Lucky Him...

Dongsaeng Saranghae

Speechless - that was me upon hearing what he has said.
My cheeks turned into hot pink and how I wished I could teleport and be to Himalayas in one snap or anywhere else just to be far away from Taemin. But I am just an ordinary human being with no special power and all I could do is to walk away from him.
"Hey! Chemi! What's wrong?", he called.
But I didn't bother to stop walking.
My feet brought me at TOP oppa's backyard. He has this olympic size swimming pool with an actual white sand around it. A beautiful pathway made up of wood with many tulips on the side will lead you to the pool. Lots of benches were scattered around the area. I was about to sit on one of the benches when I heard two familiar voices having a conversation. It was TOP oppa and Bom unnie. I saw them seated at the edge of the pool side by side. They looked so serious. I was about to turn around when I heard they mentioned Minho's name and mine. Out of deep curiosity, I chose to stay and this is what I heard they were saying..
"Minho is a good friend of Chemi. They just met at the beginning of the spring break. 
They both have passion for music and so, they became close in no time." Bom Unnie said.
"Oh I see.. And how did the two of you become close? I mean you and Minho?," TOP oppa asked.
"Ah...OH that! It's because of Chemi.." unnie replied sounded a bit nervous and hesitant.
I covered myself in one of the trees there so I could take a closer look at them. I saw oppa looked a bit puzzled and so he asked her again.
"Pardon me Bom but I just wanna know if you and Minho were romantically involve with each other?.. You know what I mean right?.." oppa said, now a bit tensed.
*Oh my shocks!* I thought*.
That was a tough question. Unnie looked really shocked. She bowed her head and stared at the sand. And TOP oppa continued to speak..
"I'm sorry Bom.. I know I am not in the position to ask you about your personal life. I'm just a friend.. ne? But... I guess you have to know what I really feel about you Bom. I like you.. a lot. Since day one at YGSA. That is why I am really glad that we became friends. Everyone in school called me "Heartbreaker" but you know me BOm.. I am not like that. You're the only one I ever wanted to be my girl. But lately, I noticed that you spent more time with that boy. I like you so much but if he's the one who will make you happy, then I'll give way. Do you like him?"
Unnie looked at TOP oppa, her eyes were teary and then she spoke.
"No. It's not like that. I like Minho, yes, but not as you think it is. Truth is, I'm just doing my sister a big favor. Chemi is the one who is really inlove with him but the boy told her that he like me. And because of that, Chemi came up with a decision that will break her heart. She sacrificed her feelings for Minho's happiness. And as for me, I don't want to see Chemi being so miserable, and so we both agreed to do it. Giving Minho a chance to spend time with me, hoping that maybe I may also like him. But I just couldn't like him the way he likes me..." unnnie confessed.
TOP oppa looked startled. He took a deep breath before he spoke.
"I know how much you love your sister but I honestly think that you should have not agreed with what she wanted to happen. You just made things more complicated for her, Minho, and yourself. That is so unfair for the three of you. You must fix this Bom... Don't worry, I'll help you out. I know Chemi will understand. She's really a nice girl." he said wiping unnie's tears.
I was also crying behind the tree. I was so confused. I felt like I've been a bad sister for my Bom unnie. TOP oppa was right, that stupid decision of mine has been so unfair for both unnie and Minho. I didn't know what to think anymore. I turned around and I bumped in to Taemin.
"Oh my... I'm so sorry Chemi for making you cry. I didn't mean to... I swear. I was just joking back there.
That "i-can-read-minds" thing is not true. What I have said abou you, Minho, and Bom noona is just a stupid wild guess. Please don't cry..."
*And there he goes again..*
"That is true." I said while wipping my tears.
"Huh?" he asked looked puzzled.
That is true. What you have said was all true. And  I'm so stupid to commit a big mistake. Can I trust you Taemin?.. I know we just met recently but I feel that my chest will explode. I just need someone to talk to rigth now..." I said in between sobbing.
"Of course. Here's my hanky, just use it and let's take a walk." he replied.
And there we go. We went out of TOP oppa's place and took a walk around the village. At that moment, I found a good friend on Taemin's presence. The heaviness I felt has lessen. And so, I told him everything. From the day I have met Minho, how I liked him but liked unnie. How did I come up with that kind of set up with the help of Bom unnie and lastly, how I accidentally found out what TOP oppa really feels for Bom unnie and her thought about our agreement. Temin lend his both ears for me. He listened to all I had to say. He's not a fool as I often think of him, I am the one who is a fool after all...
After hearing my story, he smiled at me and said..
"It won't be easy but truth will set you free... neh? Gather all the courage you have then tell Minho the truth. Don't forget to apologize. Let's just hope he would understand you and your reason on why'd u done that."
He paused, sighed and continued to speak.
"For me, the only mistake you did is you fell so inlove with Minho. You let your heart do all the decisions and not your brain. Lucky him... Everything will be alright Chemi.. If you need anything, anything at all... I'm just here for you."
And he held my hand.

So, another chapter! :)

I'm still learning how to edit photos using Gimp so the poster isn't still that good.. XD

2 new subbies! :D



Thanks guys! <3

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[Dongsaeng Saranghae / 160904] I just realized that I didn't proof read any of the chapters before uploading them before. I'll probably rewrite this. Probably.


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Chapter 3: wrote this story way back 2013. FIVE years after, here I am re-reading it again.. for the nth time. :)
gemmymars #2
Chapter 48: Aww~ the ending's so cute^^
Great job authornim~
gemmymars #3
Chapter 12: Unnie, filipino ka ba??
gemmymars #4
Chapter 9: I should really be in bed right now but I can't stop reading~^^
Chapter 48: e n e"

they they they omg my feels are everywhereeeeeeee
Chapter 47: ERMAGERD. CLIFFY ;; I can't wait for the next chapter c: obviously Minho and Chemi will see each other c:
Chapter 33: Uwahh! Filipino ka ba?
Chapter 41: I kindda want Chemi to end up with Taemin . am I the only one feels like this ? xD