I am confused……

Struck by stars


(Still in Heechul POV)

‘Heechul?? Hello???’ she wave her hand in front of me.

‘Yeh??? What?’

‘Aish… what are u thinking? Why are u in daze? I called u 3 times before u responded to me!!!’

‘Urgh… nothing….. just suddenly remind of something…..’ AISH!!! Kim Heechul!!! What are u thinking of? Imagine urself kissing her? Aigoo….. something must be wrong with you….

‘Erm…. R u having brain confusion?’

‘A…ni…..’ I looked at her and she smiled at me shooking her head.

‘Here….’ I handed the comb over to her.



(still in Heechul POV)

‘Heechul, Heechul…..’

‘Yah~ what?’

‘Can please pass me the flour?’

‘Yah! What are u doing?‘

‘Mandu (dumpling)’

‘Aish….. just buy, why bother to do it yourself?’

‘I am boring….. all I do is eat, sleep and sit….. This is the least I can do, sitting down.’

‘But you are injured…..’

‘Ryoogaa will do the cooking later…’



‘Yah…… need my help?’

‘Erm….. not at the moment…’

‘………………………’  Suddenly….I have an idea…..

‘………….Why are u touching my cheek?’ she look at me suspiciously…

‘Ah… erm…. Nothing…there’s something on your cheek…’

‘Really? Ok…. Thanks….’




‘What? Yah!!! Kim Heechul! What is that? What so funny?’

‘Aigoo….. Why are u so trusting? Look at ur face..’ I said while flashing my mirror at her.

‘Kim Heechul!!! You!!!! Aish….. You devil….’ She said while trying to rub the flour off her face with her flour covered hands.

‘Yah~ don’t use ur hand, its getting dirtier… hahahaha!!! Come, u dirty cat….’

‘……………………’ Suddenly she looks at my face, in silent….

’Yah….Yu Ae Li……’ Why are u looking at me like that? I seem to be able to hear the thumping of my heart…

‘GOTCHA!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!’ She rubs a BIG amount of flour to my face!!!

‘YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U sneaky woman!!!!’

‘Hahahahahahahaha!!! An eye for an eye! Bleh~~’ she stick out her tongue at me and continue to laugh.

‘AISH!!!! My face~’

‘Who ask u to mess with my face 1st? Serve u right~’ She said while standing up.

‘Yah! What are u doing?’

‘Going to wash my hand and face~ How am I going to handle food like this?’

‘Yah…. I carry u….’

‘All right~ Thanks~’ She said as she put her hand on my shoulder, smiling mischievously.

‘YAH!!! YU AE LI!!!!’ she rubbed more flour to my face again while I am carrying her.

‘Hahahahha!!! Oh~ Kim Heechul~ u look so cute like this~ Aigooo~’

‘Aish……. U…..’  I said gesturing to drop her.

‘Ara.. ara….. no more playing…..’ she said as she clung on to my neck  tightly, trying hard to stop her laughter.


Still in Heechul POV

 ‘Ae Li ah~eat your medicine….’ Why is this woman always like to keep herself busy?

‘Ah…. Neh, thanks…’

‘What are you doing? Why are you always busy?’

‘Erm… I am trying to improve my Korean…. So I would do some self learning on my own whenever I have time.’

‘Need my help?’

‘Hahahahah!!  I am quite stupid… U won’t like to teach me… Hahahaha!!’ She shook her head while smiling at me… So, she has dimples? How come I never realize before this?

‘Ara…..’ I sat down in front of her, trying to read the newspaper. She is looking down at some paper, working on some Hangul wording right now using translator...So, she has double eye lids? If would be more perfect if her eyes are bigger and brighter with longer eyelashes, maybe...something close to mine? But its all right, her eyes look fine as well…very natural.

Her nose is not exactly perfect but goes well with her feature…..

 Her lips…… look so soft…. And its always curves upward, as if she is smiling all the time…. And when she really smiles….. her dimple shows, brighten up her whole face…..

Her face….

‘Heechul???? Heechul???’

‘Ah… ne?’

‘Are u ok? Why are you alway in daze nowaday?’

‘Ah…. I am thinking about something….’ Aish….. Why am I studying her face like this AGAIN?

‘What is that?’

‘Ergh… some trivial thing….Yah~you done with that Korean?’

‘No…but I am a bit tired….Heechul…..’She looked at me, with her hand under her chin.


‘How I wish I have eyes like you…..’


‘I always thought u have beautiful eyes….’

‘Hahahahaha!!!’ I laughed awkwardly.

‘Aigoo…. Are u shy?’

‘A… ni….’ Ae Li ah…. You are really a very scary person…. I really think u can read my mind sometime…

‘Hahahahha!! I don’t know you are that bashful…’

‘Yah~ what make u feel like learning Korean?’

