
My Namja Is A Kingka

The man turned and looked at her...suprised. 

He frown a bit trying to prosses what was infront of him, his sight flowing from her head to her black court shoes 'Hanuel?' 

Hanuel gulped trying to act really professional and calm. what the heck? how is she suppose to do that with danny infront of her looking dashing. damn him! damn him! 

Hanuel bowed properly 'Anyyeong Mr. Danny, good to meet you' 

Danny just looked at her, speechless it seems. 

'Jane, you can leave us, no need for tea. Try not to disturb me except for emergencies' Danny said to his secretary and she walked out.

Hanuel took the time to recompose herself. Ok Hanuel you know this day will come and you have practice it again and again. just relax and act good. relax.relax. 

At the click of the door, Hanuel looked at Danny and smiled politely or more so fakely. 

Danny arched his eyebrow a bit, walked to his table and sat on his plush leather office chair. 

'sit down Hanuel, so you're our lawyer now?' 

Hanuel nods and sat slowly on the chair infront of him. 

'yes it seems, shall we get down to the details, I don't want to take much of your time' 

Danny smirked 'so we want to play i-don't-really-know-you game?' 

'I am not playing any sort of game' Hanuel looked at him straight already annoyed. good, if Danny is capable of doing anything, it is to make her angry. He still have that ability.

'hmm' Danny ignored her and taps his pen on the table producing a tapping sound that occupy the tension filled room. 

'ok, talk, I have an hour max before my next appointment' Danny finally said. 


Danny sat back in a relax pose and explained.

'good, you'll just contact my secretary Jane if you need anything and the report? pass it to me next week. Jane will give you the details.' 

Hanuel nods. relieve that the first meeting is over, 'it should be fine' It was so hard to concentrate at the paper work or to concentrate to what he was saying as her eyes just wanted to see his face. She hates the fact that he was more handsome than before. 

Well, its been 4years and 5months, Not that she is counting. yer right. 

Its been a long time she have not thought of him. She actually plan to...

'ehem ehem' Danny looked at her who was deep in her thoughts, lost in her own world. 

'owh, sorry' Hanuel suttured a bit. great Hanuel, now you look psycho 'I better get going, thank you Mr.Danny'

Hanuel stood up and said her farewell, not once looking straight at him. Dashing for her exit she closed the door hastely. His secretary was a bit startled but Hanuel said sorry and walked as calmy and as fast as she could for the main door.   


Danny looked at the closed door and stared at it for a long time. Hanuel is still Hanuel, Miss smarty pants.  

She no longer look like a school girl. ok what did he expect, it has been so long. she look a bit different from before. Her hair is now long although still straight and black, she now wear little make up that enchances her eyes and lips, she lost her childish vibe in that attire, a beige blazer that enhance her shape. and yes Hanuel is no longer skinny but now slim. she changed. far more attractive than before. damn. 

like a walking siren she is

A sudden memory of their little love affair made danny blush. Its so weird to be face to face again with his tennage infatuation. gosh he used to really like her and she used to turn his emotions upside down. They had so much fun before if you minus the bickering and fighting. 

Danny push those thoughts away. 

he should be happy today after receiving a green light for his presentation. 

Pressing the intercome Danny sat back 'Jane, I don't have anything after this right?, I'm going back early' 

He's going to celebrate with the twins.


Hanuel stared at the mirror and applied her mascara. 

She can't forget her meeting with Danny today. argh. this is so frustrating. Desperate for distraction Hanuel called the twins and invited them for a small dinner hangout. They are back for two weeks from new York. Currently studying in Uncle Jay's and Aunty Maddy's ex-University the boys frequently fly back to Korea. reason: they miss their mom. 

Those mommy boys. 

Hanuel breathe is slowly and tried to relax. She better find a boyfriend if she don't want to look pathetic. 

4 years and 5months were so long. Its not that she avoided him but their summer break was always different and when she graduated, yes that is when she started to avoid him. It can be easily said that the ego got the best of her. 

But that did not stop her from getting tidbits of information from the twins. argh, stalker much. 

ok, forget Danny and lets go out. 

The house was quite as her parents are dinning out. Hanuel walked down the stairs her spirit better. She have a feeling tonight will be a good night. 


Joon stared at junsu nervously and whispered 'Junsu think this would work?' 

Junsu who sat on the cozy couch across him forced his attention from his phone ;ofcourse, I read this in one of Omma's best seller novel, the heroin drugged the hero and cheat him into believing they slept together, now chill, you got the drugs' 

Joon nods 'Hyung is going to kill us if he knows'

'they irritate me, both so stubborn, why don't just say they still llike each other, I don;t get it' Junsu sigh. 

Joon snickered 'yah from a girlfriendless boy, you sure know what to say; 

'yah! dosen;t mean you have Penny now you can make fun of me, Joon Joon, did you bring the camera'

Joon nods excited. His phone vibrated 'Junsu ah, noona misscalled, now put the thing in their wines' 


Hanuel sat doen in the cozy dinning area sipping wine talking and joking with the boys. 

'hmmm..since when you boys are intrested in wine?' Hanuel asked. She felt so much better after talking to the boys. She miss them so much. She miss their school life. Lunch time sitting with them and..Dann..ok. don't think about him. 

Joon smiled innocently and for a moment Hanuel suspected something fishy. the boys are always full of tricks. 

'its to celebrate hyung's achivement, he's coming soon, you know noona he got a big big project now in hand' Joon sound proud of his hyung. 

'what, you invited your hyung, jooni, junsi?!' Hanuel nearly yelled. this boys! 

Junsu shrugged pretending not to understand 'why noona, its ok right, I mean you both forgotten about the pass right, I mean that was like a longggggg time ago' 

Hanuel was quiet and blushed. she should have not showed so much emotion. yes, that was a longggg time ago,right?. 

