Roller Coasters and Mama

! . . . . You! You're Zhang Yi Xing! . . . . !


The roller coaster really did begin to move!


Lay stared at you for a sec before grabbing your hand tightly. His hand was a little bigger than yours. You thought they would be rough but they were gentle and smooth, perfect for playing piano and guitar, you mused.


You immediately stopped screaming and instead turned your focus to your hands. You thought, "My hands are so ugly >.<. Why are my hands so ugly compared to his? You perfect unicorn!"


Lay glanced as his hand that entwined with yours. His gentle yet protective grip seemed surreal. 


"Don't worry. I'm right here, Lian. I'll protect you," he whispered as the mouth came dangerously close to your left ear.


You stood frozen as he spoke that to you. You couldn't believe what had just said to you. "I'll protect you." "I'll protect you." "I'll protect you." "I'll protect you." Those words just rang into your eyes. His voice was music. You desperately wanted to hear those words again. and again. and again. and again. FOREVER...


The roller coaster kept climbing up. and up. and up. You froze. Horrified. You were afraid of heights. Accidentally, you had looked down below. The ground seemed so far away.


Lay tickled your chin. "Keep your head up. You've got me. Don't be afraid. Even if you get hurt, I could heal you with my unicorn skills." he chuckled.


The roller coaster reached the highest point. Everyone on the ride was screaming. You two were in the middle of the ride and could only hear screams from the people in front and behind you.


I grabbed Lay's hand even tighter. Wishing you could hold him through the entire ride...if it weren't for the seatbeat things that were getting in your way. "Wait- what am I thinking? I can't hug this stranger. I'm being way too comfortable around this guy. Even if this is Zhang Yi Xing, and even if he thinks I'm his biao mei."


You were in midthought when the roller coaster suddenly dropped if you felt like you were freefalling.




You practically choked the life out of Lay's hand. But all you could think about was "GET ME OUT OF THIS THING!!!" But after the drop there were a series of loops and turns. They were super fun! You put your other hand into the air as the other hand held onto Lay's hand.




You could hear Lay's laughter and smiled to yourself thinking, "This is the best day ever!!!"

The roller coaster was SO MUCH FUN!!! You two were both smiles after getting off the roller coaster! You stole a glance at Lay as he looked so carefree, young, and a little worn out from the crazy ride.

His hair had been messed up from the ride but he looked like he didn't care.


"Lian! Did you have fun?" he grinned shyly.


"OMG YOU'RE SO CUTE WHEN YOU GRIN LIKE THAT!" You yelped as you jumped to hug his neck. He blushed shyly from the skin contact. Both you and Lay didn't want to break the hug but then a girl came up to both of you, tugging each of your shirts. You saw that she was crying and lost.


"Where's my mama? (dances to EXO's mama) the little girl asked both of you.


You and Lay pulled away from your hug and looked down at the girl. She was wearing a straw hat and had long hair and cute bangs. She looked like a very cute little girl.


"We'll help find your mama, little girl. What's your name?" you asked


"Xiu Han"


You immediately thought of the EXO members, Xiu Min and Lu Han but didn't say anything. You glanced at Lay and could tell he was thinking the same thing as he shifted his glance from the girl to you. You two shared your first "we're both thinking the same thing" moment.


You glanced at the clock and it was 1:24pm. It had been almost 1 and 1/2 with Lay and it just felt like 5 minutes. Time sure fliess past when you're having fun...wait why am I thinking that? You shifted your glaze towards the little girl again. Lay was standing behind her, patting her shoulder and asking where she last saw her mom.


The girl smiled as Lay came closer to her. "She probably realized how handsome he is now that she is looking at him at eye level," you thought. "Lay looks like he could be a great father. He's very good with children and is already earning her trust," you thought as you watched Lay croutch down to talk with her. He was making jokes to comfort her. She had already stopped crying.


You smiled. "My Lay is so capable! Wait...did I just think that? He's not my Lay..........yet." You smirked as you went over to talk to the girl too.


"Yi Xing, how about we take her over there to get her a present. You know, to cheer her up!"


"That's a great idea, Lian!"


The girl smiled up at both of you while she took both your hand and Lay's hand. She led the way to the Disney store happily and pointed inside the store, asking permission to go there.


"Let's go, Xiu Han!" Both you and Lay said at the same time.


She gave both of you a toothy smile before dragging you guys inside the store with her. Inside, there were many cool gadgets and stuffed animals.

You smiled as she saw her pick up three mickey mouse ears. Xiu Han put the pink bow headband on herself and put the red bow headband on you. She went up to Lay and made him bend down so she could put on a magic hat headband on him too.

"We all match now!" Xiu Han exclaimed!


