The outing

Struck by stars

(still in Heechul POV)

‘Its ok if you don’t feel like to.’

‘A ni ya, just wondering whether it will be inconvenient or not?’

‘No, just come along, 10 am morning, all right?’



(still in Heechul POV)

‘Heechul ssi? Morning~ Breakfast ready.’ 

‘Ok, thanks. You ready to go?’ I asked, looking at her, simple shirt and jeans, hair in ponytail.

‘Neh~No rush, have your breakfast first.’


‘I taken mine with Kyu and Min before they went out…’ she answered while tidying up the messy living area. I suddenly found… she is not that detestable… because she helped me to take care of Heebum?

We went shopping for cats’ food first. She enjoyed herself thoroughly mingling with the small animals in the pet shop.  Meowing at the kitten, the puppy, feeding the rabbit, knocking and tapping at the hamster’s glass case trying to get their attention……

‘Are you planning to stay here all day? Aren’t you hungry? What you want for your lunch?’ I asked her.’ Wanna share a bit of this?’ I asked her, offering her Heebum’s canned food…

‘No, thanks. Maybe you can share with Heebum, I am going to have Kimchi fried rice on my own. Bye~ Heechul.’ She said as she made her way out of the pet shop…

‘Yah~ wait for me. I want fried rice too…’ I have to admit Ae Li Ssi is certainly a very good companion. No wonder the rest likes her so much. After our hearty meal, we are sitting on a big field watching Champagne, Baengshin and Heebum rolling and playing on the ground.

‘Do you miss your family?’

‘…. Neh…’ she answered softly.

‘Regret of coming here?’

She shook her head, ‘ I am given the choice before I came over, nothing to regret cos this is my own choice. Moreover, I have you all with me.’

‘Don’t you feel I am nasty and eccentric?’

‘Yeh? Hahahahah! Why do you ask?’

‘Just answer.’

‘To be frank, I always feel you are hard to get along with… but not to the extend of nasty…  Hahahhaha!!‘

‘MWO??!! But I liked your answer. Frank enough! Having difficult time with me. eh? Hahahahaha~’

‘You just wanted to get what you want, Just do it your way and everything will be fine.’


‘Heechul ssi.….’


‘If a girl doesn’t have any feeling in you, she won’t even want to consider, she will just reject you.’

‘Kyu told you?’


‘But she did not promise me anything as well, as good as reject.’ Aish…. Why am I telling her this?

‘There must be something holding her back, maybe due to both of you are celebrity?’

‘I don’t understand girl, Its either yes or no…’

‘Well….Its different for girl….Lets take this example, girls like chocolate, but can’t eat as much as they like due to weight problem. So, we cannot say the girl don’t like the chocolate just because she don’t eat right?’

‘Hahahahaha!! Lame example, but good explanation.’ 

‘Yah~ you don’t understand…’

‘Cos I am not a girl~ Ahahahahahahahaha!!!’

‘Erm… maybe.’ She said as she stretched and lay down on the grass. I lay down beside her too. She turns her head, looking and smiling at me. It’s so relaxing as we both just lay on the grass, looking at the sky. She hummed a little song to herself, some Chinese song I think. And I dozed off~ by the time I woke up I already 20 minutes later. Yah~ what a good sleep. I saw her teasing Heebum, Baengshin and Champagne, having great fun with them.

‘Yah~ Ae Li~

‘Oh~ Heechul Ssi~ You are awake?’

‘Why didn’t you wake me up?’

‘You look so tired so I thought I would just let you sleep a little.’ She say a she sit down beside me again. ‘What a good weather~ I wish I had a kite with me now…’ she said looking at the blue sky.

‘You know how to fly a kite?’ I thought normally girl would prefer to stay indoor instead of staying under the sun.’

‘I don’t mind~ maybe it’s because I mix around with my brother too much. So I liked boys’ game as well. I remember I ever drop into a pond while trying to catch fish together with my brother.‘

‘Hahahaha!! You certainly don’t look like the naughty sort~’

‘But I am’ she said as she winked playfully at me.

‘Hahahaha! Perfect match with Kyu.’

‘Yah~ he is the king, I am just a minor compared to him.’

‘Hahahhaha!! I think we should go back now. Its getting late.’

Ok~ lets go.’ She said as she stand up, walking over to carry Heebum, while I carry Champagne and Baengshin.  Yah~ what a wonderful day, never relaxed like this for so long….. (end of Heechul POV)

What a relaxing day~ I never expected I will be going out wih Heechul Ssi alone as we are quite awkward not too long ago. He is not as hard to get along as I thought… maybe its because I don’t know him well enough previously. He must be really tired, fall asleep within 2 minutes… well, I think I should let him rest a little while more, I can play with these 3 little friends here….

