New Life

Struck by stars


‘Li? What happen? Did u quarrel with Heechul hyung?’

‘Nothing…. Just squabbling…’

‘Li…. U look bad…. R u ok?’

‘Kyu, I am fine…. So, how’s he?’

‘He completely shut himself off, not talking to anyone of us… what happen actually?’

‘Kyu….. he will be fine in a while, don’t worry…..’ when he get back to his job…

‘Li….. are u hiding something from me?’

‘Kyu….. u better don’t gaming late into the night so often…..’

‘………..Li…. has something happen?’

‘No…. I am just worried as I cant see u all as often as I can previously….really hope u o can take care.’

‘Ah…. No problem….we can still arrange to meet outside….’ Kyu…. No more.. no more meeting outside… I am going, soon…..

I only used 1 week to settle all things in Korea and set off to return to Malaysia… I did not tell Kyu nor any of the boys what happen… However, I suppose they will hear from Heechul or their manager hyung fast enough…


Six months passed fast, I been with my new company for 3 months. It’s an event planning company, based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia… I am often being assigned to Korean customer as I can speak Korean. I have a very cute young assistant by the name of Suan who is pursuing her degree while working at the same time… She is forced to learn Korean due to her job and she is not enjoying it at all….

‘Ae Li ah…. I often wanted to ask you about this scar… what happen actually?’


‘This!’ Suan said while pointing to the scar on my right shoulder…. The mark that Heechul gave me….

‘Something happen…. Mind your own business… Let me see the schedule for next week..’I said as I put on my jacket.

‘Ah… that one can wait… is this a bite mark? By who?’ The girl ask, resting her chin on her hands…

‘Nothing better to do? Need more job?’ I asked her…

‘Ahya……Suan, she wont tell…. It might be a love bite from her boyfriend…’ Jeanie chirped in.

‘Hahahaha!! Let your imagination run wild I don’t mind….’


I looked at the mirror during shower and saw the mark on my right shoulder. Love bite? More like a hate bite to me…. I remember how this wound refuses to heal and it took 2 long months for it to recover completely….. He must have hated me to the core…. Judging from the way he bite me… But at the same time, he must have loved me very deeply as to hate me so much…..

*sigh* ‘why am I thinking about this?’ I my computer and surfed the internet… Recently the boys are really busy and their news are all over the papers, gaining more and more popularity even before the release of their new album.. Which is said being put off due to certain reason…

‘Ae Li…. Please…. You have to… None of us here can speak Korean except you and Jane… Now she is not here you will have to help…’

‘Boss… I am not… I told you I won’t be doing any celebrity event….especially Super Junior…’

‘But you have to… contract is signed… we will lose great deal of money if we couldn’t provide them with a Korean speaking organizer….’

 ‘Boss… I remember I told you about this scandal of mine with one of their member… I can’t… please understand…And their manager won’t be happy to see me as well… So, I will get a translator and get Suan to assist her all right? She know a little Korean and she knows this project well too..’

‘Well…. I believe this is the only thing we can do now….But you have to be there to monitor, if anything really turn out you have to handle yourself, all right?’

‘Ok…. I will stay close to them…’

‘All right, so u and Suan please prepare to set off to Langkawi all right, they are expected to reach  there 2 days later, u can go down and make necessary arrangement 1st.’

‘All right, boss…’


Kyuhyun POV

Yah~ Langkawi, Malaysia~ Li’s hometown…. Where has this woman disappear to? There is no way to contact her at all…. Here we are, at Malaysia, shooting a series of commercial and promotional photos down here… I wonder if I can meet her here? Possible? But I remember she told me before she is not living here….

‘An nyeong ha se yo~’ the translator greeted us politely, with a young girl by her side. They explain our schedule here for the next few days and started to liaise with manager hyung.

Suddenly I heard the young girl mention something about Ae Li….. Ae Li? Could it be my Ae Li? I suddenly have a crazy thought…. I followed the young girl and saw her knocking at room number 655…  My heart misses a beat when I saw the person who opens the door…

‘YAH!!! Ae Li!!!! Yu Ae Li!!!!’

