Ride with Me

! . . . . You! You're Zhang Yi Xing! . . . . !



Thanks to Lu Han and Xiu Min, you were able to convince your parents to let you stay with Yuri in Korea for the next few months. You had contacted Yuri and her parents later that day and you were all set and ready to go to Korea with SMtown.


"Wow, I can't believe it only took one phone call to my parents to get their permission. It's like they were ready to ship me off," you said to Xiu Min on the phone.


"Well, what can I say? Your parents are pretty cool and Yuri's parents too."


"I still can't believe it, Xiu Min! Just this morning I was getting to see my favorite celebrities at SMtown. Now I'm going to be a celebrity? This is insane!"


"Haha. Well, you sure have the looks to be part of SM. Better than me at least."


"No...don't say that! You're so cute looking! Especially with your aegyo!"


"Thanks...pity, isn't it?" Xiu Min still sounded disbelieving.


"Oh please, I don't pity anyone."


"That's what I like to hear," you heard Lu Han on the other line.


"Are you two always together??!" you asked wondering.


"Nah...I just like to bother him a lot. You know, I love making life miserable for the members," Xiu Min chuckled. Even over the phone you could see him smile evilly at Lu Han.


"Xiu Min here had interrupted my shower, Lian," Lu Han said accusing, "He litterally ran inside the bathroom while I was showering to practice his screamo part in "Mama".


"HAHAH! Nice one, Xiu Min!" You complimented, clearly impressed by Xiu Min's sabotaging skills.


"Not funny, Lian. I was so surprised by his screams that I nearly slipped in the shower!" Lu Han, jokingly.


"Merong!" you heard Xiu Min say to Lu Han on the phone line.


"Anyways, Lian. Enough of Lu Han's problems... We need to work on the plan! I need you to be the ultimate flirting machine to make Lay even more confused about your relationship with him!"


"Wow, Xiu Min. Way to put that in words," Lu Han said. You were thinking the same thing.


"I'm just saying it directly. No need to beat around the bush."


"Ok, okay, I get it," you said to both of them.


"First of all, you need to pack your bags for Korea. Me and Lu Han will oh so kindly pick you up tomorrow night to go to the airport. You have your passport ready and updated, right?"


"Yeah. And the tickets-"


"Don't worry. Lu Han will get you the plan ticket from our manager. He always has extras just in case. Also, don't tell Lay that you're going to be boarding the plane with us and auditioning for SM. It's a surprise." Xiu Min broke out his evil laugh.


"Okay......let's just ignore Xiu Min's laugh," Lu han said, "We'll see you at 8pm tomorrow, okay?"






The next morning, it felt as if you've been revived. You just felt great. For the first time in months you decided to go out for a morning jog and then drive to Starbucks for so coffee instead of brewing your own. You decided to pack your luggage for the rest of the day.


8 o'clock finally came. It was dark outside with a few cars driving past your house. You looked outside the window and there was still no sign of Lu Han or Xiu Min. To past the time, you decided to read some of your subscribed fanfics.


After 10 more minutes and still no sign of the two goofballs, you decided to call Lu Han.




"Yah! Lu Han? Where are you?"


"I'm sorry Lian. Change of plans. Lay is going to pick you at your house?"


"WHAT??! Why? What happened to you and Xiu Min?"


"Well, Xiu Min accidentally spilled the beans to Lay about you coming with us to Korea and living with Yuri so...he's picking you up. He insisted."


"If I knew Lay was picking me up earlier!"


"Huh? Why? I thought you liked him!"


"Well, yeah. I just recently found out I liked him after the kiss but he doesn't know that! And won't it be awkward for us since the last time I saw him was when we accidentally kissed??"


"Don't worry. Yi Xing won't bring that kiss up if it makes you feel uncomfortable. Also, you don't need to worry now. Remember? He's not playing you anymore, you're playing him. Just turn on your so called 'flirting machine' and make him confused about your relationship, got it?"


Just then the doorbell rang. "Looks like that's Lay," you said to Lu Han.


"Ok, see you at the airport." Lu Han said and then hung up. You hung up too and went towards the door...reluctantly. Ultimate flirting machine? Oh please...


You opened the door to see Lay standing outside shyly. He was looking down at his shoes.


You coughed to get his attention. "Xie xie, Yi Xing. For picking me up. I'm sorry for not telling you earlier. Xiu Min and Lu Han wanted me to keep it a secret so I could surprise you."


Lay looked up:


...and smiled at you.


"It's fine. Uh...I hope you don't mind me picking you up. I kind of forced Xiu Min hyung to let me pick you up after he spilled the beans." he said chuckling.


Shaking your head, you nodded towards the car. "Not at all. Tsk tsk, Xiu Min. Let's go!"


You grabbed his hand. "Ultimate flirting machine, ," you thought to yourself.



(Lay's POV)


What's going on? She's acting like nothing happened at the ice rink. I wonder if Xiu Min or Lu Han did anything to her. There's definitely something fishy going on and considering Xiu Min is involved, it's probably going to be trouble... if only I could read her mind. I didn't mean to kiss her; she feel on top of me.


Suddenly, Lian took my hand and dragged me towards the car.


"Nice car," she complimented.


"Thanks. My manager hyung rented it for all the members to use in LA."


"Ahhh no wonder, I saw Lu Han drive it two days ago."


My head whipped around. Did I hear right? Did she see Lu Han after we went to the ice rink or something? This is...not good. I bet Lu Han hyung said something to her ask our kissing incident. He couldn't have told her the truth, right? Oh please, no. No way. He's my best friend. No way...