‘Uh? Shhh~ cant tell~ it’s a secret…’ she said as she placed a finger on her lip.

‘Yah! What’s so secretive?’

‘Hahahahaha!! Don’t ask, secret…’ she said as she shook her index finger.

‘You…. Better tell me now!!!’

‘Erm…. But on the condition no Korean Ginseng tea for me tonight.’

‘We shall see….Now tell me why.’

‘Hahahahaah!!! Aigoo…. So awkward…….Because I am great fan of Super Junior~ learning Korean to understand you all better… Aish…..’ she blushed and covered her face with her hands upon saying this.

‘Mwo? Hahahahahahaha!!! Good reason~ so Super junior is the reason why you can get close to Super Junior now?’

‘Wah….. what a nice way to put it~ hahahahaha!!! I liked it~’

‘So, who is your bias?’

‘Hahahahaha!!! No more question~’

‘Who? Kyu?’

‘Hahahahaha!!! I love you all~’

‘Including me?’

‘Yes, I even left message on your Twitter but never had the luck of receiving your reply…’

‘Yah…….. really?’ Aish… how could I miss out her message?

‘Yeah~ Never mind~ so lucky to be able to live you all now~’

‘Hahahaha!!! But u don’t behave like a fan girl upon seeing us…’

‘Neh~ cos I am not a ‘girl’ anymore, I am woman. Kyu called me ajumma sometime don’t u know? Hahahahaha.’

‘Yah!!! Then what am I? Ajusshi?’

‘Hahahahah!!! I don’t know… I am the victim myself!!!’

 ‘I am gonna kill him when he come back…..’

‘Hahahahahaha! Please help me to revenge as well.’

‘No wonder you knew so much about us…..’

‘Neh~ thanks to those programs and TV show..’ (end of Heechul POV)


‘Li, drink it… good for you….’ Kyu said while trying to force me to gulp down the Ginseng Tea.

‘I don’t want…. I am sick of it….’

‘Yah~ don’t act like a child, come.’ Kyu said while pushing the glass to my mouth.


‘Yu Ae Li, u better drinks that….’

‘Yah~ Heechul… u promised me I won’t have to….’

‘I said we shall see…. I did not promise anything….’

‘U play cheat!!!!!’

‘U better drink that….’ Heechul take the glass from Kyu and hand it over to me…


‘Want me to feed you?’ Heechul said while sitting down on my bed.

‘Ara……’ Sigh….. he wont let me go if I don’t drink it… ‘Yucks……I hope this is the last…’

‘All right, good girl..’ Heechul  said as he popped a candy in my mouth.

‘Yah~ Li~ so u only listen to Heechul hyung?’

‘Do I have the choice? He is so…. Scary~’ I whispered to Kyu.

‘I am jealous here~’ Kyu said poutng his mouth.

‘Jealous of what? Nothing better to do? Aish…..’

Sigh…. I am selling myself away~ shouldn’t have made the pact with him… he is just trying to trick me into telling him my secret… Aish… babo Yu Ae Li~ My bias? One of my bias is u, Heechul….I am one of ur petals, a silent petal.  I used to think you dislike me a lot and it’s making me sad…. However, I am glad thing does turn out to be better now. Do you dislike me lesser now?


Heechul POV

 ‘Li~~~~today…..’ Kyu keep linger around Ae Li and its making me feeling uncomfortable….

‘Yah, Ae Li, want to get back to your room?’ I asked.

‘O… ok… but…’

‘No but…’ as I walked over, intending to carry her to her room…

‘Hyung, its ok. Let me do it.’ Kyuhyun offered.

‘You?’ both Ae Li and I exclaimed in surprise.

‘Why not? I am strong, underneath my slim body.’ Kyu said cheekily, rolling his sleeve up showing his ‘muscle’.

‘…ok..’ I answered as I step back.

‘Yah~ Ae Li ah~ I am gonna to carry you like a bride.’

‘Yah~ you! Don’t drop me on the floor and break my back, ok?’ Ae Li shouting at Kyu.

‘Then I will take care of you for life…..’ Kyu said as he picks her up.

‘I don’t…. Yah!!!!’ Ae Li shouted when Kyu pretended to drop her.

‘Hahahahahahahah!!!’ Kyu laughed as Ae Li wrapped her arms around his neck… Yah.. Kyuhyun ah. What are you doing? This is MY job, why are you taking MY job away?

‘I don’t want you, put me down!! Heechul, save me Heechul…. Yah!!!!’ Ae Li protested, kicking her legs as Kyu carried her, running to her room and ‘throw’ Ae Li on her bed.

‘Yah!! You, evil boy, you get out!!! ‘ Ae Li yelled at him while throwing a pillow at him, hitting him hard with another pillow after that.

‘Yah~ I never know your weight is…..’

‘Yah!!! Stop!! stop !!stop!!!’

