her home everyday she wont have problems as her parents always have meetings and events, and he won't bully her, that will be perfect,owh she's a genius!. Now she won't have to stay in the library and wait. she will have a personal driver.

'ok, deal' Danny said without thinking. 


'I said ok, now ur deaf?'  

Goodness, he said ok so easily,is her request so freaking easy. 

Panic for a second she said 'and a goldfish, buy me a goldfish' 

Danny frown in confusion 'what the heck, goldfish?' 

'yah, goldfish' 

He shrugged and said 'ok, goldfish, send you home and help you, fine' 

'ok, I take that back, I don't want to be your girlfriend' 

'HANUEL!! get a grip, it will be easy, now go out, i'll see you tomorrow' 

'yah, you just messed up my life' 

'good for you, out from you boring nerd life' 

'pabo' she went out from the car and banged the door hard. he drove away within seconds. 

what have she now done with her life?


Haneul stomps her feet and climbed the stairs to her room

Danny always does this* 

making her life miserable* 

What she doesn't know TOP and Daisy were peeking trough the window watching the teenagers fighting in the car. 

TOP looked at Daisy and shook his head 'they always fight,since they were like kids,you think they are dating?' 

Daisy fought a giggle 'I don't know, I find it really funny,' 

TOP chuckled 'you see how she tries to poke Danny on his chest, fierce, worse than you' 

'hey' Daisy pouted and countinued 'you're not worried?' 

'not really' 

'that weird, you're always worried about our daughter, you've been keeping her out from parties and late night hang outs and now you're ok?' Daisy seemed confused with her husband.

'I know Danny and I know how Tae and Lily brought him up, They will be fine' TOP pulled his wife infront of him and sniff her shoulder 'orange shampoo' he smiled.

'I don't know why they fight so much' daisy whispered 

'don't worry, we'll keep an eye on her and maybe we can talk to her about this fighting thing'

'knowing you, you'll keep both eyes open' daisy chuckled.  



haha, i feel breathless typing their fighting scene. hahaha

ain't TOP and Daisy the coolest parents ever :D HAHA

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bingubingoo #1
I will read this when I have time^^
Chapter 40: THE END! \ M / WAHHHH!
Hwoaa... I just love it.. hehhee..TOP and Taeyang as grandpa. So cute... kkkk....

Cute and handsome grandpa. But grandpa you're really spoiled Ari.... It'll become bad for Ari..

I love how you make it's connected from the first one. But one thing that I didn't really get it.

The reason that Haneul afraid of being with Danny. It wasn't strong enough i think. it need more real reason. Hehe..

It just all my though only. Don't be bother by it, coz I enjoy this fic so much.
hasyoo #4
I love how you connected all the stories. Quite clever :)
Ohh, TOP and Tae were cute grandpas!! ~ love the story! ^_^
Tae and TOP are adorable granpas:))<br />
wonderful story you got here
Oh no~ The end. T_T<br />
<br />
But Tae and TOP are such adorKable grandpas~ It'll be fun to read yet another sequel for this family.. I can imagine Ari growing up, driving cool cars and dancing like a penguin~ ROFL~<br />
<br />
Well there's more right.. Will be checking out your other fics.. (And am currently rereading Tae+Lily's story.. Again~ Geez~ I'm stuck on that one~)<br />
<br />
Thanks for a great read~ ^_^
Hey ;)<br />
i'm a silent reader but i love ur fic. ... until now :D:D<br />
i really liked this fic of yours, particularly because it´s your first fic with more than 30 chaps :)<br />
I really enjoyed reding it, but now I´m going to read your new fic with Junsu *-* Please update it quickly ;)<br />
Love :**
naw cute! i'm gunna go read the rest of your fics after exams! top and tae are so funny. but where are GD and daesung?? will i find out in your other fics?