The night was different this time, Seohyun noticed. There must be something in the air that made it feel cold and warm at the same time. It was very calm and silent and there were surprisingly sparks everywhere.

She looked at the people they passed through, but nothing else mattered. Everything seemed to move slower than usual and he looked at the man walking beside him and she thought;

“How does being with this man, made everything seem so perfect and yet complicated at the same time. What kind of feeling is this? It’s simply overwhelming.” Seohyun thought silently with herself.

When Yong and Seohyun reached their building, they both went to Seohyun’s apartment first.

They stopped at the door and Yong waited for Seohyun to open her door. Once she opened it, Seohyun looked back at Yong and suddenly there was an awkward atmosphere between them.

It seems like they both did not want to separate from each other yet. They both looked at each other and they did not know what to say.

“You better get in. I’ll see you tomorrow. I mean on Monday or. .”

 “You’re performing tomorrow right?” Seohyun asked hopefully.


“Can I go watch?” Seohyun asked.

“Sure. I mean if it’s not a bother for you.” Yong replied awkwardly.

“Great! I’ll bring Hyoyeon and Sooyoung too.” Yonghwa’s expression became guarded when he heard Sooyoung’s name.

“Tomorrow’s broadcast is going to be live. People would talk once they’ll see Sooyoung watching me perform. They would definitely get the wrong idea.” Yonghwa thought, and then Seohyun interrupted his thoughts and said with a smile,

“You better go. You need to rest for tomorrow.” Yonghwa looked at her and felt something unusual inside him.

He’s never felt like this before. Looking at Seohyun’s innocent face, her big eyes that could express the depth of her soul and her smile that shows how pure she is, made Yong felt guilty.

Seohyun was someone she just met but it made him wonder why as early as now, he already wanted to protect her from everything, even from himself and the danger he might cause her. He doesn’t want to take that smile on her face. Her happiness matters a lot to him.

“You get in first, and then I’ll go ahead.” He said with a slight smile on his face.

Though everything was new to him too, Yong tries his best to show his feelings for Seohyun, even through small gestures.

Seohyun smiled and bowed to him. He waited for her to close the door and he started to walk to his room too.

IT WAS ALMOST NOON when Seohyun and Hyoyeon met; since they have planned to go on a shopping spree today.  

Seohyun was specially more excited than the others since this is her first time to go shopping and hang out with friends. The night from yesterday made her extra lively today.

Hyoyeon and Seohyun sat on a bench as they waited for Sooyoung.

“Hyun, are you excited?” Hyoyeon asked Seohyun, noticing how giddy she was today.

“Yeah.” Seohyun simply answered.

“So how was your walk with Yong yesterday?” Hyoyeon asked, knowing that the events that occurred yesterday may have been the reason why she’s extra giddy today.

“It was . .” Seohyun started and blushed.

“Oh Hyo! I never knew it feels this great! I don’t even understand myself. I even think it’s wrong to feel this happy.” Seohyun tried to explain what her feelings for Yong are.

“Why? What happened yesterday?” Hyoyeon asked, thinking that Yonghwa may have tried something ungentlemanly again, like kissing her.

“Nothing really happened but I don’t understand why I feel so alive! He told me that Shin-Hye was just a close friend to him. I also asked him if I could go watch his performance today with you and Sooyoung.”

“He said yes?” Hyoyeon asked, bewildered. Seohyun simply nodded.

Just then, Sooyoung came running to them. It was evident on her face that something bad happened.

Hyoyeon and Seohyun stood up with worried look on their faces as Sooyoung approached them.

Sooyoung directly went to Hyoyeon and said,

“Hyo, I- I can’t go. Something happened. I don’t understand, I -“ Sooyoung burst out of tears.

“Sooyoung, what’s wrong. What happened? Please tell us.” Hyoyeon hugged her.

Seohyun did not know what to do. She went to Sooyoung and comforted her as well. Sooyoung faced her and said,

“Hyun, I’m sorry. I can’t go shopping today.”

“No. No. Shopping is not important Sooyoung. Please stop crying. Please tell us what’s wrong and how we can help you?” Sooyoung did not answer but instead kept on crying.

After a few minutes, when Sooyoung has finally calmed down, she stood up and said;

“I’m sorry if I won’t be able to go with you guys. I need to go somewhere.” She looked at Hyoyeon and said,

“Hyo, can you go with Seohyun instead?”

“Are you sure you’re okay Sooyoung? Where do you need to go? We can go with you.” Sooyoung looked at Hyoyeon and insisted that she stay with Seohyun.

And like how true friends are, Hyoyeon got Sooyoung’s message.

