


When it’s recess time, you’re walking to the cafeteria with Myungsoo. Girls are whispering when you’re walking through the hallway, holding Myungsoo’s hand. You wonder why he can keep a straight face even when the whole crowd is watching him…. Amber is already sitting on a table and when she sees you two, she waves and yells “OI, RIGHT HERE YOU TWO. STOP BEING SO LOVEY-DOVEY AND SIT HERE.” The whole cafeteria turns their heads into your direction. Myungsoo sighed and said “don’t bother her. She likes to call people ‘oi’ instead of using their real name.” As you sit down at the table with your lunch, Amber said “Oi, teacher asked us to do a group project for our Science right? We must investigate how a grasshopper lives. We must buy one and keep it. So any of you want to keep the grasshopper?” She asked brightly. “Err, no thanks. I hate insects. You and Myungsoo can keep it. I don’t want.” “Whaaaat. But this is a group project. Hmm, let’s see. What if we two come to your house after school? We can do the project together!” You sit back and think for a few seconds. Would Sunggyu be mad if you bring this two to your house? Nah, probably not. “Sure. You two can come to my house after school.” You said with a smile. “You sure Sunggyu won’t try to punch me again if I come?” Myungsoo asked. “No no no no, I’ll ask Sunggyu to behave himself. You don’t have to worry about him.” You continue eating. Then suddenly someone put her tray on your table. You look up to see who is it and there’s the girl you saw yesterday with Myungsoo, smiling brightly to you three and said “Can I sit here?”

“So, I heard you guys going to do a Science project. How exciting!” that girl said. “Oh, yeah. We are coming to ~~~~~’s house to do it.” Amber said. That girl looked at me and said, “oh, so you’re ~~~~~. Myungsoo always talks about you to me before.” Myungsoo kicked her leg under the table. “Ouch, don’t be so rude to me. I was just saying. Oh and by the way my name is Suzy. I’m one year older than you but you don’t have to call me unnie. I feel so old whenever people call me Suzy unnie” she laughs. “Don’t call her unnie. Once I tried calling her noona and then I get beat up badly.” Myungsoo said. Suzy glared at him and said “Ignore him. He’s always like that. So, this time you sure your oppa won’t punch him again?” Suzy asked while eating her salad. “Err. Nope. I’ll make sure he behaves himself.” “You sure have to or else I have to come and rescue my baby one more time again.” She laughed and pinched Myungsoo’s cheek. “Aish, don’t do that to me in public.” Myungsoo complains.

You just stare at them in disbelief. Why are they being so lovey-dovey in front of you. “Kriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing.” The school bell rings. Recess is over. You put away your tray and get ready to walk with Myungsoo to the hall. You turned back and saw that Suzy hugged him and say something to him happily and leaves. When Myungsoo is back with you, you asked, “Myungsoo, how did you know her? I can’t believe you have a friend.” He looked at you and said, “I knew her since the first day I’m here and she’s not a friend of mine.” He started walking away. You quickly follow him and in your head you’re thinking if Suzy isn’t a friend of Myungsoo then who is she to Myungsoo? A girlfriend? No, it can’t be. You’re his girlfriend. Wait, maybe Myungsoo is just using you to protect Suzy from being bashed with the other girls in this school.

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naznew #1
Chapter 39: Such a great story..
Zaliajasmine #2
Chapter 39: I love this story .... it makes me cried when sunggyu died! Thanks for doing a good story and making me cry :(
Chapter 39: Good story authornim!!
Chapter 39: WAHHHHHHH author-nim you made me cry D; Sunggyu-oppa~ don't leaveeeee ... lmao but anyways good job! ^.^
shinyoung97 #5
Chapter 39: You made me cried when i read your story it's really interesting but i'm sad because sunggyu dead because of his cancer he really a good friend but happy ending because she were happy with myungsoo T_T
@anchigyu aww sorry ;~; I'LL MAKE A BETTER ONE NEXT TIME!!
It was heart breaking. Why must gyu died? T^T
Eventhough gyu is my bias and I want him to end up with her, but... he's dead? :( But, I'm happy that it was happy ending..

It was beautifully written.. I love ur fic, hwaiting :)
@lucy_yuuki_heartnet thank you for reading! because eventually, everyone dies in the end. hehe :*