Lay's Secret

! . . . . You! You're Zhang Yi Xing! . . . . ! This song!!!! :) I've been playing it so much today! Enjoy! boA! Oh and if you still haven't seen Yunho+Eunhyuk+Taemin+SeHun dance with boA in her "Only One" stages yet, check it out!


I'm going to use POV's now. :) Up until now it was always your's (Lian's) POV. Now I'm going to be introducing other character's POVs.


Your POV:

"Yea, I am your cousin, Lian. That's why I've been calling you biao mei! Have you been skipping your Chinese lessons? Biao mei  and biao ge means cousins."






"The EXO-M members always say I'm slow to get things. I guess I'm not the slowest though." he laughed as he gave you a light punch on the shoulder.


You started to laugh too.


"So you really didn't know we were cousins? Who did you think I was?" Lay asked. Looking at you funnily.


"Uh...well that's what I wanted to say to you. I didn't know what you had meant by biao mei. I just added you as a friend and came here because...well...I don't want to admit this but I am sort of a loner."


"My biao mei is a loner??"


"eh......welll.....ummm...yeah." you said awkwardly. You didn't really want it to sound so bad.


"Lian, you know, you always have me. Now that I'm back in touch with you. Hopefully when I go back to Seoul to train and promote, we will still keep in touch!"


Your heart felt. You forgot. You had forgot he was going back. After all, he is a kpop star. Not just your cousin.


But something felt wrong. You don't remember having a cousin named Zhang Yi Xing. He said you had played with him when you guys were kids but you don't remember any of that. Did I forget?


Lay's POV:

Lian looked sad. Did I hurt her by reminding her that I would be leaving for Seoul? That's where I have to train, of course. But that little bit of sadness of her face made me sure on one thing. My plan is working. Exactly as planned...


*flashback* 5 months ago... (Lay's POV)


Kris' teeth flashed as he said "Now, everyone. This will be our FIRST fansign. I want everyone to do your best and make the fans happy. Got it?"


"Yes, duizhang." all the exo-m members said.


I looked at the crowd. They were screaming and hollering. One group of girls were yelling, "LU HAN! LU HAN!" and another group was yelling, "KRIS!!! Kris!!!" ....but no one was yelling my name.


"Hey YiXing. Are you okay?" Lu Han asked me. He put his hand on my shoulder.


"ya. ya. let's just get this over with." I said and shoved his hand off my shoulder.


"Lay. Dude. Is something wrong?"


"No, Lu Han. It's nothing." I said and then slowly shuffled to my fansigning area between duizhang and Chen.


A few hours past. The fansigning line was still as long as ever. Ugh. Just great. No one wants my autograph anyways. Everyone just loves handsome duizhang Kris, Kungfy panda Tao, baby faced Lu Han, baozi Xiu Min, or main singer Chen. No one likes the awkward member. Me. The fangirls just walk past my station or just stop by really quickly for a quick autograph and move on to the next station.


Suddenly your train of thoughts broke. A girl right in front of you was screaming. "Ahhh OMG!!! It's Lay!!!"


I looked at Kris on my right. He shrugged and whispered to me, "What's up with that girl?"


I chuckled. "Hi"


"Can I have your autograph? I waited for 5 hours to get your autograph. Just you." she said breathlessly. She was sweating from being cramped up  with the Kris and Chen fans beside her.


Inside I was screaming, "YES!" I mean, just look at my situation, will you? All the members have so many fans except me. Now here comes a girl who's MY FAN. Not to mention really hot too. Temperature wise XD haha and looks wise. Her long hair was down to her waist. She wore a plain grey v-neck shirt that showed off her body and a skirt that was not too short yet not too long. A nice blue skirt. She had bangs like me and wore a cute heart necklace. She placed her poster on the table in front of me. Waiting for me to sign it.


I scribbled my autograph. And a few words of encourgement. Oops. I forget to ask her name. "Excuse me, what's your name?"


She didn't hide her face like the other fangirls did. Instead, she stood facing me. Well, actually....she was staring at me. Did she not hear what I ask?


"Can I have your name please?" I asked again.


"Oh! Oh yeah. My name...uh...what's my name again? Shoot...what's my name???" she said to herself. I smiled. She's sooo cute. She even forget her name in front of me.


"haha it's fine." I said. "It's a good thing you're cute."


She laughed with me. I handed her the poster. "Here you go..."


"Thanks, Lay! Do you think you can take a picture with me?"




She took out her cell phone and squat down in front of the table and did a peace sign. I leaned over the table and did a peace sign also.


"WHOA!~~~look at that. You look so nice in this picture!" she said to me as she handed me her phone so that I could take a look.


