Sticky situation….

Struck by stars

(Still in Heechul POV)

‘Mwo??? Aish… silly girl… why are you apologizing to me when u r pregnant?’

‘I want this child!!! But I know u don’t like kid….’

‘…………..Ae Li ah…… ‘

‘I am going to keep this child no matter what, Chul…..’

‘Ae Li ah…. U are not being fair to me…. I did not say I don’t want this child…. I am just… a bit taken back, that’s all….’


‘Ae Li… listen to me….. we get married ASAP all right?’

‘Chul….. I… don’t know….. This happen too suddenly and seriously, I haven’t thought over what I should do yet….'

‘Ae Li~ you are now with child!!! What else we gonna do if you don’t marry me?’

‘I am tired Chul, I just wanted to rest now, give me some time please…..’

‘Aish… Yu Ae Li….. your stubbornness gonna kill me one day…..’ (end of Heechul POV)


I looked at Chul's sleeping face and I finally made up my mind…..

I dialed my mum number…. I am going to bring Chul to meet my parent…..

(conversation should be in Chinese. ©= Chinese)

©‘So, u just gonna follow him like this? With no marriage? You even had his child now and you both are not getting married?’

© ‘Mum…. ‘

© ‘I cant understand….. I never imagine my daughter would do something like this….’ Upon saying this my mum broke into tears….

© ‘Mum…. I am sorry…. But I really love him…..’

© ‘I don’t know…. It’s your life…. I always told you you have to be responsible for your own action….I can’t control u as when u are still a kid anymore right? I just hope u will be happy, understand?’

© ‘Mum…….I am sorry to disappoint u……’

© ‘All right… bring him back….’

© ‘Mum….. ‘

© ‘I won’t make thing difficult for him I promise….’

© ‘Thanks mum….’


‘So, this is the place where u grows up? Interesting…’

‘Yes, come on in….. ©Mum, dad…’

© ‘Hi, come, have a seat…’

‘Ergh…. An nyeong ha se yo, uncle auntie….’ Chul greeted them awkwardly…

© ‘Have a seat…‘

‘Come, have a seat….’

(E) Heechul right? I know u can understand English… I will just speak in English then…. If I ask my silly girl to translate she will definitely left out things here and there….’

© ‘Mum…. Don’t be like this!’

(E) ‘Its ok….’

(E) ‘All right, my silly girl said she don’t want any marriage….

(E) ‘Mum…..’

(E) ‘Quiet, Ae Li….’

(E) ‘Yes, please carry on…’ Heechul said while looking at my mum.

(E) ‘I don’t want any wedding ceremony, but at least u need to Register your marriage here….’

© ‘MUM!!!!  I said I don’t want marriage….. ROM is part of marriage!!!’

© ‘Are you trying to make ur child an illegimate, an out of wedlock child?’ so his / her surname should be Kim or Yu?'


‘What is that? Ae Li? What are you both talking about?’ Heechul asked.


(E) ‘Ae Li, keep quiet…. Mr.Kim, I just don’t want my grandchild to be an illegimate child… so I wanted you to ROM with my daughter here, in Malaysia…. As for Korea side, I am not going to interfere….’

(E) ‘Yes, I know…… actually I wanted to marry her… but she insists not to…’

(E) ‘Don’t u know why she would do that?’

(E) ‘I know…. She is trying to protect me…’

(E) ‘…………. I really hope u’ll treat her well….’

(E) ‘ Please be assure I will…. Mum… and dad…


‘They are my parent now as well aren’t they?’

(E) ‘All right…. Just get it done ASAP….. I will just leave it to you both…’

(E) ‘Yes… and thank u, mum…..’ Heechul stand up and went over to…. Hug mum and dad?

Mum is sobbing as she patted Chul back…. Chul turn around and take me into his arm hugging me and my parent together….

‘Chul…. Gomawo….’


‘Ae Li…. So when are we going to register here?’ Chul asked…

‘Chul…. ROM means u are to marry me, legally here in Malaysia….. Have u thought over?’

