An nyeong~ Kim Cherry

Struck by stars

‘Mr.Kim, don’t worry, both mother and baby are fine… just be more careful next time… Is she ur daughter?’

‘Erm… no, she is not…. My son will be here soon, he will make necessary arrangement for the checking in.’

‘Ur daughter in law? I see… All right… I will leave u both alone here 1st.’

‘Erm… Hmph…’

‘Mr.Kim…. Thanks……’

‘How r u now?’

‘I am fine…. As long as my baby is ok….’

‘I don’t understand, Why are u doing this? Getting urself pregnant, with no promise of marriage? Having to avoid fans every now and then… ’

‘……… Because he is Kim Heechul….Sometime thing just happen before we knew it…. No matter what, I never regretted it…Kim Heechul and this baby is the best thing that ever happen in my life….’

‘Ur parent?’

‘They are very understanding….’

‘Are u trying to tell me I am not understanding enough?’

‘I am not…. Cos I know how u loved Heechul, of course u would want the best for him, same goes to his life partner…..And  I know how hard it is to ask u to believe a woman who got herself pregnant before marriage is a decent woman….Even I myself can’t believe it….’

‘Then why are u still doing it?’

‘Because I love him too…..’


‘AE LI!!!!’ Heechul dashed into my ward and looked relieve when he saw me.


‘How are u? what happen? Cherry? How’s Cherry?’ He asked while rummaging his hand on my tummy.

‘Chul…..’ I pull his hand away and nodded at his father who is standing not far away from us…


‘ Kim Heechul, u better watch ur fans…something sure to happen if they keep on harassing her like that.’

‘Done by fan?’ Heechul asked .

‘Yes, but I am fine now…. Don’t worry……’

‘I am going….U take care of her…’

‘Yes, appa…..’

‘And… erm…. Forget about the DNA….’

‘Huh? Uh…. Yes, thanks….’

‘Erm…. Take care….’


‘Yeo bo…. What r u n appa talking about?’

‘Nothing,…. ‘

‘He seem to have change his attitude?’

‘Did he??’

‘Yes… aigoo… how is my Cherry omma? Hurt anywhere? And my little Cherry? Scared?’

‘Aish… don’t behave like a child…. We are fine…..’

Heechul POV

‘Cherry ah…… be good and come out faster all right? Don’t torture your omma…..’ I can feel Cherry kicking inside Ae Li as I rub Ae Li’s tummy….

‘Heechul ah…..’

‘Yes, dear? Pain?’

‘I am fine……’

‘Aish…….. you don’t look fine to me……’

‘Its ok, its normal……..’

(E)‘Mr.Kim, I think its time for her to deliver, excuse me…..’

‘Hyung….How? How? Given birth?’ Its Kyu, calling from Korea….

‘Aish, not yet….. the girl is too comfortable in her omma’s tummy I think…..’

‘Hahahahah!!! Hyung…. I think she is AB blood like u… hard to handle u know…good luck….’

‘YaY~~~ you…. I got no mood to talk to u now…. Call back later…’

(E) ‘Congratulation Mr. Kim…. Your baby girl is very healthy….’

(E) ‘Thanks!!! How is my wife?’

(E) ‘She is fine…. U can visit her at the ward later…’

(E) ‘ Thanks doctor, can I see my baby girl now?’

(E) ‘ Sure….’

‘Omma~ Na Cherry ah~ an nyeong~’

‘Yah… Kim Heechul…. She doesn’t look comfortable…. Let me carry her…..’

‘A ni ya….. I have to practice more….. Cherry neh?’

‘Aigoo…..its so unfair….. I carried her for 10 months….But she doesn’t look like me at all…. It’s a carbon copy of Kim Heechul….’

‘Hahahahahaha!!! She will be the prettiest girl around, don’t worry….’

‘In our heart she always will…’

‘Yes…..Gomawo, dear…..’

‘A ni ya…’


Continue Heechul POV

‘Yay~ Heenim…. So unfair, u kept on saying you don’t want marriage and child… end up u r the 1stto have a child!!! Teukie complaint while looking at my sleeping Cherry…

‘Yar~ shut up, go and get a wife if u can~’

‘Heechul hyung~ Cherry look so much like u~’ Ryoogaa said while touching my baby girl’s cheek..

 ‘Yah~ Cherry ah~ Oppa wait for u to grow up, eh???’ Kyu said while trying to kiss her cheek.

‘YAH!!!! R  U ert!! Oppa? U r ajusshi, ajusshi , keep away from my daughter!!’

‘Yah!!! Kim Heechul~ keep quiet…. Cherry is crying now…..’ Ae Li coming over to carry Cherry.

‘Ae Li….. Heechul hyung bully me…..’ Kyu whined pitifully at Ae Li….

‘Ae Li….. u know what he wants? He said he wanted to wait for our daughter to grow up…’

‘Aish… Heechul, can’t u even take a joke?’

‘Ae Li…….’


Still in Heechul POV

I look at Ae Li who is busy tidying up the kitchen after our dinner….

‘Yes…..What again? Kim Heechul ssi?’ She asked me as I hug her from behind.

‘Ae Li ah… when r u marrying me?’

‘Aish…. We are already married in Malaysia remember?’

‘I mean here in Korea…..’


‘I don’t mind…. Even if I have to give up Super Junior its fine with me….’

‘Aish…. Let me finish cleaning these 1stall right? I come to u later….’