'ooo, there's hyung, woah so handsome' Joon acted like a fangirl and Hanuel giggled. 


They sat there talking, Hanuel tried to cover her awkwardness. Sitting like that, she remembered their school days and how Danny will take her hand below the table just to touch them. 

A blush appeared and she just listen to the boys. 

Danny was surprised to see her but then act indifferent,like always. When she was his so called fake girlfriend he used to be like that so what does she expect now. 

Sipping the wine, Hanuel started to feel light headed, did she take too much wine?

whatever. this is a good feeling. like a bubbly feeling that distract her from Danny. His voice is too piercing, too soothing. She feel like she wants to smash his head. yes, that violent


Danny noticed that she was quiet. She must feel as awkward as him. Sipping the wine Danny focused at their conversation. The twins seem to be hyper active, talking about New York and their studies. 

Danny started to feel light and happy. Thats a bit wierd. 

He tried not to think of the girl next to him but his sight keeps on going to her small hand clutching the glass's stem. 

such pretty fingers. errrrr..hmmmm, maybe he did drink too much wine. 


Joon and Junsu looked at their unconscius noona and hyung laying down on the hotel bed. 

'yah, joon, what now?' 

'well, according to the book the heroine open his clothes, so it looks real' 

'yah, I'm not going to undress noona, you crazy?' Junsu retorted. 

'ok, lets undress hyung first' Joon went to Danny and started to his clothes. 

'this is crazy' Junsu chuckled lowly and helped Joon 'woah, hyung got such awesome abs, we should ask how he get this' 

'Junsu, not the time for this' Joon threw Danny's shirt on the sofa. 

Unbuckling Danny's jeans Junsu closed his eyes 'Oh goodness, I just think this is so wrong' 

'I really hope this work or not we are dead meat, Junsu close hyung with the blanket, ok ok take out the boxers' 

'aishhhh, I'm never going to this again' 

Now they both looked at their noona. 

'you do it' Junsu said. 

'penny will kill me if she knows' Joon whispered. 

'I have and idea, now Joon close noona with the blanket so we cant see her' 

Joon followed his brother's order. 

'ok ok, we try to take out the blouse, close your eyes'

'babo, Im closing it, ok ok got the blouse, now the skirt, make sure the blanket cover noona' 

'ok ok we cant see anything, now close your eyes' 

'babo, I am!'

'shhh babo, we don't want to wake them up' 

'ok done, great' 

Joon and Junsu now stood at the front of the bed. 

'ok this look real enough Joon, your camera' 

Joon took a pink polaroid camera and Junsu was speechless. 

'what? its penny's, she left it in my car' Joon shrugged innocently

'oh goodness Joon, a polaroid, ok whatever we don;t have time,wait I'll adjust them' Junsu went to them and push Hanuel closer to Danny, placing her arms over his bare waist

'ok,ok I'm snapping, just a shot ok, Penny says that the film is expensive' 

'you're pathetic Joon' Junsu whispered. 

'ok got it, lets go' 

Joon and Junsu off the lights and slowly closed the door. 

'Junsu, whats the ending of Omma's novel?' 

They walk along the corridor relaxed as their main task is done

'errrr, I didn't reach the ending'

'yah babo!' 


Hanuel felt like her head was heavy as she opens her eyes slowly. 




gah!! crazy boys! hehehe

lol its 3am :( I was typing the thing and accidenltly deleted it. so had to type it all over again,ohewwwwww 

I'll go to sleep okeh?! hope u love the update. I'm sorry if there;s a lot of mistakes. will edit it tomorrow ok. thank you for understanding 

love u readers and I'm loving the twins 

ah and yes the book Joon was talking about is their Omma's (Maddy;s)- [Maddy wrote the novel base on Lily and Tae's love story] ehehehe

and penny. yup she's the cheerleader from chap 9 :D 


I love u!!! <3 

cant wait to read what you guys think,how would Hanuel and Danny react? hehehe

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bingubingoo #1
I will read this when I have time^^
Chapter 40: THE END! \ M / WAHHHH!
Hwoaa... I just love it.. hehhee..TOP and Taeyang as grandpa. So cute... kkkk....

Cute and handsome grandpa. But grandpa you're really spoiled Ari.... It'll become bad for Ari..

I love how you make it's connected from the first one. But one thing that I didn't really get it.

The reason that Haneul afraid of being with Danny. It wasn't strong enough i think. it need more real reason. Hehe..

It just all my though only. Don't be bother by it, coz I enjoy this fic so much.
hasyoo #4
I love how you connected all the stories. Quite clever :)
Ohh, TOP and Tae were cute grandpas!! ~ love the story! ^_^
Tae and TOP are adorable granpas:))<br />
wonderful story you got here
Oh no~ The end. T_T<br />
<br />
But Tae and TOP are such adorKable grandpas~ It'll be fun to read yet another sequel for this family.. I can imagine Ari growing up, driving cool cars and dancing like a penguin~ ROFL~<br />
<br />
Well there's more right.. Will be checking out your other fics.. (And am currently rereading Tae+Lily's story.. Again~ Geez~ I'm stuck on that one~)<br />
<br />
Thanks for a great read~ ^_^
Hey ;)<br />
i'm a silent reader but i love ur fic. ... until now :D:D<br />
i really liked this fic of yours, particularly because it´s your first fic with more than 30 chaps :)<br />
I really enjoyed reding it, but now I´m going to read your new fic with Junsu *-* Please update it quickly ;)<br />
Love :**
naw cute! i'm gunna go read the rest of your fics after exams! top and tae are so funny. but where are GD and daesung?? will i find out in your other fics?