Chapter 6

When a Baby Found in Front of Your Door




“Just because.” Eunhyuk shrugged.


“You know why, Lee Donghae. So just pass our place, please?” this time Sungmin was the one who replied, eyebrows scrunched in impatient. He begged endlessly because no way he would let Jungmo see Taemin. But being a stubborn Donghae is, he just stared at the duo Lee, almost in hard way.


They just ended their classes, and because their time for their Biology project almost up, Sungmin and Eunhyuk decided to ask Donghae about his place, but the hardheaded man just shrugged his shoulder, even asked back some question about why they didn’t do their project in their shared apartment. Sungmin just wanted to burst out and flip all the tables and the chair right on Donghae, but he hold all that feeling because he had to be a nice boy just for Taemin. Yes, this all was for Taemin, their lovely baby.


And they didn’t know about Donghae at all. How Donghae hated it when his lover (in this case let just say his crush) being too friendly with somebody else, even it his best friend or something around that. He hated it. A lot. And agreeing their pleas just made them happier, right? So Donghae wasted their time at first and would reject their request eventually. “I don’t know why, bunny head.”




“Min, no!” Eunhyuk hold Sungmin in place before his crush could drag Donghae to the window and throw him out. “Let me speak to him, okay?”


“Eunhyuk, he calls me bunny head!” Sungmin whined cutely in Eunhyuk’s gaze. If they didn’t in this situation, Eunhyuk probably had kissed Sungmin. Or just pinched his cheek. Or both. But no, they were not in cheerful atmosphere like usually they were. Eunhyuk managed a smile though.


Donghae, who remained silent when Eunhyuk smiled only a little, gritted his teeth and crossed his arms, annoyed. His crush shouldn’t let that bunny head whine to him, he thought. Tch, spoiled brat.


“We’ll do it in your house no matter what.”


“Can’t you consider it again? I have a cousin who is visiting me. He even owns my room. If we do it in my house, we’ll get disturbed.”


“So? You can tell him to not disturb us. I can’t let you go to my house because my parents hate it when some strangers come.” Donghae scoffed. He didn’t know he have to believe Eunhyuk or not. His words seemed worth trusted, but he just met them yesterday without any cousin. It’s fair for him to reject, right?


“What strangers? For god’s sake, Lee Donghae, we’re not strangers for you!”


“What happen here?” Jungmo, the last member on their group finally showed up just in time. Sungmin thanked god silently.


“Here!” Sungmin stepped a head, “this person won’t let us do our project in his house just because his parents hate strangers enter their house. “How amusing!” he snorted before he huffed his cheeks. Okay, that was just his old habit.


“…really?” Jungmo blinked his eyes. Well, that kind of weird, actually. Indeed Donghae just made excuses. “But aren’t we classmates?”


“You forgot to mention your cousin, monkey.”


“What—my cousin is in my house!” Eunhyuk almost yelled at the fishy just because that one word. Oh yeah, he hated it when Donghae called him a monkey. He was handsome; he saw it with his own eyes on the mirror. Yeah, kind of. “You know Heechul hyung, don’t you, Jungmo? The one I told you last week in Biology class?”


“Oh, that Heechul. Yeah, you mentioned him. He’s in your house? Really? From when?” and Donghae could only gape at the two. How could this conversation change to Eunhyuk’s cousin this fast?


“You two, stop it. We have to do our project quickly. We even haven’t decided where we will do our project.”


“Yeah, Sungmin’s right.” Eunhyuk nodded his head. “I can’t, really. Heechul hyung is really annoying and he can’t let us in peace. So no, sorry.”


“Then why don’t in your place, Jungmo?” Donghae asked the said man with eyebrows raised.


“What? No, I can’t. Sungmin know why.”


“It’s just you, Lee Donghae.” Sungmin crossed his arms again. “If you say no, then we can fail in Biology, and I don’t want it.”


“Then why don’t you tell your cousin to go for a while?” Donghae challenged. “I can’t, you know why.”


“Can’t you find a place?” Jungmo asked casually, didn’t even aware of the tension between Sungmin and Donghae.


Just because Donghae wanted to know about this cousin so bad, he widened his eyes, remembering Kyuhyun. Would Kyuhyun be mad because he didn’t tell him first about this? He just would glare at him all day, and that would be bad because at the same time Eunhyuk and Sungmin would be lovey-dovey. But he could change that, right? So he took the risk. “Yeah, I can. My cousin's place.”


