Chapter 49

Putting Us Back Together

It was a few days later, that it finally seemed to sink in to Yunho that he had to talk with Jaejoong. He'd gotten so wrapped up in his own head, as of late, that he hadn't really thought about it. All of these bad memories; Jaejoong's doomed love affair, it had all distracted him. He'd known that Changmin would be moving in soon; but he'd never really considered it.


The maths was only just starting to sink in to his mind. He had a two bedroom apartment. Currently There were two people living here; him and Jaejoong, which worked out fine. But a third person was about to move in. Three people living in a two bedroom apartment.


Hmm... that could pose some problems.


Now that he was considering it, he realised there were several choices open to them all. Changmin wouldn't care how things were organised. He just wanted to live with his brother. Even if he didn't like the idea of sleeping on the lounge for a while, he was the younger brother. He'd do it if his big brother asked him to.


But Jaejoong. Jaejoong lived there currently. With how many possibilities there were, maybe he should consult the other boy, for a solution. It would be kind of slack of him to decide without consulting Jaejoong at all; he did live there after all.


Compared to all of the heavy stuff they'd been talking about as of late, this matter felt relatively trivial by comparison. In Yunho's mind they were all going to be able to live there; there was no question about it. It was just a matter of working out the particulars.


Still, he felt like this would be a conversation best had over ice cream from their favourite store.


Though maybe that was just because he wanted ice cream today.


It didn't really matter, what the reasoning behind it was. Because barely a moment after he made the decision to get ice cream, he was already leaving the apartment, in search of his nearest store.


It didn't really occur to him what the time was, until after he'd gotten back, informing Jaejoong he'd brought them ice cream. Jaejoong had only allowed a momentary look of disbelief, before glee overtook his features. Apparently the older boy had decided the time was irrelevant, stealing his tub, and running off in search of a spoon.


But that look had Yunho intrigued, and he leaned back, from where he'd settled on his stool, to find out what the time was. He pondered that for a moment, before dismissing it, as Jaejoong had, when the older man passed him a spoon, so that he could start eating too.


11:27 wasn't too early, for ice cream, right?


Yunho felt a little guilty having to disturb the peaceful silence they were sharing as they started consuming their ice cream. Still, at least they weren't going to be talking about anything distressing today. No matter what, Yunho was adamant that all three boys were going to be living in his apartment. As such, there was no cause for concern.


Perhaps that's why Yunho managed to find it so easy to clear his throat, forcing Jaejoong to observe him. Jaejoong eyed the other boy distrustfully, gaze flickering back and forth between Yunho and his ice cream. Yunho couldn't suppress a chuckle at the knowledge that Jaejoong thought he was going to try and trick him out of his ice cream.


Jaejoong sent him an impatient glance, clearly desiring to get back to his ice cream, but delaying his next spoonful out of courtesy. “Yes, Yunnie?” he stated, wanting the younger boy to hurry up and say whatever he wanted to say. His ice cream was melting, and every second that he didn't eat it was another portion of it that was turning into liquid he couldn't consume.


“I wanted to discuss something with you.” Yunho began, lifting a spoonful of his own frozen treat to his lips as he spoke. His ice cream was melting too, after all. Jaejoong raised an eyebrow at Yunho's comment, clearly conveying to the younger boy that he already gathered as much, since he was trying to start a conversation, swirling his spoon inside the container, trying to gather as much ice cream onto a single spoonful that he could.


“I...Changmin...” he began, finding himself stumbling over his words for reasons he couldn't quite understand. It was probably just that his brain was a minute behind his mouth, and so he wasn't clearly thinking through what he wanted to say to Jaejoong. “What about him?” Jaejoong questioned in a sigh, curiosity shimmering in his gaze, even as he on his spoon, trying to remove every trace of the sugary, melted liquid coating it with his tongue.


“He's going to be attending university soon.” Yunho began, Jaejoong sending him an excited look, “Did he get his acceptance offer yet? Where's he going?” Jaejoong enquired joyfully.


It had been a real struggle to keep the pulse of pain that racked his form a secret as he realised Yunho wouldn't need him anymore. Still, he did consider Changmin a friend, and he was pleased at the thought that he'd managed to get into university. For a genius like him it was probably an inevitability and yet, he'd been working towards it for so long; it was still a relief to hear that work would pay off in the end; that the two brothers would finally be reunited at last..


