It's me

! . . . . You! You're Zhang Yi Xing! . . . . !


You flew downwards as the spotlight went out. The stage's opening you were on top of had opened. In a matter of seconds you would hit the ground. That is...


If someone hadn't caught you...and the chair you were sitting on.


You felt your hand being crushed between your chest and his. What was going on? The crowd of fans screamed and hollered in surprise. You could longer feel Changmin's hand in yours, instead you felt another warm hand that closed around yours perfectly.


The stage opening closed as quickly as it had opened. You hugged that person tightly, frightened from the fall. You didn't know who caught you or what had happened but all you wanted to do now was to embrace this person for catching you. After a few moments, you pulled away. The inside of the stage was very dark. You couldn't tell who this person was. His tall figure against your body made you feel secure.


"Thanks for catching me. I-I didn't know what happened up there." you stuttered, still dizzy from the fall and the warmth you were feeling.


His low voice echoed in the hallow stage, "No can get off me now. Before Lay finds out I've been touching his property," he said in a teasing kind of way.


You recognized his voice and his English pronouciation. It all made sense. His tall, sculpted figure and attractive, low voice. That tease...Kris.


You slowly backed away from Kris. Disgusted by his choice of words. And how awkward would it be to be caught hugging Kris by Lay?


"Oh," you said offensively. "I don't know who taught you girls are guy's property but I'm not Lay's property. We're cousin."


He laughed, "Haha sure...I saw you guys backstage and that wasn't cousin love when he asked you for a good luck kiss."


Deciding not to argue with him, you turned your back to him and started to walk back to backstage.


"Yah! Where do you think you're going? You're coming with me to EXO's dressing room. I've got to talk to YiXing."


"Well go then because I'm not coming with you."


"Oh yeah you are," he said, catching you by the wrist and lifting you up bridal style. "You know, you're such a tease. First you go teasing Lay. Then you go hug his leader and grab his hand? There's only one e and that's me." Kris grinned slyly.

You opened your mouth to protest but he put his finger to your lips gently. "Shut up, girl. You know it's true."


The only thing you could do was roll your eyes. What kind of leader was this?


You and Kris arrived at EXO's dressing room with him still carrying you bridal style. "Shoot, I better let you down now before Lay kicks my for having my hands on you," Kris said as he ran his hand through his hair.


"We're cousin. Again."


"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Kris said as he waved his annoyingly. Why did everyone think you and Lay are together?


Kris opened the dressing room door and motioned for you to come in. Inside, you could see all the EXO member getting ready for their combined stage, "Mama." Lay immediately came towards you and gave a little gasp when he saw that you were with Kris.


"Yah, Lian. Do you know this guy?" Lay pointed up towards his duizhang.


You looked up towards Kris and he shock his head, indicating that you should say no.


"Ya, I know him and he caught me while I was fall off stage." You said, ignoring Kris.


"You what???" Lay quickly pulled you into an embrace. "What were you doing on stage?"


You pulled away from him and looked down at your shoes, "Kyuhyun and Changmin were seranading me."


"WHAT?!? This is your first SMTOWN concert and the guys are already hitting on you?" Lay said angrily while looking at Kris. This was the first time you saw his mad.


You blushed, "What? No..."


Lay sofened after seeing you blush. "No, no, this won't do. My biao mei is mine," Lay said half jokingly.



(Lay's POV)


Exactly what was Kris thinking? HE KNOWS THAT SHE'S PRECIOUS TO ME. Maybe even more than that. She's my first fan. So Kris just goes and flirts with her? No way. I know this is a little selfish of me but I don't want anyone to touch my first fan. I don't know if I like her yet but I know I did feel jealous when Lian and Kris walked in together.


And then what's with Changmin and Kyuhyun seranading her with that song? And holding her hand and stuff? Sigh, I know it's fan service but why her? Geez, Lian, you're already making yourself known and it's not even halfway into the concert.



(Kris' POV)


Whoa there. Lay has got to chill down. It's totally obvious that he likes her. It's just that Lian is to oblivous. And I have a feeling Lay doesn't even know he likes her. Sigh... He keeps telling us, EXO members, about her. Especially Luhan. Calling her "his first fan" and lying to her about being her cousin just to get close with her. Oh please...we all know you like her.



(Nobody's POV)


"Excuse us for a moment, Lian." Lay called out to you while dragging duizhang harshly away to a corner.


"Yah! Kris, what were you doing? Catching Lian?" Lay yelled into Kris' ear.


"What? Would you rather let her fall to the ground?" Kris smirked.


"No...," Lay admitted sheepishly. "I just...I can't explain it. This girl drives me crazy. I feel so..." Lay said, exasperated.


"Lovesick?" Kris interjected.




"Oh please... Look at her. I admit, she looks gorgeous. Just as you described her. But you see her differently than me, don't you? What I see is a girl. What you see is probably some exaggerated, gorgeous girl that does everything in slow-mo and sparkles in your eyes?" Kris laughed.


