

“Yah, what if they see our names? I’ll be dead for sure.” You said, worrying. “No no no no, it’s okay. Just keep calm and walk. If they start asking questions, just ignore them.” Myungsoo said. “OKAY CLASS GATHER UP! COME HERE EVERYBODY. NOW HEAR THIS CAREFULLY I WONT REPEAT IT AGAIN. TODAY WE’RE GOING TO JOG AROUND THE PARK. YOU MUST COME BACK TO THIS PLACE HERE OKAY. YOU MUST NOT TAKE MORE THAN ONE HOUR. OR ELSE I’LL LEAVE YOU ALONE. AND YOU HAVE TO WALK ALL BY YOURSELF BACK TO SCHOOL” Your P.E teacher shouted to all of you. “Geez, she doesn’t have to shout though.” Some of your classmates complained. “Let’s go.” You said to Myungsoo. You two jog around for a few minute before you asked, “We have to circle the park is it? We have to jog around it right?” Myungsoo nods. “Ahh, this is so tiring. Aigoo.” You sighed. “Oh? I think it’s going to rain soon. We better hurry.” You said. “Come here follow me, I know a shortcut.” Myungsoo said and pulled you towards a pathway.

“Are you sure we can use this shortcut?” You asked Myungsoo while looking around. “Yeah sure, this is a place where all the tourists walk. All those joggers will have to use the pathway we used just now.” Myungsoo said. “Oh, so we can’t run here right? Since this is a tourist’s pathway. Let’s walk.” You two walked for a several minutes before you decided to sit down and have a rest. “You’re not such an athletic person eh?” Myungsoo teased you. “No. I hate sports.” Myungsoo mimicked you and started laughing. “The way you said, “No, I hate sports” is so funny. Hahahaha.” “Oh shut up.” You pout and turn away. Then suddenly a cute puppy came running to Myungsoo. He scooped him up and started his body. “You’re such a cute puppy.” Myungsoo said while playing with him. You smiled and asked Myungsoo, “You’re animal lover?” He smiled back brightly and said, “Yes. Yes I am. I’m very proud to be one.” The puppy is barfing cutely at Myungsoo every time he him. Then a girl came and the puppy runs towards the girl almost instantly. “Yours?” Myungsoo asked. The girl nods. Myungsoo smiled sweetly at that girl and replied, “Take good care of him okay. He’s a nice puppy and I believe his owner is also such a nice girl.” The girl smiled sheepishly and nods. “Thank you.” She runs away. “Not so bad for a guy like you eh? How could you flirt with a kid?” You said teasingly. “I didn’t flirt. Are you jealous? Or are you worried I might cheat on you with that girl?” He replied. “NO! I’m not jealous.” Myungsoo smiled and said, “Don’t worry, my heart is yours and that won't change at all.”

But when you reached back the starting point, there’s no one there. “Did they leave us? Did we exceed the time limit?” You started worrying. “I don’t know. There’s no one here. Even the teacher is gone. Yeah, I think they left us already.” Myungsoo said. “Huh? What? Oh my god. How? How? How? What are we going to do now?” “I guess we have no choice. We have to walk to school all by ourselves.” Just then thunder struck and it started to rain. “Aigoo, it’s raining. What an unlucky day. Do you have any umbrella?” You asked Myungsoo. “Do I seem like I have one? Of course not, let’s just walk okay. Ignore the rain.” You’re shivering when you’re walking because it’s just too cold and your hair, your clothes are wet. But then Myungsoo wraps his arms around you. “Ah, Myungsoo….” “Keep quiet. I’ll warm you up. Warning, I might melt your heart too.”

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naznew #1
Chapter 39: Such a great story..
Zaliajasmine #2
Chapter 39: I love this story .... it makes me cried when sunggyu died! Thanks for doing a good story and making me cry :(
Chapter 39: Good story authornim!!
Chapter 39: WAHHHHHHH author-nim you made me cry D; Sunggyu-oppa~ don't leaveeeee ... lmao but anyways good job! ^.^
shinyoung97 #5
Chapter 39: You made me cried when i read your story it's really interesting but i'm sad because sunggyu dead because of his cancer he really a good friend but happy ending because she were happy with myungsoo T_T
@anchigyu aww sorry ;~; I'LL MAKE A BETTER ONE NEXT TIME!!
It was heart breaking. Why must gyu died? T^T
Eventhough gyu is my bias and I want him to end up with her, but... he's dead? :( But, I'm happy that it was happy ending..

It was beautifully written.. I love ur fic, hwaiting :)
@lucy_yuuki_heartnet thank you for reading! because eventually, everyone dies in the end. hehe :*