The jealousy

Struck by stars


‘I am not… let go of me..’



‘Give me a reason why you avoid me.’

‘You…. Why aren’t you listening to other? I said I am not.’

‘You obviously are, start from the day before you depart to Malaysia till now. You are obviously avoiding me.’

‘Don’t I have the right to choose who I want to talk to?’


‘Let go.’ I said as I struggle harder to get away from him, but he grabbed at my arm harder…’Hurt…’

‘I am sorry… you all right?’ He said letting go of me….

‘Heechul…. Listen, I am not avoiding you and I am all right, don’t be so sensitive will you?’

‘I hope you are telling the truth…you know how…’

‘I really need to go now… talk at home shall we?’ I turn away from him before he has the time to finish his sentences.


‘Li~ practice with me wont you?’ Its Kyu, who came to practice for their performance next month.

‘Now? Where are the rest?’

‘Yeap…..They are still on the way. Come, let’s go~’ Kyuhyun pulled me up, heading toward their practicing room.

Bounce to you.. Bounce to you…….Kyuhyun danced to Bonama while looking at mirror to monitor his movement… this is the first time I saw him dancing in front of me… to be frank…. He looks cool and y.

‘How? I seem to be missing some beats just now…’ he stops to rest after a round of practicing and come over to me.

‘A ni~ you look good to me.’ I said as I pass him the water and wiping away his sweat.

‘WOOOOO~~ seem like we came at the wrong time~ please carry on~ We did not see anything..’ Shindong teased us the moment he stepped into practicing room.

‘Yah~ you are all late~’ Kyu said as he flipped his hair.

‘Come, let’s start.’ Heechul said as he put down his things.

‘Yah, let’s stop here today, we continue at the same time tomorrow, all right?’ Teukie said to the rest of the boy after an hour of practicing..

‘Neh~ the boys answered.

‘Yah, hyung, I am staying for a little while more, you all go back first all right? Kyu said.

‘Erm…and Teukie, I am staying with Kyu….’ 

‘Yah~ yah~we know, we know…. We get lost fast, ok?’ said Shindong.

‘Hahahahaha!! Neh, don’t stay till too late, ok? Teukie said to Kyu and me.

‘Neh~ hyung.’

‘Li~ I practice few more rounds of Boom Boom and we will go ok?’

‘All right…’ I sit down watching him.

Na peun na peun na peun~ I need a stop! I look at Kyu, doing the hip sway ily~

‘Pwee weet~’ I tease Kyu.

‘Yah~ Are you ert?’

‘Hahahahaha! I never know you can be that y~’

‘Come, I teach you how to be y~’

‘No, I don’t want!!!’

‘Come on, nobody’s here except you and me.’

‘I don’t want!!!! You just wanted to tease me…’

‘Come on.’ He said pulling me up.

‘Aish… you~’

‘Hahahahaha!! Why are you moving like this? You look like an injured person~’

‘Yah~ you!! Told you I am not good at dancing…I am not doing~’

‘A ni~a ni~ come I teach you~’ Kyu put his hands on my hip and push my hip from side to side… ‘Here,left pause, right pause, left right left…’

‘Like this?‘

‘Yeah~ See, you look better~’ Kyu say proudly. ‘Yah~ I can be a dance master already~’

‘Hahaha!! Thank you master!!!’

‘Hahahahah!!  We go with the music?’


‘Hahahahahahahah!!! YAH!!!!!!! You are looking like an injured person AGAIN!!!’

‘Stop laughing!! How? How you do it?’

‘Hahahahah!!! Ok ok!!  one more time! Left pause, right pause, Faster left right left. We try to go with the music again?’


 ‘Hahahahahah!!! Yah~ you really got no talent with dancing.’

‘Very well I am not doing! I am nothing but an old bone..’

‘Hahahahah!! Ok, last round before we go, ok?’

‘No, I am tired, you practice by yourself. I go to washroom first ok?’


‘Heechul?? Why are you still here?’ I almost bump into him when I come out from the practice room.

‘Left my things here.’ He answered without even looking at me and went in to their practice room.

‘………?’ How long has he been standing there?

