Chapter 4

When a Baby Found in Front of Your Door


Donghae’s PoV




Today was the day that I have to apologize to that monkey and ask him to be my friend and treat him better than yesterday. But no, I ruined everything! From the start I greeted him this morning, I said mean things to him because he walked in to the school with a boy that looked like a bunny, and they seemed to know each other for so long and that make my head boiled in jealousy. Well yes, I like that monkey. So what? He’s a hot guy, you know. And it’ll be better for you to not touch him.




And guess what? I’m here, like a stupid guy who was just confessed to his crush but got rejected right after I confessed. No, I’ve never been rejected before. And actually, I’ve never interested in someone like this. This one is special, I know. But hell, the person I adore is not even looking at me! Just what the hell he thinks about that bunny boy. They looked like they like each other and can be an item whenever they want. And what the hell he just says? He has other things to do? And do you think I will let you go just like that?  Noooo—I won’t let you go with that bunny boy. Again.




But well, fate doesn’t let it that easy.




That monkey guy still went to his bunny boy (oh yes, I could see them from here, the library’s window) and they surely know each other. Oh my, I’m envy. How could I, to that bunny boy? He even doesn’t look like a boy. Or that thing that makes Eunhyuk likes him? No, Donghae, you shouldn’t think about things like that. Always optimistic.




Oh, information for you guys, I followed them. I became a stalker just for that boy. Only him, I swear. I never stalk somebody beside him. And guess what? I paid for bubble gum just because I couldn’t hold myself anymore. They just like a newlywed couple by the way they acted to each other. That smiles… if only I can make him smiling like that… just what the hell have I done, exactly? I took a can of soda because I couldn’t taste the gum again, and guess what? I saw them enter the baby section. Were they having kids? I know I’m a gay, and I bet they are too… but kids? I read some articles about male pregnant, but them…? Really? Then they’re already an item, right?




Donghae could see a pack of diapers, and bunch of… strawberry milks? Oh well, they bought a lot of them. Forget it. I have to focus on Eunhyuk, by the way. I kept following them until they paid for their groceries. I waited for them outing the store, and followed them again, still curious. Why the hell they went to the same direction? Don’t tell me they lived together. Or I will throw my shoe on their door.




As if God didn’t want to see me smiling, Eunhyuk and that bunny boy-that-I-don’t-know-his-name entered an apartment building together with bright smiles, and know what? I had been standing across the building almost two hours (with snacks I bought, of course. I need something to keep me company, you know) and one of them hadn’t left yet. I mean, they really didn’t live together, did they? Should I check there myself? But I don’t know what door they entered. Or I can ask the landlord, yes? Or maybe I can act as a boy who is finding his aunt. Just ask, Donghae, sigh.




I finally decided to enter the building and asked the landlord about a boy named Lee Hyukjae. And guess what? The landlord said Hyukjae lived with his friend named Lee Sungmin. What the hell?! So they really lived under one roof! Oh my—should I really throw my shoe on their door? They’re just getting on my nerves, god!




End of PoV








Kyuhyun’s PoV




Finally school ended. So, think about lessons again… my homework is finished already because I want to have my personal time to play my Starcraft, and of course I can’t play it when I have so many homework, right? However, I still have some laundry to do, and how about my lunch? I didn’t have my lunch yet because I busy did my homework back then. Sigh… it seems like I have to buy something on my way back home.




Oh, forgot, sorry. My name is Cho Kyuhyun, and you will never find any Kyuhyun like me, hahah. To tell you the truth, I’m the school’s hottest nerd. Although I wear a glasses, but still girls are mesmerized by me. Oh, how I love smirking. And by the way, I meant it when I say girls are mesmerized by me. But well, I don’t think I’m in the age to like the opposite gender. I mean, I’m only sixteen. I don’t really care about things like that. Starcraft is more important, anyway.




Back to my personal problem, I bought ramyun instead—yes, why? I can’t cook. I live by myself. And if you wanna come to my house, better bring something to eat and drink. Okay, really back to my matter. I had reached my apartment building and went up to my floor with the lift, but when the lift’s doors opened, I could see someone backing my apartment door. And you know what? I knew this guy. I didn’t know why he was here, but actually I didn’t really care. That guy is Lee Donghae, the transferred student in my school and my brother. Did I say brother? No, he is my only-cousin.




I sighed. What should I do? Should I greet him and ask him to have a tea or ramyun? Or should I just plainly walk and enter my apartment without greet him at all? The last option sounds nice, though, hahah. Noooo, I can’t do that. What if he knows that I ignore him then he tells his parents about that and then his parents tell my mother about that? I would surely be kicked to hell. My mother always told me to cherish our family, even though that family member is an awful bastard. No, Donghae isn’t an awful bastard, but he is a cry baby sometimes. Or so I thought. I didn’t really pay attention when he told story about himself. I told you before Starcraft is more important.




So, yeah, finally I decided to greet him. Don’t ask, I won’t tell you, anyway.




“Whatever makes you be here, fishy?” What? I couldn’t mean to him after I found him red-handed being in front of my door? For your information, he’s my cousin, not yours.




“Wha—the hell? What are you doing here?!” he turned around completely and faced me, his mouth opened slightly just like a fish. Yeah, his kinds.