‘Yes, of course I know…. What’s wrong with that?’

‘…………………but I thought we say no marriage…..we don’t have to do that… we can just….’

‘…………….Silly girl……. Don’t think too much, concentrate on bringing up our child all right….’


‘Listen to me, take good care of yourself and our baby….’

‘Yes, I will…….’

‘Cherry ah~ appa ya (its dad)~ an nyeong~’ Chul said while rubbing my tummy.

‘How do u know it’s a she?’

‘I think it’s a she…. I told u I am gonna call her Cherry right?’

‘Neh….. Kim Cherry~’

‘Kim Cherry…. And u are Kim Cherry omma…..Omma, an nyeong~’

‘Appa, an nyeong~’

‘Aigoo…. My good girl…..’ he said as he takes me in his arms, rocking me gently…

‘Chul……I am going back to Korea with you tomorrow….’

‘Jeongmal?!!! GREAT!!!!’

‘But I will come back here after that, to deliver our baby….’


‘I just wanted to pay your parent a visit and tell them… Um… about our child….’

‘Yah….. What is this? Are we going to keep on separated like that?’

‘Chul….. If I stay here, at least my mum can take care of me right?’

‘My mum can too!!!’


‘Ae Li…. I beg of u don’t torture me this way all right?’

‘Chul…. U know how inconvenient it would be if I am in Korea right? Especially during my pregnancy….’

‘……………………..But I hate to be separated from u….’

‘I know….. I will bring Cherry over to meet u ASAP all right? Meanwhile, appa can also come and visit us often…’

‘Aish…. U….. but promise me something in return….’


‘Quit your job….. How are you going to take care of yourself alone there at Kuala Lumpur? Come back here at least mum and dad can takes care of you….’

‘Erm….. but…’

‘No but….. u have a husband, wont starve, don’t worry….’

‘Hahahahah!!! Husband? That’s weird…..’


‘All right….’

‘Ok…. Good girl…..kiss…’


‘Omma, appa, this is Ae Li…’

‘An nyeong ha se yo……’

‘Ne, an nyeong ha se yo….’ Heechul mum greeted us warmly but his dad just kept quiet and look at us.

‘Omma, appa, We are getting married….’

‘MWO??? What are u saying? Are u saying u r going to marry this Chinese girl??’Heechul dad asked.

‘Yes, dad. She is pregnant….’

‘Pregnant? How can u do such a shameless thing before marriage????!!’

‘What do u mean by that, appa?’ Chul asked while holding me close to him.

‘Heechul, I am not going to agree.’ His dad said while looking at me straight in the eyes.

‘No matter what I am marrying her!!!’

‘Kim Heechul, u r not my son if u marry her.’

‘Dad, she is carrying my child, ur grandchild!!’

‘How can u be sure its ur child?’

‘YAH!!!’ why are u saying this?’ Heechul mum said while pushing Heechul farther away from his dad.

‘I AM VERY SURE!!!!!!!!!!’ Heechul shouted at his father.

‘Heechul… stop…..’

‘How can u be sure? Had u run a DNA test already?’

‘DAD????!!! How can u…….Ae Li, lets go.’


‘Lets go……’Chul pulled me away and walked out of his house while his mum tried to stop him…


‘I am sorry….’ Chul said as he takes me in his arm.

‘Its ok…I am fine.’

‘U r not going to run away from me again isn’t?’ He hugged me close,  asking me.

‘Chul….’ I push him away looking at him, shaking my head. ‘How can I run away when there’s a little Kim Heechul inside?’ I asked him while placing his hand on my tummy.

‘Ae Li….. I am sorry…. Cherry, appa sorry….’

‘Heechul… there will be a way no matter what….’

‘I am marrying u no matter what…..’

‘Thanks….Hee seobang….’ I leaned my head on his chest, hugging him close to me.

‘What do u call me?’ he asked looking down at me.

‘Hee Seobang, saranghae…..’

‘Yeo bo….. saranghae~’



‘Ae Li???? Why are u here alone? Where’s Heechul?’