"YAY!!! Xiu Han, you look so cute!! Let's take a picture together! :)" you proclaimed as you took out your iphone and grabbed Lay to join you two into the photo.


"1...2...3...say cheese!" You snapped a picture of the three of you. Lay was holding Xiu Han in his arms while you hugged both of them with one hand. You looked at the picture and it was perfect. You weren't very good at taking pictures and usually had to take pictures a few times to get it right but this picture just looked so PERFECT. You showed Xiu Han and Lay the picture.


"Ah?! You have an iphone? Could I please borrow it? I can call my mom and tell her where I am now." Xiu Han pleaded.


"Oh yes! Of course!" you handed her your iphone.


"I'll pay for these headbands then!" Lay grinned like a gentlemen while turning to make his way towards the cashier register.


"Oh no no, it's okay Yi Xing. I can pay for them! You already paid for my admission ticket," you said hurriedly.


"It's my pleasure, Lian! I'll be right back!" Lay said as he went deeper into the crowd to pay for the headbands.


"He's such a sweet unicorn~~" you spoke softly to yourself.


"I heard that haha," Xiu Han giggled. "You like him~~!!!"


You tickled and poked Xiu Han. "You little cutie!!! Keep this a secret between you and me, okay?"


She giggled again and whispered, "I pinky promise!" :D and looked at your phone again to call her mom.


After a few minutes, Lay came back with a bag of the headband he had bought for everyone and Xiu Han and called and told her mom where she was. Xiu Han stuck her hand inside the bag and put the headbands on for you and Lay. Lay put the plastic bag in his pocket while you guys all walked out of the store. Outside, a young lady was standing, looking very frustrated and worried. You wondered if that was Xiu Han's mom.


"XIU HAN!!! Mama's has been looking everywhere for you! Don't ever run away from my side again, you hear?" She ran and hugged Xiu Han while lifting her up to carry her.


Xiu Han kissed her mother and looked towards us. "Mama, they helped me find you and gave me this headband." She pointed towards the minnie mouse headband she had on her head.


"Oh my goodness, thank you you two! If you guys didn't help her, I don't know what I would do! Thank you for the headband too! You guys make a great couple!" Xiu Han's mom said.


"Oh, we're not a couple, Mrs....uh.." you started to say


"You guys aren't? I'm sorry about that then! and Lee. Mrs. Lee. What are your names?"


"Hi, Mrs. Lee! Nice to see you again! I didn't know Xiu Han was your daughter! And this is Lian." Lay replied casually.


"Oh my! Lay? Is that you? My husband never stops talking about you and your group! He said EXO is blowing his mind because of how great you guys are doing in the entertainment industry! And hello, Lian. Are you Lay's friend?"


Before you could answer, Lay introduced you to Mrs. Lee. "Lian, this is Mrs.Lee also known as LEE SOO MAN'S WIFE. Mrs. Lee, this is Lian, and you could say she's my friend."


You bowed 90 degrees for extra respect towards Mrs. Lee. "It's very nice to meet you, Mrs.Lee!" You said respectfully.


"Nice to meet you too! You're very pretty! Have you ever thought of coming into the entertainment industry?" Mrs. Lee responded.


"Bwo? I'm flattered! Thank you! *bows again*" you stuttered.


"*she gives you a name card* Give Lee Soo Man a call later this week if you are interested! I can see you have a good heart and good looks. The world will love you! I'll be sure to tell my husband about you today," she said confidently.


"Thank you! I'll think about it, Mrs.Lee!" You said.


"Nice seeing you today, Mrs.Lee and Xiu Han!" Lay said as Mrs. Lee walked the other direction.


"Good luck to you two!" Mrs.Lee called out.


"Biao Mei! You did it!"  Lay turned to you with his eyes bulging out, "Come join me in SM!"

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i love this story
Kahanbo123 #2
Chapter 42: I absolutely love this story!!! Makes my heart warm up. But the thing about idols not dating? Yixing isn't technically clarified as a "k-pop" idol because of his ethnicity. And they do allow dating under a certain consent. I'm sorry, I always speak my mind. I love you as an author though, you are amazing. Keep up the good work!!!❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 7: let me be this !
ChiNoNeko #4
I love this so much~
im_a_squid #5
Chapter 44: sequel pleaseee~~
AmieChan #6
I like it no no no i luffff it ^_^
GDragon24 #7
omg keep up the good work! i wish i could write like you :3
lohengay #8
wowow hahha love it
XuiminLayHART #9
Chapter 16: BOOM PANES!!
ILoveKDramas1 #10
Chapter 44: Probably He Was Kissing Yoona To Stop Paparazzis From Digging More into who he is dating, u know more like a cover up!!! I Hope they go back together!!! So Yeah A Sequel sounds good!!!