“Wasn’t that what I asked you?” I rolled my eyes. “You’re stalking me or something? Because if yes, you better go home now because I have opponent to defeat.”




“Tsk, Starcraft.” He seemed like understand faster than I thought. Well, he should used to Starcraft things, after all. I mentioned it more than five times when he visited our house. “But hey, do you live here?”




I stared at him for a good moment. “What do you think?” Wasn’t that I asking if he stalk me or something? He should get the answer even that I just stared—no, no stared but glared at him.




“Can’t you just answer me properly? You make me want to bite you, you know!”




“Aww, fishy is losing his temper. Better go home, fishy.” I said before I took my key out and shoved it into my door. I have not much time, so I shouldn’t let myself played by that little fishy. I have to cook ramyun first, and then put the laundry in the washing machine, leave it be, then I can play my Starcraft. But before I could step into my own apartment, a pair of arms circled around my waist, preventing me to walk further. “What? Lemme go!”




“You live here all along, Cho Kyuhyun? Why didn’t you tell me?!” he started tighten his hug. “I need to be here for awhile, please, Kyuhyun-ah? You’re my lovely cousin that I love the most, so let me in?” , he stared at me with his puppy eyes. No, I couldn’t be tricked again this time.




“What are you hiding, Lee Donghae? Let me go!” I struggled more, I even tried to bite his arms so he would let go of me. “Just let me go and I will—”


“Oh…” there, out there, just across from my door, standing a man with plump lips and sharp jaw line, his blonde hair covers almost half of his eyes. He was standing while carrying a baby in his arms, eyes widened in shock as he looked at Donghae. Okay, so they two knew each other? That’s mean Donghae stalked him, not me? Oh good, that’s better. “Lee Donghae…”




“Hyukkie, Heechul hyung called. He said he will be arrived in ten minutes, so we better—eh? You know each other?” the other boy—who’s the name again? That’s the orange head that gave me spaghetti the other day. But wait… did they just went out from the same door? Oh yeah, I didn’t ask anything to that orange head. And how about that child? I thought they’re only roommate? Urgh—Cho Kyuhyun, men couldn’t be pregnant.




“You two really live together? As in one house, one roof, one room, one bed, one blanket? Really?” Donghae asked in disbelieve, jaw hanging. So what if they lived together? It wasn’t like they are someone that went out with you, Donghae. Geez, sometimes he exaggerated a simple thing.




“He’s my cousin.” I quickly said, wanting no more talking because hell, my time is still ticking! If I don’t quickly go in and make my ramyun, my play time will be decrease! And why this fishy only gaped at the couple as if they did something inappropriate? Sighed… I need to kick his after this.




“Oh… hello.” The blonde guy only nodded his head.




“C’mon Hyukkie, Heechul hyung is waiting for us.” The orange head carried the baby now—was that really their child? They only seventeen, right? Only a year older than me. “We have to go. Sorry for disturbing you two.” He smiled, bowed slightly before went away with the blonde guy.




“Did he really carry the child, Kyuhyun? Did they really have a child? Did they really a family?” Donghae hyung kept ask me and even shook my body like a little child begs for candies. “What am I going to do?” this time he clutched his chest. What exactly happened to him?




“Ramyun, that is.” I said, didn’t even pay attention to my cousin. “You will eat ramyun as many as you want, but please, don’t beg anything else. I will let you stay here until you satisfied with whatever on your head, but no creeping on others door, understood?”




 Donghae nodded like a lost child. God, what have I done until I have this type of cousin?




End of PoV





HELLO AGAIIIIN~ XD sorry for always late update ==a I don't really remember about fics when I'm in front of my monitor because I read fanfics whenever I have time lol. But again, I love this fics because it's KyuMin here lol. Soooooo--comment? Lol, I don't even reply your comment ==a

As long as you read I'm happy :3

So... happy reading? ^^


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I just realize that I did wrong to write Dawn as Down =)) sorry~~ but is it okay to not retype it? =))


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Chapter 39: I'm re-reading this again because I miss your kyumin stories. Hope to be able to read your new story again.
silvermin #2
Chapter 26: Ugh..bring back my hyukmin... ;;;;;;
mineforever021 #3
Chapter 39: lovely ending... sequel plzzz..... i really enjoy reading this story...
BlacKpopfan107 #4
Chapter 39: Awe that was such a cute ending! I'm glad everything turned out good in the know what I mean? Like Min is friends with Victoria noona and even has his own chikd with Kyu. I enjoyed your story till the very end. Thanks!
Chapter 39: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! It's now finished :""> and it's a very very very very happy ending! XDD HAHAHA. OMG, EunHae was so... xD and KyuMin >.< Oh! Poor babies (Taemin, Ren, Sandeul)!! the ninja YeWook! Yeaaaaah! HAHAHAHA. I love this really :""">

I'm going to miss you too! Oh well, I'll wait for your another fic! =))
Chapter 38: AWW... MY POOR MINNIE ;((
I'm so glad Kyuhyun is there for him ;(
I cried too. T.T
ichathoriqlover #7
Chapter 38: It is soooo sad, poor minnie...hang in there baby...
Chapter 38: That's so sad. :'( it's not fair for sungmin.