Answerless Question (Minho's 2nd POV)

Dongsaeng Saranghae


I didn't know how far I walked and where did my feet brought me. The only thing I knew is that I wanna be some place anywhere else far away from Bluefire. I just stopped walking when I finally felt really tired and my feet were so numb. I sat on the first bench I saw on the side of the road. Gasping my breath, I looked at my right hand which is now 
swelling and had slight bruises as an effect of my punch onTaemin's lips.


*Worst day of my life..* I thought 
There was this convenience store across the street where I was sitting. I went in on that store, bought something and rode on a cab to finally go home at Aunt Gaeul's place. Good thing, Aunt gave me a duplicate key of the main door. I freely came in inside and went upstairs into my room. I lay down my exhausted body on the bed and closed my 
eyes. I was like that for an hour but I couldn't fell asleep. So, I decided to take the canned beer I have bought in Seoul, maybe this alcoholic drink will help me get some sleep..




I have finished drinking all the six cans I bought but still couldn't be sleepy at all. It was three o'clock in the morning but my mind was so awake. My chest was so heavy, It felt like it has been stabbed by a sharp knife. I was trying very hard hard not to cry. I grew up with a mind setting that a real guy doesn't cry but now I know that when you were in 
real pain... tears will just fall down... no matter who or what you are.
Yesterday started to be a beautiful day. I was excited preparing for a movie date with Chemi even it would still be at six o'clock in the evening. I was choosing the clothes that I would be wearing when I heard Aunt GaEul called me.
"Minho! Can you come down here? Someone's looking for you!."
I hurriedly ran downstairs and I was surprised to see Bom in the living room.
"Hi! I'm glad to see you. Is there anything you want? Coffee, tea, soda? Wait here, I'll just go to prepare you something." I excitedly said but she interrupted me.
"No Minho, I'm fine. I just had my lunch., I came to tell you something."
"Is there a problem?"
"Can you come tonight at Bluefire Club? You know where it is, right?" 
"Yeah, I know.What time will I pick you up?"
"You don't have to do that. Let's just meet there at around 5 o'clock."
"Ahm, truth is Chemi and I will be watching a movie tonight. Can I bring her along so we could still manage to watch after goin' in the club?" 
"No! I mean, i have to talk to you alone. I needed to tell you something important. it's just between you and me. So, please don't tell Chemi, ok?"
"Oh I see. Ok then, I'll see you later."
"Thanks! I should be going. Bye!"
*I wonder what is it.. Oh my! maybe she might.. Oh whoa why I didin't think of that. She might finally say yes.. like Chemi told me.*
That thought made me smile. I know I agreed with Bom on not telling it to Chemi but I think she has to know. That made me decide to write a short letter for Chemi.
*I'll just make it up to her tomorrow. I still have one day before I get back home.*
Before I left the house to go to Bluefire, I asked Aunt GaEul to give the letter I've written for Chemi and she gladly said yes. I was so happy on my way to seoul. I felt I was walking in cloud 9. I have no idea something will happen unexpectedly.




I immediately saw Bom as I entered Bluefire. She is so beautiful as always. She looked serious and not at ease though.
"Hi! Am I late?" I greeted her as I sat across the table.
"No. Just in time. What do you like to drink?" she asked.
"You, what do you like? I'll go and grab us drinks." I said.
"Screwdriver please. Thanks!"
Bom likes cocktail drinks. And that mix of Vodka and fresh orange juice is one of her favorites. I went over to the bar counter to get our drinks and was so surprised to see someone besides Bom when I returned.
"Hey Minho!" That was TOP
*I thought its just me and Bom..*
"Hey! What are you doing in here? I asked a bit confused.
"Hrm, I asked him to come over." Bom answered my question.
"Really?.. But I thought you said..."
"I needed him here." she answered not letting me finish my sentence.
"Oh, ok.. Mmm, for what? I mean.. was there something goin' on in here? I am now confused. What's happening Bom?"
"Please be seated Minho and listen to what Bom has to say." TOP said which made me a bit irritated. But I still wanna know what's goin on and so I went back on my seat.
Bom took a long breath before she speaks and with a shaky voice, Bom told me everything. Her real feelings about me, her agreement with Chemi and worst, her relationship with TOP which has been running for a week now.
I was startled with that revelation. I felt so stupid and fool infront of Bom and TOP.
"I'm so sorry Minho.. if I have given you a false hope." Bom said looking at the table.
I was in total shocked and silence for the next couple of seconds. I took the bottle of my beer and drank it straight up before I found my voice to say something.
"Who else knew about this?" I asked trying to be calm but I felt my knees were shaking.
"I know all of it. Bom told me." TOP answered then continued to speak. "But I bet it's not only me. With what I've been seeing between Chemi and Taemin and  with their closeness, I'm pretty sure Taemin also knew."
"Are you done talking TOP?" I said, this time really pissed.
"Yeah. You have problem with that? Listen, I want to make things clear with you Minho. 
Now that you know everything, I want you to stay out of Bom's life, ok?"
I looked at Bom whose constantly looking down while sipping her cocktail drink.
"You may now leave." TOP said.
I wanted to punch him in his face. I've nver been humiliated like that in my whole life. He was so conceited like his friend Taemin. I don't wanna make a scene inside that club and so, I slowly walked towards the main door of Bluefire, my mind were flying. It was then I bumped in to Chemi.



