Chapter 10

Putting Us Back Together

A/N: Ah so happy!!! I had an essay to hand in yesterday and a test today but now the rest of the week is all downhill!!! Sorry just felt like sharing a bit of my relief with the rest of you guys.... Hope you enjoy this chapter..... There's going to be some more Yoochun coming up, and things between Yunho and Jaejoong are going to go kind of.... well we'll just wait and see, ne? Enjoy everyone!!!

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After then, the two boys started trying to spend more and more time together. They continued walking to university together in the mornings, but then Jaejoong started seeing Yunho around more and more often. He had a sneaking suspicion that Yunho had stolen a copy of his timetable, because it seemed as though he would always just so happen to appear outside one of his classes, whenever he had a break.


He couldn't be certain, but he had a feeling that a few of those times, at least early on, he might even have purposely missed his own classes, to try and spend more time together. Though he was pleased to say it didn't seem as though that was happening anymore. He would hate for Yunho to fall behind or worse, fail, because he wanted them to be friends; he didn't want to be a bad influence.


Unfortunately all of the breaks he has throughout the semester don't always equate with a holiday.

Particularly now that the semester was wearing on. He was at least half-way through the whole thing, and now several tasks were going to be due in quick succession. There always seemed to be homework and assessments due at every moment, and though he'd started to settle into the routine of living with a different room mate, and having a new friend, these events only seemed more pronounced.


He really didn't want to have to do the assignments. He was so sick of the work, and really just wanted a break. Though the mid-semester (which was by no means in the middle of the semester) break loomed ahead, all he could see were the deadlines separating him from it.


One of these things was the essay he had due today. It was for the Chinese History class that he took with Yunho. Neither of them had taken the essay particularly seriously, only bothering to actually sit down and write it the day before it was due. It just hadn't seemed important until then. Even now, the day it was due, the knowledge it was done slowed his movements, making him take a leisurely attitude to the whole thing.


Sure he had to make a few corrections to it, and print it off and hand it in within the next few hours, but surely that wouldn't take too long. He'd been on his way to a nearby computer room to do just that during his break, when Yunho had caught up to him. He didn't bother to ask Yunho what he should be doing right then. Something told him Yunho wouldn't tell him, and it's still possible that he wouldn't like the answer he was given.


“Where are you going?” Yunho questioned, falling into step beside Jaejoong easily, despite not even knowing if he wanted to join him.


“To the computer room. I have to print off that essay for History.” Jaejoong commented, knowing he sounded a little standoffish, but he knew he needed to get this done. Yunho tended to slow him down, and he'd been lazy enough when it came to this assignment without him.


“Ah good. I need to go there too.” Yunho grinned, ignoring Jaejoong's unfriendly tone. Jaejoong always seemed to be a little cold when they were are university. He figured it was just because they were out in public or something, Jaejoong had been a bit better at being warm and friendly when they were at home since their conversation.


Jaejoong wasn't surprised as he recalled listening to the younger man watching a movie the night before. He wasn't even a hundred percent certain about whether or not they even owned a printer. He said nothing, making his way to the computer room.


There were other students in there and yet the room was oddly silent. Even though he liked silence to an extent, it felt awkward and uncomfortable; like everyone was only being quiet because they feared the consequences of talking. It made him want to talk to Yunho, who had settled onto the computer next to his own, just to rebel against it, but nothing would come to his mind to say to the other man anyway.


Within 20 minutes Jaejoong had fixed all of the mistakes he had in his essay. The referencing was done, everything was perfect. He was ready to print. His eyes slid to the boy beside him, who was still working on his own essay.


Yunho, noticing this look, gave Jaejoong a sidelong glance and grinned. Jaejoong rolled his eyes at the look, knowing it was his way of trying to be cute. Jaejoong wasn't falling for it; if he wasn't done then he could go submit it on his own.


He pressed print and got up to walk over to the printer.


Nothing happened.


He frowned slightly, knowing that it could take a moment because of the print cue, but there was no whirring of gears, rollers or circuits. There was silence. Perhaps he hadn't pressed the button, he considered, going back over to his terminal, and pressing the button again.


Still, nothing happened.


He groaned lightly, eyes flicking across to the clock, checking to make sure whether or not he still had enough time to print it out and submit it without being late to his next class.


He had time.


An arm slid along his shoulder, as he rubbed his eyes, in an attempt to calm his annoyance at the extra time this would cost him. “Hey.” was the simple comment, and Jaejoong didn't need to look at who had sidled up next to him to shrug the arm off of him distractedly.


“Printer's not working.” he commented idly, as he tried to contain his annoyance at the distraction.


