Meeting up with the manager.

Struck by stars


‘All right before I go further, I just would like to know can you speak and read Chinese?’ he asked.

‘Yes, I can. Chinese is my mother tongue.’

‘Can briefly tell me about your background?’

‘Well, I am a Malaysian. However I been working in Singapore for 5 years since my University graduation.’

‘I see, so you are Malaysian….. Kuala Lumpur?‘

Well, Kuala Lumpur is our capital, I don’t live there, its quite far away from here. My hometown is just 2 hours journey from Singapore.’

‘All right, how many languages can you speak?’

‘My mother tongue is Chinese. Malay and English are my second language. As for Korean, my speaking and reading skill are okay but i have a lousy writing skill.

‘Well Ae Li ssi, You are just the person we are looking for! Are you willing to work in Korea?’

‘Working in Korea? What can I do there? I am not familiar with the custom and practice there. I don’t think I can fit myself in. Furthermore, my written Korean is a disaster!’

‘All right, maybe I should make myself clear and brief you shortly what we have to offer. Your main duty is to liaise with our China office and make arrangement with regards to our boys’ schedule. You are required to take care of the boys and assist them with their Chinese  as well. Of course, there will be someone to guide and help you along so you don’t have to worry.’

‘Well. I never think of working in Korea before… Not to say working with Asian most famous group… I don’t know, I can’t decide now, can give me some time to consider?’

‘Yes, I understand. But you have to be fast as we don’t stay here for long. Is 2 days enough?’

‘Yes, I will give you the answer ASAP.’

‘All right, that’s all I need to talk to you. Join us for supper after the show? I think it will be very useful to have you around us, maybe you can recommend us a good eating place.’

I smiled at him and nodded my head ‘My pleasure, thanks for inviting. By the ways are the boys aware of what you had told me just now?’

‘No, they don’t. I won’t tell them before we finalize anything.’

‘Erm… I am worried I might not be able to do a good job…. And, what if I can’t get along with the boys?’

‘Hahahaha!! I don’t think I have to worried about you getting along with the boys.. I saw everything there..’ upon saying this he looked at a CCTV beside the window, showing the busy backstage and front stage where the boys is busy running in and out now.

‘I see… That’s why you purposely walked away and get Kyuhyun Ssi to show me around and talk to the rest of boys?’

‘Hahahahaha!! I know I am right, you are indeed an intelligent person. Yes, you are right.’ He nodded his head and smiling at me at the same time.  ‘Come, let’s get back to the back stage, I think that little brat is looking for you now. He might have thought I had abducted you.’ He said it jokingly while looking at the CCTV.

True enough, Kyuhyun Ssi is looking at every nook and corner as if he is looking for something and sat down sulkily when he did not get what he wanted.

‘Babo~’ I smiled as I saw his child’ish behavior.

‘Come on, lets go.’

I nodded and follow him in silent.

Kyuhyun POV

Yar~ where is this Ae Li Ssi? Is she still with manager hyung? Has she gone back already? Ya~ I am gonna prank calling her every night 3 am if she dare to go back just like this!!! Yah~how different she look today, wearing just a simple white shirt with jeans. Her black straight hairs look good draping on her shoulder naturally, with no gel or color. Her thick bangs that fall naturally on her forehead make her look like a Chinese doll and I just cant resist to pinch her cute chubby cheek… I am glad I did not pinch on to a heavily powdered cheek, just a thin layer of powder with a hint of blusher. Seriously, I think my make up is much more thicker than her. Oh!! Speak of the devil. I crept to her back and tap on her shoulder, purposely putting up 1 of my finger to poke her cheek when she turn over.

‘Yah~ what a childish game.’ She said as she pushed my hand off her shoulder while turning around to face me.

‘Hahahahaha!! How do you know?’ I asked her in surprise.

‘Babo!’ she said as she pointed to a big mirror in front of us.

‘Yah~~~~ I did not notice that, I will work harder next time.’

‘Yes, thanks you, you sure there will be next time?’ She looked at me smiling.

‘We are still chin gu after this concert don’t we?’ I asked her while looking at her.

She just shrugged and pushed me to a chair seating me down, handing me a drink.

‘Yar~ what did manager hyung talk to you just now?’

‘Yeh? Oh, nothing important, just asking how we met and some chit chatting.’ She answered after 2 second. She must have kept something from me!

‘That’s all? You sure? I hope your memory is not failing…’

‘Of course not, why? What are you suspecting?’

