Mixed Feelings

! . . . . You! You're Zhang Yi Xing! . . . . !



You tore away from Lay, sweating from the close contact and his body heat. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" you yelled at him without thinking. Everyone's eyes were on the both of you. Your first kiss...


Lay looked at you. He looked at you with as much surprise as you felt. Although you knew it was an accident, you couldn't believe it. You felt tears forming in your eyes. Was it sadness? Or joyful?


Lay looked heartbroken and wiped the tears on your face with his thumb. "Lian..."


"That was my first kiss," you said more to yourself than to him. Your hands were still lying on his chest.


"Lian, I'm so-"


You hopped up on your feet before he could finish his sentence. With your feet still wobbly from the kiss, you skated as fast as you could without falling down to the nearest exit. Clomping your skates as your landing on solid ground, you rushed to take off your skates so that you could get to the nearest restroom.


As soon as you entered the restroom, you realized no one was inside. The clean sink stood in front of you and you decided to angily splash your face with ice, cold water.


"Lian, what was that? Huh? How could you do that? What were you thinking?" You slapped yourself with more cold water.


"What...what is this I'm feeling. Lian, get a grip. He's your cousin. Cousin. Cousin. Cousin. Lay. Is. Your. Cousin. But why did I want to kiss him so much when our lips touched?"


The water had turned warm, you realized. "Argh! I don't know! I don't know! Eottke??? Why do I have to feel this way? Why is it that everything I see and do reminds me of Yi Xing, now? Huh? Why? Why does this water remind me of the time Yi Xing protected me from that water ride?" you said as you ran your hands through the streaming warm water.


"I should go home. This isn't where I belong," you decided.


The socks were wet from the wet restroom floor. "Oh, I also need to get my shoes and return my skates," you reminded yourself.


Opening the door slowly, you felt someone in front of the door.




You avoided his eyes. What were you suppose to do? It was too awkward to handle.


Lay spoke first. "Lian...there's something I need to tell yo"


"It's fine. Nothing. Nothing happened back there. I'm going home now," you interrupted him, still flustered about the kiss.


"Are you sure? I can drive you..."


"NO!.........I mean, no, thanks, Yi Xing."


"Uh...," Yi Xing scratched his head, "okay then, I'll call you later to make sure you arrive home safely. And uh..." He pulled out his wallet and grabbed a couple of paper bills from there, "here's some money if you need to call a taxi."




After what seemed like a long time, you finally arrived back at your house. You made your way to your bedroom and saw from your bedroom mirror that your face was bloated from crying on the bus. You didn't know why you cried, they just came.


You ignored your hideous appearance. Instead, you grabbed your iphone and plugged it into your speakers. After searching for a while, you finally found the song: It Hurts by 2ne1. Great. A song to make you feel better.


Were you crying because he stole your first kiss? Or was it because you were too flustered by the kiss? Or was it because you realized you had just fallen for him.


Yes. Exactly. Your heart was crying out to you. Leaping out of your chest. Yes, you heard right. Your heart was leaping out of your chest, and it had fallen right into Lay's arms. You had literally just fallen in love.


But what made you cry was that you had fallen for the wrong person. Why did he have to be your cousin. In frustration, you slopped yourself on your bed, beating your poor pillow.


You finally admitted it. You like him. You want him. You've always liked him from day one at Disney Land, just a few days ago.


"MAKE HIM GIVE ME MY HEART BACK!!!" you yelled into your pillow. You hated someone having totally control over you. He had your heart. He could crush it in his hands right now. Even though Lay isn't that type of guy...


*ring ring* Just then, your phone rang. Your ringtone, "What is Love" filled and bounced off your bedroom walls.


"Hello?" You picked up the phone, trying your best to hide your sniffles from crying.


"Yah, it's me."


Lu Han.


You hadn't been expecting him. Didn't promise to call you?


"Where are you right now, Lian?" He asked urgently.




You had gotten another call. "Hold on, Lu Han."


You picked up the other call, "Hello?"


"Lian, are you okay? Are you safely home now?" It was Lay.


"Yes, I'm fine," yoou tried to say as normally as you could.

Lay knew you were still crying. "Can I see you right now?"


"I'm sorry, Lay. I just need some air right now."