When it’s time to go home, Heechul suddenly look at me ‘Ae Li ah…..’

Ae Li? She called Ae Li instead of Ae Li Ssi? M..wo..? why is he leaning over to me? Coming closer and closer?

‘Heechul ssi?’ He raise his hand up, reaching for my face….and taking away the grass that stuck on to my hairs. ‘Yah~ you want to bring this home as memento?’ he asked me.

‘Ah? Thanks~’ phew…. Why does he have to stand so close to me?

 I look at him awkwardly, not knowing what to say as he studied my face and asked ‘Mwo? Something on my face as well?’ I asked touching my face.

‘Ah….nothing, lets go, its late.’ He said walking to his car.

*phone vibrating*

‘Yah~ Li, where are you?’ Its Kyu.

‘I am now outside with Heechul ssi, on our way back now.’ I said while looking over to Heechul ssi.

‘Kyu?’ Heechul asked and I nodded to him.

‘Heechul hyung? What happen?’

‘Aish….nothing, cant we just come out together?’

‘………………. Since when both of you are so close?’

‘Aish…….. you this boy….. yah, we are reaching, talk later.’

‘Ok, ppali.’

‘We are back~’ I shouted at the boys who’s sitting at the living area doing their own thing. They all turn over and look at us,

 ‘We?.....’ asked Teukie.

‘Yes, we. Any problem?’ Heechul ssi asked.

‘A ni ya…..’ Teukie said while looking over to Shindong who shrugged his shoulder.

‘Ae Li…’ Heechul ssi called out to me reaching out for Heebum and nodded his head toward his room direction.’

‘Here.’ I put Heebum into his am, the fella head as he meowed at me.

‘Ae…Ae. Li? Not Ae Li ssi anymore? What happen?’ asked Teukie.

‘Erm.. are you all hungry?’ I asked, trying to avoid this question.

‘A ni ya, don’t bother to cook, we ate.’ Said Kyu, looking at me.

‘Ok… I am going back to my room.’

‘Li… what happen between you and Heechul hyung?’ asked Kyu, in my room.

‘Eh? Nothing… He just brought me to see Champagne and Baeng…’

‘Ne? Champagne? Why?’

‘Erm… cos I asked him about Champagne and Baengshin, happen that he’s going to see them today so he brought me along.’

‘…………… what happen between you and Heechul hyung actually?’ he asked suspiciously…

‘Nothing happen…..’

‘How can you both get out of the tension so fast?’

‘I don’t know…. It just happen... Remember there someone talks to me informally on the first day we met? Even up to today… Aish… who?’

‘Yah, I am different.’ He protested.

 ‘How different? You are the king?’

‘Almost.’ He said smirkly.

‘Yah~ get out~ I want to vomit.’ I said as I lean my body to my bed.

‘Hahahahahaha!! Tired?’

‘A bit… But cant sleep yet~‘

‘Want me to sing to u?’ Kyu asked.

‘Do I have the honour?~’

‘Neh~my pleasure…. ‘*Believe* He started to sing in his low powerful voice, without any music… looking at me.

(click here for full lyric and romanization  )

Wah~ I never know Kyu ‘s voice is that mesmerizing~ He has a very special charisma when he is not in his usual nonchalant, evil self.

‘Wah~~ Kyu~ I am SO IMPRESSED~ your voice is so mesmerizing!!!’

‘Not the first time you hear me sing right?’

‘Erm, indeed… but this is the 1sttime you sing to me, alone…’

‘Hahahahaha!! If you like it I can do it often…’

‘No, save it for your girl friend.. Hahahah!! She might be jealous if she knew u always sing to an ajumma. Hahahah!!’

‘Yah~ Li……’


‘….Nothing….. you rest early all right? I think you are tired…..’He said while standing up..  Why is he looking so moody out of sudden?

‘…. Kyu, u ok?’

‘Ah…. Nothing, I am tired…..’ He said, avoiding my eyes.

‘Ok, rest early then….’

Heechul POV

This is the very first time I look at her in such a short distance. She is … not exactly pretty, but she has a very sweet face. And that eyes of her…..looks like she can see me through…….Aish~ what am I thinking? I can tell she is still not exactly comfortable with me yet as she always kept a certain distance from me. Well, after all those cold shoulder from me, who wouldn’t be? Kyu sing to her? The look on Kyu eyes……. So Kyu likes her? I should have guessed it, judging from the way he treat her……

‘Yah~ Heenim, what happen between you and Ae Li? Anything we don’t know yet?’

‘Nothing, mind you own business.’ I answered Teukie.

‘Ya~ from Ae Li ssi to Ae Li~’ what a big different.’

‘Isn’t she the same age with us? What’s wrong with that?’

‘Hahahahahahah!’ Teukie with his usual famous laughter.