’He has a schedule…. Ajumeoni…. Is Mr.Kim around?’

‘Yes…. He is…. But why?’

‘Can I talk to him?’

‘Ae Li….. But…..’

‘I will be fine…. Don’t worry, if he don’t feel like talking to me I will just go….’

‘All right….. come on in…’

‘ An nyeong ha se yo, Mr.Kim….’

‘Why are u here?’

‘Mr.Kim… I know u dislike me, and I don’t expect u will accept me either…. There won’t be any marriage between Heechul and me if u don’t like it…’

‘There nothing to talk anymore if there’s no marriage right? Why are u still here?’

‘Yes, no marriage, but I cant ignore the fact that I am pregnant right now….’


‘I just wanted u to accept this child…..’


‘I will run a DNA test later on….’


‘I just hope u will accept this child as ur grandchild if he/she is proven to be Heechul’s child….’


‘All right, I shant disturb u further, thanks for listening to me….’ I went out of the room and close the door after me, only to see Heechul’s mum standing outside.

‘Ae Li ah…… been hard on u.’ Heechul’s mum said as she grabs my hand.

‘Ah… a ni yo…. Its ok, I am fine…..’

‘I know how difficult it is to deal with this son of mine….. Initially I thought I would never hear of marriage and children from him….. I did not expect I would have a daughter in law and a grandchild soon! Thanks so much….Ae Li…But, Heechul appa…….’

 ‘Don’t be like this… ajumeoni…. I am ok……’

 ‘Ae Li…. U sure u r not going to have any ceremony here in Korea?’

‘…..  No….’

‘Aish~ My son…..sometime I hope he is not a celebrity….Ae Li ah……can I visit you during your pregnancy?’

‘Of course u can!!! But the journey is quite tedious…. ‘

‘Its ok….. its too long to wait till u given birth and come back to Korea… I will just visit you when I feel like it and when u are almost due, I will just stay there with you for a while all right?’

‘Yes, and thanks…..’

‘Aigoo..…… I wonder how our grandchild will look like. Both my son and daughter in law are so pretty…..’


I stepped out of Heechul’s house, walking down the street…. Suddenly someone grab my hand from behind and I turned my body…. A fan girl???

‘U??? u r the stupid assistant who is rumored to be Heechul oppa girlfriend? What are u doing in Heechul oppa house????  Pestering him again??’

‘I….Let go…..’ I tried to pull her hand away but she is too strong for me….’

 Tell me are u trying to pester oppa again???’

‘Agasshi…. Please let me go…..’

‘YAH!!! What are u doing?’ Heechul’s dad?

‘……………………….’ The fan girl let go of me suddenly and I lose balance of myself and fall down…….

 ‘Are u all right?’ Heechul’s dad come over and help me up.

‘……. I am fine….’ Subconsciously, I placed my hand on my tummy…. My baby!!! What if something happen to my baby?

‘Lets go….’ Heechul’s dad pull me to his car.

‘Where are we going?’

‘Doctor….. u r with child, better be careful…’

‘Thanks…..’ I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself down…. Please, my child…. Don’t let anything happen to u, all right?

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 36: Liked Ur story a lot.... So sweet of Kim Hee chul and yu ai Li..... A true love story ... Loved Kyuhyun toooo.... Lukin forward to your nxt stories.....
and re ready this again... i really love this Heechul story.. :)
Great story :DD
omo done again.. i really love chullie here :) hehe
reading this again.. i suddenly miss this two :D hehe i will re read all your fics again while waiting for you Yesung update.. hehe :D
minee26 #6
at long last... finally done reading the story.. i wonder how Heechul would be a dad here..
minee26 #7
the story reminds me of our story- my freinds which we call ourselves SUJU Gals! which is also a sequel of superjunior's different stories.. loving it now! :)
i dont know why.. i just finnish this story just now.. after months.. ahaha I forgot the im reading this.. oh my god.. i really love this story over.. i will sure love to read all of your fics.. :) <3
crying over chapter 25.. huhu T.T hurting heechul is her way to be able to regain heechul's place again :'( I really love this..