Birthday & more surprises....

Struck by stars

Heechul POV

*Sigh…..* this heartless Yu Ae Li…. Not a single text from her the whole day… what is she doing? So busy? Aish…. I gotta get ready now, we are going to appear at Teukie KTR today….

Mwo???? Who is this? Ae Li????!!!! I saw her waving her hand at me the moment I step out form the broadcast room!!!

‘YAH!!!!!!!!! Why are you here?’


‘Yah~ what happen to your hair?’

‘I remember someone said he miss my long black hair so I done something to them before I came over…Liked it?’

 ‘Yes, I LOVED it~ that’s my girl…’ I said while kissing her forehead.

‘Take it as your 1stbirthday present?’

‘Gomawo…..’ *Kiss*

‘Aigoo…. Heenim…. Please spare a thought for lonely single person here, do it later when u both are alone all right?’ Said Teukie…

‘Hahahahah!! Mianhae, teukie… I can’t control myself u know? Ae Li, lets go….’

‘Ok~ bye, Teukie, Eunhyukie~’

‘Neh~ bye….’

‘Ae Li, where are you going to stay?’


‘Not with me?’

‘Hahahaha!!! Yes, with you, but u have to come over.’

‘Can I?’ I asked excitedly.

‘Of course… and I am going to follow u around this week, waiting you to complete your schedule before I kidnap u.’

‘Wu~ ah~~~ my best present ever~’


‘Neh!!!! Too happy!! Love u!!!’

‘Hahahaha!!! I ‘stealed’ some of your clothing with the help of Kyu, so now we can go back to hotel straightaway… ’

‘So, u got all these planned?’


‘Aish… u this witch….’ I said while pinching her nose..

‘Tired?’ she asked while massaging me in our room.

‘Yeap…. Woa… feel so good… here….’

‘Hahahaha!!! Aigoo…. My poor Cinderella been working hard eh….. How? Feel better?’

*sigh* ‘ who gonna massage me after u go back? Aish…. Poor me…’

‘Hahahaha!! I knew you will say that…. Time to reveal your second present…’

‘What?!! U are staying here?’

‘Nope….. hahahaha!!! I bought u a massager, left it at your dorm~’


‘Not happy?’

‘Erm… No, gomawo…. But it would be better if you could stay and massage me everyday….’

‘Don’t be too greedy……’

‘Ae Li ah…. I think I am going crazy soon…. This is just the 1stday you come over but I am already worried…. Worried you will have to go back soon, we have to separate again…’ I turned to face her…. Placing my hands on her waist…

‘Aish… Heechul ah….. I have a week here…… Don’t think about that all right? Just enjoy ourselves…’ She said while hugging me back.


Still in Heechul POV

I looked at her sleeping face and can’t help smiling to myself… Yah~ so I am not dreaming, she is really here with me, in my embrace…. I tried to move away without waking her up but I failed…

‘Erm….Chul? What time is your schedule?’ she asked, rubbing her eyes.

‘8am…. You carry on sleeping, it’s ok… I will come back and meet you later, all right? You can go shopping 1st…’

She turned over and hug my waist, snuggle closer to me ‘ No, I wanna stuck to you the whole week, 24 hours, 7 days…. I wanna make full use of the time, being with you as much as I can. I don’t even intend to meet Kyu and the rest this time round…’

‘Aish…. Can’t help if u loves me so much…. Let’s go then…..’ I said while pulling her up.


We just stay in our hotel on my birthday, on our own…. Just wanted to be with her and no one else…..

‘Chul, saeng il chu kha ha mi da (happy birthday)~’

‘Gomawo….Ae Li… shall we dance?’

‘Eh? Dance??’

‘…. Just follow my step…..’

‘All right….’ I hold her close to me, placing my hand on her waist…. She lean her head on my chest and wrap her hands around my waist while we sway slowly with the music…..

‘Ae Li….. Neo mu gomawo….. Seriously this is the best birthday present ever….’

‘Um… I am glad u liked it…..’ she tilted her head up and look at me, smiling… her face blushed from the wine we just had and I can’t help but to kiss her on the lip… she responded to my kiss shyly and its making me crazy…..I felt a pulse of desire and its making me breathless…

‘Ae Li…… I…can I…. Can… I ….have… my……….third… present?’ I mean U as my third present….