“You mean the neighbor who just moved in front of our apartment?” Sungmin asked slowly, remembering the look that boy gave him when the first time they met.


“Yeah, him.” Donghae smirked. Sorry, Kyuhyun.






“Kyuhyunnie, listen—”




“Hey, let me expla—”




Donghae sighed. He just wanted Jungmo know about the baby. And he wanted to know about that cousin of Eunhyuk who was really annoying too. Why Kyuhyun couldn’t let him doing something he really wanted just for a day? He told everyone they could use the living room already, but Kyuhyun didn’t understand at all. “Just the living room, okay? Just for a day, Kyuhyun, and you’ll free to play your game again!”


“WHAT THE DID YOU DO, YOU FISH?!” Donghae brought away his phone from his ear. Really, if Kyuhyun still shouting like this he probably turned deaf. “YOU LET STRANGERS ENTER MY HOUSE JUST BECAUSE THERE WILL BE A MONKEY AND A BUNNY WHO YOU WORSHIP?!”


“Lower your voice, will you? Geez… anyway, just for a day, Kyuhyun. You can out or something to kill time while we do our project.” Donghae shrugged his shoulder. Kyuhyun exaggerated everything, he thought.


“You—NO! There’s no place for you to do your project—do it in your own house, you brat!”


“Kyuhyun, help me this time, please?” he whined. Well, he usually whined, actually. At Kyuhyun, yes. The younger cousin but older by the way he thought.


“How many times you said to me to help you just this time, fish? How many ing times?!”


“Kyuhyun, chill out.” He sighed again. It was hard to argue with Kyuhyun if he was in this state. He didn’t usually become mad like this, actually. Kyuhyun didn’t like when some strangers wanted to know his private life. At all. And Donghae made it worse.


“What? Tell your friends to do your project somewhere else then I’ll chill out! You can’t just decide by yourself about my things, moreover it’s my house! My ing house, hyung!”


“Okay, okay, I understand.” Donghae lowered his head in shame. It was not the first time Kyuhyun scolded him like this. “But Kyuhyun, can’t you help me again? It’s your neighbors, after all. They’ll bring something for you, I bet. Please?”




“Please, Kyuhyun? Pretty pleaseee?”


“I hate you.” Kyuhyun’s sigh could be heard. “Just don’t touch my PSP, my kitchen, and my TV, okay? I still hate you, though.”


Donghae rolled his eyes. “You don’t even cook, Cho. But thanks. I’ll visit you in less than an hour.” He smiled so wide that it hurt his jaw, but he couldn’t help it. Kyuhyun was indeed his beloved cousin.


“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”




It was another day when Eunhyuk, his cousin, and Sungmin, his cousin’s lover (he insist that they are a lover even that Eunhyuk denied it) went to school and left him with their beloved baby, who in mean time was sleeping soundly on his crib. Heechul sighed heavily right after he opened his eyes, blonde hair messy just like the usual; whole apartment so quiet to his liking. He grunted before he left the bed, entered the bath room to do his things.


How boring, he thought. He wanted something new. He visited his cousin was not to have life like this. He wanted to do something he wanted. After all, if he felt comfortable living this life in Seoul, he thought of moving here with his cousin and getting his own apartment. First he had to find a job. Then yeah, he would search one today. But how about Taemin?


Yeah, how about Taemin?


Heechul sighed again. How many times he should sigh today?


But he’s not Kim Heechul for nothing. He took out his mobile and typed some numbers, waiting for some rings before the other line responded him. “Hello?” his groggy voice showed him that he just woke up. Or actually Heechul had waked him up? Whatever, Heechul never cared, anyway.


“Yah, you lazy , it’s time to wake up!”


Silence. “I usually wake around ten, actually.” Heechul could hear the other kicked his blanket away. “But well, hello. How are you? It’s been a while, isn’t it?”


“Yeah, it’s been a while.” Heechul found himself nodding. “I’m always doing great. How about you?”


“It’s fine.” And now Heechul could hear the water ran down from somewhere. “Where are you? The last time you called me, you were in your uncle’s house.”


