ok girl

My Namja Is A Kingka

It was a dull week for Hanuel. She spend most of her time following her omma with her charity activities. When at home she disturbs her dad who is always busy doing something.Once or twice Hanuel went out with Joon and Junsu but it wasn't the same because all the time she unconsiously tries to find a fimiliar figure that she dearly miss. A tall handsome boy who somehow became so important to her but had so much fun in Australia he didn't even call or message.

That brat! but tonight he'll come and have dinner at her house.

Spraying a lavender based perfume she took a last look of herself.


covered with a white cardigan she touched her hair, fixing it although everything was in place. Hanuel walk down the stair and saw her father sitting on the sofa browsing the channels. Her dad was all ready in a light blue polo shirt and black jeans. 

'Hanuel' he sounded surprise 

'hmm' Hanuel sat next to her dad. 

'you look extra pretty tonight' her dad sounded wierd. Hanuel noticed how her dad eyes narrowed a bit and how his eyebrow arched slighly, his current pose, thinking. 

'thank you' Hanuel said innocently 'Where is Omma?' 

'she's getting ready, she'll be down in a few minutes, Hanuel I want to talk to you about something.' 


Her dad mute the television and turned to her slightly 'me and your omma have been talking about your future studies, have you decided what you wanted to study?'

Hanuel was caught off guard, she had things in mind but didn't know they would ask so fast 'not really sure pa' Hanuel said 'maybe law or biochemical enginerring but I have not really decided yet' 

'I see, you see Hanuel your Halmunee and Granpa Charles in America would love to have you there, omma and appa can always visit you there, is it ok with you?' 

Hanuel felt happy for a moment. She always wanted to study abroad but now the thoughts of Danny appeared, where would he countinue his studies? won't they be seperated? 

Hanuel nods 'anything pa' she wasn't the type to say no to her parents and this time its the same case. 

The bell door rang and her dad stood up 'must be your Uncle Tae' 

Hanuel felt her heart beat increase *Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny 

Her parents went to the front door and greeted Uncle Tae and Aunty Lily but Danny was nowhere to be seen. 

A moment of panic flashed trough Hanuel. 

'Where's Danny' Her dad asked. 

'He's in the car, adjusting the parking' 

Hanuel let go her breath and smiled sweetly at Uncle Tae and Aunty Lily 'Anyyeong Uncle, Aunty' 

'Owh Hanuel , you're getting prettier by day' Aunty Lily kissed her cheeks

'I'll wait for Danny here' Hanuel calmly said as she watched her parents and Danny's parents talk and walk to the dinning hall.  

Hanuel wring her hands and bit her bottom lip anticipating Danny. She saw a tall figure coming out from the hummer. He was in a black leather jacket and dark jeans. Hanuel felt like her heart flew looking at Danny. Wait he has a new haircut.His hair is no longer long but now more like joon and junsu's. 

Hanuel had to fight the urge to run to him and hug him infront of the house but lucky her, she follows logic. So she stood there acting calm, silently watching Danny as he walks slowly to the front door.

'Baby' he whispered near her ears. 

Hanuel redden and pinch him 'not here' 

Danny smiled and just looked at her. They were stuck like that for a while until a voice from the house called out 'Hanuel, Is danny there yet?' 

'errr.. yeah...yes..he's here' She suttured, an after effect. She felt like her brain neurons are all colliding. 


Eating together, not once Danny looked at her. He seemed so relax and composed unlike how she feels at the moment. She felt like her heart poured out. She wanted to ask Danny, why not once he call or send news. Why was he acting like there's nothing between them now. 

Hanuel pouted a little, sad with danny's lack of attention to her, when she had waited for him like a good girlfriend should. 

'We are sending Danny to Australia for his futher studies soon' Aunty Lily said

Hanuel lifted her head a little, speechless. 

She looked at Danny across the table as he just smiled at her dad, not once looking at her. 

'That's good, while Hanuel, we're thinking America, as her Halmunee is there' 

their parents continued the conversation like the enrollment and what not. Seems that Danny's trip to Australia was to check out the university. Aunty Lily's baby company is also there so danny could study and work a little. It was a good solid plan for him. For him but not for her. 

Hanuel kept quite and avoided to look at Danny. She couldn't. 

She didn't want to cry. That would have made her look dumb. After the meal their parents went to the living room for a chat while Hanuel stayed in the kitchen washing dishes. 

Honestly she felt numb. They are too young. what was she thinking anyway. They are not even official. 

'baby' danny stood next to her. 'sorry, I didn't know about the uni thing until I was in Australia' 

If there was one thing Hanuel could save now, its her pride 'It's ok Oppa, it would be good for you' 

Danny started to wipe the plates dry and staking them nicely 'I missed you' 

Hanuel closed her eyes, fighthing the urge to punch his face 'you should have called' 

'didn;t know how to call without telling you about the enrollment thing, I'm sorry baby'

'It's ok Danny, we aren't real right, It dosen;t matter' lies lies lies!! Hanuel wanted to scream. 

Danny was silent for a moment 'yah, you're right, and you, to America?' 

Hanuel nods, proud that she managed to scrape a few pieces of her so called pride 

'yes, I can't wait' she hated how she fakely sounded excited.

Danny turned to her and watches her intensly but Hanuel ignored and countinued washing. 

'what is this Hanuel?'

'what?' Hanuel pretended to not understand

'What are you trying to do?' Danny stares at her rabbit necklace

'let's end this' 

'end what?' 

'end this fake relationship, let's breakup' 



O.....O I told you there would be drama :0

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bingubingoo #1
I will read this when I have time^^
Chapter 40: THE END! \ M / WAHHHH!
Hwoaa... I just love it.. hehhee..TOP and Taeyang as grandpa. So cute... kkkk....

Cute and handsome grandpa. But grandpa you're really spoiled Ari.... It'll become bad for Ari..

I love how you make it's connected from the first one. But one thing that I didn't really get it.

The reason that Haneul afraid of being with Danny. It wasn't strong enough i think. it need more real reason. Hehe..

It just all my though only. Don't be bother by it, coz I enjoy this fic so much.
hasyoo #4
I love how you connected all the stories. Quite clever :)
Ohh, TOP and Tae were cute grandpas!! ~ love the story! ^_^
Tae and TOP are adorable granpas:))<br />
wonderful story you got here
Oh no~ The end. T_T<br />
<br />
But Tae and TOP are such adorKable grandpas~ It'll be fun to read yet another sequel for this family.. I can imagine Ari growing up, driving cool cars and dancing like a penguin~ ROFL~<br />
<br />
Well there's more right.. Will be checking out your other fics.. (And am currently rereading Tae+Lily's story.. Again~ Geez~ I'm stuck on that one~)<br />
<br />
Thanks for a great read~ ^_^
Hey ;)<br />
i'm a silent reader but i love ur fic. ... until now :D:D<br />
i really liked this fic of yours, particularly because it´s your first fic with more than 30 chaps :)<br />
I really enjoyed reding it, but now I´m going to read your new fic with Junsu *-* Please update it quickly ;)<br />
Love :**
naw cute! i'm gunna go read the rest of your fics after exams! top and tae are so funny. but where are GD and daesung?? will i find out in your other fics?