


“Oi, where were you two yesterday? I thought I leave you guys for a few minutes before coming back and you two are already gone. I have to do this Science project all by myself you know. You two such a troublesome.” Amber nags and complains as soon as you two reach the cafeteria table. Myungsoo didn’t say anything, he just continues eating like he didn’t even heard a word from Amber. “Err. Err. Err. I’m sorry, Amber. There’s something confidential so we have to go.” You avoid looking at Amber because you’re scared she might know that you’re lying. “You know what? You’re such a terrible liar. Don’t lie to me anymore. Its okay, if you don’t want to do the project. Just tell me next time. Don’t have to disappear just like that and leave me hanging.” Amber picked up her tray and start walking out of the cafeteria. THIS IS ALL MYUNGSOO’S FAULT AND HE’S JUST SITTING THERE EATING HIS LUNCH WITHOUT EVEN BOTHERING. You shoved him hard and said “Yah, you’re such a mean person. First, you didn’t even help me to explain things to Amber. Secondly, you ignored Amber. At least speak a word to her, don’t just sit here and eat. Now what are we going to do? Amber’s mad at us.” He just turns to you with a poker-face and said “No need to worry about her. She’ll be fine in a few hours. Oh and how about being a little nicer to me?” He got up and leaves you alone. Great. Now everyone is mad at you.

On your way back to the class, you saw Myungsoo talking to Suzy at the hallway. Myungsoo smiled when he talks to Suzy. He actually smiled whenever he’s talking with Suzy only. You stare at them for a long time. She hugged Myungsoo and start walking to your direction while Myungsoo go to the other direction. Suzy saw you and smiled sweetly “How are you today, ~~~~~? Why didn’t you walk with Myungsoo just now?” She asked. You don’t know what to say. You can’t just simply tell her that you two are fighting. Maybe Myungsoo did tell her what happened just now. “I don’t know. Maybe you should ask Myungsoo instead.” You start walking. After several steps, Suzy called you from behind, “Hey ~~~~~, I’m borrowing Myungsoo for this evening. You didn’t plan to do anything with him today right?” What the hell are they going to do this evening together? Even though you’re slightly annoyed, you still answered her question, “Yeah yeah, sure.”

You didn’t talk much on the way back home. You didn’t even talk to Sunggyu the whole night. When it’s time to sleep, you heard a knock and Sunggyu popped out his head and said “Can I come in?” He did that cute eye smile. You knew he only did that eye smile when he needs something from you. “Sure, come in.” You make a space for him to sit on your bed. “Are you okay? Why didn’t you talk to me the whole day? I’m hurt. You’re still doing well, right?” Sunggyu asked with concerned. “Yeah, I’m just a little tired. That’s all. Since when you care about me anyway?” He smiled innocently and said “No one knows me as much as you do cutie pie.” You pushed him playfully and asked again, “What do you want? Tell me truth. No more lying. Come on, just tell me.” He hesitated to tell you at first but then he takes a deep breath and said “Do you want to be my girlfriend just for a day?” 

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naznew #1
Chapter 39: Such a great story..
Zaliajasmine #2
Chapter 39: I love this story .... it makes me cried when sunggyu died! Thanks for doing a good story and making me cry :(
Chapter 39: Good story authornim!!
Chapter 39: WAHHHHHHH author-nim you made me cry D; Sunggyu-oppa~ don't leaveeeee ... lmao but anyways good job! ^.^
shinyoung97 #5
Chapter 39: You made me cried when i read your story it's really interesting but i'm sad because sunggyu dead because of his cancer he really a good friend but happy ending because she were happy with myungsoo T_T
@anchigyu aww sorry ;~; I'LL MAKE A BETTER ONE NEXT TIME!!
It was heart breaking. Why must gyu died? T^T
Eventhough gyu is my bias and I want him to end up with her, but... he's dead? :( But, I'm happy that it was happy ending..

It was beautifully written.. I love ur fic, hwaiting :)
@lucy_yuuki_heartnet thank you for reading! because eventually, everyone dies in the end. hehe :*