She thought that Sooyoung’s very sudden situation was related to her dad.

“I hope nothing bad happened.” She thought.

“Okay Sooyoung, I understand. Please be careful and if anything happens, please call me.” And with that, Sooyoung left Hyoyeon and Seohyun.

“I don’t feel good going out without Sooyoung.” Seohyun told Hyoyeon with a sad face.

“I know Hyun, but don’t worry. Sooyoung asked me to look after you today, and I would.” Hyoyeon said.

“What do you want us to do? Shall we look for something you could wear later during Yong’s performance?” Both of them started to look at outfits that they could buy, but they did not have any energy to look at it.

They couldn’t seem to shake the feeling off from worrying about Sooyoung.

“I hope everything’s fine. I hope it wouldn’t be the same as what happened two years ago. But why do I have the same feeling that I had during that time.” Hyoyeon thought.


“Hyo where are you?” Hyoyeon heard Doojoon’s voice on the phone.His voice sounded really urgent. Hyoyeon stood straight from her bed feeling nervous all of a sudden. She controlled herself and said.

“I’m at home. Why?”

“Is Sooyoung with you?” He asked.

“No. Sooyoung’s taping Mr. and Miss Shibuya right now. She’s in the studio with Yonghwa. Why what’s wrong?”

“Yong texted me something.” Doojoon said, his voice sounded chilly on the other line.

“If he’s in a fight, I’m pretty sure he can take care of himself Babe. If he wants us to help him, tell him I only fight my own fights. I don’t include myself with someone else’s fight.” Seohyun answered stubbornly.

“He texted me that if something bad happened to him, I should not try to find out the truth about it. I might just end up getting hurt. And if ever he dies, he will try his best to protect Sooyoung.”

“WHAT?!” Hyoyoen shouted, now standing and walking around her room nervously.

“What did he meant by trying to protect Sooyoung? Has he lost his mind?? Where are they right now? And what kind of person has Yonghwa crossed this time? Why would he have to include Sooyoung in all this! Where are they??”

“They’re not at the studio. They should have aired 15 minutes ago. They were supposed to have a live telecast of Mr. and Miss Shibuya, but since they weren’t there, the media is in an uproar about their whereabouts. The news said that the two of them went on a private date or getaway or something. But I think it’s more than that Hyo. I’m really worried.” Doojoon said.

“Do you know anyone who might know where they are?” Hyoyeon asked while she suddenly had goose bumps all over her body.

“I already called one of Yong’s closest friend, but she said Yong won’t answer his phone.”

“What should we do Babe? If something bad happens to Seohyun, I’ll kill Yonghwa myself!” Hyoyeon shouted on the phone, her eyes started to water.

“I know you’re worried. But Yonghwa isn’t the type who’ll put Sooyoung’s life in danger. If he’s in trouble, he doesn’t even tell me in order to protect me. Something’s really weird here. I think we should go find them.”

“Okay. Let’s meet at . ..”

“Hyo! Hyo? Are you okay?” Seohyun asked Hyoyeon who stood icily in one of the store. Hyoyeon quickly went back to the present and said,

“Huh? Hyun? Uh, I’m fine. I just remembered something.”

“Oh? What is it about? Is everything fine? You’re acting really weird too.” Seohyun asked, concern’s evident in her voice.

“I’m fine. Have you chosen something to wear?” She asked Seohyun to distract her.

“I’m not in the mood to look for outfits right now. I keep on thinking about Sooyoung. I wanted to go with her, but it seems like its best if I didn’t.” Seohyun contemplated and said,

“Should we just go home? I think you’re not feeling well too, right?” Seohyun looked at Hyoyeon.

“What about Yong’s performance today?” Hyoyeon asked. Seohyun fell silent. Hyoyeon knows that Seohyun would really want to see Yong perform and so she said,

“Let’s just go watch then let’s go home after, okay?” Seohyun smiled and nodded.


“Have you seen Yong around?” Seohyun asked Hyoyeon. They were seated right in front of the stage where Yong was supposed to perform.

“No, I haven’t seen him. When is he supposed to perform?” Hyoyeon asked, looking around.

“He was going to perform first, in between the program. But I haven’t even seen him. The program’s going to end anytime now.” Seohyun replied, looking worried.

The program ended with the host apologizing to Yonghwa’s fans for his absence.

Hyoyeon looked at Seohyun who looked really disappointed and sad for not being able to see Yonghwa perform. Seohyun let out a huge sigh and said,

“Everything’s just the exact opposite of yesterday. Is this normal Hyo?” she asked looking at Hyoyeon with sad eyes.