“He texted me the other day to tell me he had... He'll be joining us at our university, actually...That's why, he's going to be moving into the apartment in a few weeks.” Yunho informed the other one casually, despite having a proud grin rise to his lips, as he brought another spoonful of ice cream to his lips. He frowned lightly looking into the container.


He could've sworn it had more ice cream than this when he got it.


The momentary distraction meant that he missed the confused look that crossed Jaejoong's features. He missed the pain. The acceptance. He struggled with an appropriate response for such a clear dismissal, while he fought to keep his tears at bay. He should've known this would be coming the moment that Yunho didn't need him around anymore.


Just because they were friends didn't mean Yunho had to keep him around; supporting him indefinitely, and really he'd already been far too generous letting him stay with him for as long as he had. He was going to have to leave sooner or later.


“So he's going to be moving in here with you soon?” he questioned, despite already knowing what the answer was going to be. He just wanted to be sure that he understood the timing of the situation. He was clearly being given a little bit of time to make alternative living arrangements. At least Yunho was kind enough to give him that after all that had happened between them as of late.


Yunho nodded, a small smile coming to his lips as he considered the idea that they would finally be reunited after these last few years. For him this was the real beginning to the rest of his life. The one where he really did get to live with his family, and not just a bunch of people who shared his genes or his last name.


“Yeah, I can hardly believe that it's all going to happen so soon. I've been waiting for this for years, you know? That's why I bought this apartment when I left for the city; in anticipation for the future. Though clearly I didn't look far enough in the future.” he finished, wryly wriggling his nose in distaste for his lack of forethought.


“You couldn't have known what was to come.” Jaejoong shrugged, finding that his ice cream lay heavily at the bottom of his stomach. He was probably going to be sick if he kept eating it, and yet it seemed to be the only diversion from his continuing rejection. “Wait, come again?” he questioned, once Yunho's words actually sunk in to his mind.


Yunho snickered lightly at his friend's reaction. He could tell that Jaejoong was getting into one of his thoughtful moods, and so probably wasn't giving their conversation 100% of his attention right now. Though that could easily have been the fault of the ice cream he seemed to have almost finished.


He enjoyed ice cream as much as Yunho did.


“I said I bought this apartment. That's why I haven't been bothering you about stupid stuff like rent.” he teased the older boy gently.


Jaejoong ignored the teasing, eyes widening with his shock at Yunho's comment, before they narrowed lightly in suspicion. “How did you manage to get enough money to buy an apartment?”


Yunho shrugged, slyly commenting, “I have my ways.” before he burst out laughing at the look Jaejoong was sending him. He raised his hands defensively, “Okay, you forced the truth out of me. My grandfather left me some money when he died. I used that.”


“But apartments are expensive in the city. Why would he have left you that much money?” Jaejoong questioned, always desiring to know about everything. He was far too inquisitive, he knew. He was always demanding intimate knowledge from Yunho that no sane person would give. But Yunho would usually humour him, and answer.


“Because my grandfather had a lot of assets. In his will he allotted percentages of everything to all of his family members and closest friends. Changmin and I were his only grandchildren. We only received a small portion compared to everyone else, but it's been sitting in the bank, accruing interest for years. By the end of it, I had enough to afford a nice albeit small 2 bedroom apartment, with mine.” Yunho answered him simply, staring mournfully into his now empty ice cream container.


He knew he should've bought two. One for now one for later. They were far too small to be satisfying.


Jaejoong winced slightly, as he tried to bring his last spoonful to his lips. He felt so miserable, and that sadness robbed him of his appetite. Even his appetite for his favourite treat in the universe. A small laugh bubbled to his lips when he observed Yunho's forlorn expression, when he realised that he'd already finished off his ice cream. Knowing that he couldn't manage that last portion, he leaned across the counter, pressing the spoon against the younger boy's lips.


Yunho eyed Jaejoong curiously, but acquiesced, wordlessly opening his lips, to accept Jaejoong's offering. He could see the warmth b in Yunho's eyes, and such care after what he'd just said only made him hurt more.


Why did he have to be nice after he'd practically told Jaejoong that he was kicking him out?