"Oh come on, Kris. It's not just that. When the wind blow her hair and carries her scent to that's heaven." Lay laughed at his words.


"Wow, man. You've got it bad. And don't worry, your hyung will never take your girl." Kris said confidently.


"She's not my girl...I don't even know if what I'm feeling is real." Lay admitted.


"Well from what I see, you like her. I would just focus worrying about when to tell her that you aren't her cousin."




The concert went by very fast after that. Kyuhyun and Changmin thanked you for being their fangirl in their performance and apologized for that stage ch. After the final stage, Yuri found you getting water backstage.


"Lian! How was it, girl? Did you like the concert?" Yuri asked you excited. Wow this girl sure has a lot of energy, even after a concert.


" was boring,"




"Just kidding! I loved it! Especially your performances!"


"AWWW, girl. I KNEW you were joking!" Yuri slapped your shoulder, hard.


"Yah!" you yelped from the pain.


"Merong. That's what you get for joking about my awesomeness."


"AH? I'm going to GET YOU!!!" You chased after Yuri as she ran away from you.


"YOU CAN'T CATCH ME!!!" Yuri turned around and ran backwards, teasingly.


"SHOW OFF-" Suddenly you something hard knock you off your feet. "OW!"


You looked up and realized you bumped into someone. "Oops! I'm so sorry! =_=" You said.


"I'm sorry, Lian." the person said as he helped you to your feet.


Huh? How does this person know my name? You looked closely at the person. NO WAY. Lu Han? Why do I always meet EXO in bad situations?


"Oh my-"


"Yixing won't be happy to hear that I knocked up his girlfriend." Luhan sighed.


You laughed awkwardly. "Uh...that just sounded wrong."


Lu Han realized what he had said, "Oh gosh, not like that! I meant knocked down his girlfriend."


You two laughed together. "It's fine, Lu Han. And I'm not his girlfriend."


"Oh yeah, my bad," Lu Han corrected himself, "cousins."


"Yup. That's the word." You tried to make conversation, "I really liked your stage with Taetiseo! Your English is pretty good."


Lu Han looked amused. "Thanks. Your Chinese is pretty good for someone who wasn't born in China."


"Uh...thanks." It got awkward again.


"So why were you running? Did you need to go anywhere?" Lu Han asked you.


"Oh yeah. I was chasing my friend, Yuri. It's nothing. She just slapped me. On the shoulder."


Lu Han looked alarmed. "She SLAPPED you?"


"Oh, no...not like that!" You waved your hands frantically. "It's just hard and Yuri slap each other ALL the time."


"Ahh...okay. I don't know if I should tell you this but Lay is really protective of you. He told all the members of EXO, including me, to look after you. So..."


Your face reddened. Lay really told everyone that? How sweet of a cousin can someone get? You forgot Lu Han was there and stopped listening to him talk on and on...


"...he talks about you a lot and says you're really kind and pretty..." Lu Han went on, still oblivious that you weren't listening to him anymore.


"He especially like to talk to me about you. At name it." Lu Han finally realized you weren't listening to him. "Yah. Lian? Hello?"


"Oh uh...yeah? You were saying?" you said quickly, tunring your attention back to Lu Han.


"Haha never mind." Lu Han said. "So do you want to come with me to SMTOWN's concert afterparty? We're going ice skating! Yuri and Lay will be there, if you're wondering."


"Really?" surprised that Lu Han would be the one to ask you to the afterparty and not Yuri or Lay. "Sure, I'd love to go!"





(Lu Han's POV)


Thank goodness she wasn't listening to me. I forgot that Lay wants her to think he is her cousin. What I said was totally NOT cousin love. Haha... Lian is totally Lay's type. I wonder when Lay will realize that she's not only his "first fan" but also his


First Love.


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i love this story
Kahanbo123 #2
Chapter 42: I absolutely love this story!!! Makes my heart warm up. But the thing about idols not dating? Yixing isn't technically clarified as a "k-pop" idol because of his ethnicity. And they do allow dating under a certain consent. I'm sorry, I always speak my mind. I love you as an author though, you are amazing. Keep up the good work!!!❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 7: let me be this !
ChiNoNeko #4
I love this so much~
im_a_squid #5
Chapter 44: sequel pleaseee~~
AmieChan #6
I like it no no no i luffff it ^_^
GDragon24 #7
omg keep up the good work! i wish i could write like you :3
lohengay #8
wowow hahha love it
XuiminLayHART #9
Chapter 16: BOOM PANES!!
ILoveKDramas1 #10
Chapter 44: Probably He Was Kissing Yoona To Stop Paparazzis From Digging More into who he is dating, u know more like a cover up!!! I Hope they go back together!!! So Yeah A Sequel sounds good!!!