Can romantic, Lian?

! . . . . You! You're Zhang Yi Xing! . . . . !


You were surprised. Actually, it never crossed your mind that he was also going to ask you out after your bungee jump.


Not. Even?


*Could this moment stop right now? Stop time in a place where I can bungee jump with Lay holding me. Stop time where I can watch the sunset with Lay like now* You and Lay were on the boat that carried you back to land after your bungee jump. There was a beautiful sunset shining behind you. You didn't care that your back was facing the sunset. No. You could care less. Who would when they were facing Lay? His skin radiated from the sunset colors shining on him. He looked absolutely perfect in that moment. No one. No one. No one could take this moment away from you.


Lay reached out for your hand and you let him take it. The boat was coming close to the shore now. Leading you out from the boat, Lay held you so that you felt he would never let anything bad happen to you.


On the shore, Lay smiled up at the sky. "Lian, you look so beautiful today."


You didn't know a single sentence could make you bubble like this. You learn something new everyday, eh? "You look so handsome," you replied back, blushing harder. It was such a simple conversation but you could barely look up at Lay when you said those words. You finally understood the somewhat superior of words. How they could sound so simple yet when you say them with every ounce of truth, the words turn into something priceless and more valuable than you could imagine.


Showing his dimple, he let go of your hand and walked a few paces ahead of you. Turning around, you saw that he held colorful cards. Holding them in front of you, you read his silent message.


"Will," you said. Lay turned to another card.








And no, you were not shocked. By the time he flipped to the word "go" you knew he was asking you out. Officially. I mean, it wasn't like you were waiting day and night for him to ask you out like this officially. *sarcasm*


His hands were in his pockets and he looked down. Waiting for you answer.


Not wanting to sound to easy and not wanting to seem like you waiting a long time for him to say that....okay well like 2 months, you took your time answering him."


Of course your answer was "______________"



And Lay really did take you out. Like right after the moment you answered him. And boy, he looked so happy it make you thinking that the old Zhang YiXing, childhood Changsha star was back! He was not this quiet, humble Lay anymore. Okay, well maybe a little. But now he was happy, talkative, and just overall lively. *So this is where Lay hid the old Zhang Yi Xing* you thought to yourself.

His driving was different too. You didn't know which Yi Xing you like better. All you knew was that Lay was happy right now. You just made him happy. That made you satistied. Wait, no, OVER satisfied. Overjoyed, rather. That you didn't even stop to think where Lay was taking you until you arrived at this:


A beautiful resturant near the bridge. Overlooking the waters. A piano stood nearby. Untouched.

It wasn't just a piano. It was a beautiful, grand, glass piano. Huge. You could only imagine what Lay would look like playing that piano.


A waiter led Lay and you to your set by the waters. Lay smiled happily at you, his dimple flashing at you. 

"May I have the chef's special please?" Lay said. "You can other what ever you want, Lian," he smiled encouragingly. "Could I have the chef's special, salad, and clam chowder please?" you said with a bit of hesitance.


Lay chuckled. "Big appetite?"




"Attractive," he said, "are girls who can eat," He seemed relieved when he said that.


And the dinner was great:

...until Lay got up to go somewhere. It took you by surprise. Pushing back him chair, he went inwards, to the center of the resturant where the piano stood.

And, to your surprise, did not play. He put one hand on the piano and turned to face you.


He sang these words to you: 

To be honest, when I first met you saying I like you
was difficult for me to say
If I don't approach first I was afraid I would loose you
So I wrote a letter and prepared a small gift for you
If my love for you gets deeper I knew it would only hurt me more

Those felt breathless. A pause. He was now accompanying his voice with the piano. Everyone at the resturant looked at you two.

This is what it would sound like:

To be honest, when I first met you saying I like you
was difficult for me to say
If I don't approach first I was afraid I would loose you
So I wrote a letter and prepared a small gift for you
If my love for you gets deeper I knew it would only hurt me more
It's true that my mind is full of fears
With my anxious heart I prayed and hoped
I believe that person is you
I'm in love I fall in love
I can't help it I can't hide my heart
You're so beautiful
I thought I was never gonna fall in love But I'm in love, Cause I wanna love you baby
To be honest, when I first met you somewhere in my heart
You crashed in like a strong wave You're the only one I think about all day
I can be a good lover Wanna be your four leafed clover
I'll make you the happiest woman in this world
You gotta believe me Make you never gonna leave me
I don't want to make promises I'll just show it to you
I'm in love I fall in love
I can't help it I can't hide my heart
You're so beautiful
I'm in love, I'm so deep in love I fall in love
I can't help it I can't hide my heart
You're so beautiful
You're so beautiful


Covering your face with your hands, you cried.


"Believe me," Lay said, walking towards you.


Meanwhile, you thanked God. How come something like this happen to you. THE Lay. Saying he is falling in love with you.


In just a short time, Lay was right in front of you. *Please tell me this isn't a dream*


"This isn't a dream," Lay said, reading your thoughts.


You kept crying, tears streaming down your cheeks. "I don't deserve this," you said so only he could hear.


Lay lifted your chin, "I love you"


and suddenly, after he said those words, your lips were connected. Burning together.Tingling together. You both knew that you felt the same way about each other.


That was when Lay held out two shining rings to you.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

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i love this story
Kahanbo123 #2
Chapter 42: I absolutely love this story!!! Makes my heart warm up. But the thing about idols not dating? Yixing isn't technically clarified as a "k-pop" idol because of his ethnicity. And they do allow dating under a certain consent. I'm sorry, I always speak my mind. I love you as an author though, you are amazing. Keep up the good work!!!❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 7: let me be this !
ChiNoNeko #4
I love this so much~
im_a_squid #5
Chapter 44: sequel pleaseee~~
AmieChan #6
I like it no no no i luffff it ^_^
GDragon24 #7
omg keep up the good work! i wish i could write like you :3
lohengay #8
wowow hahha love it
XuiminLayHART #9
Chapter 16: BOOM PANES!!
ILoveKDramas1 #10
Chapter 44: Probably He Was Kissing Yoona To Stop Paparazzis From Digging More into who he is dating, u know more like a cover up!!! I Hope they go back together!!! So Yeah A Sequel sounds good!!!