‘I am sorry…. I…..’ I apologize as I take away my hands from her. To my surprise, she pulled me back and kisses me on my lip…

‘Yes, Chul, I love u……’

‘Ae Li……are you drunk?’ I asked… worried she might… regret later on….

‘No, I am not…..’ She said, kissing my lips again…..

‘Ae Li……..’ I pulled her to me and started to planting kisses on her neck……she just clung to me as I wander my hands around her body, while trying to respond to my kisses every now and then…..

(end of Heechul POV)

‘……………….’ I looked at Chul's sleeping face….. I cant believe it… He… I….We actually…..

‘Erm… why aren’t you sleeping?’

!!!!!!!!!! he’s awake!!! I pulled up the blanket to cover my body.

‘Yah!!! What is this? Aigoo…. Don’t bother.... Seen everything last night…..’

‘Yah!!! Kim Heechul! Shut up!!’

‘Hahahahahahaha!!! Aigoo….. blushing….. shy? My little bride......’ He said while coming over to hug me.

‘Heechul… don’t….’ Somehow I still feel uneasy as we had nothing on now…..

‘Ae Li…. Have u….. u regretted?’ he asked me carefully….

‘Heechul… I am not….. I just feel… weird…..’

‘Hahahahaha!! Don’t…. take time to get used to it….’

‘Yah… what do u mean by take time to get used to it?’

‘Hahahahahaha!! Don’t bother to ask cos I know u understand what I meant…. Hahahahaha!!’

‘Yah!!! U~ stop laughing!!! Keep quiet…..’

‘Ara ara…. I wont tease u anymore…..’ He said while pulling up the blanket to cover me, hugging me….


‘Ae Li ah….. aren’t you going to get rid of this scar?’ He asked, kissing the scar on my right shoulder.

‘No….. why should I?’

‘…….. It’s a scar anyway….. and it will shows…….’

‘Do u think its ugly?’

‘No, its not……’

‘Then its alright…..’


‘This is given by Kim Heechul… and I am gonna keep it…. Cos I loved everything about Kim Heechul…..It’s like having u beside me all the time…..’


‘Why? Are u that touched? Aigoo…. Babo……’

‘Ae Li ah….bring it to your next life if u can…. I will find u, no matter what….’

‘Do u believe in next life?’

‘Hahahahhah!!! There might be, u never know…..’

‘How am I going to recognize u then?’

‘Just stay there and wait for me…. I will find u….’


‘Ae Li ah…. Mian hae….we can’t get married so soon…. I am not ready yet….. I know I shouldn’t…’

‘Chul….. I never thought of marriage, even after this…..’


‘Yes….. no marriage….’

‘But… we…..’

‘Marriage is just a formality…. I don’t need this formality as long as u really loves me….’

‘Of course I love u….’

‘So, that’s good enough…. ’

‘Ae Li…….gomawo……’

‘Yah…. Aren’t u tired…. Sleep all right?’

‘Ok….. ‘


‘Ae Li……..’

‘Aish… don’t behave like a small kid here, ok?’

‘Cant you stay for 1 more day?’

‘No…. there will be endless request if I stay on…. Moreover I still need to get back to my job….’

‘Quit it!!! I will support u~’

‘Hahahaha!!! No, I prefer to earn my own money….’

‘Ae Li…….’

‘Be a good boy, ok?’ I said as I kiss his forehead.

‘I am going to miss u much….’

‘I know…. Me too…. We will see each other on internet every day, ok?’

‘But I can’t touch and kiss u…..’



 ‘Ae Li…. Are u ok?’ Yunny asked passing me a tissue to wipe my mouth.

‘Erm…. I am fine…. Might be food poisoning….’

‘Any diarrhea so far?’ 


‘……………. Ae Li……. What had u and he done at Korea last month?’ Yunny asked…

‘Why do u mean?’

‘Do you know you are behaving like a pregnant woman these days? Fatigue, vomiting, back pain…..’

‘Yunny….. What are you talking about?’

‘Don’t feign ignorance…..Did u n he…..?’


Aish….Don’t u take notice of the date? Aish….ur is irregular one…..But….. u….at least u should….Aigoo…. Don’t u know how to take precaution?’ Yunny hisses at me…

‘Yunny…… might not be that case….’

‘Ae Li, I am a mother of two……

‘Cant be……. So coincidence….’

‘Silly girl…. One time is enough….. Moreover u stays there for 1 week!! 1 whole week!!! Don’t tell me only one time…..’

