The vacation

Struck by stars

Still in Heechul POV

‘Heechul!!!’ she called my name and tries to break free from me. ‘Heechul, let me go! Someone might see us.’ She said as she tries harder to get away from me.

‘One minute, just one minute.’ I mumble softly. She stops resisting and I hug her tighter, holding her closer to me.….. I hope time will just stop here forever.  After a while, she pulls away my hand and turn to look at me.

‘What’s with you? Anything happen?’ She asked.

‘Ae Li, I…..’ suddenly I don’t know what I should say to her….

‘Anything happen during your date today?’ she asked again.

‘No… I am just too happy, worried that this is just an illusion… and its making me moody….’

‘Babo~ she is already you girlfriend, just treat her well and everything will be fine, ok?’

‘Ok…. Ae Li, are you….?’ In love with Kyu?? I swallowed back my question, not ready to take a yes as answer yet….


‘Are you free this Sunday?’

‘Erm… should be… Why?’

‘Can you come with me to bring Heebum, Baengshin and Champagne to vet? I am worried I can’t cope alone.’

‘But…. You should go with Sohee ssi instead….’

‘She has schedule going on, and I will be busy for quite a while after this.’ Yes, very good, Kim Heechul, now you are lying just to steal some time with her.

‘Erm… Ok then…. Are you okay now?’

‘Yes, I am.’ Because I have something to look forward…

‘Aish… what a moody guy. Go and get some sleep then. Good night.’

‘Good night. Ae Li……….’ I put my arms around her once again, gently .. ‘go ma wo…’

‘Its ok.’ She said patting my back. (end of Heechul POV)

I wonder how is Heechul’s first date? He must be very excited….Aish… why am I keep thinking of him? Yu Ae Li, wake up, he is not your ‘nurse’ anymore…. He has his own life~ Please don’t take it for granted, you ‘ve recovered, you can take care of yourself now, araso? Phew…. I need some fresh air….

 Heechul? Why is he out at the balcony this time? Why is he ignoring me and now losing his temper at me? Well, since you detest me so much…. What’s this? Why is he hugging me like this? He clung on to me tightly and I can’t break free from him no matter how hard I try. One minute? All right, this shall be our last minute… I stop struggling and closed my eyes, feeling him holding me closer to him. He really liked her that much? She’s his ideal girl… He can’t even stand the thought of losing her. Do I have to ask this stupid question? Yu Ae Li, wake up…. You cannot behave like this…..Babo… control yourself~ A idol has his own life too right? As his petal u should be happy that he found his happiness… Stop behaving like immature jealous teen who can’t stand it when their idol is in relationship….

‘Li~~ what you gonna do this Sunday?’ Kyu asked.

‘Neh? I am going out with Heechul…’

‘Heechul hyung? Why?’ Kyu asked in surprise..

‘Sending Heebum, Baengshin and Champagne to Vet, he might not be able to take care of the 3 fellas alone.’

‘But…. he always did that alone…shouldn’t he ask Sohee ssi to go with him instead?’

‘Erm… Sohee ssi is busy…’ He always did it alone? But he told me he can’t manage alone…..


‘Ah, wait a while, my phone…’

 ‘Ae Li ssi, can you please come and see me tomorrow at office?’ Its Manager ssi.

‘All right, see you. Ne, bye~’

‘Who?’ Kyu asked.

‘It’s you manager hyung, he wanted to see me tomorrow. You want to ask me something just now?’

‘Ah~ Nothing…..I am going back to my room, Li….’


‘Yeah….a while..’

‘Do not stay up too late all right?’

‘Neh, u too~’

Aish…. Kim Heechul…. You are lying to me…. why? But I am not angry!!! Instead I am… a bit happy? Yah!!!! Yu Ae Li? What is this? Are you crazy? Why are you happy? Because you thought he did it because he wanted to spend more time with you? No no no….. cant be….Aish…. U think too much Yu Ae Li…. Babo….I am sick… I am sick… I am REALLY sick!!! Why would I have this stupid feeling? Stop stop stop!!!Yah….. I hate myself…. I hate it when my heart is not listening to me….


