First Day

! . . . . You! You're Zhang Yi Xing! . . . . !


It's been almost 2 weeks since you and Lay kissed...


"Gosh, time really goes fly," you thought as you walked down the street from school. Yes, school had started. What could you say, boring-ness overload.


*Almost two weeks earlier*:


"I can't believe I'm going to school in Seoul. I don't even know how to speak Korean." You were almost ripping your hair out from looking at your messy second-day hair in front of the vanity. "Girl, I am doomed. This is not going to work." Suddenly you heard a knock on your door. "COME IN!!!" You called.


"Aigoo. You look like a freak, Lian." Yuri scowled at you as she took the brush and began brushing your hair.


"Gee, thanks...UMMA >.< As if I didn't know that already."


"Just be thankful you have me. I already picked out your clothes for your first day in a Korean school. It's in my room so let me get it after I brush your hair," Yuri said as she worked your hair into a pretty Korean bun. You looked at your hello kitty alarm clock: 6:35am. "Shoot. I still need to brush my teeth and wash my face," you said to Yuri as she finished your bun.


"Go! I'll get your clothes!" Yuri briskly cleaned up the vanity and with a whip of her hair, she fixed her hair in front of her face and ran out the room to get your clothes. "Be glad you have a friend like me!"


"Yeah, yeah." you muttered with a toothbrush in your mouth.


Within five minutes you had already brushed your teeth and washed your face in gentle circles with a new product you were using that smelt like Japanese Cherry Blossoms, your favorite scent of course. Your face felt better and you decided it would be nice to have Lay come over to pick you up for school. After all, he had a car and you knew his practice would start later in the morning today, at about 10am. Why not call him.


"Why?" Yuri called as you said you wanted to have Lay drive you to school. "I can totally drop you off. I can't just stay here."


"Yeah you can! Look! I'm already wearing the outfit you picked for me. Isn't that enough? You've already done so much for me." You starred down at the snsd shirt you were wearing. "Can't I have Lay drop me off?"


Just then the doorbell rang. It was 7:00am. "It's Lay, isn't it?" Yuri said with a sad expression.


"Yeah, probably."


"Okay, okay. But don't you want to invite him in for breakfast? You haven't ate breakfast yet?"


"No thanks, my new UMMA." you teased. "I mean, it's okay. No time. Annyeong Yuri!" you called as you walked to the front door.


Lay was waiting with his MCM bag all ready to go. His blue button up shirt swayed in the wind. "All ready? I brought breakfast!"


The car ride was pretty silent. Maybe because just yesterday you two were kissing. You blushed just thinking about. Ever since then things had been pretty awkward. You wondered if Lay was still mad at you for not telling him that you already knew he wasn't your cousin. Or should i be the one that is mad? He lied to me in the first place. This was just too confusing for you.


You decided to sip more of the banana milk Lay gege had brought you. "Thanks, Yixing, for agreeing to drop me off at school. I'm really nervous," you said, glacing at him nervously. He hadn't talked much during the ride.


"no problem," lay said, still looking straight forward.


"So-" you starred to say.


"We're here," Lay announced quickly, as if he wanted to avoid talking to you.


"Oh, well, okay." You started to unfasten your seatbelt. But just then...Lay leaned over to you and hugged you. You were so shocked by this sudden hug that you put your hands on your shoulders and leaned back into your seat. You loosened up after a while, realizing that Lay had tears in his eyes.


"I'm sorry I lied to you," he said honestly and whole-heartedly. He hugged you tighter. "Are you mad at me?"


"Me? Mad at you?" You said, pushing Lay away from you.


Lay's gaze fell. "So you are mad at me..."


"No." You quickly pulled him into you, this time you were hugging him tightly. "I'm not mad. Even if I was, I don't think I could ever be fully mad at you. I thought you were the one who was angry."


"What?" Lay laughed, tears still in his eyes. "That's crazy! Now come here you little tease!"


Lay gently pushed you back onto your seat and started to lean into you. You weren't that easy. No way. You tickled his stomach instead. "Hey! I'm not that easy!" You whined to him as you continued to tickle him. Then YOU pushed his shoulder so they were touching his seat and then you quickly climbed over to his side of the car, the steering wheel pressing you into Lay as you sat on his lap. Lay shifted uncomfortablely and that's when you realized you haven't physically been this close to Lay for a long time, since the time you feel on him at Disneyland.


You noticed Lay still being uncomfortable in this position. "Maybe I should go to school now...the warning bell is going to ring soon..." you started.


"Wait! 1 more minute!" Lay said urgently, grabing on to your waist and then circling his arms around your waist.


That's when you knew to do it. You slowly leaned towards his face. His eyes shifted from your eyes to your lips. Your eyes shifted from you eyes to his lips. Lay tilted his head to right and that's when you did the same. Just as your lips touched you felt like an eletric current had passed between you and him. His soft lips met yours readily and you two moved conversatively, just touching lips until your tongues accidentally touched and from then you wanted more. He wanted more. And the kiss got deeper. But just then the warning bell rang.


You quickly got off Lay, both of you blushing from heat and each other. Speechlessly, you ran away from the car and hurried to your first class to your new school.

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i love this story
Kahanbo123 #2
Chapter 42: I absolutely love this story!!! Makes my heart warm up. But the thing about idols not dating? Yixing isn't technically clarified as a "k-pop" idol because of his ethnicity. And they do allow dating under a certain consent. I'm sorry, I always speak my mind. I love you as an author though, you are amazing. Keep up the good work!!!❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 7: let me be this !
ChiNoNeko #4
I love this so much~
im_a_squid #5
Chapter 44: sequel pleaseee~~
AmieChan #6
I like it no no no i luffff it ^_^
GDragon24 #7
omg keep up the good work! i wish i could write like you :3
lohengay #8
wowow hahha love it
XuiminLayHART #9
Chapter 16: BOOM PANES!!
ILoveKDramas1 #10
Chapter 44: Probably He Was Kissing Yoona To Stop Paparazzis From Digging More into who he is dating, u know more like a cover up!!! I Hope they go back together!!! So Yeah A Sequel sounds good!!!