
Struck by stars

Still in Heechul POV

‘JJANG~ there~ I returned your gift.’ She said as she moves away from me.


‘This and this..’ she said as she pointed at the red kissing marks I left on her neck and shoulder, 2 days ago.

‘Hahahahaha!!! So you are taking revenge?’ I asked, looking at the red mark she left on my chest…

‘Yup~’ she said while flipping her hair, sitting on her bed.

‘You devil……I thought….’

‘Hahahahaha!!! Stop having dirty thought ok?’

‘…………………You still owe me one… I gave you two didn’t I?’


‘Come on…..’

‘Heechul…. I mean it as a joke…. Why take it so seriously? Hahahahaha!!’ she said while trying to slip away from me.

‘You come back…..’ I catch her and place her on my lap…. ‘Here….’ I said pointing to my neck.

‘Heechul….. it will show…. Will this do?’ She asked, giving me a quick peck on my lips.

‘I need something more passionate….’

‘Yah…. You know I am not good with it….’

‘I teach you……’

‘Hee……’ The best way to shut her up, is to kiss her…. And I love to punish her this way….

‘Ae Li ah…… do you think we should tell the rest?’

‘I don’t know…..’

‘I tell them when we go back to Korea?’

‘We? Does your we include me?’

‘Yes, of course… don’t tell me you are not going back with me…’

‘Yes, Heechul… I am not going back with you…’

‘Why? How do we…..’

‘Heechul, I never thought of going back with you… I am happy here.’

‘Ae Li, this is ridiculous! How are we going to see each other if you keep on staying here?’

‘We don’t have to see each other every day~ I will try to visit you whenever I can and you can come and meet me up whenever you have the time.’

‘Ae Li??!! What is this? NO WAY!!!’

‘Heechul, I am not going to compromise either…..’ Aish….. her stubbornness again…..

‘Ae Li….. ‘

‘Heechul, please don’t force me to do what u wanted to…. U should know it will only make me feel like running away from u….’

‘Ae Li…… u r threatening me…..’

‘I am not, I just wanted to be frank with u. I don’t like how it is to live under the limelight like what u said….’

‘But are we going to be like this forever?’

‘Nobody knows what will happen in future….I will try to adapt, cos my boyfriend is a celebrity and I know I can’t avoid it forever. As for now, I am neither willing nor ready to face it yet.’

‘You are making me crazy, little woman…… I don’t know how long can I stand before I drag you back to Korea with me by force… but let’s keep it this way for the time being…’

‘Go ma wo~’ she smiled at me, kissing me my forehead.

‘Aish…… you do enjoy torturing me….’

‘Hehehehehe~ who ask you to love me? Not too late to regret…’

‘Too late….. ‘he’ betrayed me….’ I said pointing to my heart…

‘But Kyu….. I think I need to tell Kyu about us…..’

‘Kyu? Both of you been keeping touch with each other?’

‘No, we don’t… happen he heard my assistant mentioning my name so he followed her here and that’s how we met…. And how do you know I am here?’

‘Hahahaha!! And I actually saw Kyu talking to you and that’s how I found you….I told you you are destined to be mine…’

*sigh*  ‘How to escape from your clutches?’



‘Lets have a dinner with them tomorrow?’


‘With my buddies….’

 (End of Heechul POV)


*phone conversation Kyu*

‘Kyu…. ‘

‘Yes Li? Why u suddenly disappear like that yesterday? Where are u now?’

‘Kyu… I have to tell you something….’


‘I…am with Heechul now….’

‘Mwo? What happen?’

‘He knew about what happen that time, 6 months back….’

‘And you are together with him again?’



‘Kyu…. I am sorry…..’

‘Li, I don’t understand…. Why am I always losing to him when I am always the first one to meet you?’

‘Kyu…nothing to do with timing……’

‘Li…… I don’t know what to say…. But I just want u to be happy….’

‘Thanks Kyu, thanks~ you are always so sweet and understanding…. You will definitely meet a perfect girl for you….’

‘Li…… can I still see you whenever I liked to?’

‘Yes, of course… Even if he disallows.’


‘Yes, Kyu, you are important to me as well…. I love you in a different way….’

‘Li…… aish…. I really hope I can turn back the time, I definitely won’t let you meet  Heechul hyung.’

‘Kyu… u r always my best dongsaeng…..’


Kyuhyun POV

I expected it….. I saw Heechul pulling Ae Li away from the function and the way Heechul hyung looks when he come back to hotel that night is exactly the same as how he look when he and Ae Li just started last time….


‘Heechul hyung…….’

‘Want to go for a drink?’


‘Kyu….. I am….. sorry……’

‘Of what? Hyung?’

‘Everything… I know how u feel about …. her…. But I am sorry, I cant give her up….’

‘So u truly love her?’

‘Kyu….. u still doubting it?’

‘Heechul hyung….. I disallow u to hurt her again, understand?’

‘Of course…. Thanks Kyu…..’

‘And to make thing clear, nothing ever happen between her and I…’

‘Kyu, I know…. I am trying to learn to trust now….. I found out that I have too little trust previously….’