Kyuhyun POV

What is this Heechul hyung trying doing? Something is not right… Isnt he dating Sohee ssi right now? Somehow, I feel things are not simple as Li thought…. Heechul hyung….. What are you thinking? I thought you only have eye for Sohee ssi, since when did you start to develop feeling for my Li? (end of Kyuhyun POV)


‘Ae Li ssi, we decided to let the boys to have a week break two weeks later. So there won’t be any schedule for them on that particular week. Do you want to make a trip back to your home as well?’

‘Ah? Really? Can I?’ I asked manager ssi happily.

‘Yes. Of course… However, please remember to come back to us, all right?’ he said jokingly.

‘Neh, thank you thank you….’

‘All right, you can make your ticket reservation now as the dates are already confirmed. Please let the boys know about this later as well.’

‘Yes, I will.’

‘Li~ why are you so happy?’ Kyu asked.

‘Your manager hyung wants me to pass this message to you all; you are given a week break two weeks later. So you all can start to plan your holiday now!!!’

 ‘YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!’ the boy cheered upon hearing the good news.

‘Yah~ finally!!’ Teukie saying~

‘What are you going to do Hyung?’ Ryeowook ask Yesung happily~

‘I am going to…..’ the boys discuss about their plan happily.

‘Li, So what you gonna do?’ Kyu asked.

‘I am going back to Malaysia for…..’

‘Neh?!!!!  What do you mean by that, noona? Min asked.

‘Wait…Let me finish, I am going back for holiday as well….’

‘Phew~ I thought….’ Min say…

 ‘ I am going back for good? Hahahahah!! No….’

‘Li, then I wont be able to see you for 1 whole week…..’ Kyu whined.

‘Hahahahah! Good!’

‘Yah~ I am coming with you.’

‘NO, you are not…U stay here and rest too, okay?’ I am going to have a real break………….

Heechul POV

Vacation? She is going back for 1 week? I won’t be able to see her for 7 days? What if she don’t come back anymore like Hannie? But she looks so happy, never seen her so happy for so long… It will definitely be a long week for me too… 

‘Oppa, why didn’t you call me since that day??’ Its Sohee calling..

‘Ah, sorry, I had been kind of busy lately….’

‘I miss you so much, oppa. Shall we meet on Sunday then?’

‘Ergh… sun? I have something on… I am so sorry…’

‘….. But I miss you so much….’

‘I will have a week vacation soon, we arrange something then, ok?’

‘Oh? Jeongmal? Oppa… we can……..’ Sohee making plan excitedly about the week vacation… Kim Heechul…. I don’t understand Kim Heechul, shouldn’t Sohee ssi be your first priority?

Isn’t that Ae Li? ‘Yah, Sohee ah, I talk to you again, manager hyung is here… AE LI!!!!‘

‘Neh, Heechul?’

‘Where are you heading to?’


‘Me too, I send you?’

‘Ermmm, ok~  Kyu and Min are coming too…..’

‘O…k…. Yah, Ae Li, Sunday, 10 am all right?’ I remind her about our date.


‘Li!!! Heechul hyung~’ Kyu come running to us.

‘Noona, hyung~ Min greeted politely.

‘Come, let get on the car.’

‘I am driving myself, hyung…See you all at dorm later…’ said Min.


‘Heebum…. Let’s go for a walk shall we? As usual, Ae Li get herself ready before the appointed time. She is now ‘talking’ to Heebum, carrying that fat fella in her arm now. ‘Heechul, you ready?’

‘Neh, lets go and fetch Champagne n Baengshin now..’


‘Ae Li… so, your ticket’s confirmed?’

‘Neh~ can’t wait to go back.’ She said excitedly.

‘…… when will you come back then?’

‘A week later. What will you be doing then?’

‘Erm… not sure yet…’ somehow, I don’t feel like discussing with her about Sohee….

‘Heebum food is running low, later shall we go and get some as well?’

‘Neh? Is that so, I never notice…. ‘ I said as I made our way to pet shop.

‘Heechul~ Look at this~ doesn’t this look sweet?’ She shows me a garment for cats with a big bow tie in front, seem like it’s a suit for cats….

‘Let me see.’ I grabbed her finger, together with the garment…She tried to pull away her finger from me. I grabbed at her finger tightly, don’t feel like letting it go…..


‘’Ae Li…..I….’

‘Let go first….’ She said as she looked at her finger.