“I mean, I thought yesterday that it felt wrong to be too happy, maybe this is the reason why I felt that way.” Hyoyeon went to hug Seohyun and said.

“No. Don’t think of it that way. Everyone deserves to be happy Hyun. And today; today’s just not our day.”

“I just wanted to be there for Sooyoung but it seemed like I’m not in the position to be, especially when she went straight to you awhile ago. And now that I came here for Yong, he’s not even here. I know I don’t have the right to know where he is, but I just thought that maybe he would actually tell me.  I mean he knew I would be here. Maybe I just expected too much. Expecting is one way of hurting yourself right?” She looked at Hyoyeon with questioning eyes.

Hyoyeon did not know how to answer her and so she simply hugged her.

“I want to let you know everything Hyun but I don’t even know where to start or should I even tell you the truth. I want to tell you why Sooyoung can’t tell you where she is right now. I want to tell you that maybe Yonghwa’s not here is because he’s with Sooyoung. And I want to tell you that. . .no, I can’t tell you any if this. It’s for the best. I also want to be there for Sooyoung, but right now, only Yonghwa can be there for her. I’m not a good friend am I?” Hyoyeon thought to herself, looking at Seohyun.

Once they went out of the studio, the two decided on what to do next.

“Let’s take you home Hyun. It’s getting pretty dark already.” Hyoyeon told Seohyun.

“Hey, I know you’re worried about Sooyoung and sad about Yonghwa, but don’t worry. Everything will be alright tomorrow.” She continued to comfort Seohyun.

“Hyo, you must be also tired right? You’re always trying to take care of us. You’re like an elder sister who always looks after her younger sisters. Thank you.” Seohyun looked at her and tried to smile.

“I think you should go home now. You still have to ride a cab if you take me home. We can just walk separate from here. I’ll be fine. Besides, I already know the way to my apartment.”

“Are you sure?” Hyoyeon was hesitant at first.

 “Yeah.” But Seohyun reassured her.

”Okay. But if you got lost or anything happens, call me ASAP. Okay?” Seohyun hugged Hyoyeon and they walked different ways.

As Seohyun neared their building she saw Yonghwa walking outside.

“Is that Yonghwa?” She thought to herself. She walked quickly towards him but just when she was still out of sight from Yonghwa, she also saw Sooyoung following him.

“Soo - Sooyoung?” She thought, her eyes wide with surprise. She hid behind a tree and watched Sooyoung and Yonghwa talking.

“What? What is going on?” Seohyun tried to understand this messed up situation.

“Why is Sooyoung with Yonghwa? She didn’t want to go with us and now, she’s with Yong?” Seohyun tried to remember all the instances that Yong and Sooyoung were together with them.

“It felt like something was up between them. But I – I thought it was just about Mr. and Miss Shibuya. Sooyoung told me there was nothing between them now.” Seohyun looked back to where Yong and Sooyoung were standing. Sooyoung was still crying, her head on Yong’s shoulder.

Seohyun did not understand why, but tears started running through her eyes. Seeing her bestfriend cry on Yong’s shoulder like that, and the fact that she won’t even tell Seohyun what really happened was just painful. She felt betrayed and hurt.

“I thought his music was most important for him?” Seohyun thought about Yong.

“He did not even go to work just to practice for his performance and now, he did not go to his performance because of Sooyoung?” Seohyun covered to keep her sobs to herself.

She looked at Yong and Sooyoung again and saw that they were both hugging each other, then Sooyoung got inside a cab.

Yong waited for the cab to be out of sight before he went inside their building.

Seohyun fell on the ground, unable to control her overflowing tears and sobs. After a few minutes, she quickly ran to her apartment.

Her mind was running with so much thoughts and confusion. And then she decided to take matters on her own hands. She knew that it was wrong to look into other people’s profiles, but she couldn’t help it. She needs to know what really is going on.

She plugged in her computer and turn on the search engine. She typed ‘Mr. and Miss Shibuya, Jung Yonghwa and Choi Sooyoung’ and clicked enter.

When the searches went out, Seohyun could not help but cry again.

There are pictures of the two of them together, everywhere. She saw Sooyoung laughing side by side with Yong. There were also pictures of them doing different things together.

She clicked on one of the links of an article about them and read that Sooyoung and Yong fell in love with each other after they got to know each other during Mr. and Miss Shibuya.

She also read that they have been seen together hanging out. They never revealed what their relationship was with each other, but a picture showed a thousand words.

“The internet is such a scary place.” Seohyun thought.

“All I wanted was to know what their relationship is; I did not want to see pictures of them together. Your best friend with the first guy you ever liked, walking hand in hand together. It’s just painful.”