“I know.” Yunho shrugged, passing Jaejoong's bag to him so that they could leave. There was only one other computer room nearby where they could be guaranteed to get a computer within the next half hour. And that was still a ten minute walk away.


Yunho dragged Jaejoong lightly out of the computer room, already having saved a copy of the completed essays belonging to both of them to his flash drive, and logged them both out of the computers.


Yunho could tell Jaejoong was getting annoyed and though he wasn't that concerned by the delay himself, he still knew Jaejoong would be annoyed. He had a thing about being punctual to everything. If his class was supposed to start at 5 past, he would be racked with shame if he showed up at 10 past, no matter the cause.


Getting there he quickly grabbed a computer. This place was silent, and there was an even stronger vibe that speaking here would be unappreciated. With a few flicks of his wrist, both documents were open, and set to print. He then stood, giving Jaejoong a quick smile as he wandered over to the printers, at the far end of the room.


These ones worked very differently, and he had to swipe his card to pay for the printing costs. He clicked on both documents and set them to print, but had to wait for the girls before him to finish their printing before his began.


He stood for a moment, pretending he didn't notice the few, tentative glances they sent over their shoulder, in his direction. He had enough women causing trouble in his life at the moment, not to mention a very effeminate man who had completely stolen his attention right now. There was no room for these girls in his life, and so he spared them no more than a cursory glance.


They passed the first page of his printing, which had gotten mixed up with theirs and he nodded his thanks to them, before they left. He gathered the remaining pages into his hands, giving each page a quick once over to make sure he left nothing behind. That's just the sort of thing he could do accidentally, but which would result in certain death from Jaejoong.


He always got so worked up when he got stressed out. And having assignments due, certainly stressed him out.


Now certain he had everything, he wandered back over to the other boy, who, seeing him walk back, with documents in hand, signed out of the computer terminal. “I noticed that you printed mine too.” Jaejoong commented edgily, probably trying to calm himself down, by being more friendly to his room mate. It wasn't working.


“Naturally.” he responded easily, handing Jaejoong's essay over to him, as he spoke. But Jaejoong's eyes flicked across to the nearby clock, and realised that they were going to be late. He quickly walked out of the library, breaking out into a dash down the stairs of the library in his hurry. “Come on!” he exclaimed, racing down the stairs, Yunho easily slipping into the enhanced speed with a laugh.


He didn't think they were so late as to need to run to submit the essay, but he'd keep pace with Jaejoong anyway. Besides, he knew his friend wasn't exactly fit. He would probably end up doubled over in pain by the time he made it to the office. Yunho could easily keep up with him, so why shouldn't he?


The two boys dashed across campus, suddenly finding the submission office was much further away than either of them recalled. Yunho didn't care much either way how far he had to run, but was surprised to see Jaejoong keeping it going so well. He could see the strong, determination glittering in his eyes, and he wondered just how much pain his Jaejoong could push down inside himself while showing nothing.


By the time they reached the office, that sense of urgency was gone, and though their breathing was deeper and quicker, neither boy seemed too worked up by the experience. They took the stairs up to the office slowly, Yunho noting the grimace on Jaejoong's features at the task.


When he reached the top step, Yunho having fallen into step behind him, because of a few people leaving the office taking up the stairway, he nearly walked straight into Yoochun. He backed up slightly in surprise, his breathing suddenly halted, as he bumped into Yunho instead. Yunho started slightly, fingers grasping Jaejoong's clothing to steady himself, his eyes flicking upwards to discover the cause of the other boy's surprise.


Yoochun's eyes darted to the quick reflex, but he said nothing of it. “Hello Jaejoong.” he stated easily. Jaejoong's eyes flickered slightly, “Hello Yoochun.” he answered back, hoping he sounded much calmer than he sounded in his own mind.


The two boys just stood there looking at one another for a moment, an unspoken exchange going on that Yunho couldn't help but notice. He observed for a moment, but when it became clear neither boy had any intention of moving, he felt he had no choice but to interrupt the silence. “Hey, listen Yoochun, I don't mean to be rude or anything, but we really have to go, or we'll be late for class.” he explained, politely.


There was a look in Yoochun's eye that told him the other boy didn't share their concern about punctuality, and was pondering why it should matter to either one of them. But he relented, with a sigh, and shift of his steady focus, “Alright then, I won't keep you. See you around.” he commented disinterestedly passing by them and continuing down the stairs.


Jaejoong still didn't breathe until he saw Yoochun's back leave through the wide double doors. With his exit, it was as though the air left him all at once, and he collapsed backwards onto Yunho slightly, but Yunho had been expecting it this time. He didn't rock or stumble in the slightest, a solid base from which Jaejoong could regain his strength.