He looked away, putting the lids back on their used ice cream containers, bringing them over to the sink with him. He was relieved to have an excuse not to look at the younger man, as he fought to keep his emotions in check. He was so upset about what had happened, but that didn't erase his delight at seeing Yunho happy; smiling. He still loved him, even if he was kicking him out.


He felt so confused when Yunho insisted on doing things like this.


He tried to take advantage of his turned back, to try and put on a brave front, when he knew Yunho wouldn't be able to see him cracking. “That's cool. I'm happy for the two of you. I'm supposed to start living with Junsu shortly, as well.” Jaejoong commented lightly, distracting himself with some drying up. He'd been in the middle of some washing up when Yunho had returned; he'd just left them sitting on the counter until now. He had to dry them properly, before the detergent dried on them; it'd ruin the taste of anything he put on them after that happened.


Jaejoong would never allow anyone to hate the taste of anything he prepared; be it from the food itself or the dishes that food was placed on.


He missed the spark of jealousy that flashed in Yunho's eyes at the mention of the other boy. But that jealousy was pushed aside as he started to consider what Jaejoong had actually said. “I could tell that the two of you knew each other, but I didn't realise you went back so far as to warrant moving in together. Are you moving there or is he coming here?” he questioned.


A spark of guilt raced up Jaejoong's spine. He'd forgotten that he'd never bothered to tell Yunho about his relationship to Junsu out of spite. He should probably tell the other man, he knew, but Yunho didn't seem that broken up about it. Maybe his words hadn't really had any impact on the other man after all.


Besides, he was moving out soon, and the two of them would probably drift apart again. What was the harm of misleading him a little?


“He's coming here. I'd already promised him that we could live together and the other day, he informed me that he got accepted to our university as well. Maybe he and Changmin will be classmates.” he commented idly. He wondered if the two of them would get along, if they ever met each other.


“Still 4 people in a 2 bedroom apartment, it might be a bit of a tight squeeze, don't you think?” Yunho questioned lightly. He may not have gotten along with Junsu that well, but he was a nice enough guy he supposed. Knowing his brother's shyness, it'd probably be good for him to have a friend when he started university. Besides, Jaejoong had said he could come stay, and he respected Jaejoong enough to stand by his decisions; even if he hated them.


That and he would be racked with guilt at the thought of tossing out some poor boy, new to the city with nowhere to go. He couldn't live with that on his conscience.


Jaejoong turned to regard Yunho curiously, “4 people?” he queried, making Yunho's cheeks flare slightly under the older boy's gaze.


“I'm sorry, I just assumed... Was that your way of telling me you're moving out, to live, just the two of you?” Yunho questioned, scratching behind his ear. He felt so silly. Of course that was what Jaejoong had probably meant by the comment. That was probably his way of telling Yunho that the time had come for them to part ways.


Maybe he was interested in making a fresh start with Junsu. Maybe...Could Junsu be that guy he'd been in love with? The two of them certainly had a history together. Besides, hadn't Jaejoong said something about being able to keep the man in his life; well he'd certainly be able to do that if the two of them were living together. But hadn't he given up on his feelings for him? Maybe he'd only said that because he didn't know that Junsu would be getting into their university, and had guessed that they wouldn't be seeing each other again? Maybe his acceptance into their university would change that; make him reconsider his decision to let go of the other boy?


“Wasn't that what you were trying to tell me by saying Changmin was going to be moving in?” Jaejoong shot back, confused.


Yunho started at the comment, half stumbling, half-sliding as he slipped off the stool he'd been seated on, in his shock. “What? No!” he exclaimed. He sent Jaejoong a piteous look, realising that he'd probably made the other boy feel very bad in the last few minutes.


He should have thought out his word choice more carefully.


He stepped over to Jaejoong, feeling an innate desire for physical contact; for reassurance. “I may have bought the apartment with Changmin and I living here in mind. But you live here too.” he informed him.


“Then why did you get the ice cream. You know ice cream accompanies serious conversations, and you basically gave me a 'we need to talk' speech.” Jaejoong informed the other exasperated. This was so confusing; he thought he'd just gotten rejected and now he hadn't but then what had Yunho meant?


It was so confusing.


“I didn't. We're not in a relationship, how could I be breaking up with you?” he questioned, perplexed and apologetic.