‘I… I am sorry…but I……..’ I said letting go of her…

‘I am going over to look at Heebum food….’ She walked away before I have the chance to continue….

*sigh*‘Yah~Heebum doesn’t like that one….’ After we are done with the shopping, we brought the three fellas to the vet.

‘What you plan to do back at home?’

‘Erm… Visiting my friends, eating good food and spend most of my time with my family, will stay at home and rest most of the time~’

‘Yah~ you only been here for 6 months, so anxious to go back?’

‘Of course~ can’t wait to get rid of you all… hahahhahah!!’

‘Yah~ do you dislike us so much?’

‘Hahahaha! A ni ya~ just joking…. Yah~ you angry? Heechul…’

‘Yes, I am angry~’

‘Aigooo…. Mian hae~’ she say as she rub her both hands begging for forgiveness.

‘Lunch on you?’

‘Hahahahha!! Ok~ my treat… Kimchi fried rice?’

‘Ya, man~ cool!!!’

‘Hahahahahah!!! Showing off you English skill again?’

‘Arent you impressive by my language ability?’

‘Yeah… very much~ Cheh~’ she said sarcastically.

‘Yah~ you!!!’

‘Hahahahahahah!! Lets get going, I am hungry..’

‘I want an additional egg…’

‘Please allow me to remind you, egg yolk is high in cholesterol, not suitable for people of your age.’

‘I suddenly remember someone is same age as me….’

‘That’s why  I say  its good to stick to 1 egg like me….’

‘Hahahahahahaah!! You stingy woman….’

‘Hahahaha!! Air ticket cost money as well, you know?’

‘Don’t go back then~’

‘Might as well kill me.’



(Heechul POV continue)

The day has come for Ae Li to set off. Kyu looked at her sulkily as she packed her bag and keep bugging for her contact number and address back in Malaysia. She refuse to disclose any details, only promised to call him once she arrive.. However, she only dropped a message to Kyu telling us she reached, and will be back a week later~ Kyu sent several messages to her Korean number but there’s no single reply from her then.  Heebum  keep meowing at her room door, cant understand why he never get his food on time anymore….On the day before her departure from Malaysia back to Korea, she called Kyu and inform him that she will be back tomorrow. Kyu complain much about her disappearance and asked for her flight detail. However, she said she will be coming back herself and ask us not to pick her up. As for Sohee and me …. We started to get along quite well. Although she sometimes complains I talk too much about Ae Li. How can I not to? She has already become part of my life, Kimchi fried rice remind me of her, Heebum, Baengshin and Champagne remind me of her, Ddangkoma remind me of her. I even seem to be able to smell her scent on my car and our dorm, especially the balcony, where I hugged her that night….I really should put her out of my mind… I have to, I must….(end of Heechul POV)

Kyuhyun POV

This woman is driving me crazy!! She refuses to give me any of her contact details back in Malaysia and did not reply to any of my messages after the 1stmessage she send informing me she arrived. I can’t concentrate on anything else, not even Starcraft, my mind is full of her and I can’t do anything well at all. I never know a week can be so long…. I shouldn’t wait, I should have confessed to her earlier. And I decide not to wait anymore…. I am going to make her my woman… So what of the ? I don’t care!! Yah~ YU AE LI, you are mine, CHO KYUHYUN’S woman. I will make sure of that!!!

(end of Kyuhyun POV)

Ok, no Super Junior, no schedule and no Korean for 1 whole week~ I been staying at home for the past week. I spent a lot of time getting together with my family and friends, especially  Yunny, my best pal….

‘Yah!!! U mean they really liked to hug each other? Not just in front of camera?’ Asked Yunny.

‘Yeap…. They r really close, liked to hug each other, nothing new…’

‘Eh… so did they hug u as well?’

‘Hahahahha!! Yes, they do… just friendly hug, alright? Don’t harbor any dirty thought…’ I said as I threw a pillow to her.

‘Aigoo…. What about…. Kyuhyunnie…. He seem to be very close with u…. Are u n him? Eh eh…..??’

‘Yah!! Shut up!! He is just a good friend~ Don’t u know he is 5 years younger than us?’

‘Aigoo… Yu Ae Li, age is not a problem if u loves each other…’

‘Are u shooting a drama now?’

‘Hahahahha!!! But he takes a good care of u right?’