‘Heechul hyung, here to u n Ae Li….’

‘Yah!!! Thanks!!’ He said as I bump my glass with his glass.

(end of Kyuhyun POV)



‘Aish…. Get away from my Ae Li, Lee Sungmin!!!’ Heechul say while prying Minnie away from me.

‘Hyung….. Y cant I give her a hug? We always do that….’ Minnie asked.

‘NO!!!!! Nobody is to touch MY Ae Li again……Nobody is allowed! Araso??? Except Kyu…..’

‘Thanks,hyung~ I will help myself then.’ Kyu said while coming over to give me a big hug.

‘Yah~ Kyu.. Isnt that a bit too long? And must you hold her so close to you?’

‘Aish…. Stop behave like a over protective daddy…..’ Said Teukie..

 ‘ Aish… u don’t understand!!’ Heechul said while pushing  Teukie aside.

‘Heechul hyung…. Ur Ae Li???? U both….’

‘Yeah, my Ae Li, ur sister in law~’

‘YAH!!! Stop it…Kim Heechul!’ I protested.

‘HAHAHAHAHHA!!!!! Look like she is denying Heechul Hyung… U know….’ Kyu teased Heechul.

‘U think she can escape??’ Heechul said while pull me close to him, grasping my waist tightly.

‘Aish…. U… Let go……’

‘Hahahahah!! Yeo bo… don’t be shy…’

‘Yah~Heechul hyung~ U are practically ‘sticking’ to Ae Li ssi, she look so uncomfortable sitting in that way! Can u move a bit farther from her?’ Shindong said.

‘Yah!! Don’t u do the same to Nari? Cheh~’

‘Aigoo……’ Shidong began.

‘Shut up.’ Heechul snapped at him.

‘Aish….. Heechul.. ’

‘Noona, whats your plan after going back to Korea?’ Asked Ryeogaa.

‘Erm…. As a matter of fact… I am not going back to Korea…’

‘Mwo???!! How can it be? I thought u n Heechul hyung???’

‘Hahahaha!! I prefer thing to remain as it is….’ I told them..

‘But… its not right for a couple to separate like that…’

‘Its ok, we can visit each other whenever we have time.’

‘Heechul hyung……’

‘She and her stubbornness, nobody can talk her around… just let her be… I don’t wanna waste more time on debating on this issue…’

‘Go ma wo, Heechul oppa~’ I whispered in his ear and he pinch my cheek softly..

‘Hahahahaha!!! Aigoo… Heechul hyung… u met your match…. Hahahaha!! Even u can’t do anything to her.’ Kyu laugh while clapping his hand.

‘Aish… u……Yah~ we are going back, it’s hard to have heart to heart talk with u these noisy people around. Cha gi ah~ lets go…’

‘Bye noona~~ bye hyung~’

‘Aish…. Why can’t we stay a little longer?’

‘Cos I want u to see me only….’ He said while putting his hand on my waist.

‘Hahahahaha!!! Selfish guy….’

‘Come… lets go back….’

‘To where?’

‘Your room….where we can enjoy more privacy.’

‘Yah~ don’t u need to rest? U has a schedule tomorrow!’

‘Hahahaha!! Rest in your room….’

‘No!!! go back to your own room~’


‘Ae Li ah……’I said as I snuggle close to her, kissing her..

‘What? Busy right now… talk to u later ok?’

‘Yah….. you have to rest… leave your work till tomorrow…’ upon saying this I carried her to her bed.

‘YAH!!!!!! U~ what are u doing? get away from me!!!’ Yu Ae Li…..trying to get away from me? Fat hope~

‘Ae Li ah…….‘ I tried to kiss her but she keeps giggling and dodging.

‘Heechul….dont~ its ticklish…..’ she said as she tried to push me away.

‘Yah~ keep quiet…..’ I shut her up with a kiss and put her arms around my neck…

My kisses went down to her neck….  


An nyeong and gomawo to kyu_ting  ~ hope u will liked it. Comment and suggestionare always welcome...

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 36: Liked Ur story a lot.... So sweet of Kim Hee chul and yu ai Li..... A true love story ... Loved Kyuhyun toooo.... Lukin forward to your nxt stories.....
and re ready this again... i really love this Heechul story.. :)
Great story :DD
omo done again.. i really love chullie here :) hehe
reading this again.. i suddenly miss this two :D hehe i will re read all your fics again while waiting for you Yesung update.. hehe :D
minee26 #6
at long last... finally done reading the story.. i wonder how Heechul would be a dad here..
minee26 #7
the story reminds me of our story- my freinds which we call ourselves SUJU Gals! which is also a sequel of superjunior's different stories.. loving it now! :)
i dont know why.. i just finnish this story just now.. after months.. ahaha I forgot the im reading this.. oh my god.. i really love this story over.. i will sure love to read all of your fics.. :) <3
crying over chapter 25.. huhu T.T hurting heechul is her way to be able to regain heechul's place again :'( I really love this..