The mistake

Struck by stars


‘Yah~ Ryoogaa, borrow me you phone….’

‘Alright, take it.’said Ryogaa. Yu Ae Li, you are dead…..

‘Noona, I am going out with Kyu for supper, you joining?’ I sms her using Ryoogaa phone.

‘A ni yo, gam sa ha mi da, enjoy yourself.’she replied.

I waited outside her room for… 10 minutes? I heard a creak from the door and a head popping out from her room carefully…. Hehehe!! Gotcha! She makes her way to kitchen and I dashed into her room quickly and hide inside her wardrobe. Here she comes….. I waited for her to close the door before coming out from my hiding place. Unfortunately, I tripped into something and lose my balance. I fell to the floor, with her beneath me…. To my surprise, she did not scream, just looked at me, shocked and looked relieved when she saw it’s me and put her finger on her lip, warning me to keep quiet and push me away quickly, getting out of this awkward position.

‘Yah~ what are you doing?’ she asked.

‘A ni yo, I…I… just wanted…….. to prank….. you…. But I tripped into something and….’ Aish~ its so awkward! Can I bury my head to the ground?

‘Babo! What if someone see us?? Oh My god~ just the thought of it….Aish~ you better get out of my room now.’ She said, burying her face in her hands.

‘Ae Li, mian hae…. Are you angry?’

‘Yah~ of course….  But, I know you did not do it on purpose…. just got a bit of shock. YAH! You got what you want. You pranked me, happy?’ she asked, pinching my face hard.

‘Who ask you to provoke me…..’ I said while rubbing my cheek.

‘So, my fault?’ she asked.

‘A ni ya….a ni ya… my fault, I am sorry ok? ‘

‘That’s more like it, now get going.’ She said, patting my head gently.’By the way Kyu… Why is your heart beating so fast?’ She asked while putting her hand on my left chest.

‘Aaa…a…ni…ya….. I got a shocked…. That’s why….’

‘Aish…. Can’t tell u are that timid… I am the victim here mind you?’

‘Ara ara…. I am sorry….’

‘Ok, you are excuse, but don’t do it again, ok?’

‘Neh~ good night,’ I greeted her while making my way to the door.

‘Good night, sleep well.’ She stands up, closing the door after me.

Phew….. Aish…. How am I going to face her tomorrow??? Aish…. My heart….My heart almost jumped out from my mouth just now….…. Aish……why did she put her hand on my chest? Making my heart beat faster…. Aish….Why is my heart still beating so fast… Aigooo….. Phew….(End of kyuhyun POV)   


sigh* Insomnia again…. I think I am going crazy soon…. I been in Korea for almost three weeks, I still can’t sleep well. Tonight is the worst…. I can’t even sleep here. Maybe some fresh air will do me good? I walked out heading to the balcony and stare at the sky. We share the same moon, but why am I so far away from my home?  The night air is so very cold here in Korea…. I would be sweating like crazy if I am wearing this kind of thick apparel in Singapore or Malaysia now…. How is mum and dad , my two beloved brothers and my friends doing? I miss you all so much….. Tears trickling down my cheek unknowingly…. 

Heechul POV

Yah, who is that at the balcony? I walked closer and saw a feminine figure standing, pulling her coat and looking at the sky…  she sat down after a while and started to fall into deep thought…

Moment later, she bow her head down and rub her eyes with the back of her hand. Is she crying? Aish~ why should I bother? I better get back to sleep. (end of Heechul POV)

‘Noona~ Shall we cook for the member today? They will all be coming back early today.’ Asked Ryeogaa.

‘Ok, but I am not good with Korean food…. I can only assist you.’

‘Its ok, you can cook Chinese food as well. We are not choosy with food.’

‘Alright, but no guarantee, all right?’

‘Hahaha!! Ne.’

‘Yah, Ae Li~ I don’t know you can cook.’ Kyuhyun said while helping himself with the food.

‘Heechul Hyung, come and have dinner.’ Ryoogaa called out to Heechul Ssi.


‘Hyung, sit here.’ Ryoogaa say while making place for Heechul.’Hyung, we are having Chinese food today.’

‘Chinese food?’ Heechul say while looking at the food on the table.’who cooked it?’

‘Ergh… me, anything wrong?’ I asked him.

‘Nothing…’ he replied and started to eat.

Ryoogaa helped me to clean up after the dinner and went back to his composing again. I went into Kyuhyun room and watch him playing Starcraft while chatting with him.

‘Li~ you wanna try playing this?’ he offered.

‘No, thanks….’

‘What’s troubling you?’ he asked without looking away from his game.


‘About Heechul hyung?’

‘Ya… how did you know?’

‘Hahhahah!! Cos I am genius Kyu~’

‘Stop crapping and get on with your game… I am going back to my room.’

‘Because you get along well with all of us except him.’


‘You know what I mean.’

‘……. But I really don’t know how to get along with him.’

‘Maybe its because you remind him of HanKyung hyung…’

‘Neh?! How can it be? We have no similarity at all… except we are both Chinese.’

‘And you both are Chinese who speak Korean, working far away from home, cook and… anything else. When you miss someone, even the tiniest thing can make you think of him / her.’

‘Erm…. But I can’t help it if I am Chinese right? That’s not a good reason to reject one’s friendship..’

‘Just leave him, concentrate on me, ok?’

‘Yeah, good suggestion….You get on with your game, I am going back to my room.’

‘Hahahahaha!! All right, rest well, my Li~’ he said without looking away from his computer.

‘Neh~ you better sleep early as well.’