‘Yes, he did… although he is a evil prank king but he is really sweet at time. U can’t imagine how stress am I with Heechul when I first stay with them…..Lucky I have Kyu with me…’

‘Ya…. Heechul~ the flower boy…. Is he handsome? And weird as what they claim?’

‘He looks the same, on or under the screen. Well… he is hard to understand at first…. But can be very caring as well… He is the one who takes care of me when I am injured.’

‘Mwo? He? R u sure?’

‘Yes~what so strange?’

‘Eh….. u mean he is the someone who offered to carry u up n down?’


‘Princess style o piggyback?’

‘Yah~ are u investigating case now?’

‘Piggy o princess?’


‘Piggy or pr…..’

‘Yah~ NOT piggy!’

‘WAH!!!!!!! Princess style? Meaning he carry u like bride? He ever hugs u? When u both r alone???’


‘Tell me, faster!!!’

‘He did……’ that night at the balcony…

‘YAH!!! Yu Ae LI!!! Don’t u know he don’t do skinship with girl????? He can hug and carry u like that… meaning he don’t treat u like a girl!!!! Where had u hidden ur s???’

‘Yah!!! U!!!’

‘Hahahahahah!!!! He must had thought u as his buddy too!!!!’

‘Aish…. U keep quiet!!!’

‘But he is dating isn’t he?’

‘Yeap….. keep it to urself… else I will kill u!!!’

‘Yes… yes… Eh…Its already an open secret anyway, just no confirmation from male n female lead….what what SooHeechul right?’

‘No matter what, keep quiet, ok?’

‘Ok ok~ I am not interested in his love affair…. More interested in urs…So….. U n Kyuhyunnie….will there be KyuLi couple? O Aehyun couple?’

‘No, he is just a younger brother…’

‘Aiya…. What a waste…. Kyuhyunnie is really cute… can I have him?’

‘What u gonna do with ur husband?’

‘Hahahah!!! Throw him away…..’

‘Heartless woman…He will chase u all the way to Korea... and dont forget Korea is his territory ok?.’

‘Hahahahahhaha!!!! Yes, thanks to him i am FORCED to learn Korea and get to know u this babo.. ’

‘Cheh~ I am the unlucky one, ok?’

‘Ae Li ah……..’


‘U liked Kim Heechul???’

‘Hahahaha…….Why would u ask like this?’

‘Cos he is ur bias, u r his petal….so its normal for u to have fantasy on him…..Moreover he takes care of u when u r most vulnerable…. So… u knw.. Misintrepration might happens..Might not be love sometime…’

‘Erm… I never thought about love….. but I do feel a bit funny, or should I say jealous when I know he has girlfriend….’

‘Ahya….sometimes, It is a sense of possession…Cos u looked upon him as guardian angel,and he took care of u before he started to date Sohee…So when Sohee appeared, u might feel that she taken away ur angel….U had recovered….u have to let him go~ WAKE UP!!!!’ Yunny said as she shook my shoulder.

‘Yes, yes, yes I know….’ Yeah… Yunny is right, he might be guilty about my injury, thus treat me better…

‘Yah~ Kyuhyunnie is still better choice…’

‘Aish… why bringing this up again?’ 



*A bit long n boring chapter, neccessary for future development as well....An nyoeng joangel :) welcome and thanks~*

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 36: Liked Ur story a lot.... So sweet of Kim Hee chul and yu ai Li..... A true love story ... Loved Kyuhyun toooo.... Lukin forward to your nxt stories.....
and re ready this again... i really love this Heechul story.. :)
Great story :DD
omo done again.. i really love chullie here :) hehe
reading this again.. i suddenly miss this two :D hehe i will re read all your fics again while waiting for you Yesung update.. hehe :D
minee26 #6
at long last... finally done reading the story.. i wonder how Heechul would be a dad here..
minee26 #7
the story reminds me of our story- my freinds which we call ourselves SUJU Gals! which is also a sequel of superjunior's different stories.. loving it now! :)
i dont know why.. i just finnish this story just now.. after months.. ahaha I forgot the im reading this.. oh my god.. i really love this story over.. i will sure love to read all of your fics.. :) <3
crying over chapter 25.. huhu T.T hurting heechul is her way to be able to regain heechul's place again :'( I really love this..