Like Her

Dongsaeng Saranghae
Bom unnie arrived ten minutes past 12 midnight. Normally, I'm up to bed immediately after dinner. That is about 8 o'clock. I have one hour allowance time to take a shower, check emails and read one or two chapters of the bible. By 9 o'clock, I feel so sleepy and as soon as I lay my back on the bed, I will quickly fall asleep. But not tonight.. The excitement of seeing my Bom unnie again after several months of being away from us is running all through my veins. I missed her so much and I wanted to be there when she arrives.
The long hours of waiting is over. "At last, she's here!" I murmured when we heard a car pulled over in front of our house. I quickly ran outside to see her. 
"Unnie!!" I shouted as I came towards her and hugged her.
"I missed you so much! Welcome home." I whispered to her ear, tightening my arms around her.
"I missed you too saeng.." she replied and ruffled my hair.
"I'm surprised that you're still awake this late night." she said as we headed inside.
"Of course, my unnie. For you.." The door opens, and there stood Mom and Dad. They hugged unnie so tight and I joined them. I'm so grateful with the family I have in my life. Bom unnie was so tired and wanted to take a rest so we have all decided to take a sleep and do all the talkings the next day.

I still managed to wake up early the following morning even if I only had a few hours of sleep. I wanted to cook something for breakfast. This will be our first meal together with Bom unnie once again.
I was setting the table when I heard someone walking down the stairs. It was Bom unnie. 
"Good morning! Good morning!" she greeted me with a big smile. She is so pretty especially in the morning when there's no make-up yet. So fresh, so natural. "I wish I look like her." I whispered to myself.
"It's so nice to be home. There's no place like it." she said, interrupting my thoughts.
I'm glad they liked the food I prepared. Bom unnie was even surprised that I can actually cook. We discussed over breakfast the welcome party that will be happening tonight. Bom unnie wanted to have a simple and private party with just a few friends and close neighbors. And so, we all agreed to have it that way.
Immediately after breakfast, everyone of us got busy preparing for tonight's event. Mom started to contact everyone on our visitor's list to inform them about the welcome party. I helped out Dad on the decorations while unnie went out to meet the caterer whom oftenly helped us out on every occassion we needed their service.
At 4 o'clock, we are all done and we have enough time to freshen up and prepare ourselves. *I still have 2 more hours left before it starts.* I smiled as I thought of spending an hour of music jamming with Minho. So, I rushed outside and I saw him sitting infront of his aunt's porch with his guitar as usual.
"Minho!" I shouted as I waved my hand. He smiled, waved back and slowly walked towards me. 
"Hey, I'm glad you came." he softly said and I took it as a whisper in my heart. I felt as if my heart jumped out of my chest when I heard those words. *I knew it! You miss me too..* 
"Aren't you all too busy preparing for tonight's party? I wonder what are you doing outside young lady, huh?" he asked, teasing me.
"We're done. We are just waiting for the catering service to arrive." I answered.
"You will not be late tonight, will you?" Now it's time to back.
"Of couse.. I will. I mean, I will.. not." he replied then laughed loudly. I made face and he laughed again even more louder.
*If only a major tease could kill someone, I'm surely be dead by now.*
"I'm sorry saeng, but I just love to see that look of yours whenever I'm teasing you. Don't worry, I'll be there even before the party starts, okay? Well, we better get going. Clock is ticking. I'll see you later my dongsaeng!" he said continuously. Then he ran back to Mrs. Choi's house, leaving me standing at our gate.
Finally! I updated again! Sorry if it took too long..

But, don't worry! I have written up to chapter 12 already! 

I just have to type them and post it here.. 

Oh yeah~ new subbie!


Welcome! I hope you're enjoying the story! <3

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[Dongsaeng Saranghae / 160904] I just realized that I didn't proof read any of the chapters before uploading them before. I'll probably rewrite this. Probably.


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Chapter 3: wrote this story way back 2013. FIVE years after, here I am re-reading it again.. for the nth time. :)
gemmymars #2
Chapter 48: Aww~ the ending's so cute^^
Great job authornim~
gemmymars #3
Chapter 12: Unnie, filipino ka ba??
gemmymars #4
Chapter 9: I should really be in bed right now but I can't stop reading~^^
Chapter 48: e n e"

they they they omg my feels are everywhereeeeeeee
Chapter 47: ERMAGERD. CLIFFY ;; I can't wait for the next chapter c: obviously Minho and Chemi will see each other c:
Chapter 33: Uwahh! Filipino ka ba?
Chapter 41: I kindda want Chemi to end up with Taemin . am I the only one feels like this ? xD