 ‘You are nothing just a stupid gay, trying hard to act cool don’t you? Look at your sissy look.’ What are these rude kid doing here?

‘Yah, what are you doing?’ I shouted at the kid who is vandalizing Heechul Ssi’s poster outside the radio station.

‘None of your business leaves us alone.’ The kids shouted back at me.

‘Yah~ you can’t do this, I am bringing you to police station.’ I went over trying to catch them.

‘Ya, you!!! Get away, stupid.’ They push me away and run away before I can catch them.

‘You!!’ I tried to chase them…

‘YAH! Ae Li ssi, forget about it.’ Its Heechul Ssi.


‘Its ok, this is part of being a celebrity.’ he said while tearing away the ruined poster.’


‘By the way, please help me to put in the schedule I will be attending a TV show this coming Tuesday.’

‘Oh? Ok…’

‘Thanks.’ Upon saying this he turned away and walked in to the building.

Heechul POV

Chinese food? Taste so much like what Hannie cook when he was still around… Why must she cook Chinese food to remind me of my pal who is far away from me right now? How are you friend? I hope you will be happier back in China. What is she doing here? Fighting with some small kids? Aish… it just some poster, why is she so worked up? Meddlesome….

 ‘All right, boys.So your photo shooting will be on Tuesday.’ Said manager hyung.

‘Mwo? But I have a TV show on this coming Tuesday.’

‘But it’s not stated down here….’ Manager hyung said while looking back at our schedule table.

‘But I already told Ae Li ssi on Thursday!!!’

‘…………..She might have missed that out. Anyway, just inform the show host, we can’t postpone the photos shooting anymore cos schedule for you boys are full.’ Manager hyung said.

Aish~ this woman!! Where is she? I dashed to her room and banged at the door, venting all my anger on her.. ‘YAH!!!!! What is this? Photo shooting on this Tuesday? Didn’t I told you I have another TV show going on?’

‘Mwo? But… I thought is next….’ She looked at me, shocked.

‘I told you THIS COMING TUESDAY!!! Can’t you understand Korean??? If you cannot,  please go back and master it well before coming here!!!’ Upon saying this I went into my room, slamming my door, ignoring Teukie, who tried to talk to me. Aish…. I am so angry!!! I been waiting and waiting for this chance to go on this TV show with Sohee ssi, and she ruined it!!! Aish~ I can’t even sleep at all. It’s already 12 plus and we have to wake up early at 3am for a schedule tomorrow. Maybe I should check whether there’s any Soju left in kitchen? A little might help….

Now, who is talking at the balcony there? Must be Ae Li ssi, speaking Chinese…… Calling her family? She sounds like she’s crying right now. Aish~ why did I choose this time to drop the bottle?

‘Who?’ she asked.

‘It’s me.’ I answered in a cold stiff voice.

‘Heechul ssi? Why are you here? Not sleeping?’ she asked, coming in from balcony.

‘And what are you doing here? Crying?’ I look at her red watery eye.

‘Ah… no, nothing….. I will clean up this, please get back to sleep.’ She said, looking down.

‘It’s ok, I will clean it myself.’ I told her as I started to pick up the broken pieces.

‘I am sorry, Heechul Ssi… I….’

‘Apologize never help.’

‘But at least I have to…..admit my own mistake, even if say….’

’How does it help, in anyway? Will saying sorry mends this broken bottle?’ I asked her back, looking at her.

‘…………………No, but….’ she‘s crying in silent, turning her head away from me and headed to the kitchen. She came back with newspaper and wet cloth and helped me to clean the mess. I can tell she’s trying hard to fight back her tears all the while, but tears still dropping from her eyes, to the floor... I take away the wet cloth from her and asked her to go back to sleep. She shook her head and continues picking up the pieces. We clean the broken bottle in silent and after that both of us went back to our own room without a single word.  I suppose she did not sleep at all. She already gotten our breakfast on the table by the time I came out to wake that bunch of kid at 2.30 am.  She is not around, hiding herself from the rest I think… Mwo? Guilty? Why should I?

(end of Heechul POV)

How could I get this wrong…. I am so careless… I should double check with him before I hand in their schedule….. He must be very angry now, should I apologize to him? But Teukie and Kyu asked me to leave him alone first… *sigh* am I right to come here? Another sleepless night for me… I can’t control my tear when I heard mum’s voice from the other side of the phone. Somehow, she sensed something is not right and called me up in the middle of the night. I tried my very best to assure her that I am fine over here while holding back my tears. What’s that sound? Heechul ssi? He dropped a Soju bottle and the broken pieces scattered on the floor. I tried to apologize to him but seem like he is not accepting…. What should I do? 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 36: Liked Ur story a lot.... So sweet of Kim Hee chul and yu ai Li..... A true love story ... Loved Kyuhyun toooo.... Lukin forward to your nxt stories.....
and re ready this again... i really love this Heechul story.. :)
Great story :DD
omo done again.. i really love chullie here :) hehe
reading this again.. i suddenly miss this two :D hehe i will re read all your fics again while waiting for you Yesung update.. hehe :D
minee26 #6
at long last... finally done reading the story.. i wonder how Heechul would be a dad here..
minee26 #7
the story reminds me of our story- my freinds which we call ourselves SUJU Gals! which is also a sequel of superjunior's different stories.. loving it now! :)
i dont know why.. i just finnish this story just now.. after months.. ahaha I forgot the im reading this.. oh my god.. i really love this story over.. i will sure love to read all of your fics.. :) <3
crying over chapter 25.. huhu T.T hurting heechul is her way to be able to regain heechul's place again :'( I really love this..