Jaejoong shook his head distractedly as he picked himself up again, continuing into the office. “I just don't get how he manages to have such an effect on me.” he commented, lowly as though the idea irritated him even as it confused him. Yunho supposed it probably did; he'd expressed anger towards Yoochun before, this probably only compounded that feeling.


Yunho wasn't sure that there was anyway that he could respond to the statement without incurring the older man's wrath, and so he stayed silent. They quickly, and silently filled out their assessment cover sheets, stapling them to the essays with a deft grace. Jaejoong stamped over to the assessment boxes, ready to put the essay in the tiny slot and just be done with it.


But then he froze.


The sheer weight of the action suddenly pressed upon his mind. He had done the work himself, he had filled out the sheet. But once it was in that box it was untouchable. This was the last moment in which he could spy anything he might have done wrong. This was the moment that would determine the possibility of him being brought for an academic honesty hearing if he had forgotten a reference somewhere. Suddenly he felt attached to the essay he'd wanted to do nothing but submit for hours. He flicked front to back, back to front over and over again, scanning for some small detail he might've missed.


Until the paper was easily tugged free of his anxious fingers. He looked up, almost surprised to see Yunho there, holding the essay too high for him to try and take back. He'd half forgotten the other boy was even there; he'd been so quiet. His eyes narrowed in frustration at the other boy, “Give that back!” he demanded, trying and failing to grab it back due to his shorter stature.


Yunho just sighed, quickly pushing Jaejoong's errant fingers away, and sliding both of their essays into the box. Jaejoong crowed in horror, knowing that the assessment was now untouchable. “Yah!” he hollered, pushing Yunho by the front of his shoulders angrily, “What did you do that for? I wasn't sure if I was ready to submit it yet! What if there was something I forgot? That was the last chance I had to fix it!” he grumbled, fixing Yunho with his deadly stare.


Yunho raised his hands defensively, but the easy smile on his face told him that Yunho wasn't taking any of this too seriously. He wasn't sure if he were relieved or annoyed by that. Sure he didn't want to make the other boy hate him or anything, but that didn't mean he wanted to be treated as though his anger were unimportant. “But I looked at your essay, it was perfect. Even if there were something wrong you wouldn't have had time to fix it.” the younger man shrugged.


Jaejoong froze slightly at the compliment, but quickly resumed wringing his hands together nervously. “I guess” he mumbled, but he didn't sound the least bit convinced.


Maybe later on that evening he'd get around to telling the other man that he appreciated the act, but for now, all he did was to turn around in a huff, making quick steps out of the office. Yunho grinned, quickly catching up to his friend, as they made their way to the class, they would probably be a few minutes late to.

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Chapter 29: This is so amazing hahahaha I read this years ago! This fic suddenly came into my mind a few days ago and I was wondering if I'd ever get to re-read it. I couldn't remember what the title was, if it was on AFF or if it was in Livejournal, the only thing I remembered was Mrs. Park and Yunho needing to protect Changmin hahahah this is so amazing /sigh. I also couldn't remember if this fic was already completed when I red it before, but I see that it's completed now, and I'm enjoying it so much!
Chapter 29: Oh so mrs.paek is indeed a ...wait she was address mrs means she was older then want yunho? e harhar...i love the story though i cant understand some wrote too much descriptions
It really hurt my eyes reading descriptions on what their doing etc etc
I hope more dialogues onto the next chapters
Chapter 28: What the mrs park whats your problem acting like a ?
Chapter 22: I really find this weird now....but i admit salute yunho wanting absolute independence with the right timing as he consider changmins side too what a thoughful brother
Chapter 21: “Jae, you have to believe me. I'm not ashamed of you. I've never been ashamed of you, and I never will be. There's nothing you could possibly do that would make me feel ashamed of you. Far from it. I've been nothing but proud of you since the day I met you. You are the most amazing person in the universe, how could you think I was ashamed of you?”

Let me answer it for you yunho, why did you leave jae in the first place if your not ashamed of him?
Chapter 19: I really didnt get the point....i dont get it but it seems jaejoong has this insecurities to himself....
Chapter 15: Hhhhmmmmm i understand yoochun now im curious why yunho left jaejoong in the first place
Chapter 14: “You said that you didn't care what any of the other boys said. What I made was delicious, and that you hoped I'd never stop cooking. That no matter what anyone else said, you'd be there to eat everything.”

Thats cheesy <3
Chapter 13: Holy wwaaiiittt i didnt....ok im so in mix emotions but i love it when jae call yunho as yunnie thats so sweet
Chapter 12: Holy what????????? SERIOUSLY?????
Wwwwaaahh yunho thats a cheap shot