Chapter 28

When a Baby Found in Front of Your Door


Today was the competition day. Eunhyuk, Donghae, and Shindong were in the backstage, taking breath continuously for calming their senses before they went to the stage to perform all they have, impressing all of the audiences in ten minutes. Shindong prayed for their success, telling them he will be on the middle to watch them before he went out to his seat. Eunhyuk had texted Sungmin and Heechul, asking them to come with Taemin and perhaps they could give him some encouragements before he stood on the stage. Donghae was not better than him—he was staring at his phone like he was waiting for someone. He became hyper when his phone vibrated, but his face went down when he knew the person he wanted to see wasn’t the one who called him. Eunhyuk was curious, actually, but he didn’t say anything at all. He thought it wasn’t his place to ask Donghae whose phone he waited for. Just no.


Just ten minutes before the competition started Donghae stepped away to answer his phone. Eunhyuk frowned as he followed his graze on Donghae’s back. Who was this person that so important for Donghae? Damn, Lee Hyukjae, you’re such a jealous girlfriend.


“Ah, sorry for waiting.” Donghae came back with somehow glowing face, looking relieve after he picked up the phone. , the feeling is coming back, Eunhyuk cursed. “What is our number again?”


“It’s sixteen, geez,” he sounded really annoyed now. “What the hell were you doing anyway? It’s like you have a secret meeting with girl-fans of yours!”


Donghae raised his right eyebrow. Now, now… since when was his so called boyfriend this jealous about this little thing, hm? As far as he remembers, Eunhyuk didn’t even care when he didn’t pop out like usually he did when the bell rang. So what with the sudden manner?


“Hyuk, are you jealous?” Donghae chuckled to find his partner widened his eyes before staring in shock at him, completely cute for him. Oh how he wanted to eat you up, Lee Hyukjae. Eunhyuk quickly shook his head, unconsciously pouting. God, are you testing me right now? Donghae gulped hardly.


“You wish!”


Yes, I do wish you’re jealous, Hyukkie. Donghae, you should visit the psychiatry later, really. “It was Kyuhyun, Hyuk.” Donghae took a seat beside his love of his life, smile never left his face. “I told him to come today, but he doesn’t know where so I told him the way. I thought he would go with Sungmin, but seems like Sungmin’s too busy with Taemin today,” he ended his story with a shrug. Without him knowing it Eunhyuk listened to his words. He smiled for a second before he straightened his face again, frightening Donghae would look at him. He was jealous for nothing, huh.


“So, we’ll do our better, okay?” Donghae smiled at him warmly, the thing Eunhyuk liked lately after Heechul asked for their forgiveness the other day. “Smile, Hyukkie. I’ll buy you strawberry milk and strawberry ice cream and even strawberry cake later, okay? Just give me your smile for now.”


Eunhyuk glanced at him. What? So he bought him just by that? He wanted more for God’s sake! He wasn’t a kid, okay… okay. “Give me strawberry cheese cake then you’ll get my smile.”




Tch… you fish. Eunhyuk slowly stretched out his lips, staring intensely at the handsome fish with so many puzzles on it. Donghae was mesmerized by his smile—Eunhyuk never smiled this way to him. It was really beautiful that he wanted to kiss a day light out of him. Was that the way for Eunhyuk to tell him that he was serious about the thing Donghae asked the other day? He didn’t know.




“Here? You can see the stage?” Heechul, with Taemin in his arms, guided Sungmin to their seat, the available one which was closer to the stage. Sungmin wasn’t tall like Heechul; even Eunhyuk was taller than him. He told Heechul multiple times already to choose the closer seats to the stage, but when they arrived in the hall the seats were full half of it. There left no choice but filling the middle part, and fortunately Sungmin could see the stage. At least he could see Eunhyuk’s face later.


“Yeah, it’s better, Hyung. Thank you,” he flashed his beauty smile to the older man who in reply patting his head.


“I hope they’ll do well because I have declined Hankyung’s date for today.” Heechul mused, placing Taemin on his laps carefully, immediately giving the baby his biscuit for distracting him from being bored. “Ah, do you know who Eunhyuk’s partner is? He hasn’t told me about this competition until this morning, though.”


“I have no idea too, hyung.” Sungmin shrugged. Somehow he felt something bad was coming. “Ah!” Sungmin stood up when he saw someone from the dancing club walked down to his seat in the front. “Shindong hyung!” he yelled a bit, approaching the boy who was older than him by a year. “Hyung, you’re not Eunhyuk’s partner?”


“Oh, no, not me this year.” Shindong smiled at him. He was puzzled—then who Eunhyuk’s partner was? He shouldn’t be this worried, but the bad feeling about it then came continuously. “Isn’t Eunhyuk telling you? I mean, this is the coolest theme I’ve ever heard!”


“Oh?” was the only thing Sungmin could say. “Then… who’s Eunhyuk’s partner this year?”


“Well, if you don’t know… better to be shocked, right? I mean… it’s better to be surprise!” Shindong patted his shoulder. “I’ll see you later, okay? My girlfriend is waiting for me. Just pray for the best for them!”


Sungmin flashed a small smile. He couldn’t think straight—what if Donghae was Eunhyuk’s partner tonight? So what, Sungmin? You said you wouldn’t meddle on their problems anymore. You said you wouldn’t care anymore and find somebody better for your life? So stop thinking about it and just enjoy the show.


The orange haired boy sighed heavily. He was going to turn around and go back to his seat when suddenly a pair of hands circled on his slim waist, his back met with somebody’s clothed chest rather harshly. “Who—”


“So you’re coming too, huh?” Sungmin stiffened to the voice. He knew this voice—what the hell did he do in this place? Sungmin struggled to free, meeting the eyes of the intruder who was smiling all over. Well yeah, he was indeed happy to see his bunny here in this place. “You didn’t tell me you’ll here.”


