Reaching Korea

Struck by stars

….. we cannot wait till then. We need you by next week…. I know it’s a bit of urgent, but can you try to do some arrangement?’

‘Next week?! Well…. Its difficult, but I will try to arrange all right? I will liaise with you again’

‘Neh, Please try your very best.’

‘Ara so~’

‘All right, that’s all, please let me know the earliest date you can come over so that I can make necessary arrangement.’


Next week? How can I get myself ready in such a short period of time? *sigh* I think I will have to put up a request to terminate my employment earlier.

*Phone vibrating* Kyuhyun’s sms…

‘An nyeong, Ae Li Ssi. Online now.’


‘Ae Li ah~ today I went to SN…. What happen to you? You look worried.’ He said, waving to me.

‘A ni yo, manager Ssi called me just now.’

‘Manager hyung? Wae (why)?‘

‘He wanted me to join you all earlier, by next week.’

‘Oh? Jeongmal? So when will you be coming over?’

‘Still not sure yet, I will have to talk to my current company about leaving early first.’

‘AH~ ‘

‘Kyuhyun ah~ I need to trash something out now, we talk again, eh?’

‘All right, do not worry too much. Everything will be all right,ne?’

‘Go ma wo. Good night~’

*phone vibrating*

‘Hwaiting, Ae Li ssi. Jjal jja yo (sleep well)~

‘Go ma wo~ Neo ddo jjal jja yo (please sleep well too)’

‘See you soon ^^ ’

A week later…..

‘Ae Li Ssi!!!!’ Kyuhyun, Sungmin and Ryeowook come running to me.

‘Hie~ boys!’ I waved at them happily~

‘You are finally here.’ Kyuhyun said while giving me a big hug.

‘Neh, we been waiting.’ Sungmin said while coming over to give me a big hug.

‘Let’s get along well.’ Say the polite Ryeowook.

‘Neh~ go ma wo~’

‘Let’s go.’ Said Kyuhyun, helping me with my luggage.’ You don’t bring a lot of thing don’t you?’ he said weighing my luggage.

‘Nope, I wanted to. But unable to.’ I said.

‘Never mind, you can get what you need here. I can help you with it.’ Said the thoughtful Sungmin.

‘Ah~ go ma da~ (thanks)’

‘Let’s meet other first, they are waiting for us at the restaurant for dinner.’ Said Ryeowook who is always worried about other’s tummy.

‘Yah~ 欢迎你~ Huan ying ni (Chinese- welcome) , Ae Li Ssi~’ Donghae is the first to greet me in the crowded room.

‘Neh~谢谢xie xie (thank you)~

‘Ae Li Ssi, we will send you over to SNSD dorm after this, you will be staying with them, ara so?’

‘Neh, sir.’ I nodded my head at the manager.

‘And, thanks for coming over in such a short period of time. We really need to let you adapt to the environment here, fast.’

‘It’s ok, I would be good if I can get myself used to the life here faster too.’

It been a week since I reach Korea, trying hard to adapt myself to the life here and doing my very best to keep up with my job. Luckily, I met a lot of helpful person here and the boys are really cooperative. I have no problem living with the SNSD girls as well. They are really a bunch of cute lively girl. However, they started to complaint when the boys dropping in too often to their dorm. 

‘Yah~ you all are here again? Can’t you let Ae Li eon ni (girl calling another girl elder sister) have a little bit her own time?' Yoona complaint.

‘Yah~ you think we like to come here? We are facing difficulty with this Chinese lyric here. What can we do?’ Donghae said to Yoona.

‘And you all are so noisy…. We are trying to rest here.’ Sunny complaint too.

‘Ya~ just put on your earphone and go to sleep.’ Sungmin said without even looking at Sunny.

‘………. Don’t you think we stop here? It’s quite late and I think the girls are really tired….’ I asked the boys…

‘But we need to memorize as much as we can by today…..’said Leeteuk.

‘Well…. In that case, let’s keep our volume down….’

‘How? There are so many of us here….’ Kyuhyun said while flipping his fringe...

‘Well…. We try to….’

‘O…K….’ the boys whispered to me.

Leeteuk POV

This should not be the way, the girl are making so much noise about our frequent visit to their dorm… Maybe I should talk to manager hyung about this.

‘Yah~ Leeteuk, what is it?’ asked manager hyung.

‘Hyung, its about Ae Li ssi.’

‘Ae Li ssi? Any problem with her?’

‘No, well, its like this, we need lots of help with our Chinese lyric, but recently the girls are complaining about our frequent visit to their dorm… So, it’s actually quite inconvenient if Ae Li Ssi continue to live with them.’

‘Neh, I notice this problem as well. .. After several discussions we decided to let Ae Li Ssi to live with you guys.’

 ‘Mwo? Ae Li si living together with us? But hyung…. This is very inconvenient no matter to Ae Li Ssi or to us!’ I protested.

‘Then, what do you suggest? If we stay on to current situation, it’s very inconvenient for both the girls and to you guy as well. And it’s inappropriate to let Ae Li live by herself, with you guy  going in and out of her apartment every now and then…’

‘Well, true…. But….’

