love story

My Namja Is A Kingka

On the large leather sofa, Hanuel who was laying down on her stomach, watches her mom work.. papers were scattered around her office table.,Tapping sound filled her parent's bedroom. 


'yes?' Her mom stopped typing and looked at her as she could sense Hanuel was going to ask something important.

'can I ask you something?' Hanuel traced an invisible love on the white sofa.

'ofcourse love, ask away' Daisy looked at her daughter who was clad in her light blue pajamas. Her baby girl have grown so fast Daisy felt her heart constrict.

'yesterday in the cafeteria joon and junsu told me how their parents met'  

'ah, they went to New York for a few days right'  

'yup' Hanuel nodded and countinued 'so Joon and Junsu were telling how they met in New York and got separated and then met again in Korea' 

Daisy smiled reminded by those moments and a flashback Daisy's wedding sends butterflies to her stomach, it was the day she met TOP again. Daisy was quite in her own world reminiscing old memories that seems not that long ago. Oh Goodness she sounded old but luckily Hanuel's voice brought her back 

'omma, omma, why are you smilling?' hanuel whined. 

'nothing love, just reminded by those times when your Aunty Maddy and I were younger' 

'ooo' Hanuel smiled 'but you see omma, it got me wondering, how did you and appa met? you never told me' Hanuel looked at her excited. 

Daisy felt like she chocked something. She knew one day this day would come. hanuel asking about their past but she can't tell her that her mom and dad were..friends with benefits before they actually fell in love. Daisy gulped and look at her daughter. 

'let's wait for your dad , he'll be here soon' 

Hanuel nods 'yeay, umma, did you fall in love at first sight?' 

Daisy smiled and chuckled 'It was..'

TOP took that moment to enter the room with a glass of water in hand. Daisy smiled looking at her husband clad in a white polo shirt and jeans. 

'hi loves' TOP kissed Daisy cheeks and looked at her laptop while sipping his water. 

Hanuel sat down excitedly 'Appa ah, I was just asking Omma to tell me how you both met, tell me tell me' 

TOP coughed in suprise resulting him spraying some water from his mouth 

Daisy laughed understanding his reaction. TOP looked at Daisy chuckling. Hanuel sat there impatient. 'umma ahhhhhhh' 

TOP lifted Daisy from her seat, sat down and let daisy sit on his lap. Hanuel just pouted looking at her parents. seriously like kids, Hanuel thought. 

TOP curled his arms around Daisy's waist. 

'well, we were...ermmm close friends when we met' 

Hanuel listen intensly. 

Daisy chuckled 'very close friends actually' 

TOP poked Daisy's waist and Daisy jumped in suprise. 

'appaaa ahahh' Hanuel getting impatient wanting to listen to her parent's own love story

'ok,ok so we were close friends and then your mom decided to go to America for a while, well we weren't really dating that time so I can't really stop her' 

Hanuel smiled playing with her hair 'why did omma go to America' 

'To visit your grandma and settle some things' Daisy explain 

'ahhh, then how did you fall in love'

TOP chuckled 'well, somehow after knowing your mom I think I was in love with her even before she went to America, I was just busy to realize' 

Daisy looked at TOP and kissed his cheeks while Hanuel closed her eyes 'Omma, no PDA ok'

They both just laughed. 

'ehm, where did you first met?' 

TOP and Daisy was quite. How were they going to explain this. 

TOP cleared his troath 'at a party of a friend's' 

Hanuel nods in understanding 'so you both were friends then omma goes to america and when she came back you both fell in love?' 

TOP and Daisy nod. 

'so cute' hanuel giggled and then yawned 

'I'm sleepy I think I better sleep first' 

'go on' TOP said. 

'nights omma, appa' Hanuel kissed her parents cheeks 

'love you' she whispered

As soon as the door closed Daisy pinched TOP 'TOP!' 

'well we can't tell her that we were sleeping with each other, could we' 

Daisy sighed and layed her head on his chest 

'it was so long time ago, hanuel is all grown up' 

TOP took her hand and kissed them 

'and I'm more in love with you than yesterday' 

Daisy slapped his lap. 

'What?' TOP looked suprised 

'That's one of your lyrics from your song' Daisy pouted 

'ofcourse but I made it for you remember? ok ok stop this nonsense, let's go sleep' 

TOP carried Daisy and walked to their bed.


Hanuel layed down her head on the pillow and sigh 

'I wish I can find love like omma's and appa's' she whispered. 


so they say becareful with what you wish for

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bingubingoo #1
I will read this when I have time^^
Chapter 40: THE END! \ M / WAHHHH!
Hwoaa... I just love it.. hehhee..TOP and Taeyang as grandpa. So cute... kkkk....

Cute and handsome grandpa. But grandpa you're really spoiled Ari.... It'll become bad for Ari..

I love how you make it's connected from the first one. But one thing that I didn't really get it.

The reason that Haneul afraid of being with Danny. It wasn't strong enough i think. it need more real reason. Hehe..

It just all my though only. Don't be bother by it, coz I enjoy this fic so much.
hasyoo #4
I love how you connected all the stories. Quite clever :)
Ohh, TOP and Tae were cute grandpas!! ~ love the story! ^_^
Tae and TOP are adorable granpas:))<br />
wonderful story you got here
Oh no~ The end. T_T<br />
<br />
But Tae and TOP are such adorKable grandpas~ It'll be fun to read yet another sequel for this family.. I can imagine Ari growing up, driving cool cars and dancing like a penguin~ ROFL~<br />
<br />
Well there's more right.. Will be checking out your other fics.. (And am currently rereading Tae+Lily's story.. Again~ Geez~ I'm stuck on that one~)<br />
<br />
Thanks for a great read~ ^_^
Hey ;)<br />
i'm a silent reader but i love ur fic. ... until now :D:D<br />
i really liked this fic of yours, particularly because it´s your first fic with more than 30 chaps :)<br />
I really enjoyed reding it, but now I´m going to read your new fic with Junsu *-* Please update it quickly ;)<br />
Love :**
naw cute! i'm gunna go read the rest of your fics after exams! top and tae are so funny. but where are GD and daesung?? will i find out in your other fics?