“And what for I would do that?” Sungmin rolled his eyes. “I got to go!”


“Yah!” Kyuhyun tugged Sungmin’s wrist, preventing him from stepping forward. He smirked at the rage bunny, pulling him to his seat instead and putting him on his lap like no one would stare at them weirdly.


“Let me go!” Sungmin hissed, hoping that Kyuhyun would let him go so the stares he got would vanish and he could back to Heechul and Taemin on the other part of the hall. His face was completely red, probably wasn’t used to at the manner. But instead of letting him go, Kyuhyun tightened his hug to Sungmin’s waist; successfully making the orange haired one bowed his head in embarrassment. He had no idea what to do anymore.


“Let stay like this until the show ends—you’ll need me in the end, anyway.” His statement got a snort from the bunny boy. Well, well… you can do this to me now but let see later, bunny boy, he mused in his mind. Well yeah, he was Cho Kyuhyun, anyway.




“You see him, the blonde one who brings a baby in his hand? That’s it.”


“…you sure?”


“I know how he looks—you should thanks me for this, you know?” the boy scoffed unbelievably, turning his head towards another direction to see another person he knew who he believed would be there somewhere. He was right—right there, in his right was the orange head he knew with somebody else… and the orange head was on the top. What? He was sitting on someone’s laps? That was kind of…


“Can we… can we go closer?”


“You do yourself—I’ll make sure nobody is looking at you.”


The older man nodded his head. He walked slowly, controlling his heart beat before he could say a word, literally panted only because the nervousness. He took a seat beside the blonde his cousin pointed at, and he showed his stiff smile to the said man when he turned his head towards him. It was in the middle of the show—he knew he shouldn’t disturb anybody. But he couldn’t help himself. His eyes set on the thing on this blonde’s laps. Oh my… he mentally squealed—the baby was so cute that he can’t even!


“You’re baby is so cute,” he said in low voice, afraid people would kill him if he was too loud. The blonde only smiled in return, his focus went back to the stage. “Can I… can I hold him?”


“Sure.” The blonde shrugged, giving the baby just like that because the man was so handsome that he couldn’t say no to him. He didn’t look like a kidnapper, anyway.


The man, whose name was Nichkhun, carefully held the baby, put his down on his laps as the blonde was doing a while ago, smiling warmly at the bundle of flash before him. He couldn’t be happier than this, really. His life was harsh—no parents, no school, no a nice job—he was living his life with all his might and he successfully did it. And this, this flash on his laps was the most important of his life now. He had more reason to live more, to work hard, and to smile. He had his world if only he could talk to his blonde that this baby was his. This baby was his and his girlfriend’s.


“Hello there, son.” Nichkhun gulped once before he could open his mouth. “Finally we meet, huh. I missed you.” He said in low voice that the blonde couldn’t hear, and he swore he saw Taemin caressed his chook lovingly. “I know you missed me too. And I’m sure you missed your mother, right?” he kissed his son’s palm lovingly. “I promise we will be together. Just wait for it—I’ll make our family back together. One day, Taemin-ah.”


He was so immersed that he didn’t realize that the show ended. “Ah, sorry, but I have to bring Taemin to his father.” The blonde said as he tapped on Nichkhun shoulder.


“Ah, yes… sorry.” He gave Taemin back, waving at the smiling baby before he went back to his cousin, all bitter because he waited too long. “Sorry, did I make you wait?”


“Let’s go—I’m hungry. You pay for it, right?”


“Don’t worry.” Nichkhun smiled widely. “Thank you for giving me chance to meet my son.”


“Yeah, yeah—just don’t see him without me, okay?”


“Absolutely, cousin.”




Hello again, guuuuys~ as what I've said, I update twice or even thrice in a week because it's holiday, and of course I have nothing to do again =)) oh well, it's for you, anywaaaay~ hihihihi~

Oh yeah, I'm pitying Taemin's father here, so I let him meet Taemin for a while, hahahah~ and well, you guys see the interactions there? See them, right? XD I give you guys KyuMin and EunHae again~ hahahaha~ and why do I become such a blabber now? /ignore it/

Happy reading, all~ ><

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I just realize that I did wrong to write Dawn as Down =)) sorry~~ but is it okay to not retype it? =))


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Chapter 39: I'm re-reading this again because I miss your kyumin stories. Hope to be able to read your new story again.
silvermin #2
Chapter 26: Ugh..bring back my hyukmin... ;;;;;;
mineforever021 #3
Chapter 39: lovely ending... sequel plzzz..... i really enjoy reading this story...
BlacKpopfan107 #4
Chapter 39: Awe that was such a cute ending! I'm glad everything turned out good in the know what I mean? Like Min is friends with Victoria noona and even has his own chikd with Kyu. I enjoyed your story till the very end. Thanks!
Chapter 39: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! It's now finished :""> and it's a very very very very happy ending! XDD HAHAHA. OMG, EunHae was so... xD and KyuMin >.< Oh! Poor babies (Taemin, Ren, Sandeul)!! the ninja YeWook! Yeaaaaah! HAHAHAHA. I love this really :""">

I'm going to miss you too! Oh well, I'll wait for your another fic! =))
Chapter 38: AWW... MY POOR MINNIE ;((
I'm so glad Kyuhyun is there for him ;(
I cried too. T.T
ichathoriqlover #7
Chapter 38: It is soooo sad, poor minnie...hang in there baby...
Chapter 38: That's so sad. :'( it's not fair for sungmin.