
! . . . . You! You're Zhang Yi Xing! . . . . !




Lay had invited you to his SMTOWN concert. YES YES YES. You thought you the bus ride home. You and Lay had already said goodbye. You couldn't wait to see him again tomorrow night.


After arriving home, the first thing you thought to do was to call Yuri.


Yuri. Yes. She was your best friend since FOREVER. Although she grew up in Korea and you grew up in the US, both of your parents were friends. Strange thing was that you two were born on the same day. Her English is great so you two could converse well. Yuri, your one and only true friend that you could tell anything to. She had auditioned for SMent when she was young and was put into Girl's Generation. Although she was famous, she still acted the same and was still friends with you.


You quickly dialed Yuri's number. After two rings she picked up. "Hey Lian, what's up? I'm with the SNSD girls right now."


"I've got major stuff to tell you! Can you come over?"


Yuri knew that whenever you had "major stuff to tell" it was really major. "I'm going right now, See you in 10 minutes! The girls and I are in a hotel near your house."


"Cool! Thanks Yuri!" You said and hung up. You went to the front door and unlocked it for Yuri.



10 minutes later.


"LIANNNNNNN I'M HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yuri shouted after closing the front door.


"OMG!!! YURI!!!!" You ran up to her and gave her a hug. Being in her arms felt great. (A/N: not yuri, kk?)


"How are you, Lian? Is everything fine?"


"ABSOLUTELY...NOT. I've got to tell you the details. I'm just burning up from thinking about it!!!"


"OMG, girl. Do tell."


"Ok. Ok. But first, how are you?"


"Ahhh the know...Girl's Generation are still promoting Paparazzi in Japan and doing SMtown concerts. The usual drama. Yoona STILL won't shut up about the rookie group in our company. Have you heard of them? EXO?"


"Uh..." you didn't know where to begin.


"Yoona is obsessed with one of the guys in EXO."


Your eyes sparkled. You loved talking about EXO. "Really? Who?"






Awkward. "oh." you said silently. "What's wrong with me?" you thought. "He's my cousin. So what if Yoona likes him?"


"Are you okay, Lian? You suddenly got really quiet."


"Oh yeah...uh...I'm fine.." You said as you debated in your mind whether you should tell Yuri about  your whole incident with Lay. You decided to say this, "So are you and Yoona close?"


"Oh yeah. We're totally close. The fans made us a 'one true pairing', LOL. We both think it's funny. But yeah, I'm pretty close with her."


Shoot. "How am I suppose to tell her?" you thought. "I'm still confused myself. First I thought Lay was a stalker. Then I warmed up to him. Then he told me he was my cousin? You know what. Whatever. Yuri's MY BEST FRIEND. I'm positive that I'm closer to her than anyone else. and vice versa."


"Ok. So Yuri. Details? Here we go. (You tell her about you meeting Lay and the Disney Land trip and how you guys were cousins.)"


"Oh my goodness. EXO's Lay is your cousin??? That's impossible. IMPOSSIBLE." Yuri gasped.


You were a little hurt by her comment at first. "Why? Am I not good enough to be Lay's cousin?"


"No, no, no, not at all! It's just that the WAY he's acting. He's not acting like cousin material. AT ALL. And neither are you."


"What do you mean, Yuri?" you said bluntly.


"What I mean is, the way you described him hugging you and racing you to the roller coasters and buying that minnie mouse hat for sounds like you love him. Actually, I'm possitive that you like him."


"What???? No way. We're cousin. Isn't that ???"


Yuri was taken aback. "Truthfully, I don't think you guys are cousins."


"Huh? Are you saying I'm lying?" you asked. Utterly confused. What was Yuri going at?


"No...I know you lie horribly. It's Lay. I'm 75% sure. I think he's lying to you that he's your cousin. Real cousins wouldn't blush so hard and escape your sight after seeing you in a bathrobe.


You weren't convinced by Yuri. "Ahh whatever you say Yuri." Although she was your best friend, she was known known for making sometimes wrong conclusions.