‘Yunny……’ I am worried….. What if…..

‘Ae Li ah…. I know u loved him a lot……but he’s a celebrity….. u should b even more careful about this….’

‘…………….I didn’t think that much….. Just happen naturally…..’

‘Tell him now….. and get married ASAP!!!’

‘Yunny…… No…. there won’t be any marriage…… I told him I don’t want it….. it will still be the same even if I am with child…..’

‘What u?!!! silly girl…. Why are u doing this? Trust you to suggest no marriage to him?’

‘He’s a celebrity…. Marriage means he has to give up his dream……’

‘He has his dream? What about u? Are u gonna 2 live like a mistress like this forever?? Why?  Is he the only man around?? What’s so great about being a celebrity? Cheh~’

‘Yunny….. stop….I did it on my own accord….nobody forced me……. ‘

‘That’s why I said u r silly!!!! Protect urself my friend…. Now u r stuck…. Pregnant, yet no marriage…. Do u know how stressful is it to be a single mum?’


‘Aish…. Don’t cry…..All right, I shut up……U better go and do a checkup 1st….’


‘What u gonna do with this poor child?’

‘I don’t know…..maybe I am not even pregnant…….’

‘All right, hush now…. Don’t cry…. Let’s go to doctor now and we shall know, ok? I will be with u….. don’t worry…..’


 ‘Ae Li ah…. Do u know what Kyu done today? Ae Li?’

‘Um? Yes? I am sorry…..’

‘What happen to u recently? U can’t seem to be able to concentrate….feeling unwell?’

‘No… I am fine…..’

‘Fine? But I remember I saw u vomiting just now…. And u are looking so pale now….. Are u ok?’

‘No I am really fine….Just a bit tired…and its food poisoning I suppose?’

‘Yah…. Had u seen doctor?’

‘Yeap……nothing serious don’t worry….’

‘All right… in that case u better rest early then…..’

‘Ok, U too Chul…..’


‘Ne, saranghae….’

*sigh* what should I do? The pregnancy test kit result is positive….. The doctor’s report is not out yet……But I seem to be able to feel the small creature in my tummy now….. Heechul don’t likes kid I know…. But there’s no way I will give up this child…. Even if this mean I have to leave him…..

Heechul POV

Who is this? Yunny? Why is she texting me?

Kim Heechu ssl, what have u done to our Yu Ae Li? Do u intend to run away from ur responsible like this?

Yunny? What happen to Ae Li?’

Aish… u mean u still don’t know? Ask the stupid girl urself, I am not going to interfere anymore!!!!

Ae Li…. Something happen to her? She is hiding something from me? What happen to her? Should I just go over to see her? I happen to have 2 days break…..

‘Ae Li…..’ I opened the door of her apartment…. She is leaning on her bed right now….

‘Chul?!’ why are u here?’

‘Aish... Yu Ae Li! what happen? Why are you so pale??’

‘Chul…….’ She started to cry and hug me really hard…

‘Ae Li, what happen? Why are you crying? Tell me, don’t scare me, eh?’

‘Chul… I am sorry…. I…. am.. I am pregnant….’

‘MWO????!!! What did u say?’ Is she kidding? What is this? I am not….. 


*I notice there are some new subscriber here...Annyeong & gomawo....Glasherz  ,kellyjunghye kyunda1325   ,   fairydreamer02  thu_thi   ~*

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 36: Liked Ur story a lot.... So sweet of Kim Hee chul and yu ai Li..... A true love story ... Loved Kyuhyun toooo.... Lukin forward to your nxt stories.....
and re ready this again... i really love this Heechul story.. :)
Great story :DD
omo done again.. i really love chullie here :) hehe
reading this again.. i suddenly miss this two :D hehe i will re read all your fics again while waiting for you Yesung update.. hehe :D
minee26 #6
at long last... finally done reading the story.. i wonder how Heechul would be a dad here..
minee26 #7
the story reminds me of our story- my freinds which we call ourselves SUJU Gals! which is also a sequel of superjunior's different stories.. loving it now! :)
i dont know why.. i just finnish this story just now.. after months.. ahaha I forgot the im reading this.. oh my god.. i really love this story over.. i will sure love to read all of your fics.. :) <3
crying over chapter 25.. huhu T.T hurting heechul is her way to be able to regain heechul's place again :'( I really love this..