Turning Tables

! . . . . You! You're Zhang Yi Xing! . . . . !

Ahhh feels great doing a fangirl section again. I haven't been doing them every chapter so I decided to dedicated the last two chapters (19 and 20) as just fangirl  chapters...well pic spam.

Let's keep it moving with the story.




"We know you like our Yi Xing," they said together.


It shocked you. How blunt and direct they were with their words. What could you say? You were confused about your feelings.


They waited for your response. Nothing. After a few moments of silence from you, Lu Han said, "There something that Lay is hiding from you, Lian. And I don't know if Xiu Min and I should spill it to you. Lay is our best friend but what he's hiding from you isn't doing you or Yi Xing any justice."


Baozi nodded in agreement while shoving the ice cream spoon in his mouth. His cheeks were full and he looked a lot like mandu.


"What is it?" you asked him, confused. "Yi Xing has been hiding something from me?"


"Yeah," Lu Han said before turning to Xiu Min. "Should we tell her?"


Xiu Min looked down at his ice cream, consideringly... "You know, it might just be fun if we turn the tables around at Lay. Let him by on the outside for once."


Lu Han laughed at that comment. "You mean..."


"Exactly," Xiu Min nodded in approval.


"Uh...hello? You two? I'm stil here, you know?" you said, trying to get their attention.


"How's this, Lian? Me and Lu Han have a plan but in order to make it work, you need to cooperate. This plan will solve your worries too. Are you in?"


Your eyes sparkled. This sounded REALLY interesting...hmm...


"Sure. Let's hear it," you said without hesitation.


Xiu Min and Lu Han grinned at each other, then turned back to you.


"Truth is...," Lu Han started.

"...Lay is lying..." Xiu Min continued.


"...about being your cousin," Lu Han finished.


"Huh?" you said. "Did you hear right?"


"WOMAN, LISTEN. LAY IS NOT YOUR COUSIN!!!" Xiu Min yelled at you.


"Xiu Min, calm down. She needs time to take this in," Lu Han said considerately.


"So your saying...Lay isn't my cousin?"


Xiu Min and Lu Han looked at you. "Yeah..." they both said slowly while nodding their heads.


"This doesn't make any sense. All the things that happened just doesn't add up. He added me on facebook? He took me to Disneyland? He invited me to the SMtown concert? The ice rink? Why would he do all of that if I wasn't his cousin?"


"That's exactly the point. That's exactly why he was lying to you about being your cousin. His "cousin" act was just a facade to get you to spend the time with him and go to all those places with him," Lu Han said.


"That's impossible. Why would he want to "spend time" with me and take me to all those places? We're strangers if we aren't cousin."


"No...you too aren't stranger...and you two aren't cousin," Xiu Min said slowly so that you would understand.


"Then..." you started.


"You're his first fan," they said together.


"I'm what??"


Lu Han started to explain everything to you from the beginning. How you had went to the fansigning and how you had been the the only one to ask for his autograph when he wasn't popular in EXO-M. How you had left your phone with Lay after you two took a picture together...How he had found out about you through your phone and got in contact with you.


"and ever since then, Lay has been talking non-stop about you to the members even though he's one of the most popular members in EXO now." Xiu Min added after Lu Han finished the story.


"Also, Lian," Lu Han said. "What I told you at the concert wasn't a lie. Even though you aren't his cousin, he did tell all the members of EXO to look after you. And it wasn't because you're his 'family'."


"So Lay did all of this because I'm his first fan?" you said. Still unbelieving.


"Well...that's his version of the story," Xiu Min said.


"You mean there's MORE?!?!" MORE that I DON'T know??" you asked, shaking your head. How much were these guys hiding?


"Well, just a little. In OUR version of the story," Lu han pointed to himself and Xiu Min, "we think he's in love with you. Not because you're his first fan."


They both noticed you stood frozen. "Lian?" Xiu Min waved his hands in front of your face.


"She's in shock, I think. Maybe we threw too much information at her?" Lu Han said to Xiu Min.


Xiu min ignored Lu Han. "Lian, we don't know if that's true, but from what both of us see, Lay's already fallen for you. Hard. We're both 100% sure."


Lu Han and Xiu Min were right. This totally turned the tables. Does this mean...


"As for our plan...we thought we'd give Yi Xing a little taste of his medicine," Lu Han said.


"Meaning?" Your palms were sweating from curiosity.


"I think it's about time for you to stop worrying. We all know you fell hard for him. You don't need to hide that from anybody now. We already told you the truth: Lay is not your cousin. What if, let's say, you pretend we didn't tell you?"


"I'm still confused here, Lu Han," you said.