"Mhmm..." I said, trying to change to drop the subject.


Lian probably realized I didn't want to talk about Lu Han. "So Yi Xing..." She looked at me. "hmm...I like your airport fashion. It looks really casual yet uh..........."


"Shuai?" I prompted. Hoping she'd use that word instead of what I thought she would say.


"Well, I was going to say...."


She said...

Did she just say?

My ears are under construction.

She. Just. Said. What?


I turned to look at her. Her hair was covering her face and she was avoiding my eyes. I, on the other hand, just stared at her in utter amazement.

This girl...seriously...is no joke.


"Thanks," I coughed out. Trying to make it sound casual. In reality, I was burning inside. This girl. Is she trying to make me frustrated?


I pulled out of the driveway and we both headed towards the airport. I tried to act cool but it was so hard when she's right next to me.


Before going over a huge bridge, Lian took out a cute, light pink camera. "Lay, I mean Yi xing, isn't the water so pretty?"


My voice came out hoarse. "Yeah. It's beautiful."


Lian began taking pictures of the ocean and selcas. Then, to my amazement, she leaned towards me. Now, normally I wouldn't be amazed by a girl leaning towards me. With so many fans, I was practically used to it by now. But when she leaned  towards me, I felt as if the world was alive and I was revived again. It seemed as if the sunshine casted its light only on us and that the whole world faded. The shining red convertable gleamed as the clear blue waters sounded below us. I realized that she was leaning towards me to take a picture of both of us....just like at EXO-M's first fansigning. My first fan.


I had the sudden urge to hug her while she took the photo but I held back. I had forgotten that I driving. Luckily there were not many cars nearby and I hadn't crossed over to any other lanes.


"Wah! Yi Xing! You look so handsome!" she said while she looked at the picture. "Do you want to see it later? When we get to the airport?"


"Sure," I said, wishing I wasn't driving right now.



At the airport, Lu Han, Xiu Min, and the rest of EXO-M were waiting for us.


"Guys, the rest of SM are already on the plane. Let's go quickly,"  the manager said to everyone after we arrived.


I glanced at Lian. Her face gave her an innocent look. Much like Lu Han's yet there was also something cute and likable to her face too. Much like mine...


"Let's go, Lian," Lu han said to her, gesturing her to take his hand.


Argh...Lu Han. That player. He's lucky he was born with such an innocent face. What's he trying to do? Hit on my Lian? I don't think so. And I'm not going to let that happen. Just you wait.



(Lu Han's POV)


"Are you sure this plan is going to work?" Lian asked me while looking innocently at me. Gosh, girl. How cute could she get? And I thought I was the only one who could pull off looking cute and innocent all the time.


"Absolutely," I said. "Although Yi Xing doesn't look as innocent as mwa," I pointed to myself. "He is actually pretty innocent and clueless. You could mess up the plan so many times and he wouldn't notice." I nodded confidently.


"Wow. Thanks. You're thinking I'm going to mess up a lot, don't you. No. I'm not, for your information. I'm going to be the ultimate flirting machine to get back at him for lying to me about being my cousin."


"Shhh...Lian. You're being way to loud. I could hear you talk from all the way there."


I turned to see that it was Xiu Min hyungs voice, not Lay's, thankfully. "Oops, sorry," Lian bowed. "I guess I might mess up a few times..."


I chuckled. "Yes you will. Now take my hand." I gestured my hand towards her.


"Huh? Why?"


"Duh. To make Yi Xing jealous. Plan, remember?" I said hurriedly. Lay was walking towards us.


Lian grabbed my hand.


"Yah, Lu Han," Lay called as walked towards both of us. "Are you hitting on my cousin?"


Still the cousin act...when will he ever learn. "Nope."


Lay shook my arm away from Lian. Man, I didn't know he was the posessive kind of guy. Instead he put his arm around Lian. "Come here Lian. Let's board the plane already."



(Lian's POV)


Lay pulled me away from Lu Han rather harshly. I knew then that the plan was working...


"Come here Lian. Let's board the plan already." He wrapped his warm arms around my waist and led me towards the boarding area.


You could hear Lu Han whisper to Xiu Min. "Our plan is going perfectly well." Xiu Min chuckled. "Ah...since when did Lay become the posessive kind of guy."


Lu Han replied, "since he met her~."


You grinned to yourself. Then looked up at Lay. He hadn't heard his two fellow members. Hm, Lu Han was right. He is pretty innocent and clueless. You chuckled.



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i love this story
Kahanbo123 #2
Chapter 42: I absolutely love this story!!! Makes my heart warm up. But the thing about idols not dating? Yixing isn't technically clarified as a "k-pop" idol because of his ethnicity. And they do allow dating under a certain consent. I'm sorry, I always speak my mind. I love you as an author though, you are amazing. Keep up the good work!!!❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 7: let me be this !
ChiNoNeko #4
I love this so much~
im_a_squid #5
Chapter 44: sequel pleaseee~~
AmieChan #6
I like it no no no i luffff it ^_^
GDragon24 #7
omg keep up the good work! i wish i could write like you :3
lohengay #8
wowow hahha love it
XuiminLayHART #9
Chapter 16: BOOM PANES!!
ILoveKDramas1 #10
Chapter 44: Probably He Was Kissing Yoona To Stop Paparazzis From Digging More into who he is dating, u know more like a cover up!!! I Hope they go back together!!! So Yeah A Sequel sounds good!!!