‘Ok…. Ppali…’ I gave her a peck on her cheek and leave her alone for the time being. I wonder what reason she will give me this time…. I already lose count on how many times she rejected my proposal….

‘Hee seobang~’ she said as she slipped her arms under my arms and hug me from behind, leaning her head on my back…

‘Hee yeobo……’ I turned and pull her into my arms.

‘So unfair…. I called u Hee seobang u should call me Ae Yeobo…. Why Hee Yeo bo?’

 ‘Don’t u thk Hee yeobo sound better?’

‘Hahahaha~ whatever…..’ she said as she leaned her head on my chest, my shirt button.

‘Hee yeobo…. I want to marry u here, in Korea, legally, officially and traditionally.’

‘Chul…… Why the hassle? Thought we are doing good? Now why…..’

‘Yeobo…. I know what u r thinking, nothing matter more to me other than u and Cherry….’

‘Hee seobang… I appreciate that… really…. But there are something that we don’t have to put it into action…… I don’t mind as long as ur heart belong to me…..’

‘Yeobo…….’ She shut me up by giving me a kiss…. This woman……


Still in Heechul POV

Today is our 7thanniversary~ So many things happen in these 7 years…. There is lots of memories I shared with these buddy of mine…. And I thanks them for everything…. Super Junior gave me lots of thing…. friendship, fame, fans and a family….. I would never meet Ae Li, the love of my life and even had a pretty little princess, my dear little Cherry if I am not a part of Super Junior….

‘Hyung~ are u nervous?’ Kyu asked…


‘No worry~ hwaiting!!!!’

‘Yeah!!! Hwaiting.!!!!’ We cheered before we went on stage…. I saw my Ae Li in front, waving a blue light stick and smiling at me…..I insist her to watch me performing in front, instead of staying at backstage.

‘Hi~ everyone~ having a great time?’ Teukie asked our fans..

‘YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!’ our fans responded warmly to us…

‘This is the finale of our concert today….. and we would like to present this song, ‘Shining Stars.’

‘This is an old song…. But it carries a special meaning….. And it’s a special request from our Heenim, to make this song as our finale~’ Teukie explained…

‘Yes, dedicated to an important woman in my life….. She may not be the prettiest, but she is perfect in my heart…. She taught me how to love…. And she loves me with all her life, sacrificing herself just to protect my dream….’ I said while looking at her… she looked at me, smiling………..

‘Shining stars…. Like a little diamond… makes me love…..

I stepped down the stage, with the beam light on me, walking to my Ae Li……

I spread out my hand to her and she looked at me in surprise….. She gave her hand to me eventually and we walked back to the stage together, hand in hand…..

‘we’ll always be together till the end of time…..’ I sang the last line of the lyric and kneeled down, with a ring on my hand….

‘Yu Ae Li Ssi~ will u marry me?’

She looked at me, surprised and tears started to well in her eyes….

I asked her again…. ‘Yu Ae Li ssi, will u marry Kim Heechul?’

Finally she nod her head and pull me up, hugging me.

‘YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She will marry me!!!!!’ I said as I un-hug her, slipping the ring in her finger…..

‘Yah! Hyung….Hyung su nim~ Chu kha ha mi da!!!!’ my buddies come over to hug and congrate us…. Moment later, Kyu come out carrying our little princess, Cherry….

‘Hello petals~ allow me to introduce…. She is my wife, Yu Ae Li….and this is our little princess, Kim Cherry~ please loves them as how u loves me all right?’

‘NEH!!!!!!!!!!!!’ the fans cheered and clapped. And I saw some fans crying…..

‘Chul…..’ she said in tears……

‘Ae Li…. I’ve gotten another present for u……’


‘Remember I had a star?’

‘Heenim star?’

‘Yes….. I bought another star…. By the name of HeeAe…..’


‘Yes…. Two meaning….. 1st, its combination of our name…. Heechul & Ae Li. 2nd….. ©Xi che de zui ai…(Chinese- Heechul most beloved. Ae means love in Chinese) I am sorry I can’t get u a Piscean star cos u have to stuck to me forever….. Araso?’

‘Heechul…. Gomawo……’ she said as I take her in my arms…

‘YAH!!!! I am now a married man!!!!!!!!!!’


Hehehehe!!! Ended earlier than expected? No worry, this is actually just the 1stpart of my series….. Obviously, this is story of Heechul. Every member will have their own story and character from my series stories like Ae Li will still appear every now and then…. So Heechul and Ae Li’s stories will still continue…..Please continue to support my new story ‘Evil Seduction’. 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 36: Liked Ur story a lot.... So sweet of Kim Hee chul and yu ai Li..... A true love story ... Loved Kyuhyun toooo.... Lukin forward to your nxt stories.....
and re ready this again... i really love this Heechul story.. :)
Great story :DD
omo done again.. i really love chullie here :) hehe
reading this again.. i suddenly miss this two :D hehe i will re read all your fics again while waiting for you Yesung update.. hehe :D
minee26 #6
at long last... finally done reading the story.. i wonder how Heechul would be a dad here..
minee26 #7
the story reminds me of our story- my freinds which we call ourselves SUJU Gals! which is also a sequel of superjunior's different stories.. loving it now! :)
i dont know why.. i just finnish this story just now.. after months.. ahaha I forgot the im reading this.. oh my god.. i really love this story over.. i will sure love to read all of your fics.. :) <3
crying over chapter 25.. huhu T.T hurting heechul is her way to be able to regain heechul's place again :'( I really love this..