Heechul POV

What is this? Ae Li helping Kyu to wipe away his sweat? Do they have to do this in public? Why didn’t she deny when Shindong teased them? Aish~ this woman…. She is making me losing focus, her eyes are on Kyu the whole night. They even interact with their eyes while Kyu is practicing with us. Teukie and Shindong keep teasing them and said they look like couple who just started to date and I feel like asking them to shut up!!! Finally the torturing practice section had ended… Mwo??!! She is staying back with Kyu? What are they trying to do? I am gonna to find a chance to talk to this woman…. If I keep on guessing like this I think I am going crazy soon… I better go before I lose control of myself… Aish!!! Why do I have to leave my car key behind? I heard the music of Boom Boom being played as I walked down the quiet corridor. So Kyu just wanted to familiarize himself with the dance steps…. WHAT ARE THEY DOING????? Why did Kyu placed his hands on her hip???? She even grabbed Kyu hands and places it on her hip for the second time and Kyu kissed her hairs slyly from behind!!!! She come out moment later, a bit shocked to see me….. Yu Ae Li!!! What am I going to do with you?

‘Hyung??? Why are you still here?’ Kyu asked me in surprise.

‘Send Ae Li home first and meet me at the eatery later.’

‘Why, hyung?’

‘………………Are you dating Ae Li now?’

‘Neh??!! Why do you ask?’

‘Just answer.’ I hissed at him.

He look at me with his fearless eyes and said ‘No, NOT YET.’

‘Mwo? Not yet? What do you mean?’

‘Hyung, you should know very well what I am saying.  And, you have no right to interfere. Remember Sohee ssi?’

‘You!!? ’

‘What are you two doing? Why are you looking so angry, Heechul? Kyu is pranking you again?‘ Ae Li asked as she walks over to Kyu side.

‘A ni ya~ I told hyung I will be going out for gaming session later… Hahahaha!! All right hyung, I am NOT going later, ok?’ Meaning he won’t be going to meet me later. …

‘So where are you going?’ I asked.

‘Home, with Ae Li ssi.’ He looked at me.


‘Heechul… what’s with you?’ she asked.

‘I am going back now.’

I am going crazy soon~ why is she giving me cold shoulder? Because she likes Kyu? Kyu is obviously in love with her…. Is he trying to warn me not to get close to Ae Li? I know it’s very wrong of me but I just can’t control!! What should I do? Confessing to her? What about Sohee? I can’t hurt her like this…. But seeing Kyu and Ae Li getting closer and closer everyday is a torture to me and I think it’s going to kill me soon…. (end of Heechul POV)

Kyuhyun POV

Li~ Do you know how much I feel like hugging you close to me when you are wiping my perspiring face just now?  Shindong teased at us all the time and I can tell Heechul hyung is not pleased with that. He is the only one who kept quiet all the time…  I love how u exchanging sight with me during the practice and I liked how u responded to me… Somehow I feel the lyric of Bonama describe well on how I feel about u….. Do u know how cute u look when u tried to do the hip sway of Boom Boom?? Aigoo….My Li is definitely not cut out to be a dancer, with her clumsy step…..Hahahahaha!!! I tried to guide her along, unknowingly placed my hands on her hip… However, she still looks like an injured person after my coaching. Hahahaha!!! She requested me to guide her along again, taking my hands and putting it on her hip…. The smell of her hair is so tempting that I can’t resist kissing her on the hairs again…. Heechul hyung? Why is he here again? What? Meeting him at the eatery? Judging from the way he asked about our relationship, I can be very sure he likes Ae Li too. Luckily Ae Li turns up at the right time, else I think things will get very ugly between Heechul hyung and me…. (end of Kyuhyun POV)


What happen between Heechul and Kyu? Their relationship seems to be a bit tension lately…. They even started to avoid each other… Teukie say might be due to Kyu prank or one of Heechul mood swing again, asking me not to worry.

Aish... my phone…. Its Kyu… ‘Neh? Kyu~’

‘Li~ Going practice with us today?’

‘All right, but I need going to get something done first before I go over, ok?

‘Ok, see you later.’




‘Ae Li ah….’ Its…..Heechul? Aish…. Why do I keep bumping into him every now and then?

‘Ergh… yeh…. Heechul?’

‘Ae Li…. Erm… I am going to visit Champagne tomorrow, I was wondering…’

‘Heechul, I really think you should ask Sohee ssi to go with you instead of me.’

‘Why? Don’t you like Champagne a lot?’

‘I do, but that’s different thing.’

‘How different?’

‘Doesn’t mean that I like Champagne and Baengshin I have to tag along with you to see them every time. Sohee ssi should be the one who’s doing it.’

