to love

My Namja Is A Kingka

made a few mistakes at the joon junsu part. now its clearer :)

11 days later


 ‘By I’m so tired, go awayyyy’ Hanuel closed her heavy eyes and pushed Danny’s wandering hand away. She just got back from work and laid down straight on the sofa. Not caring that she was still in her working attire.

Danny pouted and sat next to her ‘baby, I’m hungry, lets go out for dinner’

Hanuel was so tired she only could manage to shake her head and said a few word ‘I’ll cook baby, give me 30mins’

Danny started to lie down next to her, his face the same level with her ‘baby ah, you’re so tired, come come let’s go out baby’ he started to nibble her fingers.

‘dannyyyy’ Hanuel ignored him.

Danny smiled and his erted mind started to wander. He pulled her closer and started working on his magic.

Hanuel ignored him but when his hands were sneaking under her blouse she seriously said ‘by, I’m having my period’

Danny had a deadpan face ‘you’re lying, you were fine this morning’

‘fine don’t believe me,ert huband’ Hanuel whispered and cacoon herself away from Danny.

Danny sighed and stood up ‘I’ll order takeouts’


Aish she’s sleeping already, Danny took out his handphone and smiled looking at his sleeping wife.


Danny sat on his office table reading some paper works while he eye Hanuel on the bed lying on her stomach reading a novel.

After her little nap she got all hyper eating take outs and now rolling around the bed. Aish his wife is still like a kid. She smiled looking at the book and her hand touched her slightly wet hair. Danny felt content and continued with his work.

Luckily tomorrow is Sunday.less stress day.

Hanuel felt like she was in a different world. Historical romance are so awesome, it you into an old romantic filled adventure.

Entering a sad scene Hanuel felt so sad for the heroine as the hero chased her away althought they love each other.

Aish babo guy! Hanuel thought. Oh come on…

Hanuel felt her heart ache and silent tears fell. Sniffing, she buried her face on the book and thought about the story. So into the moment that she did not realize Danny was silently watching her.

‘baby, you ok? What happen?’ He came to her.

Hanuel who was lying on her stomach rolled and looked at him ‘sad story’ she pouted.

‘aish, I thought its something serious’ Danny shook his head ready to get back to his paperwork but hanuel grabbed his wrist

‘danny, are you done with work?’ she whispered. 

Danny looked at the work and back to her smoky misty eyes ‘a little bit more but I can do them tomorrow,why?’

She giggled and said ‘I’m not having my period, I lied’


‘If not you won't let me sleep!’ 


the twins, New York


Joon looked at his brother seriously. the air thick with unsaid tension. 

'Junsu ah, you don't need to do this, even appa don't want you too'  

Junsu had his head down, his shoulder stiffed but a the same time lack of the authority he always have. 

Junsu sighed 'Joon ah, I don't believe in love, let it be, I'll marry her' 

Joon shook his head 'Junsu, appa said he'll help Uncle's company, you know why Uncle wants you to marry her daughter right? its so that she'll have a good life, Junsu, the one for you will come' 

'I made my decision Joon' 

Joon sighed but not willing to give up 'look at hyung and noona and me and penny, eventhough it took me so many years to confess to my own best friend but I did, Junsu don't do this to yourself, just not lose your faith in love'

'Joon, there's no difference, I'm broken, I don't think I can love anyone'

'Junsu she has a history, I know the company will earn so much with the nuptial but appa do not give a fig about it Junsu. Omma would be sad if she knows, they don't plan for you to know this'

'I know' Junsu whispered.

Joon felt defeated 'Junsu don't marry her'

'its another 3 years Joon, lets not think about it now'  Joon finalised the aggrement with his signature on the piece of paper.





yes, another fanfic. about Junsu <3

July later <3 

tell me what u think about it :)

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bingubingoo #1
I will read this when I have time^^
Chapter 40: THE END! \ M / WAHHHH!
Hwoaa... I just love it.. hehhee..TOP and Taeyang as grandpa. So cute... kkkk....

Cute and handsome grandpa. But grandpa you're really spoiled Ari.... It'll become bad for Ari..

I love how you make it's connected from the first one. But one thing that I didn't really get it.

The reason that Haneul afraid of being with Danny. It wasn't strong enough i think. it need more real reason. Hehe..

It just all my though only. Don't be bother by it, coz I enjoy this fic so much.
hasyoo #4
I love how you connected all the stories. Quite clever :)
Ohh, TOP and Tae were cute grandpas!! ~ love the story! ^_^
Tae and TOP are adorable granpas:))<br />
wonderful story you got here
Oh no~ The end. T_T<br />
<br />
But Tae and TOP are such adorKable grandpas~ It'll be fun to read yet another sequel for this family.. I can imagine Ari growing up, driving cool cars and dancing like a penguin~ ROFL~<br />
<br />
Well there's more right.. Will be checking out your other fics.. (And am currently rereading Tae+Lily's story.. Again~ Geez~ I'm stuck on that one~)<br />
<br />
Thanks for a great read~ ^_^
Hey ;)<br />
i'm a silent reader but i love ur fic. ... until now :D:D<br />
i really liked this fic of yours, particularly because it´s your first fic with more than 30 chaps :)<br />
I really enjoyed reding it, but now I´m going to read your new fic with Junsu *-* Please update it quickly ;)<br />
Love :**
naw cute! i'm gunna go read the rest of your fics after exams! top and tae are so funny. but where are GD and daesung?? will i find out in your other fics?