“It practically was. It all just screamed that you were ending our living arrangements together.” Jaejoong pushed back, frowning at the younger boy for worrying him so much. He'd been so afraid about what he was going to do about moving. How would he have been able to find somewhere else to live, and be moving in, with only a few weeks notice?


“I'm sorry, Jae. I wasn't. I swear. The only remotely serious thing I wanted to discuss with you was the room arrangements. With three people living here, some people were going to have to share, and I just wanted to hear what you had to say about who should be sharing a room. That's all.” he informed the other man sheepishly.


Jaejoong scoffed lightly, grumbling under his breath, “That's not a conversation we need ice cream for.” while he responded to the hug Yunho drew him into. It felt nice to be hugged, after an apparent rejection.


They stayed in that position swaying slightly, though exactly who was responsible for it, neither of them were sure. “Were you being serious about Junsu moving in?” Yunho mumbled against Jaejoong's shoulder.


“Afraid so.” The older boy responded, biting his lip guiltily. He felt the whoosh of air informing him that Yunho had sighed in response to what he'd said. “Okay so everyone is sharing a room. But that still doesn't tell me who's going to be sharing a room with whom.”


Jaejoong shrugged his shoulders, “I suppose you'll share with Changmin and I'll share with Junsu. Wouldn't that be the most obvious arrangement?” Jaejoong questioned, pushing himself away from Yunho in order to go back to his task. He'd dried the few plates he'd had resting on the bench, now they needed to be put away.


Yunho seemed to be a little reluctant to let go, allowing his hands to linger around Jaejoong's waist, while the older man went about his small chore. Jaejoong had to fight to keep the warmth that action brought him to himself.


He sighed, informing the older boy, “I suppose. Still, it could've been fun to share a room together, don't you think?” cheekily. Before Jaejoong could successfully land a blow at the younger boy, with his tea towel, he had shuffled backwards a few steps, “Okay, I'll leave you alone. Come watch a movie with me when you're done?” he suggested lightly, easily padding out into the lounge room.


Jaejoong was so grateful that Yunho couldn't see how rosy his cheeks were from where he was. Nor could he see the stupid grin that had overtaken his features.


It looked like he'd get to keep Yunho close for a little longer yet.

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Chapter 29: This is so amazing hahahaha I read this years ago! This fic suddenly came into my mind a few days ago and I was wondering if I'd ever get to re-read it. I couldn't remember what the title was, if it was on AFF or if it was in Livejournal, the only thing I remembered was Mrs. Park and Yunho needing to protect Changmin hahahah this is so amazing /sigh. I also couldn't remember if this fic was already completed when I red it before, but I see that it's completed now, and I'm enjoying it so much!
Chapter 29: Oh so mrs.paek is indeed a ...wait she was address mrs means she was older then want yunho? e harhar...i love the story though i cant understand some wrote too much descriptions
It really hurt my eyes reading descriptions on what their doing etc etc
I hope more dialogues onto the next chapters
Chapter 28: What the mrs park whats your problem acting like a ?
Chapter 22: I really find this weird now....but i admit salute yunho wanting absolute independence with the right timing as he consider changmins side too what a thoughful brother
Chapter 21: “Jae, you have to believe me. I'm not ashamed of you. I've never been ashamed of you, and I never will be. There's nothing you could possibly do that would make me feel ashamed of you. Far from it. I've been nothing but proud of you since the day I met you. You are the most amazing person in the universe, how could you think I was ashamed of you?”

Let me answer it for you yunho, why did you leave jae in the first place if your not ashamed of him?
Chapter 19: I really didnt get the point....i dont get it but it seems jaejoong has this insecurities to himself....
Chapter 15: Hhhhmmmmm i understand yoochun now im curious why yunho left jaejoong in the first place
Chapter 14: “You said that you didn't care what any of the other boys said. What I made was delicious, and that you hoped I'd never stop cooking. That no matter what anyone else said, you'd be there to eat everything.”

Thats cheesy <3
Chapter 13: Holy wwaaiiittt i didnt....ok im so in mix emotions but i love it when jae call yunho as yunnie thats so sweet
Chapter 12: Holy what????????? SERIOUSLY?????
Wwwwaaahh yunho thats a cheap shot