Seohyun wanted to hide. She wanted to hide from everything; from reality. It was a definite shock for her. She then thought about Hyoyeon and called her.

“Hyun?” Hyoyeon’s usual comforting voice sounded different all of a sudden.

“Hyo, why?” Seohyun tried to prevent a sob from breaking in.

“Hyun? Are you crying? What’s wrong?” She sounded worried.

“Why Hyo? Why didn’t you tell me?” But Seohyun’s voice sounded accusing.

“Tell you what? Hyun, please what’s wrong?” Hyoyeon pleaded, not comprehending what Seohyun was talking about.

“I saw Sooyoung walk out from our building with Yong. They were hugging each other. You and Sooyoung told me that there’s nothing between them.” Seohyun said, now already crying.

She waited for Hyoyeon to answer but she was silent, and so Seohyun continued.

“Now tell me Hyo, why didn’t you tell me the truth? I trusted you. Sooyoung did not tell me what her problem was today, and then I find her crying on Yong’s shoulders. Do you know how it made me feel? I felt worthless. As a friend, Sooyoung wouldn’t even bother crying on my shoulders. I felt betrayed. I trusted you. Both of you. I told you how I felt for Yong. I feel stupid. I should have not liked him! Especially if I knew that Sooyoung and Yong have a relationship. I would have backed off and prevented myself from falling for him. I feel like all of you are just toying me.” Seohyun let out everything she felt.

“Hyun. . .” Hyoyeon tried to explain.

“I’m sorry Hyo. I didn’t want to say such bad things. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for suddenly bursting all these to you. I only have myself to blame. I- I’m sorry.” And with that, Seohyun hang up.

She hated herself for allowing other people to play with her. She hated herself for easily trusting them. She wanted to run away and escape and be free from all these emotions.

She ran to the door and when she opened it, Yong was standing next to it. They looked at each other’s eyes and Yong’s eyes grew wider. Obviously he was shocked to see Seohyun crying.

“Hyun?” He tried to speak but Seohyun looked at him with hate and pain in her eyes. She walked pass him and slammed the door on his face. He quickly turns around and called Seohyun.

“Hyun! What’s wrong?” Seohyun ran away from him, trying to get him out of her head.

He quickly followed her but she had a great start from him. He followed Seohyun who was running out of their apartment and he started running too.

While running, he took his phone from his pocket and dialed Hyoyeon.

“Yong!” Hyoyeon shouted.

“What happened?” He asked breathlessly.

“Yong! You need to find Seohyun. I’m on my way to your building. She saw you with Sooyoung in there; she said you two were hugging!” Hyoyeon explained, her voice sounded like she was obviously crying on the other end.

“What? She saw us? I’m following her right now.” Yonghwa hang up and ran faster.

Seohyun ran without any sense of direction. She wanted to find a peaceful place to think and cry herself out.

As she continuously ran, she noticed that some areas of Shibuya are made of mountains. On top of one of the mountains was a temple. She went straight to the stairs that heads to the temple. She ran crying breathlessly along the wide stairs.

When she finally reached the top, she felt like she cried all her tears away. She went to a garden across the temple and saw the view of entire Shibuya.

She felt empty looking at it. She felt lost and someone who did not belong to any of it. She took a deep breath and sat down.

“Hyoyeon. Sooyoung. Doojoon. And . . . Yonghwa. They all knew the truth, and nobody even tried to tell me. They must have looked at me like I’m a crazy person trying to run around and follow Yong.” Seohyun thought ironically.

“So this is what I get from all these? All I get is a broken heart and I’ll even lose the persons whom I trust the most.” Then all of a sudden, someone came behind her. Breathing heavily, he walked silently close to her.

Seohyun did not want to look back. She did not want to talk to anyone right now.

“Hyun.” She heard Yong’s voice. He sat next to her but Seohyun refused to look at him.

“Hyun. I- I don’t know what to say.” Yong said. Seohyun still did not look at him. She quickly wiped the tears in her eyes, not wanting to let Yong see her cry.

Once she wiped all her tears away, she looked at Yong and said,

“There’s nothing to explain. You and Sooyoung had and still have a relationship. I must congratulate you, even though it’s a bit late. I’m glad for the two of you.” Seohyun finished and stood up.

She tried to walk away, but Yong abruptly stood up and stopped her.

He held her hand and forced her to look at him. He couldn’t exactly see Seohyun’s eyes clearly since it was very dark and the only light that illuminated them were the fireflies around them and the lights coming from Shibuya which was beneath the mountain.