‘Hahahaha!! Nothing~ just curios…’ I AM SURE she kept something from me, judging from how uneasy she looks… well, if she prefers not to tell…

‘Ae Li ah~’

‘Erm?’ she looked up to me.


‘KYUHYUN AH~ your turn soon.’ our usher called out to me loudly.

‘NEH~ coming. You will wait till our concert end right?’ I asked while standing up and she nodded to me giving me a smile. (end of Kyuhyun POV)

Yah~ what a day… Meeting all the boys and taking pictures with them, I wouldn’t be surprised if it is a dream. If so, I think this would be the best dream in my life. However, that pinch from the evil prank king proved that I am not dreaming…. Babo, keep playing little children's game…Erm… I have a big decision to make….Working in Korea? Taking care of the boys? How could I? Can I do it? I really don’t know…. Korea is so far away from my hometown and the culture is so much different… can I survive? And only two days to consider…

‘Ae Li ssi?’

‘Neh?’ I turned when I felt a sharp tap on my shoulder and saw….

Donghae…. On my side holding out a water bottle to me.

‘Yah~ Ae Li Ssi, what is on you mind? Cant you hear me?’ he asked while helping me to open up the bottled water.

‘Hahahaha!! Nothing, just thinking about some trivial things… Thanks’ I said as I take over the water bottle from him.

‘I hope you are not bored here.’ He said while looking at the mirror and wiping his sweat away.

‘A ni ya~ How can I be bored when there’s such a great show going on?’ I smiled at him.

‘Jeong mal?’ he smiled happily.

‘Neh, you guys are really great.

‘Go ma wo~ I have to get going, see you around later.’ He said and winked at me before he rush down to the stage.

 ‘Yah~ its fun, we had a great time. I hope out fans will enjoy the show as much as we do.’ Leeteuk saying to the rest of the boy as they make their way back to back stage.

‘Ae Li Ssi, are you tired?’ Leeteuk asked politely when he saw me.

‘A ni yo~ I am fine. You guys should be tired after all those dancing and singing.’

‘A ni yo~ we are still energetic, shouldn’t be a problem for us to keep on dancing for another hour.’ Eunhyuk say excitedly as he doing the Bonama’s pelvic .

‘YAH~ do it yourself if you want, I am SOO HUNGRY here!!’ Heechul chided him while  taking off his jacket and wiping off the sweat that’s trickling down his neck. ‘Yah!!! What is this? Stop standing so near to me, cant you see I am sweating all over? Aish… I hate it!’ Heechul keep on mumble to himself as he brushed past while busy wiping away his sweat.

‘Heechul hyung, manager hyung asked us to get prepared for supper. He said…...’ Eunhyuk trying his best to cheer Heechul up and followed him to where he is heading to, busy talking to him.

‘Hahahaha!! That’s Heechul hyung, don’t mind about him. He is just throwing tantrum as he is feeling hungry and hot. Ryeowook said and beamed to me cutely.

‘Ah~ ken cha na yo (its ok), I know. I watched a lot of you boy’s variety show.’ I said while smiling to him and gave him a playful wink.

‘Hahahahahaahhahahaha!!! The boys laughed at my remark and to my surprise, I found someone is extraordinary quiet…

‘Kyuhyun Ssi, are you ok? Why are you so quiet?’

‘Nah, I am……….. hungry~’

‘All right boys, let’s go for supper. Ae Li Ssi will be following us as well. I believe she will have good recommendation for us.’ Manager ssi  said as he smiled at me.

‘Well…. I can recommend some places but, is there any place that you any of you wish to go?’

The boys look at each other and shook their heads. Shindong spoke up and said, ‘Ae Li Ssi, just bring us to somewhere good all right? We are not familiar with the places here.’

“All right then…’ I smiled at them and converse to their driver in Malay.

‘Encik, kita ingin pergi ke Lao Pa Sat, boleh bertolak sekarang.’( Malay - Mr, we would like to go to Lao Pa Sat, we are ready to set off now)

‘Baik, saya akan bawa kereta dan jemput kalian di pintu belakang.’(Malay - all right, I will go and fetch the car and meet you all at the back door.)

‘Terima Kasih.(Malay - thank you)’ I said as I smiled at him.

‘I know I know!!!’ Yesung shouted excitedly, ‘tre-i-ma ka-say is thank you. Am I right?’

‘YAH!!!! BABO!!! We all know! Shindong chided at Yesung and gave him a push.

‘Hhahahahahahahahaha!!! Babo!!’ the rest of the member laughed at Yesung. Only Ryeowook said ‘Don’t be like this…’ to the rest of the member and went up to give Yesung a hug. Aw~ so sweet.