"Haha you look nice too. We kind of look like a couple in that pic." I said while I stared at the picture.


She blushed. Cutely. She hid her face behind her bangs. "Thanks. Hehheh I guess we do look like a couple 'cause we're doing the same pose with the peace sign."


She got up and looked at me. "Well, thanks for the autograph! Jia you~" and with that she left.


I smiled. Finally this fansigning is turning around. At least now I know I have at least one fan. A cute fan too. A REALLY CUTE fan. You looked down at the picture and said out loud, "Haha we do look like a couple."


No one heard me. Everyone was yelling other exo-m member's names. I don't care. At least I have that cute girl as my fan. WAIT. I looked down at what I was holding. Her phone......HER..........CELL..........................PHONE? Shoot! She forget her phone when she was showing me our photo. Oh no. Don't panic. Just...ummm....dial her number? Noo her phone is here, you idiot. Ugh. I guess I'll just wait until she comes back to get her phone or calls her phone. Yeah. That's it.


I stared down lovingly at the phone again. Uhhmmm her phone's a chocolately brown color. I want to play with the phone. I want to know her name. >.< But wouldnt that be any invasion of privacy? Sigh. Yeah. It is. I know it is. But I just want to see her phone so bad. I pushed the phone on the farthest edge of the table. No. I can't do that.


5 minutes later.


Ugh. You know what. There. I touched it. I touched it. Now I'm holding it. Holding her phone. Yeah, that's right. now I'm going to play with her phone. Yup. I can't help it.


5 minutes later


Wow. She has the same last name as me. Zhang. And her name is Lian? That's such a beautiful name. She must be Chinese. That's what her facebook says. XD Yeah. I checked out her facebook. Pretty much everything is on there. Ahhh...doesn't this girl know how to keep anything private? She posts so many things. Lots of her posts are public too. Sigh... At least that's good for me.


Now that I know pretty much everything about her. I'm going to find that girl. Yup. I'm going to. Lian, wait for me. I'm going to get this phone back to you and we'll meet again. My first fan. My first REAL fan. You don't know how much that means to me.


*flashback end*


Present-time (Lay's POV)

Ah. Back then I had no fans. I guess that's all changed. But I don't care. Lian, you're my only real fan. I'm sorry I'm lying to you. I'll tell you the truth when it's the right time. I just wanted to see you. I thought you wouldn't have come to Disneyland if I didn't say I was your cousin (biao ge). But I guessed wrong. You would come to meet me? Even though you didn't know me or what biao mei meant? This is making me worried for you, Lian.


Lian's POV:

How could he be my cousin?




This is just.


So wrong.


Yet why does it feel so right to be with him? Like you've known him for all your life? Is he really my cousin?


(A/N: Hopefully I cleared up that biao mei mystery. If you still don't understand, let me explain briefly. Biao mei means girl cousin. Biao ge means boy cousin in Chinese.Lay lied that they were cousins just so that she would meet him at disneyland. Lian didn't know biao mei meant cousins but decides to meet him anyways. They aren't really cousins. They just met at a fansigning where Lian left her phone with Lay.)


Hopefully that wasn't confusing?


:D I hope you continue to read! :D


Now I need to do a fangirl section.




"I'm cute" face


"I'm surprised" face


"I'm hot" face


"I'm a Laynicorn" face

I just want to snuggle with my hubby :)!!!!!


"I forgot something...again" face


"I'm handsomely NOT looking at the usual" face


"I want to kiss Lu Han but he's blushing" face


"Indescribable" face. He's just too. ARGH!!! SO. SO. SO. CUTE! THAT DIMPLE!!!





keep smiling like that

today, tomorrow, everyday.

I love Zhang Yi Xing.





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i love this story
Kahanbo123 #2
Chapter 42: I absolutely love this story!!! Makes my heart warm up. But the thing about idols not dating? Yixing isn't technically clarified as a "k-pop" idol because of his ethnicity. And they do allow dating under a certain consent. I'm sorry, I always speak my mind. I love you as an author though, you are amazing. Keep up the good work!!!❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 7: let me be this !
ChiNoNeko #4
I love this so much~
im_a_squid #5
Chapter 44: sequel pleaseee~~
AmieChan #6
I like it no no no i luffff it ^_^
GDragon24 #7
omg keep up the good work! i wish i could write like you :3
lohengay #8
wowow hahha love it
XuiminLayHART #9
Chapter 16: BOOM PANES!!
ILoveKDramas1 #10
Chapter 44: Probably He Was Kissing Yoona To Stop Paparazzis From Digging More into who he is dating, u know more like a cover up!!! I Hope they go back together!!! So Yeah A Sequel sounds good!!!