“I’m in my cousin apartment in Seoul. And I was preparing to go out. But well… I need some—” oh, the neighbor, he thought so suddenly. Of course the neighbor. He smirked oh so evilly. “I need some company. Do you have time today? Help me find a job, will you?”


“Sure. My place is searching for some, anyway. We can go there first. If you got rejected, then we find in another place, alright?”


“You sound like my mother, you know.” Heechul laughed wholeheartedly. Just like always, this man is the one who could make him laughing like this. “But thanks. I still remember your address, at least. So… in thirty minutes I’ll be in your door.”


“I look forward for it.” He could feel the other smiled. Oh, how Heechul missed that smile.


“Wait for me okay, Hankyung?”




Ding dong.


The bell’s so annoying, Kyuhyun thought. This is his day off because well, the evil maknae seemed like got fever because he went to bed so late (“Four in the morning, can you imagine it?!” he said in exaggerated tone) blame his head for spinning too much in the morning. He couldn’t let himself suffer more, so he called his cousin (yes, he still called the fishy his cousin after what he’d done to him) to tell his homeroom teacher about his absent. And he still needed his sleep because apparently he only got five hours to sleep after he stopped playing Starcraft (again). But that damn bell rang continuously, making his sleep disturbed.


Being a good boy he is, he went to his door and opened the door, surprised by the sudden thing the intruder given him. Oh no, it was not a thing. Kyuhyun blinked before the image of a cute face with big, brown eyes flashed before his eyes. “What the…”


“Help me today, please? I live just across your door, and his parents is going to school so I have to look after him, but apparently I can’t because I have this important meeting with someone so I think you can look after him since you don’t go to school or work, right? So, bye~” the intruder (his blonde hair reminded him with Donghae’s monkey) waved his hand. “And thank you~” he said before the elevator’s door closed, leaving Kyuhyun confusedly stared at the cute little baby in his arms.


“No…” Kyuhyun muttered. “After that fish’s friends will come here, I have to look after this—this thing?!”


Kyuhyun slammed his door before he placed the baby on his sofa, frustrated to do something with the baby. What should he do? Should he call his girl friend to look after the baby? But his friends are probably in their class right now. He couldn’t let them ditching their class just because his problem. No, he shouldn’t. So what now?


He eyed the door, and there he could find a pink bag. Is that this baby’s belonging? He asked himself. So, with curiosity he opened the bag. And as his guess, the bag was contain a milk bottle, a pack of diaper, a can of baby milk, and some toys that only babies understand them. Kyuhyun didn’t play that kind of thing, please. So he couldn’t sleep anymore because this baby? .




Kyuhyun jerked his head towards the baby. “What?”


“Dada…” the baby smiled so bright while stared at him, as if he called him. “Dada…”


“Oh, …”




A/N: Hello, yoreobun~~ :* this is the other update~ /dance

hahaha. Since I saw that this story has 800+ views and readers commented on this, I got so excited and decided to update today~ :3

Sorry for updating so long ==a But it's the update, at least~

Happy reading~~ ^^

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I just realize that I did wrong to write Dawn as Down =)) sorry~~ but is it okay to not retype it? =))


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Chapter 39: I'm re-reading this again because I miss your kyumin stories. Hope to be able to read your new story again.
silvermin #2
Chapter 26: Ugh..bring back my hyukmin... ;;;;;;
mineforever021 #3
Chapter 39: lovely ending... sequel plzzz..... i really enjoy reading this story...
BlacKpopfan107 #4
Chapter 39: Awe that was such a cute ending! I'm glad everything turned out good in the know what I mean? Like Min is friends with Victoria noona and even has his own chikd with Kyu. I enjoyed your story till the very end. Thanks!
Chapter 39: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! It's now finished :""> and it's a very very very very happy ending! XDD HAHAHA. OMG, EunHae was so... xD and KyuMin >.< Oh! Poor babies (Taemin, Ren, Sandeul)!! the ninja YeWook! Yeaaaaah! HAHAHAHA. I love this really :""">

I'm going to miss you too! Oh well, I'll wait for your another fic! =))
Chapter 38: AWW... MY POOR MINNIE ;((
I'm so glad Kyuhyun is there for him ;(
I cried too. T.T
ichathoriqlover #7
Chapter 38: It is soooo sad, poor minnie...hang in there baby...
Chapter 38: That's so sad. :'( it's not fair for sungmin.