I caught u.....

Struck by stars

Still in Heechul POV

 ‘Li~’ Kyu gave her a hug upon seeing her….

‘Kyu~I cant go out with u today….. I am not feeling well….’

‘Yah~ u do look pale… what happen?’ Kyu raise his hand and touched her forehead… I clenched my fist upon seeing this, breathing hard to calm myself down….

‘Erm… I am fine….Just a slight headache….’

‘In that case u better rest then…. I am going….’

‘Kyu, I am going with u…. I am going to get some painkiller from my assistant.’ She smiled sweetly at him…

‘All right, let’s go……’Kyu wrap his hand around Ae Li shoulder and they walked away together….

So Yu Ae Li….. This is where you are hiding…… Seem like your prayer did not works…. I asked you to pray hard so that we won’t meet again didn’t I??

I waited for her outside her room, hiding well behind a plant.. Yah…. How much longer does both of u need to stay together? Can’t bear to part with each other???

Finally, I saw my prey…. Walking toward her room, alone….. GOOD!

I pushed her in her room as soon as she open her room’s door, covering with my hand and kicked the door shut….

She struggle hard and tried to push me away.

‘Let me go…..’She is shocked to see me and stop struggling for a while. I cornered her to the wall, looking down at her beautiful face and smile at her.

‘Don’t even bother to say hi to your old lover?’ I asked, grabbing her arms.

‘Kim Heechul…. How u…’

‘Hmnn… u should be more careful don’t u? Why let me caught u here?’

‘U……. what do u want? Get away from me…’ she tried to push me away but I grabbed at her wrists and pull her closer to me.

‘Let me go, Kim Heechul or I will scream..’

‘Hahahahaha!!! Scream your head off… ‘ I said while carrying her  on my shoulder and threw her to her bed. Climbing on top of her and pinned her hands above her head.

‘Yah!!! What are you doing? Let me go….’ She struggle hard to get away from me…

‘Finishing something which I should have done it six months ago…’

(end of Heechul POV)


Kyuhyun POV

Yah…. This Li… she can’t be asleep so fast right? Why isn’t she answering her phone? I better go and have a look… Who is that coming out from Ae Li’s room????

‘Heechul hyung???? Why are u here?’

‘I should be the one asking u this, why are u here?’

‘U!!!!!! U met her?’

‘Hmnn….’ He only gave me a smirk and turned to walk away.

‘Wait! What do u mean by that?’ He ignores me and walked away. Li…. How is Li???

‘Li!!!!’ I knocked at her door and it takes her quite a while before she open her room’s door.


‘Li!!! What happen to u? why are u crying? What happen????? ‘

‘KYU!!!!!’ she hugs me and started to cry again.

‘Aish…. Don’t cry, tell me what happen!!!’

‘……………………..’ she is still crying and I decided to wait till she calm down first before I asked further, trying hard to control my anger…. What had Kim Heechul done to her?

‘Li…..’ I pushed her all her hairs back and I saw a red mark on her neck. ‘What is this???’I asked pointing to her neck.

‘………….’She shook her head and tried to cover her neck with her hand.

‘He did it? What had he done to u?’

‘Kyu……’ she looked at me and started to cry again.

‘He…… forced himself on u?’ I asked carefully….

‘Of course not…. Kyu……’

‘Why are u crying like this then?’

‘Kyu…. I am just shocked to see him, nothing happen…..’

‘Are u sure? What is this then?’ I asked, pointing to that darn red mark on her neck!!! I know perfectly well what is that!!!!

‘He….. did kiss me….. but nothing further than that….. don’t worry….’

‘U sure u r not lying?’

‘No… I am not…. We just parted not too long ago right? What can happen in such a short period of time?’

‘Phew…. Good if nothing happen….Are u ok?’

‘Erm…. I am better now….. thanks, Kyu….’

‘Li……I should have stay with u….’ I hugged her and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

‘Kyu!!!’ she pushed me away and looked at me. ‘Are u going to bully me like this too?’

‘Li….. let me take care of u, please….’

‘Kyu, I told u its NOT possible!!!!! Please!!! Can both of u leave me alone?’

‘Li….. I can wait, I will wait till u r ready.’

‘Cho Kyuhyun, I am tired of this topic… please do not bring it up again.’

‘Li…. Because of Heechul hyung? Lets have a talk with him.’

‘No, nothing to talk, and I don’t want u to confront him about what happen tonight. Its after all between him and I, I don’t wish to involve u in.’

‘Li!!! What do u mean by that?’

‘Yes, U r not to confront him, or talk to him about me. Concentrate on ur schedule here all right?’

‘What if I insist?’

‘Kyu…… don’t, if u wish to see me again…..’


‘Yes, I will run and hide away again. So, please do as I say ok?’


‘Kyu….. he has every right to hate me, he just wanted to vent his anger. He did not hurt me, so don’t worry.’

‘Li… I hope u r telling the truth…. I promise u I won’t…. Talk, confront or do anything to him…. Promise me u won’t disappear like that ok?’

‘Yes, Kyu….. Thanks….’

‘U all right?’

‘Yes, I am fine…..i just need a good rest….’

‘All right, I will leave u alone then….’

‘Yes, thanks Kyu…. And sorry Kyu…..’

‘Nite Li…..’ I gave her a hug and made my way to the door….

(end of Kyuhyun POV)


Ae Li’s flashback

Heechul carried and threw me on my bed. He grabs and pinned my hands above my head, looking down at me.

‘You… let me go…’ I turns my face away from Heechul when he tries to kiss me.

‘You be good and I will treat you gently..’ he grabbed my chin with his hand and kissed my lip.

 ‘Yay~ you bite me?’

‘Get away from me, can you hear me?’ I tried to push him away and he gotten really agitated.

‘No WAY!!!!!!!!! Isnt this what you wanted?’ he shouted, ripping my shirt…. 


*Oopppsss!! what happen behind the closed door?*

An nyong and welcome ndynise~ thanks for subscribing....  

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 36: Liked Ur story a lot.... So sweet of Kim Hee chul and yu ai Li..... A true love story ... Loved Kyuhyun toooo.... Lukin forward to your nxt stories.....
and re ready this again... i really love this Heechul story.. :)
Great story :DD
omo done again.. i really love chullie here :) hehe
reading this again.. i suddenly miss this two :D hehe i will re read all your fics again while waiting for you Yesung update.. hehe :D
minee26 #6
at long last... finally done reading the story.. i wonder how Heechul would be a dad here..
minee26 #7
the story reminds me of our story- my freinds which we call ourselves SUJU Gals! which is also a sequel of superjunior's different stories.. loving it now! :)
i dont know why.. i just finnish this story just now.. after months.. ahaha I forgot the im reading this.. oh my god.. i really love this story over.. i will sure love to read all of your fics.. :) <3
crying over chapter 25.. huhu T.T hurting heechul is her way to be able to regain heechul's place again :'( I really love this..