
Girlfriend For Sale


“NOONA NOONA!!!!” Ricky ran into your class in the middle of it, shocking everyone. The teacher cleared his throat and Ricky just ignored him and ran over to you. “Noona hurry! Come with me!” Ricky pulled your arm. Your mind was blank and you didn’t know what to do. “W-wait! Ricky, can you tell me what’s going on? And I’m in the middle of the class!” You hissed. “This is an emergency! Sorry Mr Lim can I take Hanbyul noona with me? Thanks!” He shouted across the room and pulled you out without even waiting for the teacher’s answer.

“Where are you taking me?” You asked breathlessly as Ricky pulled you along to god-knows-where. “Ljoe hyung’s at the hospital-“ “WHAT?!” You cut Ricky off and ran off in the direction of the hospital by yourself, leaving him behind. “Noona wait!” He called after you but you’re already a few meters ahead of him. “Aish I haven’t finish my sentence yet!” He huffed and chased after you.

You burst into the hospital and looked around frantically. You ran over to the counter, startling the nurse. “Can I help you?” She asked politely and you just nodded, trying to catch your breath after running so much. “Is Lee Byunghun here?” You said between pants and it was a surprise that the nurse caught what you said. “Sorry, miss, but there’s no such patient here.” You frowned and wondered did you get his name wrong or not. Just then, Ricky ran in and stood next to you. “Is Kwon Minhye here?” The nurse typed on the computer and looked up again. “Yes, she just got sent in and is in the A&E. You can go there and wait if you’d like.” She informed and Ricky thanked her before dragging you towards the A&E.

“Kwon Minhye? Minhye’s in the hospital? But why did you tell me oppa’s in hospital?” You frowned, but relieved that Ljoe wasn’t hurt anywhere.  “I was gonna tell you hyung was with Minhye and you ran off after I said his name.” Ricky shrugged. You mentally slapped yourself for being so rash and running off before he even finished his sentence.

When you reached the A&E, you saw Ljoe sitting down on one of the chairs. “Hyung!” Ricky hollered and walked faster, with you trailing behind him. “Ricky? Byul? What are you guys doing here?” Ljoe asked and Ricky tilted his head. “I thought you asked me to tell noona and bring her here?” Ljoe facepalmed himself and glared at Ricky. “No, I asked you to tell her that I couldn’t make it for lunch and will meet her at home, not bring her here!” Ricky’s eyes widened at the revealation and laughed sheepishly. “Whoops?” He walked backwards slowly before breaking into a run. “I’ll go back and give the teacher a reason why you’re not there, bye!” You chuckled and faced Ljoe. “Are you hurt anywhere? Why were you with Minhye anyways?” You asked, curiosity killing you. “I’ll answer your 20 questions later. Let’s go grab lunch first, okay? I’m kinda hungry.” He confessed and as if on cue, your stomach grumbled as well. You laughed and nodded.

You brought your tray to an empty table in the canteen and sat down. Ljoe appeared soon after and you ate your lunch silently. “Can you answer my 20 questions now?” You asked as you wiped your mouth. “Sure. Shoot.” He replied with his spoon in his mouth. “Why were you with Minhye?” Ljoe told you everything, from skipping school and hearing a scream and realizing it was Minhye and sending her to the hospital. You nodded and drank your drink in silence. “Are you… mad?” Ljoe asked softly and you tilted your head. “Why would I be mad?” “I don’t know, aren’t girls supposed to be jealous that I’m with another girl or something?” He mumbled and you chuckled. “Technically, yes. But I’m not much of the jealous type and you already explained yourself, so why would I be mad or jealous?” Ljoe softened held your hand that was on the table. *That’s why I like her. I think I’m falling more and more for you everyday.* “I think we should go check whether Minhye is out or not.” You suggested and you both left the canteen, hand in hand.

You saw a doctor coming out of the doors and asking for any relatives of Minhye and you went over. “We’re her classmates. Is she okay?” “She suffered some injuries to her ribcage and her nose, but we’ve already fixed it and it should recover if taken care of properly. Also, she sprained her wrist, so she needs to wear a cast and try not to use that hand for at least 2 weeks for it to recover nicely.” He explained and you mentally took notes. “You may go in and see her now. She’s at room 25.” You thanked the doctor and went over with Ljoe.

You peeked inside and saw that she was already awake and went in. Her gaze switched from you to Ljoe and you can see the gratitude behind them. “Ljoe…” She whispered and motioned him to go closer. You gave him an encouraging nod and pushed him a little. “W-why did you save me?” She spoke with a raspy voice as she had just woke up. Ljoe rocked forwards and backwards continuously and his eyes darted from left to right. “I was just passing by. I can’t possibly let a classmate die after seeing her state, right?” Minhye softened. This was the first time someone had treat her so nice before. “Thank you. If it weren’t for you I’d probably been dead by now.” She attempted to laugh but it hurt her instead. You went forward and stopped her from moving excessively. “The doctor said you’d broken your ribcage, so you shouldn’t move much unnecessarily. And your wrist will be in a cast for around 2 weeks, so you’ll have to take care of it well.” You explained and she nodded. As much as you didn’t like her, she was still your classmate. “Do you want to tell your parents what happened? I’m sure they’ll be worried if you don’t go home today.” You asked and she shook her head. “My dad’s a busy man; I doubt he’ll care anyway. Just tell my chauffeur will do. I think you guys can leave already, I’ll be fine.” She said and you smiled. “Arrasseo, have a rest first then, we’ll get going first.” You turned around and was about to leave with Ljoe when Minhye called your name. “Thank you. Both of you.” She smiled genuinely and you smiled back and left. 



hohoho is Minhye /really/ that nice? :3 anyway thank you Hishiko for answering my question!! ((only you answered T_T I love you <33)) hurhur as I'm a lazy author I shall continue with no music then :33 /stabs self/ hehehee anyways my updates will be getting less and less frequent but I promise to update this at least once a week! so please be patient <: 

comment and subscribe! thank you! <33

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ChoiMirae #1
Chapter 61: I like that you made a stiry for minhye and sunwong . i hope you can make a new story starring minhye and sunwong from their childhood till they are happy together . Of course some drama in the middle of the story would be nice . Daebak ^w^
Chapter 31: Minhye! Wae!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: I wish the 100 days would never end!!!!!!
Lovelypandabear #4
Chapter 61: OMG OMG!! KAAHH~ This is soooo KAYUTE!! ~Chills~
twinkle_blossom #5
Chapter 60: Kyaaaaah~ Awesome story!!! I loved it! It was so sweeeeeet!!! >.<
Chapter 61: Another fic, even if a short one only for Minhye and Sunwoong pleaseeeee.
Chapter 60: I re-read this story again hahaha this is such an awesome story^^
Chapter 60: awh' kyeopta but what happened to minhye and others?
thank you for writing this author-nim!
keep it up!
aja! hwaiting!
Chapter 60: This is an awesome story~ really loved it ^_^