

It turns out that Myungsoo is really sorry about what happened. He prepared something special for you because he said he’s really really sorry. “Stay in my house for a little bit longer please? At least until 9PM? Please?” Myungsoo pouts as he said that. “Why? You know I can’t. Now it’s already 7PM. What if Sunggyu finds out about this? I’ll be dead for sure.” You complain. “Its okay. No need to tell him that you’re here. Just stay here okay. Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be watching youuuu.” Myungsoo smiled and ran to the kitchen. You heard noises from the kitchen. It seems like Myungsoo is cooking something….But you just sits there like what Myungsoo just asked for. After several minutes, Myungsoo comes out holding two dishes. “Hey, don’t just sit there. Come here, I prepared for you a dish I know you’ll like it since I’ve been practicing doing it for days.” He pulls out the dining chair for you. He is busy arranging the utensils and bringing out orange juice for you. “We’re still underage so we can’t drink wine.” He winks. The last preparation is of course, the candle. He lights up two candles on the dining table and turns off the light. “So, let’s get it started!”

Myungsoo’s cooking skill is not that bad. In fact, you think he’s a better cooker than you. “Sooo, do you like it?” Myungsoo said as soon as you finish eating. “Mmm, yeap. It’s so yummy. I can’t believe a guy like you can do things like this.” He puts both of his hands on the table and stares at you. “I can do things beyond your imagination. Just say your wish and I’ll fulfil it.” He takes both of your hands and holds it tightly. “I never do things like this ever in my life. You should be grateful you’re the first person that gets these things from me.” He said, seriously. You’re quite scared. Myungsoo is not a type of person who takes things seriously. Usually he’ll just answer your questions with a cold tone. But this time it’s different. “You know what? When I first came to our school, I was nobody. I distance myself from the other kids because I hate getting attention from anyone. Things are going smoothly for the first few weeks but then Suzy came. I still don’t know the reason why did she want to be friends with me even though she’s one year older than me. Is it because I’m attractive? Or is it because I’m so pitiful? Either way, she came to me every single day. Asking me ‘how are you’, ‘have you eaten’ ‘how’s your day so far’ and so on. I used to hate it when she asks me those questions. I tried to avoid her, ignoring her but I can’t. She’s the type of girl that’s all over your face. Day by day, I start liking her. She’s actually very caring about me. She cares about me more than I care about myself. That’s why she’s the only friend that I have.” You don’t know whether to sound happy or sad about the statement Myungsoo just told you. You tried not to show your jealousy since being jealous of someone is so not you. “Oh, I’m glad she met you. But now, you have me right? If there’s anything wrong, just tell me. I won’t mind.” 

Myungsoo didn’t suspect that you’re jealous of Suzy so you’re very relieved with that. He walks you home even though you told him it’s okay for you to walk alone. He said, “No, it’s not okay. What if something happens to you? I’ll never forgive myself.” So you gave up. It’s not wrong for Myungsoo to walk you home right? When you reached the front door of your apartment, you turned to Myungso and said “Thank you. Thank you for everything tonight. I’m happy that I get to know you better.” Myungsoo pulled you in for a hug and whispers in your ear, “Your pretty face is blinding my eyes. Your bright smile is just like the sun. Like a shining star in the night sky. You’re the angel in my heart. I love you.”

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naznew #1
Chapter 39: Such a great story..
Zaliajasmine #2
Chapter 39: I love this story .... it makes me cried when sunggyu died! Thanks for doing a good story and making me cry :(
Chapter 39: Good story authornim!!
Chapter 39: WAHHHHHHH author-nim you made me cry D; Sunggyu-oppa~ don't leaveeeee ... lmao but anyways good job! ^.^
shinyoung97 #5
Chapter 39: You made me cried when i read your story it's really interesting but i'm sad because sunggyu dead because of his cancer he really a good friend but happy ending because she were happy with myungsoo T_T
@anchigyu aww sorry ;~; I'LL MAKE A BETTER ONE NEXT TIME!!
It was heart breaking. Why must gyu died? T^T
Eventhough gyu is my bias and I want him to end up with her, but... he's dead? :( But, I'm happy that it was happy ending..

It was beautifully written.. I love ur fic, hwaiting :)
@lucy_yuuki_heartnet thank you for reading! because eventually, everyone dies in the end. hehe :*