‘Why? She don’t even like them!’  I see….So…. you are asking me to go just because she doesn’t like your cats? Aish..of course, Yu Ae Li, what do you expect then? 

‘Even so, I am not going with you.’

‘Ae Li, I don’t understand, you are not like this previously. What happen?’ he step forward and tried to grab my hand but I manage to dodge away.

‘Nothing…Just don’t feel like going.’ I said as I turn, heading to practice room to look for Kyu.

‘What are your worries? Kyu will be jealous?’ Kim Heechul!!! What are you saying?

‘Think whatever you liked.’ I answered without turning my back.

‘Yu Ae Li!!! Yah~ Yu Ae Li.’


‘Kyu, I am going back to dorm 1st.’

‘Why? Are you ok? Not sick are you?’

‘No, I am not…. Just tired, see you at home later?’

‘Ok~ sleep early then, don’t have to wait for us.’

‘All right, see you. Boys, see you at home.’

‘Neh~ take care.’

Kyuhyun POV

‘Li?’ I think she should be still awake as her bedroom light is still on.

‘Yes, Kyu, come in.’ I opened the door and saw her sitting on the floor, hugging her knees.

‘You ok? Why still awake? Thought you are tired?’

‘I cant sleep, Kyu…’


‘I don’t know…’ she said as she rested her chin on her knee.

‘…… lets chat?’ She shook her head, looking down at the floor.

‘Let’s play game?’

‘Kyu… I think I am just homesick, I will be all right….’

‘Okay~ since you are not sleeping yet, I can help you to fix that computer of your. It’s getting slow right?’

‘Yes, thank you….Heebum? Why are you here?’ She said while the cat’s fur.

‘Heechul hyung is not back yet I think.’

‘Erm… I better bring him to his room, in case Heechul looking for Heebum later.’

‘All right.He will be back soon, i think.’

‘Hello? Yes? Manager ssi? You need the schedule table? Yes, I have it in my computer now. I send it to you? Ah~ you are downstairs now? Ok, I have a hard copy with me right now. I will bring it down.’

‘Manager hyung? Why did he need the schedule so urgently?’

‘He needs it for tomorrow meeting…. He needs to fit in next two weeks schedule as well and he needs to talk to me about that too.’

‘I see…. Need me to go with you?’

‘No, he’s just downstairs, no problem. Heebum~ why are you here again? Aish… Heechul bedroom door is spoilt and I can’t close it….’

‘Li, just close the room door after you. Then Heebum won’t be able to come in again~’

‘Ok~ I am going now.’ (end of Kyuhyun POV)

Heechul POV

‘Ae Li..’ I knocked at her bedroom door softly…I need to talk to her badly, no matter what.

‘Hyung?? You are looking for Ae Li?’  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is Kyu doing in her room, with closed door this time of the day? She would never close her door if any of us is inside her room!!!

‘………………………..’ I turned and walked away without answering to Kyu question. I went in to my room, grabbed my car key and get out of the house….. I am NOT GOING to stay in the same house with them!!

I started my car and step on the accelerator hard.

‘AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Yu Ae Li!!!!!!!!!!’ I am adding speed every minute, not knowing where I am going. Suddenly I seem to lose control of my car and I feel myself jerking to the front and lose my conscious……  


*An nyeong and go ma wo to my new subscriber eunjhaei  *

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 36: Liked Ur story a lot.... So sweet of Kim Hee chul and yu ai Li..... A true love story ... Loved Kyuhyun toooo.... Lukin forward to your nxt stories.....
and re ready this again... i really love this Heechul story.. :)
Great story :DD
omo done again.. i really love chullie here :) hehe
reading this again.. i suddenly miss this two :D hehe i will re read all your fics again while waiting for you Yesung update.. hehe :D
minee26 #6
at long last... finally done reading the story.. i wonder how Heechul would be a dad here..
minee26 #7
the story reminds me of our story- my freinds which we call ourselves SUJU Gals! which is also a sequel of superjunior's different stories.. loving it now! :)
i dont know why.. i just finnish this story just now.. after months.. ahaha I forgot the im reading this.. oh my god.. i really love this story over.. i will sure love to read all of your fics.. :) <3
crying over chapter 25.. huhu T.T hurting heechul is her way to be able to regain heechul's place again :'( I really love this..