‘Don’t you think this is the best solution? Asked manager hyung.

‘All right, manager hyung. Do you need me to inform the guys?’

‘Neh, please. And make some arrangement to help Ae Li Ssi to move out from the girls dorm.’

(End of Leeteuk POV)

‘Ae Li ssi, you are to move out of here.’ Said Leeteuk.

‘Mwo? Where am I going to stay then?’

‘With us.’

‘MWO!!!???’ everyone is shocked at this news.


‘YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’ Kyuhyun and Sungmin cheered standing up.

‘Yah~ be quiet both of you.’ Said Heechul. ‘Why?’ Heechul ask Leeteuk.

‘Because its very inconvenient for us to frequent the girls dorm. So, manager hyung wanted Ae Li ssi to stay with us, easier for us as well.’ Leeteuk explained patiently.

‘Yeap, I agree, thing will be much easier if we live together.’ Said Ryeowook. ‘ we can take care of each other too.’

‘Erm…. Wont it be inconvenient?’ I asked.

‘No, of course.’ Said Kyuhyun and Sungmin in chorus, smiling to each other.

‘Ok…. So when shall I move over to your dorm?’

‘ASAP, we will help you with it.’ Answered Leetuek.

‘Tomorrow?’ Kyuhyun asked excitedly.

‘Yeah.’ Answered Leeteuk. ‘Ae Li Ssi, please get yourself ready. We will come and pick you up tomorrow, ok?’

‘Yah~ I am going back.’ Heechul standing up and leave the room suddenly.

‘…………………… is he unhappy?’ I asked Leeteuk.

‘No worry, he will be fine, he is a bit awkward with girl he just met.’ Leeteuk explain.

Heechul POV

Aish~~ living with girl? How can we live with girl? How inconvenient would that be? How would manager hyung come up with this kind of suggestion? Shall I move out?

‘Heenim~’ Teukie called out to me.

‘Yeah….’ I answered, looking at my computer still.

‘Heenim…. I know how you feel… I disapprove of this suggestion too, initially…’

‘Stick to it then, object till the end.’

‘But what manager hyung said is true, this is definitely the best solution.’

‘I might as well get out from here then.’

‘Heenim…. You know how awkward she will be if you do that right? It’s not that she wants it to be this way, she is following order from management too.’

‘YAH~ I don’t know!!’ I said, turning off my computer, slump to my bed and cover my head with blanket. Teukie slap at my shoulder, turning off the light and closing the door after him.(End of Heechul POV)

‘Is Heechul ssi unhappy about this?’

‘A ni yo, noona, he will be ok, like teukie hyung said, he is just a bit awkward with girl who he just met.’ Sungmin trying his best to assure me.

‘Hahahahaha!! Don’t worry, who will dislike my angel? Just get out of his way.’ Kyuhyun said cheekily.

‘ Yah!! You are not helping at all.’ Sungmin saying while throwing a pillow at Kyuhyun.

‘I don’t know….. somehow I have the feeling  that he dislike having me around.’

‘Is that so? We don’t feel it that way, do you Sungmin? Ryeogaa? Kyuhyun asked.

Sungmin and Ryeowook shook their head and Kyuhyun continue ‘ See, you are too sensitive. Give him some time to adapt all right?’

‘Neh~ go ma wo~’ I said looking at the three boys.

‘Wanted to repay us? Treat us better then.’ Kyuhyun said.

‘All right…. Craving for Tteobokki?(a type of sweet spicy Korean rice cake) My treat.’

‘YEAH~~~~~ ‘ the three boys stand up cheering and make their way to the door.

I am so thankful to have these three boys by my side. They are definitely my best pal here, doing their best to help me adapting to the lifestyle and helping me with my career as well. I don’t know what will happen to me if they are not by my side.

‘Ae Li Ssi, you will stay in this room. This room is previously occupied by manager hyung. However, he don’t need it anymore as he seldom come to our dorm nowadays.’ Leeteuk ssi explained.

‘Neh. Go ma wo. And Leeteuk ssi, just call me by my name will do, please drop the formality.’

‘Neh, Ae Li, please call me Teukie too.’ Teukie said smiling at me.


‘Ae Li~’

‘Hehehehehehe!’ we both giggle at our new name.

‘LI LI!!!!’

‘Mwo? Li Li? My new name?’ I asked Kyuhyun.

‘Neh, I also wants a new name~ call me handsome kyu in future.’ He replied cheekily.

‘Yes, how can I help you, annoying Kyu?’

‘hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!’ Teukie, Sungmin and Ryeowook roared with laughter at Kyuhyun’s new name.

‘Shiro~ will Kyu do?’ asked Kyuhyun pitifully.

‘Neh~ Kyu~’

‘Ah~~~~ I am melting~ hahahahahah!!’

‘Minnie? Ryoogaa? Where are you two?’ I called out to these two cute babies who suddenly went missing.

‘We are here in Ryoogaa room, noona.’ Minnie answered, shouting from Ryoogaa room.