Yuri changed the subject. "Okay, okay. I know you don't believe me so I'll prove it to you. Just you wait. Now let's get you ready for the SMtown concert that Lay invited you too."


"Already? It's tomorrow night. It's kind of a long time to go."


Yuri shook her head. "No way. That's not nearly enough time! We've got to make you look presentable for Lay!"


You sighed. "How many times do I have to tell you? Me and Lay are just cousins -_-" You knew this would happen. Yuri loved everything to do with love and crushes and all of those things.


"Sure..." Yuri said sarcastically. "Now how about we go shopping? I don't want you to embarass yourself in front of Lay with your tattered grey shirt and ripped jeans." she said jokingly.


"Hey!" you laughed.


"Haha. Well come to think of it, maybe I'll introduce you to the girls at tomorrow's SMTOWN concert. You haven't met them, right? Always trying to avoid?"


"'s not that I'm hiding. It's guess it's because they scare me with their good looks...compared to my "tattered clothes and ripped jeans." you said truthfully.


"Your lucky day. Your best friend is going to get you in style today." Yuri clapped her hands then grabbed your wrist. There was nothing more exciting for her than shopping. You two were totally opposites. You didn't like shopping at all except with Yuri. Sometimes you wondered how you two became such great friends? Opposites attract?




10 minutes later


Yuri and you arrived at the local forever 21. "AHHHH the fresh scent of clothes." Yuri said as she smelt the air.


"You're not going to turn me into a different person, right? I'm still going to look like myself, right?"


"Uh...sure, Lian."


"I don't trust you."


"Don't worry, Lian. I got your back."


You faked a cough and whispered, "Yeah right."


"Hey! I heard that!" Yuri said.


Yuri took you to the bathroom of Forever 21 and sat you down on the counter. The bathroom was pretty clean and smelt like flowers. The counter was pretty dry with a few puddles of water here and there but you couldn't care less.


"Ok. First things first. Your makeup." Yuri said.


"Ahhh nooo. I don't want to put any makeup. The makeup won't last til tomorrow night anyways."


"ah right." Yuri just ended up curling your eyelashes and giving her eyelash curler to you.


"Thanks, Yuri."


"You're welcome. What can I say? You only need an eyelash curler to make you look better. Like me."


You turned around on the counter to face the mirror. Indeed. You looked a lot better now. Similar to Yuri's look:


You thought you looked nice. A nice, clean look. It suited your straight, dark brown hair.


"Treat my baby well, okay?" Yuri said as she pointed towards the eylash curler in your hands.


"Oh it's fine. I can get my own eyelash curler in this store." you said as you it back to her.


You two walked out of the bathroom in search of a dress. Yuri immediately went towards the front of Forever 21 where the expensive and pretty clothes were while you stayed in the back where the clearance section was. You knew you looked lame going through the racks of discounted items but you couldn't help it. Sales are awesome.


Yuri came back to you holding a dress. A dress. You gasped when you saw it. There was no way you could wear that to the SMtown concert. No way. Yuri knew what you were thinking. "Too much, Lian?"


"Way too much. It looks like I just walked out of Taetiseo's Twinkle Twinkle Music Video." you laughed and indeed, it did loook like it with the colorful sparkles.


"Then how about this?" Yuri asked as she revealed a dress behind the sparkley dress. It was plain yet pretty. Something that Yuri would wear but not you. It looked like this:



"It has a cute pink layer on the bottom too!" Yuri said excitedly.


"Haha okay. I'll try it in the fitting room."




20 minutes later


Yuri and you hailed a cab. You had just bought that dress you tried in the fitting room. It was a perfect fit and you had to admit, the pink layer on the bottom of the dress looked cute. You also bought an eyelash curler at Forever 21.


After arriving home with Yuri, Yuri became all business. "So tomorrow. In that dress. Curl your lashes. Got it? Now we need to figure out how to do your hair."


"How about like this?" you pointed towards your messy ponytail.

"Talk about bad hair day. No way, hose." she laughed jokingly.


"'s a good thing I get your humor or else I would have thought that was an insult." you laughed.