He may not see her eyes, but he knew that she cried. He hated himself for hurting her. He wanted to let go of her to take all the pain away. But he can’t possibly let go of her now. He just can’t.

Seohyun still refused to look at him while he stared right into her eyes.

“Hyun. Please listen to me. Sooyoung and I, it’s complicated.” Seohyun looked at him with a faint smile on her face, trying hard to hide the pain she’s feeling.

“No. You don’t have to explain anything to me. I – I don’t know why I’m like this. I also don’t know why you try to explain everything to me when I’m being like this. I’m happy for the two of you.” She said still smiling while tears started to run through her eyes. She wiped them off quickly and continued,

“Sorry, I don’t know why my eyes won’t stop crying. You really don’t have to -” Just as she was about to finish her sentence, Yong suddenly pulled her in his arms.

To have his arms around him, Seohyun felt safe and warm. It also made her feel like everything going to be alright. Breathing in his scent, the moment was just perfect. The sound of the wind blowing, the tiny lights shredded by the fireflies and the cold wind that sips right on your skin blocked by the warmth of his arms. Being surrounded by him, it gave her the same feeling of safety she had back home. She closed her eyes as tears continued to pour out uncontrollably.

“Is this goodbye?” Hyun thought to herself and cried harder from the thought.

Then she heard his voice and felt its vibration from his chest.

“Hyun, please believe in me. Please believe in us. All of us. Hyoyeon, Doojoon, Sooyoung, including me. Especially me. It pains me to see you hurt like this and it’s all because of me.”

Seohyun tried to silence her sobs but it kept swelling up and she couldn’t contain it anymore.

Yong held her tighter and closer to him. He continued and said,

 “It’s crazy how your smiles, your laugh and almost everything you do, keeps haunting me. Please trust me when I tell you this. I’m neither good at words nor actions, and I know I don’t deserve this but still I’ll ask you this. Please stay by my side. Stay with me until I figure everything out Hyun. Please. If you leave, then I’ll lose myself too; because I won’t allow you to leave without me.” Yong laughed at himself.

He never knew he could say such deep words to someone. Seohyun keeps on bringing out everything that he never knew he was capable of doing. Seohyun did not know what to say or whether to believe in him. But the sincerity of Yong’s words showed how strong his feelings are for her. And for awhile, they stayed like that; in each other’s arms. 





Author's Note: Number 11 is my favorite number :))) that's why I made this chapter VERY VERY VERY waaaaah I don't know XDDD I just love YongSeo couple and writing this story, makes me supeeer happy! XD

I hope you like it!!! Please comment about what you found out from the revelations of this chapter :))) I would really appreciate it!! Thanks!! XD

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kpopgemini1 #1
Chapter 38: Authornim,please finish this story..i want to know the story completely..thank you!
smileaddict #2
Chapter 38: it's been awhile n I hope u update soon >.<

magdal #3
Chapter 38: this ep is sosad... poor Yong, he seems so lost, hope his mom can help him somehow =(
rixanne94 #4
Chapter 38: aww..you make me cry again..I felt sad for yong..and I like how hyun is always beside him coz she knows yong having hard time..cant wait for the next update
Chapter 36: Hum speaking of Jinwoon I remembered that
When seohyun meet Jinwoon at first time and
Jinwoon leave her a "J.J" note o.o
rixanne94 #6
Chapter 36: waah..triple updates..thanks a lot,I wonder who was the one that they saw in the building...and I hope yong doesnt give up on hyun,its annoying when yong has worked hard to gained hyun's trust back,he started to think that he should leave hyun
ice_cream_13 #7
Chapter 36: Ohmy. What actually happened to Hyun? But anyway, I am grateful that Yong found her and not Jinwoon. Hey, Yong what in the world in the world are you thinking. If Seo is with Jinwoon, she will not be happy and you will not be happy. But if you and Seo are together, both of you will be happy. What are you thinking? You should go check JJ's background okay. But more YongSeo moments please! :)
rixanne94 #8
Chapter 33: yeah finally you update the story...i missed your story so much huhuhu
theyre in good term again :D sooo cute,i can imagine the real yong nudging hyun's shoulder with his head hee..looking forward to the next chapter,lots of yongseo moments kay?? :D
magdal #9
Chapter 33: awwww yong just don't leave her, don't do it T__T... they are so cute together =)
WuLhanPark #10
Chapter 32: yong babo!!! *hits yong head*
dont let her go yong.. dont let her marry with jinwoon.. are you mad?? aigooo..
authornim.. why this chapter so sad?? why dont you put happy scene for them huh??
i'm upset :(