I smiled bitterly as I remember what happened back there at the club. I looked at the clock hanging on the left wall of my room, It's now 5 o'clock in the morning. The sun will soon rise and I don't want to be reach by another dawn in this place and so I stood up, hurriedly packed my things and went downstairs.
I saw Aunt GaEul having her early morning tea at the dining area. Well, I knew she would be awake by this time, I was expecting it. She was a bit surprised seeing me that early and it made her more curious when she noticed that big travelling bag I was holding.
"What's the matter dear? You look so exhausted. I bet you didn't sleep at all. Is there anything you want to tell your Aunt GaEul?.." she asked worriedly.
I smiled trying to hide what I really felt but my tears dropped instantly on my cheeks. I don't wanna Aunt GaEul be involved on my mess but seeing her made my mind thinks that I have someone I could lean on to. An ally to a battle I knew I'll never win. I dropped my bag and suddenly i felt my knees were shaking and I was like a candle slowly melting. I kneeled down infront of my Aunt and cry my heart out unto her. She immediately walked towards me and tight her arms on me. She was now crying too..
"Whatever it is, I knew it will be alright Minho... I'm so sorry dear that your stayed in here ended like this. I'm sorry.."
"It's not your fault Aunt GaEul.. I had fun here and I wanna thank you for being a great Aunt and a friend to me."
"Would you like to tell me what happened?"
I trust her so much, so I told her what happened. Even my infatuation on Chemi that I was trying to ignore and deny on myself. How I pursue on courting Bom and how it ended on Bluefire last night.
"Oh my dear.. why didn't you pursue your feelings on Chemi instead of Bom?" she asked.
"I was scared.. and confused as well. She is so young and she treats me as her bestfriend. I don't wanna ruin that friendship of ours just because of this silly feelings I am experiencing inside of me. It was then I saw Bom, she's so pretty and when I got to meet her, I didn't have the hard time to admire her more because she's so nice." I explained.
"But why it has turned out into this? When all of you were all in good terms?" she asked so confused.
"That is also my question Aunt GaEul... But no matter how hard I try, I couldn't find the answer.. Now, the only thing I wanted to do is to be home. I'm sorry I have to leave you this way Aunt GaEul.."
"It's alright Minho, I completely understand and I feel so sorry for you dear."
"It's almost 6 o'clock, I should be going now. Thank you so much for everything Aunt GaEul.."
"You're very much welcome here dear. Take care of yourself and please don't hesitate to come back here anytime you want, ok?.." 
"I will. Gomawo Aunt GaEul.."
I embraced her one more time and  walked away as fast as I could.
after a very short chappie, now a very long one... :)) 
thank you guys for every comment i have received from all of you, it really inspires me more.
i hope you enjoyed this new chappie... XD
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[Dongsaeng Saranghae / 160904] I just realized that I didn't proof read any of the chapters before uploading them before. I'll probably rewrite this. Probably.


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Chapter 3: wrote this story way back 2013. FIVE years after, here I am re-reading it again.. for the nth time. :)
gemmymars #2
Chapter 48: Aww~ the ending's so cute^^
Great job authornim~
gemmymars #3
Chapter 12: Unnie, filipino ka ba??
gemmymars #4
Chapter 9: I should really be in bed right now but I can't stop reading~^^
Chapter 48: e n e"

they they they omg my feels are everywhereeeeeeee
Chapter 47: ERMAGERD. CLIFFY ;; I can't wait for the next chapter c: obviously Minho and Chemi will see each other c:
Chapter 33: Uwahh! Filipino ka ba?
Chapter 41: I kindda want Chemi to end up with Taemin . am I the only one feels like this ? xD