‘Yah~ shut up and go to sleep.’ I said throwing a pillow at him.

Aish…. Can’t sleep, I been thinking of what Ae Li said…. something holding her back? Because we are both celebrity? This is not a good reason to reject me, cant celebrity fall in love? Can’t we have lover like normal person do? I still can’t understand…. Aish…. She is still so pretty, even though she hurt me, even when she’s not accepting my feeling.Just can’t bring myself to hate her… I never gonna to change my wall paper, I wanna to look at her as often as I can…

‘Yah~ cannot sleep again?’ I asked Ae Li, who is standing at her favorite spot again.

‘Heechul Ssi? Neh…’ she asked.

‘I always had difficulty falling asleep. ‘I answered, standing next to her.

‘I see…….’

‘Homesick?’ I asked.

‘……’ she nodded, giving me a weak smile.

‘Find someone to take care of you then..’

‘Hahahaha!!! Not as easy as u thought….Its ok…. I am fine as it is and you all are as good as my family here. But I still miss my parent, brother and friend much.’

‘…………………..’ meaning she don’t know how Kyu feel yet? What an insensitive woman…

‘Still troubling over Sohee ssi?’


‘Heechul ssi….If she accepted you, that will be great. ‘


‘If no… will still have to accept it and looking forward meeting someone else, taking this as a part of your memory. You had made yourself clear to her. So, you got nothing to regret anymore. Nothing will change even if you keep pondering on it.’

‘……Kyu always said you surprise him, and I agree.’


‘Nothing….’ Cos you surprise me as well….can you read my mind?

‘Heechul ssi….’



‘Call me Heechul. Don’t I call you Ae Li as well?’


‘Ok, Hee then.’

‘Erm…. Hee? Hehe~ this is weird…’

‘What’s so weird?’

‘Erm…. Nothing, just need some time to get used to it.’

‘Go sleep~’

‘All right.’

‘Coming with me to see Champagne again next time?’

‘Can I?’

‘Of course, I think the little chaps like you.’

‘Good night.. Heechul~’

‘Neh~ sleep well.’

‘You too.’


(Still in Heechul POV)

‘Yah Heenim, breakfast.’ Teukie called out to me.

‘Neh~’ I sat down beside Teukie facing Ae Li. She is looking at Kyu with her hand under her chin, forcing that sleepy head to eat his breakfast. Too much gaming last night again I suppose.

‘Morning~’ She greeted while smiling at me.

‘Morning~ Aren’t you eating?’

‘I finished mine, please go ahead. Yah~ are you a kid? Stop sulking and finish it fast. Want me to feed you?’ She said while slapping Kyu hard on his arm.

‘Yah~ its hurt. Can you please be a little bit gentler to me?’ Kyu protested.

‘NO~’ she answered fast and firm.

‘Hahahahahahahahahaha! You both look like couple fighting.’ Said Ryoogaa.

‘Yah~ Yeo boo…. I will divorce you if you don’t change your way of treating me.’ Kyu said to her cheekily.

‘Yeo bo? Hahahahaha!  Am I crazy? Marry myself to kid like you to torture myself for the rest of my life? Dream on, I rather be you mum then.’

‘Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! I already have my own omma, don’t need an extra 1.’

‘Aish…. Stop talking and eat! You are going to be late.’ She scolded at him.


(still in Heechul POV)

‘Heechul, what is in your head?’ manager hyung ranted at me the moment I stepped into his room.

‘What is it?’ I asked him.

‘Confessing to Sohee ssi in public? What are you thinking? Trying to catch unwanted attention?’

‘Mwo?’ How does manager hyung know? 

*A bit moody cos cant read my fav fic any more.... *sob sob*....Looking forward to my reader comments, please let me know what u think all right? at least i know i am not alone.... Thanks~'

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 36: Liked Ur story a lot.... So sweet of Kim Hee chul and yu ai Li..... A true love story ... Loved Kyuhyun toooo.... Lukin forward to your nxt stories.....
and re ready this again... i really love this Heechul story.. :)
Great story :DD
omo done again.. i really love chullie here :) hehe
reading this again.. i suddenly miss this two :D hehe i will re read all your fics again while waiting for you Yesung update.. hehe :D
minee26 #6
at long last... finally done reading the story.. i wonder how Heechul would be a dad here..
minee26 #7
the story reminds me of our story- my freinds which we call ourselves SUJU Gals! which is also a sequel of superjunior's different stories.. loving it now! :)
i dont know why.. i just finnish this story just now.. after months.. ahaha I forgot the im reading this.. oh my god.. i really love this story over.. i will sure love to read all of your fics.. :) <3
crying over chapter 25.. huhu T.T hurting heechul is her way to be able to regain heechul's place again :'( I really love this..