Into a New World

! . . . . You! You're Zhang Yi Xing! . . . . !


The plane ride was a breeze. You sat next to Yuri and Girl's Generation. In the beginning you wanted to sit next to Lay but Xiu Min and Lu Han forced you to sit away from. Apparanly it's called "playing hard to get." You didn't get that at all.


Anyways, the plane ride mostly consisted of talking to Yuri, playing card games with the other Girl's Generation girls, sleeping, and talking to Xiu Min who would once in a while come visit you to talk about details of the plan.


"Remember," Xiu Min had said. "Play hard to get sometimes. Other times flirt with him like crazy. Got it?"


"That does even make any sense," Yuri said, pleading your case.


"Yeah," you agreed.


Xiu Min facepalmed himself. "Girls, that's the point. We're trying to make him confused about you. Revenge, right? Plan, right? Are you with me?"


"Uh...okay. okay," you said.


"Lian, I don't think you should do that to Lay. It looks like he really like you," Yuri warned.


"If he likes me so much, why would he lie to me?" you challenged.


"He had his reasons...he wanted to become closer with you. You're just going along with this plan for fun," Yuri protested.


You grunted. "I hate it when you're right, Yuri....but..."


"Lian..." Yuri said, prompting you to continue.


"but...don't worry. I'll tell him the truth after my audition."


Yuri sighed. "Fine, Lian. Don't listen to me."


"Please..." you gave her your innocent look.


"It's your choice afterall..." Yuri said.



You arrived at Seoul with SMtown shortly after. Auditions in Seoul were about a week away and you hadn't prepared anything, you thought after landing in Seoul. To cast aside those worries, you decided to think about your new life in Korea for the next few months. You haven't been to Yuri's house for a really long time. Yuri was the only girl in Girl's generation who didn't live in the dorm with the girls, much like Super Junior's Siwon.

You arrived at Yuri's house right after landing in Seoul. Xiu Min had siad goodbye to you, promising you that he would call you get the plan straight.


Once at Yuri's house, you felt so tired. Yuri's house was still the same old same old. The small white house had a beautiful garden in the backyard with big apple trees. The dining room was still the biggest room in the house and...




"'s fine Yuri. Is that little prankster still sad that I rejected him?"


"'s fine. He's found another noona he likes."


"Ahh...really? Haha Jongdae has always liked noonas..."


"I'M COMING!!!" you heard Chen shout. He burst out of his bedroom door and ran downstairs to greet you. Almost crashing into you, you steadied yourself by holding onto the front door. "YAH!"


You glanced up. This wasn't Yuri's younger brother that you used to know. It was someone different. "OH MY GOODNESS. YOUR DONGSAENG...IS...CHEN?!?!"


"He auditioned just a few months ago and got put into EXO-M. Yeah, I didn't know if I should have brought that up." Yuri said dryly.


"Uh...YEAH! Chen! You've grow so much!!! Come give your noona a hug!" you called out to him. He hugged you tightly but it was different from a few years ago. This time HE was taller than you and his glasses were gone. Actually, he changed his whole appearance! No wonder you didn't recognize him at the SMtown concert and the ice rink.


"Why didn't you say hi earlier to me? Like at the concert?" you asked him.


"Merong. Looked like you were busy with Lay hyung..." Chen huffed out, obviously saddened to see his favorite noona to be taken by someone else.


"AWHHH. Aren't you happy to see your favorite noona with your favorite hyung?" you asked Chen, who was still wearing a frown.


"I guess...but I called dibs on you first!" Chen whined.


Yuri scoffed. "Liar. These past days, Chen's been fanboying about another noona..."


"Eh? Really? Nugoo?"


"Yoona unnie."




"See you later, Chen. YURI! COME WITH ME, NOW!" you said as quickly as you could while trying to drag Yuri into her own room.


You closed and locker the door behind you as soon as Yuri came inside. "So you're saying..."


"Simply put, things are complicated. My dongsaeng likes Yoona, Yoona likes your "cousin" Lay, Lay likes you, and Lay?"


You ruffled your hair in confusion. "ARGH!!! WHY?!?"


Yuri laughed. "Let me help you carry your luggage. Your rooming with me, okay? Also, you're going to be going to the same school as me. Hopefully we'll be in the same class."


"Uhh...sure." you said, trying to digest everything.


Your phone rang, "listen, ganjue de meiyou..."




"Hey, Lian. Do you want to visit EXO's dorm later tonight? I'm going to be pretty busy later this week so if you want, today would be a good day for me to give you a good tour of Seoul and my dorm." It was Lay.