‘Kyu?? How do you…Aish… what have you done?’ She asked the young girl.

‘I don’t know anything!!!’ the young girl looks at her innocently…

‘Yu Ae Li~ I need to talk to you.’

‘All right… Suan, you go and monitor the progress and prepare the report, I need to report to boss later…’


‘YAH~ so you are our organizer?’

‘Kyu…. Please keep it a secret wont you… you know …. How awkward am I with…. Your manager hyung and…..’

‘Heecul hyung?’

‘Kyu… how is he?’

‘Don’t you bother to ask how I am 1st?’

‘You look fine to me~ getting fitter… ‘ she said as she patted my face.

‘Li~~~~’ I said hugging her.

‘Aigoo…. Still a little kid…’

‘What happen to your hair?’

‘Just a change of hairstyle… Why? Not nice?’ She asked, touching her dark brown curls.

‘Nope, look y~’

‘Hahahahha!!! Thanks~’

‘Ae Li, I been wanting to ask you… why you suddenly disappear like this? What happen between you and Heechul hyung?’

 ‘Didn’t he tell you?’ She asked, passing me a can of drink.

‘I heard his part, now I wanted to hear from you,’

‘Nothing much to tell, that’s all.’

‘You are lying…. Manager hyung forced you to leave right?’

‘Kyu…. Not everything is as simple as you thought… you might not have known me well enough…’

‘Do you know Heechul hyung been drinking for 2 months and been hospitalized?’


‘Yes…. Do you think by leaving him will make him feel happier? He is not…’

‘Well Kyu…. Its none of my business….’

‘So you and him are finished?’

‘Yes, finished…’

I am going to get you back.’

‘What are you saying Kyu?’

‘I am going to win your heart…’

‘Kyu!Stop! you should know what kind of woman I am!’

‘No, that’s not you… you do it so that he will give up on you…I trust you….’


‘Li…. Don’t push the blame to yourself anymore… I know you are forced into it. It’s too obvious…. Just that Heechul hyung doesn’t see it…. He is not worthy to have you if he can’t even have the simplest trust in you…..’


‘Don’t reject me, give a chance, please….’

‘Kyu… I am not worthy for your time…. You deserve someone better…’

‘Let me be…. At least I tried….’


‘Since I’ve met you….. Let me have you new phone number…’

‘All right, but keep it to urself, ok?’ (end of Kyuhyun POV)


Heechul POV

Malaysia…. Could that woman is somewhere around here? Aish… why am I thinking about her? She tore my heart apart… She is not worthy for all those suffer I’ve gone through…. Kyu looked moody since we arrived yesterday and I suppose he is thinking about that woman as well….

‘HYUNG~~~~~’ Kyu shouted at Teukie and gave him a big hug.

‘YAH~ what with u?’ Teukie pushed him away and looked at him.

‘Hahahahahahah!!! Yah~ don’t u think this is a nice place? Everything is so….. nice here~’

‘Cheh~ we are here to work, cant understand why are u so excited…..’ Teukie said while looking at his own reflection in the mirror.

‘Aish~ u don’t understand~ hahahaha!!! Minnie~~~~~~’ Kyu turned to Minnie and pinch his face.

‘YAH!!!! U!!!!’ Minnie protested while the evil boy run away fast from him…

‘Aish….. can’t understand why is he so happy…….’ Minnie mumble to himself.

End of Heechul POV


*phone vibrating*

Li ah~~~~ can I see u tomorrow?

Aish…. Where do u want to go? Ur schedule is till 8pm tomorrow, wont u b tired?

No….. cos I can see my pretty Li…..

Hahahahaha!!! Glib tongue…. Ok, meet me at my room? I show u around.


All right, sleep then. U will be busy the whole day tomorrow.

Nite Li~

Nite Kyu~

I heard a knocking at my door around 7.30pm, must be Kyu….

‘Kyu? U r early today….’

‘Neh, the filming end early so we are able to leave early.’

‘Come, let’s go, I will bring u to the night market here.’