‘Hahahahahahahaha!! Are you shy? Yeeee~~ Yu Ae Li is shy~ wohooo…’

‘Yah, you go out, you go out….’

‘Teukie, I am out.’ I am NOT GOING TO STAY HERE ANYMORE!!!! 

‘But where are you go...? Yah, Heechul ah???’

I sat down drinking Soju at a quiet eatery near our dorm. The ajusshi know us very well and always reserved a quiet corner for us.  Why is my mood so bad? The sight of Kyu carrying Ae Li keeps flashing on my head and I found that I…. hate Kyu touching her!!  Whats wrong with me? Aigoo… Cant be…. I loved Sohee ssi…. I must had made a mistake, no…..Not possible…


(Still in Heechul POV)

‘Ae Li~ this is part of our schedule, manager hyung wants you to combine and finalize it, ok?’

‘Ah~ thanks Teukie~’

‘Neh~ Its ok.’

‘Yah~ u should let her finish her breakfast 1st…..’ I complaint.

‘Aish… Heechul, its ok….’ She said while flipping the file on her hand, while biting her bread.

‘Yu Ae Li….. u better finish that bread 1stok?’

‘Neh……..’ she said, nodding…still flipping and reading the file.

‘Aish…….’ I take away her file, she bit her lower lip and look at me… ‘Bite your bread instead of your lip…’ I said as I stuff bread in ….

‘Woah……. Heechul hyung…. Since when r u so concerned about other?’ Yesung asked in amazement.

‘Concerned? More like forcing….’ She whispered, pouting and looking at Yesung.

‘Aish… Yu Ae Li… you this girl……’

‘Heechul, Heechul… you need to prepare yourself…. There is this TV show on Monday, let me see…..’ she said while trying to reach for the file again.

‘NO, later, now sit down and eat!’ I pushed the file further and look at her.

‘Aish……. You……’


‘Ara……’ Good, finally she is eating..

(end of Heechul POV)

Kyuhyun POV

Aish…. What is this feeling? I hate seeing Heechul hyung ordering my Li around… although I know he is doing those for her good... And I hate it when Ae Li only listen to him!!! I feel so….. so…. Uncomfortable…… is this the so called jealousy? Why do I see my own shadow in Heechul hyung eyes when I carried Li that night? I am quite certain I saw and I feel jealousy in him….. Could it be I am too sensitive? Heechul hyung…….. what are you thinking? And Yu Ae Li…. What do you want? what happen between the 2 of u when we are not around? Aish… this woman is driving me crazy… what should I do with her? And Heechul hyung?


  ‘Ae Li ah, lets go to doctor.’


‘Just let me carry you to the car, ok? I will let you walk by yourself later.’

‘Erm… ok.’

‘Ae Li ssi, your wound is recovering fast, shouldn’t be any problem for you to walk around a bit more by yourself now, but not too much though…’ the doctor told me after examining my wound.

‘Oh, really? Did you hear that? Heechul? ’

‘Yah~ the doctor say not too much, I will still carry you till you are better.’

‘No, its ok…. you don’t have to anymore since the doctor said I can walk by my own now….you said it, right?’

‘Yeah…….Lets go back...’



‘Are you going to your room?’ Heechul asked when he saw me standing up.

‘Yes.’ He walked over to my side, put my right arm on his shoulder and carries me up gently.

‘One last time…………..’ He said as he looked into my eyes.

 ‘…………’I nodded at him.. Somehow, I cant bring myself to reject him… I listen to his steady heart beat as he walked slowly to my room, putting me down on my bed gently.

‘Go ma wo….’ I said as I take my hand away from him….

Heechul POV

‘You are way better than Kyu.’ She said as I place her on her bed….

‘Don’t you like him carrying you?’ I asked.

‘Not at all~’




Sorry for the late update~ Long chapter to make it up to u guy... Tell me what u guy think, ok?

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 36: Liked Ur story a lot.... So sweet of Kim Hee chul and yu ai Li..... A true love story ... Loved Kyuhyun toooo.... Lukin forward to your nxt stories.....
and re ready this again... i really love this Heechul story.. :)
Great story :DD
omo done again.. i really love chullie here :) hehe
reading this again.. i suddenly miss this two :D hehe i will re read all your fics again while waiting for you Yesung update.. hehe :D
minee26 #6
at long last... finally done reading the story.. i wonder how Heechul would be a dad here..
minee26 #7
the story reminds me of our story- my freinds which we call ourselves SUJU Gals! which is also a sequel of superjunior's different stories.. loving it now! :)
i dont know why.. i just finnish this story just now.. after months.. ahaha I forgot the im reading this.. oh my god.. i really love this story over.. i will sure love to read all of your fics.. :) <3
crying over chapter 25.. huhu T.T hurting heechul is her way to be able to regain heechul's place again :'( I really love this..