"You know me too well, Lian. Anyways. How about this hairstyle?" Yuri asked as she showed you a picture of Taeyeon on her smartphone.



"Hmm. I like it, actually." You nodded in approval.


"Great! I knew you would like it. It's totally your style. Let me show how to make it so you can do it tomorrow evening."


After what seemed like forever, you finally got how to do your hair like that. You weren't really good at doing your hair but managed to learn from Yuri. By the time you were totally prepared with shoes, hair, dress, and your limited makeup (if curling eyelashes is makeup), both of you were exhausted and was lying down on your bed.


"Hey, do you want some coffee now?"


"Love that idea." Yuri nodded and then groaned while she stood up from the bed. " hurts to stand up after lying down."


"I know right. Let me go make that coffee." you agreed.


Yuri sat down at the table as you made coffee. "So thanks for helping me out, girl." you thanked.




You suddenly were reminded by Lay. "Anything for you." You shock that image out of your head. Just then, your phone vibrated indicating you had just recieved a message on Facebook. It was from Lay. How coincidental and timely.


Lay: "Did you arrive home safely, Lian? Don't forget to post that picture of us and Xiu Han!"


You quickly typed back, "Yep. I'm at home. I'm going to post the pictures now." You went to your camera roll and found the right picture and uploaded it. After a few seconds, it became your new profile picture.


Lay: "It's my profile picture now. :D"


You laughed and typed: "It's mine too :D"


"Hey, what's up? Are you chatting with Lay?" Yuri said cutting out your thoughts. You had forgot she was there.


"How did you know?"


"You're acting lovely dovey.."


"I am not! He's my cousin!" you protested


"Sure. Sure. I hope you remember that when you guys get together..."


"UGH. Yuri. Sometimes you're a pain in the ."


"Haha so I've been told every once and a while by you," Yuri remarked.


"Here's your coffee." you handed a big cup to Yuri and you drank from the small cup.


"So how's school?" Yuri asked after taking a sip of her coffee.


"It's pretty good. Lots of homework as usual." You were a senior in high school and right now it was your spring break. You parents and sister had decided to go on a business trip/vacation without you because of the large amount of homework you had.


"Aww poor baby." Yuri pouted.


"You're lucky you already graduated."


"I suppose. But I kind of miss the drama at school."


"HAHAHA yeah right. I wish I could just get out already." you said.


"I thought high school was fun. I never got to experience it like a normal girl."


"Well consider yourself lucky. It's a battlefield. Now let's change the subject." you suggested.


"Nah, it's fine. I better go now. I need to meet up with the girls. They're probably wondering where I am."


"Aw. Okay, Yuri. See you tomorrow night!"


"Can't wait!" Yuri sqwealed. "Remember to do your hair right!!"


"Okay, okay." You said as you led her to the front door.


After the doors closed, you sighed. Talking about school and stuff made you think. Do I really want to go to tomorrow's concert and maybe meet Mrs. Lee. She already scouted me. But I don't think I want to become part of SMent. Maybe I just want to be normal. You sat at the table, drinking your coffee. I want to go to college. I want to experience everything from a normal girl's perspective. Is that so wrong?


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i love this story
Kahanbo123 #2
Chapter 42: I absolutely love this story!!! Makes my heart warm up. But the thing about idols not dating? Yixing isn't technically clarified as a "k-pop" idol because of his ethnicity. And they do allow dating under a certain consent. I'm sorry, I always speak my mind. I love you as an author though, you are amazing. Keep up the good work!!!❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 7: let me be this !
ChiNoNeko #4
I love this so much~
im_a_squid #5
Chapter 44: sequel pleaseee~~
AmieChan #6
I like it no no no i luffff it ^_^
GDragon24 #7
omg keep up the good work! i wish i could write like you :3
lohengay #8
wowow hahha love it
XuiminLayHART #9
Chapter 16: BOOM PANES!!
ILoveKDramas1 #10
Chapter 44: Probably He Was Kissing Yoona To Stop Paparazzis From Digging More into who he is dating, u know more like a cover up!!! I Hope they go back together!!! So Yeah A Sequel sounds good!!!