Even over the phone you could see that he was disappointed. You hated yourself for making him feel bad but you had to get some time away from him. These past few days, the only thing you could think about was him. You just needed some space now, away from Lay.


"Okay. I guess I'll see you later," he said slowly.


"Okay. See you." You said, half of yourself telling you to hang up and the other half wanting you to talk to Lay until the next morning.


You switching lines again and this time talked to Lu Han, "Okay, I'm back."


"Looks like you're feeling better," he said, obviously taking note of your lightened voice. You had stopped crying for a few minutes now. "Do you want to get ice cream with me and Xiu Min?"


"Huh? Ice cream?" you were taken aback. "That was really random," you finally let out a laugh.


"Yeah, hopefully it can cheer you up," Lu Han said in his aegyo voice.


You smiled at that even though he couldn't see you.


"So come on! We're waiting at your doorstep!"


"Say what????" You looked out your bedroom window. Outside, on the driveway stood Xiu Min and Lu Han, waving at you and leaning on a shining red Audi. You couldn't help but smile and wave back at them even though you weren't feeling too good.


"Okay, I guess...if it will make me feel better. Thanks," You hung up and quickly pulled on a carnigan over your dress. Rushing to the front door, you almost tripped on the last step.


"I'm here!" You said with more confidence and excitement than you felt.


Lu Han laughed as he covered his mouth and looked to the ground. Xiu Min ran up to you and patted your back. They both seemed pretty concerned about you.


"How did you know my address? And aren't you guys suppose to be at the ice rink?"


"We saw you talking to Lay outside the restroom. You looked pretty hurt so we just followed you to your house. Hopefully you don't find us annoying for doing that. It just looked like you were about to explode in tears and also in frustration." Xiu Min said honestly while nodding his head up and down, cutely.


"Yeah, and baozi got the idea after we got to your house that we should invite you to eat ice cream with us. Me and baozi love eating ice cream. It just makes us feel better and happier. We would normally go together with Lay but since you probably don't want to see Lay right now, we didn't invite him." Lu Han said, still leaning on the red car.


"Ahhh...is that why you three are the happy ones in EXO-M? I want some of that magical ice cream."


Both of them chuckled. "Sure. We'll take you to get some of that magical ice cream...in our firey rocket." Lu Han the red car.


"Kaja! Let's go!" Xiu Min escorted me to the front passenger seat while he sat in the back seat and Lu Han drove.



The three of you arrived at Dairy Queen, just a few minutes away from your house.


"Mhmmm banana sounds good, don't you think?" Lu Han asked you.


"Ahh, yeh..." you said politely.


"Ok, so three bananas then?" Xiu Min asked you two. "Sure."


The three of you founds seat near the back corner of the store. You were sitting across from Lu Han and next to Xiu Min.


"Wow. Lay is really lucky to have you two as friends," you complimented.


Xiu Min and Lu Han thanked you. "But that's not the point. The point is..." Xiu Min started.


"...you," Lu Han finished. "We saw you and Yi Xing di di kissing after you fell on top of him." Lu Han said bluntly.


Your nose crinkled at that direct statement. You sat there, listening to what those two had to say. You feet itching to walk away from them and ignore what they were going to say but your heart told you to stay and listen.


Xiu Min and Lu Han looked at each other before turning to you.


"Let's just get to the point,"


"We know you like our Yi Xing."


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i love this story
Kahanbo123 #2
Chapter 42: I absolutely love this story!!! Makes my heart warm up. But the thing about idols not dating? Yixing isn't technically clarified as a "k-pop" idol because of his ethnicity. And they do allow dating under a certain consent. I'm sorry, I always speak my mind. I love you as an author though, you are amazing. Keep up the good work!!!❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 7: let me be this !
ChiNoNeko #4
I love this so much~
im_a_squid #5
Chapter 44: sequel pleaseee~~
AmieChan #6
I like it no no no i luffff it ^_^
GDragon24 #7
omg keep up the good work! i wish i could write like you :3
lohengay #8
wowow hahha love it
XuiminLayHART #9
Chapter 16: BOOM PANES!!
ILoveKDramas1 #10
Chapter 44: Probably He Was Kissing Yoona To Stop Paparazzis From Digging More into who he is dating, u know more like a cover up!!! I Hope they go back together!!! So Yeah A Sequel sounds good!!!