"Sure. Maybe you could also help me with my audition?"


"Of course. I'll pick you up at 7pm."




You tossed the phone on Yuri's bed. *Looks like we're sharing a bed* you thought. Yuri came back carrying your luggage. "Here you go. Your luggage is always really light, Lian. Sometimes I wonder how a girl could survive just bring a few changes of clothes but it looks like you can do it."




Yuri smiled. "There's some chocolate cake in the fridge if you want it. Today's my day off to rest since we just had a concert so just don't bother me."


"okay, okay. Get your beauty sleep. I'm just going to unpack and then go for a walk around seoul. Maybe drink some coffee."


"Sure, sure, just watch out for those weird looking guys. And don't go to any pcbangs, there's a ton of weird guys there."


"Thanks for the tip," you said sarcastically.





After unpacking, you decided to check on Jongdae. You knocked lightly on his door. "Jongdae? Are you asleep?"


The door burst open and Jongdae stepped out like he was hiding something in his room. "Huh? Why would I be sleeping?"


"Didn't you just do a concert? Aren't you tired? Yuri's sleeping."


"Haha. Nope," Chen looked at you with your headband on and track jacket. "Are you going for a walk?"


"Oh yeah. Want to come?"




You two decided to walk around the huge garden first. The apple were beginning to bloom for summer. It made you miss America, with all the apple trees you had in your backyard too. What would you be doing in America right now? Probably at school, it would be the first day back from spring break and everyone would be in a great mood...


"Do you want an apple?" Jongdae pointed towards a small, green apple..clearly not ripe yet.


"I think I'll pass..." you gave him a evil glare. "Trying to kill with those sour apples?"




"Oh please, Jongdae. You've got to try harder than that. Your game hasn't gone up since last time I saw you."


Jongdae changed the subject. "So what did you feel when you found out that Lay wasn't your cousin?"


"Who told you that?"


"Xiu Min and Lu Han."


"Of course...and I don't know. Hurt? Betrayed?"


"Lay hyung told all of the members to keep his secret and also to keep an eye on you but I knew Xiu Min and Lu Han would spill the beans to you. I just knew it."


" seemed likely, according to their personalities. Especially Xiu Min.




"It looks like you've matured a lot since I saw you last time, Jongdae. You look handsomer too," you smiled. "I might just change my mind about you," you said jokingly.


"No, no, no, you're Lay hyung's now. I've got Yoona noona now," Jongdae shook his head.


"Ah, since when were you so loyal to Lay?"


Jongdae answered," Since I found out Lay likes you...a lot. A whole lot more than me. I think you two are made for each other. And you know what? I'm going to help you get him."


He seemed seriously. "You're kidding right?"


"No. I'm not. Lay hyung is my hyung. You're my favorite noona...of course Yuri noona too but she's my real noona so that doesn't count. I think it would be great to see you two together."


"So how are you going to get me and Lay together? Lay still thinks I think he's my cousin."


"Tell him the truth." Jongdae said simply.


"You're GOT to be kidding, RIGHT?"


"Fine then," Jongdae said angily. "Go on with Xiu Min and Lu Han's plan and see where that will take you. I'd hate to see Lay being played."


Those words Jongdae threw at you were sharp as they hit your skin. "Fine! Fine! I'll tell him. I'll tell him tonight."


"Tonight?" Jongdae raised his eyebrows.


"He's giving me a tour of the city and the dorm. Hey, that reminds me. You don't live in the dorm?"


"No? Why? Do I have to live there? Yuri doesn't live in a dorm and Siwon doesn't live in a dorm? We don't have to."


"Ah, okay."


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i love this story
Kahanbo123 #2
Chapter 42: I absolutely love this story!!! Makes my heart warm up. But the thing about idols not dating? Yixing isn't technically clarified as a "k-pop" idol because of his ethnicity. And they do allow dating under a certain consent. I'm sorry, I always speak my mind. I love you as an author though, you are amazing. Keep up the good work!!!❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 7: let me be this !
ChiNoNeko #4
I love this so much~
im_a_squid #5
Chapter 44: sequel pleaseee~~
AmieChan #6
I like it no no no i luffff it ^_^
GDragon24 #7
omg keep up the good work! i wish i could write like you :3
lohengay #8
wowow hahha love it
XuiminLayHART #9
Chapter 16: BOOM PANES!!
ILoveKDramas1 #10
Chapter 44: Probably He Was Kissing Yoona To Stop Paparazzis From Digging More into who he is dating, u know more like a cover up!!! I Hope they go back together!!! So Yeah A Sequel sounds good!!!