::Plane Rides::

My Klutzy Angel


::Plane Rides::

 “What am I supposed to bring?” Xue Fang looked at the open suite case on her bed and then looked over to the close she had spread about.

“You almost done in here?” Kris peeked inside the room and sighed. “Meimei.” Kris said in a scolding voice as he walked over to her with his hands on his hips. “I thought you started packing last night when you got back from the excitement at work? You should be done by now.”

Xue Fang looked up at him with big eyes. “I took some stuff out but then I got tired, and my breathing was off so I went to bed early. I was going to start it today but I don’t really know what to pack.” She said with a pout. “I don’t really understand how it works.”

Kris laughed as he grabbed a few important things. “Well first you will need your underwear, I mean how do you plan on staying fresh wearing the same undergarments?” She nodded with an “Ohh” face as he took some clothes. “Since you will be meeting people you want to look your best so you need some cute outfits. Now you look cute in almost anything so that part is pretty easy, just stay away from dark colors because your personality is too bright for that.” After a few more things he zipped it up. “Now you’re all done packing.”

“Kris gege, thank you so much!” Xue Fang said as she hugged him tightly. “Because of you I’m all packed!”

“My little Bao be couldn’t pack on her own.”

Xue Fang and Kris turned around and starred at Li, he had a few suite cases by him.

“Li!” Xue Fang shouted as she rushed over to him, looking at his luggage she grinned. “I didn’t know you were interested in going on a trip with the guys. I thought you had work.”

Li shrugged. “You know since I’m a first class Guardian I can call in for some vacation time. Lady Aphrodite already sent in my substitute so I have a few days off and thought I would come with you guys.” He said as he gave her a hug. “Me and you enjoying the sites bao be.”

“Not a chance!” Kris said as he pulled Xue Fang to his side. “She’s going to be hanging out with me and the guys. You can tag along too if you want.”

“Guys the boys are here!” Xiumin said as he walked over to the door. “We should head out while Tao’s mama is still willing to give all of us a ride to the airport.” He said as he looked at Li’s luggage. “Wow…we might have to squeeze in more than I thought.”

“Let’s go!” Xue Fang said as she grabbed her suite case and pointed foreward, after a few seconds of moving in place she looked over at the other hand on the bag which was holding her back. “Such strength, Kris you giant!”

Kris laughed as he pushed her hand aside and picked up her bag. “I got this, you run off and see the guys.”

Xue Fang bowed and gave him a playful smile. “Until we meet again Sir giant!” She said with a giggle before running off.


Tao gave a triumphant smirk as he looked at the bags safely latched onto the top of his mother’s van. “Look at that, I was able to do much of it myself.”

Chen grinned as he clapped his hands. “Good job Tao! Now we have to figure out what to do with Lu Han’s, Kris’s, and Xue Fang’s.”

“Don’t forget Li!” Xue Fang shouted as she jumped onto Chen’s back. “Li said he wanted to tag along as well!”

Lay sent a smile her way. “It’s been awhile Xue Fang!” He said as he held his arms out. “How have you been?”

Smiling she gave him a hug. “I’ve been great, how about you?”

“Eh, better now that I know I’ll be spending time with you!”

“Enough with that already!” Tao said as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and grinned. “My mother is in the car and doesn’t want to hear your corny pickup lines.”

Xue Fang laughed as she looked in the car. “Hello!” She said with a  wave.

“Hi sweetie.” Tao’s mother said. “You must be Xue Fang, Tao told me so much about you.”


“Yeah, he thinks you’re really pretty.”

“Mom!” Tao whined as he shook his head. “Now she’s going to think I’m a creep.”

“Yeah, creepy Tao!” Chen said as he shoved him.

“I think it’s sweet.” Xue Fang said.

“Me too.” His mother said from the driver’s seat.

“Here are the rest of the bags!” Kris said as him, Lu Han, Xiumin, and Li came out of the apartment buildings. “You can probably fit all these in the trunks Tao.”

“Yeah because I’m Cinderella.” He mumbled as he started packing the rest of the bags.

“Everyone else in.” Kris said as he pushed his friend toward the open door.

“Don’t push!”

“I want to sit next to Xue Fang!”

“No I get Xue Fang, she’s my bao be.”

“Shut up will you?!”

“Guys…” Xue Fang said as she looked ahead.

In the back was Lu Han, Xue Fang, Kris, and Li. In the next row was Lay, and Chen, Tao won shot gun. Li pushed Kris over some for some more room, Kris bumped into Xue Fang and scooted her closer to Lu Han. Lu Han blushed as the closeness. Chen looked behind him and smiled.

“It might be more comfortable if she sits on your lap Lu Han.”


“Kidding!” He said in a teasing manner and chuckling. “You looked so surprised and scared!” Chen commented with another round of laughter.

“You’re not funny Chen!” Lu Han said annoyed, he looked over at Xue Fang who smiled at him.

Blushing Lu Han looked away and slid down in the chair. Finally at the airport the group said farewell to Tao’s mother who told Kris to keep an eye on her baby. After getting on the plan everyone relaxed a little and quieted down. Xue Fang was seated in the middle of Li and Lu Han. It was dark outside and she was slowly falling asleep. Li glanced over at her at the same time as Lu Han, both caught the other starring.

Looking away the boys focused their gaze at the seat in front of them.

*Come on Xue Fang bao be.* Li thought as he glanced at her once more. *You can always rest on my shoulder, don’t be so presistant.*

Lu Han sighed. *She looks so tired, why does she always have to fight so hard at everything?* He thought taking a glance at her. *She has two people by her willing to lend her a shoulder.*

Xue Fang’s head slowly leaned forward before she jerked it back and opened her eyes. Yawning she pulled her cover over her and rested her head back. Falling asleep her head slowly landed on Lu Han’s shoulder. Li gave a defeated look while Lu Han grinned like a kid on Christmas. He gently pulled his own covers over the both of them.

Li rolled his eyes, he wanted to move Xue Fang but didn’t want to wake her. Turning away he rested his head against the window and closed his eyes to sleep as well. Lu Han chuckled softly as he starred down at Xue Fang’s head.

“At least for now I win over him.”

He said to himself before kissing the top of her head and laying his head down on hers.

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Thinking about the next chapters and the ending. I'm hoping you guys will like them as much as I like the ideas.


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sehashirou #1
Chapter 34: omygosh!!! this story is really awesome and funny haha XD

i really love this story , keep it up Authornim!!! fighthing!!
Chapter 26: I superly duperly love xiumin here in this story <3
Chapter 10: I'm so jealous~ I wanna be babied by EXO-m too~~~ ESPECIALY yifan ge XD (and be loved by lulu ohohoo~)
Chapter 9: Oh my god.. Xue Fang is so adorably and cute! If I was a boy, I would totally fall in love with her
Of course luhan is cute also!
Even the EXO-M boys <3

Authornim! You make the best adorable and funny chapters <3

Damn I love this story
Chapter 2: He saw you because.....

He's also an angel

Lol joke.. But let's be honest luhan looks like one XD
Chapter 34: Why must this happen so happy then boom something bad had to happen!
xxcalm #7
xxcalm #9
Chapter 31: hbzjuhbghbgtgbt T^T
Rouge is soo so so soo and Dark and Rouge..goshhh together forever <3 jbgkjbgk
Chapter 28: Yay!! Kisses! :)