‘All right~ as long as I am with u…..anywhere is fine…’

‘Aish…… u, stop it….. Wont ur hyung suspect anything?’

‘Hahahahaha!!!! No, they are busy with their own thing….’

‘Ok, lets go…….’ Kyu tried to hold my hand but I crossed my hands… he put his hand on my shoulder instead…. 

‘Li….. how are u for the past 6 months?’

‘Erm? I am fine, coping well with my new life here. And I am doing great, I loved the life here….’

‘Really? Seem like u r having a good life without us eh?’ He looks at me and gave me one of his usual smirk.

‘Hahahahahah!!! Wah! I really miss ur smirk….Aigoo….. so cute….’ I said pinching his cheek.

‘ Li……’ Kyu hold my hand and look at me…

‘Kyu….’ I tried to pull back my hand but he hold on to it really tight.

‘Li….. give me a chance…..Please… I am serious, don’t reject me….’

‘KYU!! Stop it! We can’t!!!’

‘What do u mean by we can’t? Are u married? U r not, and I am single too!!! Why can’t we?’

‘Kyu, u know perfectly well why we cannot…. And there’s Heechul……’

‘Li, I don’t care what happen between u n Heechul hyung….. U should know I liked u even before what happen between u n Heechul hyung……’

‘Kyu, if u carry on like this I don’t think we can even be friend. I am serious.’

‘Li~ u r being very unfair to me……Why can’t u just try and see whether we can be together?’

‘Kyu, I am sorry….. like I said, u r my dongsaeng, no matter past, now or future…..’


‘Kyu….. stop this topic shall we? I don’t see any point discussing this anymore….’

‘Li……No matter what, I won’t give up… But I won’t force u, lets nature takes it course.’


‘I am hungry…..’

*Sigh….*‘Lets go…. I will get u some nice local food~’

‘Wah~ jeongmal?’

‘Aish….. gluttonKyu is here again…..’



Heecchul POV

This Kyu is behaving strangely recently…. He slipped out whenever he had the chance and hardly ever  touch his PSP recently…. What is this guy up to? Slipping out to have fun by himself again? Or met another Yu Ae Li here in Langkawi? Cheh~ why am I thinking of this heartless woman…. Kim Heechul… wake up, put her out of ur mind….

‘Hyung~ I am going out~~’ Kyu shouted at us and slipped out.

‘Yah~ Kyu….. manager hyung…….YAH!!!!’ Aish… this kid, manager hyung said we are to have a meeting tonight. I better inform him first….I rushed out and tried to catch up with him…

‘……ok, see u, Li~’ Kyu put down his phone and walk toward the lift.

Li???? Is that Yu Ae Li??? So all the while they been keeping in touch??? DAMN!!!! I followed Kyu quietly from behind and saw him knocking at one of the room’s door. My heartbeat is getting faster and faster….. When the door is finally opened….. I saw her…… Its really her!!

‘Yah~ Kyu…..’ YU AE LI?????????? ITS YU AE LI!!!!!!!!!! 


*JJANG JJANG~~~~ what will happen?*

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 36: Liked Ur story a lot.... So sweet of Kim Hee chul and yu ai Li..... A true love story ... Loved Kyuhyun toooo.... Lukin forward to your nxt stories.....
and re ready this again... i really love this Heechul story.. :)
Great story :DD
omo done again.. i really love chullie here :) hehe
reading this again.. i suddenly miss this two :D hehe i will re read all your fics again while waiting for you Yesung update.. hehe :D
minee26 #6
at long last... finally done reading the story.. i wonder how Heechul would be a dad here..
minee26 #7
the story reminds me of our story- my freinds which we call ourselves SUJU Gals! which is also a sequel of superjunior's different stories.. loving it now! :)
i dont know why.. i just finnish this story just now.. after months.. ahaha I forgot the im reading this.. oh my god.. i really love this story over.. i will sure love to read all of your fics.. :) <3
crying over chapter 25.. huhu T.T hurting heechul is her way to be able to regain heechul's place again :'( I really love this..