 ‘Ae Li Ssi, what is this?’ Yesung asked as he pointed to a plate of Chicken rice.

‘Its chicken rice, it’s a savoury rice cook with the stock of chicken.’

‘And this? Look like BBQ meat…’ Ryeowook asked as he picked up a Satay and smell it.

‘The name is Satay, yes it is a kind of barbeques meat. You can eat it together with onion, cucumber or this rice dumpling called ketupat. Try to dip it with this sweet and spicy peanut sauce.’

‘is it?’ Ryeowook asked while following my instruction. ’Erm… Massisayo!!! (delicious). Hyung, try~’

 ‘What is this funny looking piece of thing?’ Heechul asked as he pick up a Roti prata.

‘Ah~ that’s Roti prata, it’s made of flour.. It’s a kind of indian pancake. You can eat it together with this curry but be careful not to dip too much as you might find the curry spicy.’


‘Yah~ stop talking and have some food yourself.’ Kyuhyun said as he put a Jiao zi (chinese dumpling, know as  Mandu in Korean) in my plate.

‘Go ma wo.’ Its really fun being together with them, seeing them making fun of each other.

The boys ate the food happily and wiped the food fast enough as they are really hungry.

‘Are you sure you wanted to go back by yourself?’ Kyuhyun Ssi asked me for the third time.

‘YES, I am sure. This is Singapore, why are you worried? I am sure I am more familiar with this place than you do.’ I replied in a firm voice and turn to look at him.

‘But we might be able to make some arrangement….I send you back and take the same cab back here?’ He suggested.

‘No, I don’t want to risk you losing your way here, again.. I don’t like the idea of coming out in the middle of the night looking for a lose idol boy.’ I .

‘Well…. Ok. If you insist…. But do give me a ring once you arrived, ok?

‘No worry, I will.’

‘Yah~ Kyuhyun ah~ you sound like you are parting with your girlfriend.’  Shindong chided at him.

‘Ya, shindong ssi, I am just being gentleman here, ok?’ he shouted back, blushing a little.

‘Neh, mian hae, we are not gentleman enough.’ Leeteuk butted in. ‘Anyway, Ae Li ssi, please take care and hope to see you again.’

‘Neh~ I nodded and smiled at them. ‘Ya, I got something small for each of you.’ I said as I pass the bag containing the charm to them.

‘Wait, I saw my name here, in pink strap and pink crystal angel!! Aigoo~ so cute!!! Go ma wo, Ae Li ssi!’ Sungmin said as he pounced over and gave me a hug.

‘Mine is red. Cool. Thanks~’ say Heechul happily.

‘As always, white Leeteuk. Go ma wo~

‘Yah, Lee Sungmin, how can you be the first one to hug her? I haven’t even done that yet!!’ Kyuhyun shrieked as he tried to pull Sungmin away from me.

‘Hahahahaah!! Ara ara! Come~’ I said as I spread out my hand to him. To my surprise, Siwon come up and hug me instead, pushing Kyuhyun away. Eunhyuk join next, and soon every is clustering around me and pushing Kyuhyun farther and farther  away.

‘YAH!!! U all!!!!’ Kyuhyun shrieked angrily.

‘Hahahahahahahahahahahah!! Everone laughed at Kyuhyun angry face.

‘Ara, Ara~’ I said while going to him and give him a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and rock me gently from side to side.

‘Happy? Not everyone has the chance to hug the perfect Cho Kyuhyun, you know?’ he whispered to me.

I push him away with a disgusted look and scowl at him ‘You are the one who wanted a hug isn it? I am happy with the previous two hugs, the last one……’

‘Yah!!!! YU AE LI!!!!’ He shouted angrily.

‘Hahahahahaha!!’ anyway, thanks for the gifts, Ae Li Ssi.’ Said Leeteuk.  

Kyuhyun look at me and give me a smirk. ‘Go ma wo~ Remember to give me a call when you reach ne?’ He said before he close the cab door for me. I nodded and waved to him and then to the rest of the boys.

I lean my tired body to the seat and heaved out a heavy sigh.~ Boy, I am so tired. Suddenly I feel my phone vibrating, received a SMS, from Kyuhyun Ssi. ‘Reach?’

‘Yah~ it only been less than 5 minutes. You thought I lived next to Lao Pa Sat?’I replied.

‘Hahahahaha! What are you doing now?’he asked again.

‘Sitting in the cab.’