"What I'm saying is, Lay still thinks you think of him as your cousin WHEN in fact, you already know the truth. Now, just pretend we didn't tell you the truth."


"Why should I pretend? Isn't it great news? I just found out that Yi Xing isn't my cousin."


"Yeah...but instead of him using the "cousin act" to get close to you, YOU can use the "cousin act" to get close to him. Just giving him a taste of his medicine, that's all that is," Xiu Min said with an evil grin.


"How can I use the 'cousin act' to get close to him?"


"Now that you know it's not wrong for you to kiss him, you can all you want," Lu Han said, his face a little red from saying that.


Your face turned a bit red too. "So...you're telling me to and he'll be the one worrying about what to do since he's suppose to be my cousin?"


"Exactly. Yi Xing will be so confused by your actions that he won't know what to do."


"I'm in," you decided.


"I knew you would," Lu Han said. 


"But what happens after that? What if Yi Xing finds me weird? Afterall, I'll be flirting with him when he thinks I see him as a cousin. Won't that be...uh...disgusting?"


"We'll tell him the truth later, I guess. Let's just enjoy the ride first. Afterall, Lay started it with his "cousin act", Lu Han said.


"There's another thing we needed to talk to you about. We were going to ask you another day since you weren't feeling too good but since you're better now, we'll just ask you now."


"Go on..." you prompted.


"Do you want to join us in SM?"


Your ice cream cone almost flew out your hand. "BWO?"


"Oh please, don't act so surprised. We heard from Yi Xing that Mrs. Lee scouted you when you and Lay were at Disney Land. Just join us already. Lay has been worrying about whether you''' join him for the whole day today and yesterday. Plus, we'll be leaving L.A. to go to Korea soon. Actually in 3 days. If you want, you can come to Korea with us and..."


You interrupted him. "No way. That's riduculous. I'm a senior in high school. It's my spring break right now. I have so many tests right now. I can't just leave and go to Korea. Or at least not now. I have to graduate high school first."


"You can go to Korea. Sehun and Kai are going to be in your grade," Xiu Min offered.


"No thanks. I'd rather stay at my school. Even though I'm a loner here, I'd rather be a loner in my own country, using my own language."


"Please, Lian? Just try it out," Lu Han said while doing his aegyo face. 

Xiu Min also tried some aegyo on you:

"Oh please, guys. We're in America. Aegyo rarely works for people in LA."


Xiu Min and Lu Han didn't falter. "buing buing ;)" Xiu Min said.


"My parents will never allow me..." you continued, trying to ignore their cute faces...trying REALLY hard to ignore their cuteness.


"But aren't your parents really good friends with Yuri's parents? Maybe you could ask your parents if you could stay at Yuri's house in Korea," Xiu Min suggested.


"Hey...that's not a bad idea. My parents do love Yuri....WAIT...no..I see you two. You guys are just go at convincing." you pouted, obviously convinced already.


"We got her, haha," Lu Han whispered into Xiu Min's ears.


"I know," Xiu Min winked at Lu Han.


"FINE GUYS. I'LL GO!" you said, defeated.


"YES!" Xiu Min and Lu Han high fived each other. "We'll both help you past your audition for SM."




"What?" Lu Han smirked. "Just because you got scouted like me, doesn't mean you don't audition. Everyone has to audition."


"Ugh...thanks a lot guys." you said, finishing the last bite of your ice cream cone.


"Yeah, yeah, enough sarcasm, Lian. Let's get started on the plan," Xiu Min said excitedly. "You know I love making these interfering plans, Lu Han."


"Yeah, yeah. I know you like making life miserable for your members..." Lu Han said hurriedly. Trying to finish his ice cream which had pretty much melted while he was talking.



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i love this story
Kahanbo123 #2
Chapter 42: I absolutely love this story!!! Makes my heart warm up. But the thing about idols not dating? Yixing isn't technically clarified as a "k-pop" idol because of his ethnicity. And they do allow dating under a certain consent. I'm sorry, I always speak my mind. I love you as an author though, you are amazing. Keep up the good work!!!❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 7: let me be this !
ChiNoNeko #4
I love this so much~
im_a_squid #5
Chapter 44: sequel pleaseee~~
AmieChan #6
I like it no no no i luffff it ^_^
GDragon24 #7
omg keep up the good work! i wish i could write like you :3
lohengay #8
wowow hahha love it
XuiminLayHART #9
Chapter 16: BOOM PANES!!
ILoveKDramas1 #10
Chapter 44: Probably He Was Kissing Yoona To Stop Paparazzis From Digging More into who he is dating, u know more like a cover up!!! I Hope they go back together!!! So Yeah A Sequel sounds good!!!