‘All right, please tell me if you need anything, ok?’ Teukie said before he went out from my room.

‘Thanks, Teukie~’

‘Yah~ Li, need any help?’ Kyuhyun asked, sitting down on my bed, laying down on it after three second.

‘No, thanks. I got nothing much to unpack too.’ I answered.

‘Yah~ you bed is so comfortable~’ he said while stretching his long body.

‘Yah, get up, I haven’t changed the bed sheet yet.’

‘Never mind, let me sleep a while….’

‘Don’t you have your own bed?’


‘Yah! Kyu? Yah!’ Slept? My god, he look like he haven’t slept for days! I guess I would have to borrow him my bed for the time being….

Kyuhyun POV

*yawn* Where am I? Isn’t this Ae Li room? My~ I fallen asleep here? She even covered me with her blanket and taken off my shoe. What is this in my arm? A pillow? What a nice smell~ Where is this woman? I get up and stretched myself a bit, going out from her room.

‘Ae Li???? Where are you?’

‘Kyu~ I am here in Ryoogaa room~’

‘Yah~ you are finally awake! So mean of you to sleep on other people bed before she even have the chance to do so yet.’ Said Yesung.

‘I am too tired that’s why.’ I go in and sit beside Ryeogaa, who is busy playing with his piano.

‘Yeee~’ Ae Li shrieked as Ddangkoma (Yesung’s Turtle) touched her feet.

‘Yah~ he likes you, Ae Li Ssi. Please don’t avoid him.’ Yesung said.

‘What if I step on him? He is so expensive…’ Ae Li said as she moved away her leg, squatting down, picking Ddangkoma up looking at him.

‘Yes, he is expensive, noona~’ Ryoogaa  said.

‘Hahahahah!! I know, I saw on a show. Never did I expect I will have the chance to meet him. An Nyeong, Ddangkoma~’ she greeted the turtle?

‘Hahahahah!! What are you doing???? Greeting the turtle? Hahahahha!!! You think he can reply you?’ I can’t stop laughing~ Oh my god~ she is so cute.  

‘You don’t understand, animal have their own feeling as well, just that they can’t open their mouth and express themselves.’ She said as she put down Ddangkoma, his back gently. Aigooo….. so cute.

‘Maybe I should introduce Heebum and Champagne to you as well.’ I chided her back.

‘Well, I don’t mind.’ She said looking up, smiling at me.

‘Hahahahah!! You better get some rest now. Let’s go.’ I said, pulling her up.

‘Ok. I still need to change my bed sheet.’

‘Why? Look clean to me.’ I asked.

‘Not anymore cos you slept on it.’ She replied while running back to her room.

‘Yah!! You!! You’re dead if I catch you.’ I threaten, running after her.

Just in time for me to stop her from closing the door. ‘Yah~ Yu Ae Li!!!’

‘Hahahahaha!! Mian hae mian hae~~’ she said while rubbing her hands, begging for forgiveness.

‘ITS TOO LATE!!!!!’ I said, picking up her pillow and whacking her hard with that.

‘OUCH~’ she whined painfully and fell to her bed.

‘Yah~ are you ok?’Did I use too much force?

‘Yah~ do you have to be so vicious?’ she climbed up and push back her hair.

‘Mian hae~’ did I hurt you?’ I asked, guiltily.

‘You used too much force…’

‘Did I? Giddy now?’ she nodded at me. I am so sorry, you give me a minute I get you some water.’ I turn and make my way to kitchen.

‘ Ya~ Cho Kyuhyun!’ she called my name when I am approaching the kitchen and I turned back to look at her. ‘Have the water yourself, BABO~’ Upon saying this she quickly close and lock the door.

‘YAH!!! YOU!!! You are pretending???? YAH~ open up!! I shouted at her outside.

‘An nyeong hi ju mu se yo (goodnight), babo kyu~ hahahahahha.’ She shouted from inside.

‘Yah~ you!!!’ This cunning woman….  Aigoo… what can I do with her~ Ah....Got it! You are so dead Yu Ae Li......


**Welcome my new subscriber dharhysse_aNne 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 36: Liked Ur story a lot.... So sweet of Kim Hee chul and yu ai Li..... A true love story ... Loved Kyuhyun toooo.... Lukin forward to your nxt stories.....
and re ready this again... i really love this Heechul story.. :)
Great story :DD
omo done again.. i really love chullie here :) hehe
reading this again.. i suddenly miss this two :D hehe i will re read all your fics again while waiting for you Yesung update.. hehe :D
minee26 #6
at long last... finally done reading the story.. i wonder how Heechul would be a dad here..
minee26 #7
the story reminds me of our story- my freinds which we call ourselves SUJU Gals! which is also a sequel of superjunior's different stories.. loving it now! :)
i dont know why.. i just finnish this story just now.. after months.. ahaha I forgot the im reading this.. oh my god.. i really love this story over.. i will sure love to read all of your fics.. :) <3
crying over chapter 25.. huhu T.T hurting heechul is her way to be able to regain heechul's place again :'( I really love this..