‘Hahahahahah! Yes I know.. I mean what is in your brain now?’

‘My bed.’

Sigh…. I thought it will be Cho Kyuhyun…. You broke my heart again.’

‘Hahahahahaha!! I am so sorry, you need super glue?’

‘Hahahahaha!! You never failed to tease me don’t you?’

‘Thanks~ are you gonna keep on SMS me like this till I reach home?’

‘Yes, what’s wrong?’

‘Nothing, don’t you feel tired? Why don’t you just rest a while and I call you once I reach?’

‘No way~’

‘All right, if you wish to.’

‘Ae Li Ssi…. Can I ask you something?’


‘I know you are troubling over something, did manager hyung said any unpleasant thing to you?’

‘A ni yo~ really, he did not say any unpleasant thing to me, please do not make wild guesses, ok?

‘Jeong mal?’

‘Neh. I am reaching, I call you in 5 minutes?’

‘Ok ^^’

I open my unit door and go in quietly.

I lay on my bed thinking of what happen today…. I think I better call that kid first.

‘Kyuhyun Ssi? I am home.’

‘Is it? Good, go and take a bath then.'

‘All right, you guy please rest early as well, ok?’

‘Neh, talk to you again.’ He said and put down his phone.

I laid on my bed comfortably after my bath, looking at the ceiling thinking of the new job offer. Suddenly, my mobile vibrate again and another SMS coming from Kyuhyun Ssi. ‘Slept?’

‘No, just taken my bath. Why?’I replied.

‘Yah, Ae Li Ssi….’ He called.

‘Neh, how can I help?’ I answered back.

‘Nothing, just feel like talking to you. Can I?’

‘Sure, My pleasure….

‘Ae Li ssi…..’


‘I know you are keeping something from me.’

‘Hahaha!! Why?’

‘Cos I feel it.’


‘Ae Li ssi, are you with me?’

‘Neh, I am here….’

‘What did manager hyung said?’

‘Well, there’s nothing…..’

‘You are lying…’


‘You are my chin gu and I hate to see you are being bullied, more over because of me.’

‘Kyuhyun Ssi…..’

‘You dont trust me?’

‘No. its not that… He really did not say any nasty thing to me..’

‘Then why cant you tell me what he said?’

*sigh*‘Kyuhyun ssi…. All right, I will tell you. But please keep this to yourself, ok?’

‘Neh~ I promised….’

I told him about the job offer and asked for his opinion. He sounded very excited and keeps on encouraging me to accept it.

‘Yah~ sound good! We can mingle around then….’

‘It’s not an easy decision for me, you know?’

‘Ya~ makes no different anyway as you are now working in foreign country as well.’

‘Yah~ do you know how far is Korea from Malaysia?’

‘Hahahhahaha!!! But I do really like the idea of working with you….’

‘Please give me some time to think over, okay?’

‘Consider meaning there is possibility of you rejecting it?’


‘Please don’t…. I beg of you….’

‘Yah~ why are you so insistent about me accepting it?’

He paused for a second and said… ‘Ae Li ssi…..I also cant understand myself sometime….I think the only reason is because I…….’ 


*Ok~ Malay is the language of the day~  May sound a bit boring today but this chapter are neccessary for future story developement~ This is suppose to be 2 chapters but i combined it~ As usual, comments & suggestion are alway welcome...Thanks to my 2nd subsciber fishyXanchOvy  , from you nick i think your bias should be Eunhyuk and Donghae... However i am afraid i will have to dissapoint you as they dont appear much in this story... However, I might write about them in my future story~ Please continue to support me :) Go ma wo~*

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 36: Liked Ur story a lot.... So sweet of Kim Hee chul and yu ai Li..... A true love story ... Loved Kyuhyun toooo.... Lukin forward to your nxt stories.....
and re ready this again... i really love this Heechul story.. :)
Great story :DD
omo done again.. i really love chullie here :) hehe
reading this again.. i suddenly miss this two :D hehe i will re read all your fics again while waiting for you Yesung update.. hehe :D
minee26 #6
at long last... finally done reading the story.. i wonder how Heechul would be a dad here..
minee26 #7
the story reminds me of our story- my freinds which we call ourselves SUJU Gals! which is also a sequel of superjunior's different stories.. loving it now! :)
i dont know why.. i just finnish this story just now.. after months.. ahaha I forgot the im reading this.. oh my god.. i really love this story over.. i will sure love to read all of your fics.. :) <3
crying over chapter 25.. huhu T.T hurting heechul is her way to be able to regain heechul's place again :'( I really love this..